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William Grant

4521 25TH AVENUE

(415) 768-4624

July 23, 2021
Georgina Ross
66 Dakota Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 922-5181

Dear Ms. Ross,

I’m thrilled to be applying as a Junior Front End Developer for CodePros, which I found on In 2017, I finished the CodePros, Javascript, and React.js online courses and
had a very positive learning experience. I learned first-hand how helpful and informative
CodePros is, and the courses increased my confidence in pursuing other frameworks. I’d love
to work for a company that values diversity and inclusion in the workplace as well as provides
students with 24/7 support and excellent resources to learn programming skills.

In 2020, I was an independent contractor for Climbers USA, a mountain climbing website in
San Francisco. I was diligent, communicative, and used my excellent time management skills
to produce a visually appealing website within the deadline. I solely developed a single-page
application for them using HTML, CSS, Javascript, and React.js within 3 weeks. This project
has generated over $800,000 to date. My client was impressed with the project’s results and
has since referred me to another 2 clients. I hope to bring my exceptional communication and
time management abilities to CodePros, where building numerous user-friendly web
applications for our clients in a timely manner is of the upmost importance.

Besides my freelance work, I’m self-taught in the MERN Stack and am mentoring 2 new
programmers who want to learn it. I also stay up-to-date on current industry trends and have
published 30+ coding articles on Medium to help others in their coding journey. It would be an
honor to work with CodePros to further promote the joys of programming and self-
I look forward to meeting you in a future interview. You can reach me anytime at (415) 768-
4624, or at Thank you for your time and consideration.
William Grant
Dear Job Seeker,

If you’re struggling to write your cover letter, don’t worry. You’re in good
company – everyone struggles with it. For a high quality cover letter that will land
you employment, we recommend consulting the certified experts at Resume Writer
Direct. (Yep, they can also help you with your resume!)

Or, here’s some other content that might help you finish your cover letter.
 Cover Letter Builder
 How to Write a Cover Letter
 Cover Letter Examples by Industry

Oh, and by the way, you’re also going to need a resume.

 Free Resume Builder

 How to Write a Resume
 Resume Samples by Industry

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