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The dhows were a specific kind of ship, which help a lot in spreading Muslim religion.

Oceans and seas trade

routes were not only the reason for selling, but also it was a way for Sufis or Muslim holy men to get to different
parts of the world. They spread Arabic language; advanced technologies, such as water pumps and windmills;
Muslim science,
law, and philosophy; and Islamic art and architecture. Arab armies were not as powerful as these missionaries,
because their aim was to broaden land whereas missionaries - to broaden people’s minds. However, while it was
so, the Abbasid empire was being destroyed inside, because new areas weren’t in agreement with them,besides,
all of them were threatened by the invasions of nomadic peoples. Ironically, despite political skirmishes,Islamic
civilization reached new heights of creativity. The Abbasid age was full of astonishing achievements in different
life spheres. From 10th to 14th century Muslim faith was brougth across world.

the Islamic heartlands in the middle and late Abbasid eras

Political arguments and excessive lifestyle in the period of the third Abbasid caliph, al-Mahdi, were prerequisites
to the failure of the empire. Also, Al-Mahdi’s attempts to conciliate the Shi’a opposition wasn’t successful,
consequently its impingements would bother Abbasids till the end of its excision. The problem of succession was
current at those days and led to the palace intrigues. After Al-Mahdi’s death, his successors were poisoned which
opened a way to the throne for Harun al-Rashid.

Sumptuousness was a visiting card of Baghdad and its politicians leaders, there are a lot of tales and stories
about it. Harun al-Rashid’s death caused a civil war for the throne. The first civil war persuaded al-Ma’mun’son to
build an army of “bodyguards” that counted 4000 slaves, it was that in case of his father’s death, to protect
himself. However, this army became against the reigning caliph and killed him to place one of his sons on the
throne. From that time, four more caliphs were murdered by hireling forces, and leaders of those forces had more
power than the Abbasid throne, they were playing rulers on the politician board.

Slaves armies caused a chaos to the empire. The Shi’a sects encouraged peasants for insurrections, because
peasants struggled a lot from taxation and marauding,which were the consequences of lack of finance in the
empire that already got used to luxuriousness.

Empire tended to lose territories, also, Egypt and Syria hived off. In 945, Buyids seized Baghdad and since that
caliphs were controlled by them, but Buyids couldn't prevent further breakdown of the empire. In 1055 they were
deposed by the Seljuk Turks. Seljuks were Sunnis and they fastly got rid of the Shi’a influences. They crushed
Byzantines which led to the colony Asia Minor by nomadic peoples of Turkic origins, who would lay the
foundations of the Ottoman Empire further.

Seljuks faced a new disaster to the Islamic world - Christian crusaders. Much of the Holy Land was captured by
Christians, in 1099 Jerusalem also was taken by them. However, in the last decades of the 12th century the
Muslims swiftly recaptured part of the land.

An Age of learning and artistic refinements

Muslim, Jewish, and in some areas Christian merchants got a great fortune by providing cities with agricultural
commodities. Cities’ prosperity was provided by artists, engineers and architects created a wide majority of
different architectural treasures.

Arabic was the language of religion and law, whereas Persian was the language of literature and “high culture”.
The epic poem of that time was Shah-Nama written by Firdawsi, which related to the history of Persia, it was one
of the most distinguished works of Islamic art.

For centuries, Islamic scientists outpaced other civilizations in scientific discoveries and new technologies. There
were great math studies, chemistry achievements,astronomy, geography and others. Moreover, Muslim medicine
was on the top, i.e. Cairo boasted some of the best hospitals in the world.

The ulama emerged as the first interpreters of the Qurʾan and transmitters of hadith, the words and deeds of the
prophet Muhammad. These scholars also became the first to outline and elaborate the basic principles of Islamic
law (shariʿa). The ulama were central to Islamic education in the premodern Middle East. Sufi were less
logistical, freed themselves of desire or indulgence, focused on the mystical path or experience of God,
developed the devout portions of Islam from Christianity/Buddhism, said to have wielded mystical powers, lived
and prayed at Mosques, and were referenced as shrines/statues.

In the beginning of the 13th century there was a new danger for Abbasids - the Mongols, central Asian nomadic
people, united by Chinggis Khan, who smashed the Turko-Persian kingdom. In 1258 Baghdad was taken by the
Mongols. Baghdad never recuperated from the Mongol attacks and the greatest city was displaced by Cairo to
the west and then Istanbul to the north.

The seventh-century Muslim invasion of India threw India's culture into disarray. The great civilization of India
finally disintegrated the initial nomadic conquerors. Muslims have given rise to a new player, with their equitably
complex yet contentious culture. Due to the obvious social caste system, the Hindu religion was available,
tolerant, and inclusive, whereas Islam was doctrinal, monotheistic, Evangelical, and egalitarian. There were
disagreements at the outset of the interactions, but despite significant dispute, there would be a peaceful transfer
of commercial and religious exchanges in the community, where Muslim rulers governed Hindus.

Despite internal conflicts within Muslim states, Muhammad Ibn Qasim invaded and destroyed Sind, and the
occupation persisted. Several Indian "men of literature" accepted the new rulers with tolerance and acceptance
and tax breaks. Few Arabs resided in unruly cities or towns, and the few efforts at conversion to Christianity
seemed to have no influence on their religious convictions.

Despite Islam's limited influence, India's culture has enhanced Islamic civilization. The Arabs inherited Indian
advancements in science, mathematics, medicine, music, and astronomy. The Indian estimates were embraced
and then shipped to Europe as "Arab" Arab colonies, which were assembled just on coast of India, incorporated
provincial customs, and supplied manufacturing plants for the successive Muslim conquests on the islands and
southeastern continent of India.

Following the early Islamic era, within Muslim disagreements weakened Islamic law, allowing Hindus a partial
return. In the eleventh century, the Turkish ancestors arrived in Afghanistan. The country's third ruler, Mahmoud
Ghazni, undertook a two-century conquest of Northern India. In the twelfth century, the Persian Muhammad of
Gur established a powerful dominion in the Indus Valley and North-central India. Later efforts carried it the whole
way to Bengal, across the Ganges valley. On the Ganges plain, monarch Muhammad Qutb-Ud-DIN Aibak
instituted a comprehensive state with Delhi as its capital. Subsequent dynasties, such as the Sultans of Delhi,
were petty warrior leaders for whom the power was based on squabbling and dependency on Hindu dependents.
For the next 300 years, they ruled large portion North-central India.

Against Indian influence, Muslims adhered to Islam's teachings. The Hindu response, which is controlled across
all people and castes, has focused widespread interest to the religious cults of gods and goddesses. individuals
of all castes were mostly attracted to cults that stressed the importance of intense affective relationships with the
gods. Mira Bai, a low-caste woman, and Kabir, a Muslim weaver, created melodies and poetry in local dialects
that the common population could appreciate. The achievement of the ecstatic union area culminated inside the
erasure of all previous offenses and declared caste boundaries irrelevant. The most respected deities were
Shiva, Vishnu, and the goddess Kali. This campaign aided in preventing conversion to Islam, especially among
the lowest classes.

South Asia was indeed a fertile ground in which the Chinese component of the Eurasian industrial system met
the Indian Ocean area. Southeast Asian seamen and vessels became engaged in industry in the seventh and
eighth centuries. When Muslims taken control of trade with India in the ninth century, Islamic civilization spread to
Southeast Asia. The downfall of the thirteenth-century Srivijaya Trading Empire, led by Buddhist enthusiasts and
situated in the Straits Of melaka and Northern Sumatra, culminated inside a huge calm Muslim invasion.

Friendly connections and personal adoption to Islam were far more significant than invasions and force for the
rise of Islam. Nature of the agreement created the route for transit, and Sufis played a role in it. The initial
migrations took place in local towns in Northern Sumatra. The city of Malacca, the weakest descendant to
Srivijaya here on island, was crucial to the islamic world. Islam spread through Malacca to Malaysia, Sumatra, as
well as the state of Demak on Java's northern shore. Islam extended from Java to Sulawesi and Mindanao in the
Population centers were particularly vulnerable to Islam. Its allure tied people to an Islamic strong governmental
to the key Indian Ocean harbors. Buddhist monarchs flourished in many countries, but rather because devotion
to Buddhism was restricted to the privileged, the Sufi doctrine was accessible to the majority of the populace.
Islam had no effect on Bali or the rest of Southeast Asia, where Buddhism was widely practiced.

Sufi ideals describe the spiritual aspect of Islam in Southeast Asia. They were frequently tolerant of indigenous
Buddhist and Hindu faiths. Adherents kept pre-Islamic practices, particularly those that governed social relations.
Judicial actions are governed by Islamic law. Women in the Middle East and India had a stronger social and
family prominence. Farmers stores flourished, although the mother edge persisted in some locations. Numerous
Domusulman concepts have found their way within Islamic rituals.

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