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Mid-term Assignment Importance of technology in teaching


The traditional method of teaching which includes textbooks and teachers is
getting outdated and has been proved inefficient. Moving forward into the
20th century we have seen various technological improvements and its time
that technology changed the educational sector. Kids know technology better
than most adults. It has become the easiest way they learn, because it is such
an integral part of their life. Engaging with technology in the classroom has
not only helped them learn better, but they also acquire multi-tasking skills.
Teachers can come up with creative ways to teach their students that keeps
them engaged. Technology has changed the learning environment so that
learning is more hands-on. Schools throughout the nation are diverse in
income, and often kids don’t always get the resources they need. The
implementation of technology in schools helps close that gap. Computers,
tablets, and other forms of technology bring multiple resources for the
teacher that’s not in the book. They not only keep students engaged with
exciting new features and apps, but also have other ways to teach students
material. Every kid learns differently, and technology helps with this gap as

Social Media and Digital Learning Tools

Websites and social media allow students to research and teachers to share–
not only lesson plans, but digital resources, assessment data, and even
whole-group, away-from-school communication. Podcasts, multimedia such
as music and YouTube videos, and other digital tools can be accessed here as


Calculators, Smartboards, And Clickers In the classroom, teachers are using

calculators and smartboards and clickers to not simply engage students, but to
offer more diverse platforms for students to work with new ideas and
demonstrate understanding.

Learning Management Systems The definition of a learning management

system has changed over the years as the function and elegance of these systems
have changed. Today, the most common learning management system in K-12
classrooms is probably Google Classroom. Google Classroom and even iPads
and even student smartphones have the potential to make information and
resources immediately accessible to learners, and while that was always the case
with textbooks, technology makes this information more easily searchable,
richer with multimedia, and potentially social beyond the classroom.


11 Ways to use 1.Learn 2.Enjoy
technology in the
Something new with Brain pop’s video of development in
classroom the day your PJs by
3.conduct surveys on Twitter &graph the Teachers chat
data on Wednesday
night on Twitter
4.Have students use 5.Dance out the wiggles to a song on 6.Class Pen
Glogster to share what Pandora Pals. Team up
they’ve learned about a with classes in
topic. other states or
Skype with
7.Use the voice recorder 8.Use math apps during centres. 9.Create a class
on your IPad to record blog to share
students reading aloud 1. Math drills classroom
during IRAs 2. Native numbers events and news
3. Sush monster with families.
4. TanZen(Tangrams)
5. Operation math code squad.

10.Find 11.Use Google Docs, Evernote,and Drop Box to organize

ideas,inspriation,and lessons, printables, assessments& more.
resources for lessons on


Technology can be a particularly effective tool for English language learners and can enhance
the participation of children with disabilities. Teachers, in accordance with curriculum
standards, must decide what children need to learn and do and then choose from a repertoire
of teaching practices to help children reach these goals. Technology applications should be
among the many tools at teachers’ disposal to offer children meaningful learning
At the same time, children need to learn to use technology in the same way they learn
everything else, in their own time and at their own pace.

Most young children have had limited experiences with technology. They need time and
access to develop the comfort, knowledge, and skills for using a variety of technology
applications before they can use them independently or for a prescribed purpose. The
National Educational Technology Standards developed by the International Society for
Technology in Education (ISTE1998) give a good idea of the knowledge and skills that
children should be developing in the early years. They can serve as a guide for choosing
programs and applications for children to use. During the preschool years, children should
have many opportunities to explore open ended, developmentally appropriate software
programs in a playful, supportive environment. These experiences will help them to develop
the basic skills needed to use technology equipment, such as opening and closing programs,
saving and printing documents, and navigating the screen using a mouse. This will help
children become confident in their ability to use a computer and will provide the foundational
skills needed to use more advanced applications for purposeful work as they grow older.

Doing a power point Presentation

A power point presentation is a fun way of getting acquainted with the use of technology.
The only thing that is required of a teacher is a bit of research on the internet about available
templates and review games that have been created by tech-savvy teachers and put on the
internet for common use.

Creating a class blog


A class blog or wiki can be a great way to integrate the use of technology in the classroom
and develop students’ knowledge. Teachers can also use blogs for outside-of-class discussion
which can prove particularly helpful for students who are absent or need additional help.

Trying a Web quest

A web quest helps students to search the internet for specific information regarding a
particular topic. It is like a project work for which students have to dig around online for
specific kinds of information related to some topic.

Using technology as a topic for a writing assignment

For students in lower classes, teachers can ask them to write a paragraph about using
technology in the classroom.
Creation of a class webpage

A class webpage can be anything from a basic site where you post announcements, somewhat
like an online bulletin board, to a much more elaborate one which includes class photos of
activities, projects, trips and so on, a class blog, downloadable materials, hand-outs, and with
its own domain name.

Making use of an online grading system

While some schools are mandating the shift to web-based grade-books, teachers don’t
necessarily have to wait to try it out. Sites like
( offer the opportunity to track grades, record attendance and
seating charts, and compile reports on student progress. Teachers can also email students and
parents directly to allow them to view their updated grades.
Email exchanges

The 21stcentury version of that can be used by teachers by instituting an email exchange
between students.


Giving multimedia presentations

Teachers can turn a traditional lecture into an interesting novelty by using a power point
presentation that incorporates photographs, diagrams, sound effects, music, or video clips.
Teachers may also consider having the students develop presentations as a review tool before
semester exams. In this way, both teachers and students can have practice in the use of
technology in the field of learning while having fun in teaching and learning new things.

It is our responsibility as educators to help children understand how to use technology in safe
and enriching ways. We need to expose children to developmentally appropriate, challenging,
creative, and collaborative uses of technology. Children need to be taught how to use these
stimulating and exciting tools in ways that promote learning and social interaction so that
they will become confident and skilled users of technology as they progress in their schooling
and throughout life.

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