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frankly speaking, my name is Huong, i am 21 years old and i am currently

studying Public Relation at the UEF . However, 2 years ago, i learned the at
UAH majoring in Graphic Design. if my mind serves me well, after 2 years
attended this university, i realised that might be this profession was not
compatible with me and my ability didn’t measure up my parents’ expectation.
nonetheless with the purpose understanding and hoping that i always have a
happy life so my dad allowed me to make another chance.

you know, i am an extrovert so that i find it easy for me to make new friends
and strengthen my relationships with people around me. in some cases, as a
self-assured girl, mostly i can be the light and the soul of the party. As a result,
until know, i have not only numerous friends enjoying a lot of experiences with
me but also many people would also bend over backwards to help me with my

Let’s move to another interesting point, i have my nose in a book, because of

that i could spend most of my time reading while other people like listening to
music or hanging out with friend. from my observation, i would be better to
read books in order to invest something new than waste time idly

And maybe that’s all abt myself thanks for listening.

if my mind serves me well: nếu tôi nhớ không lầm

didn’t measure up my parents’ expectation: not as good as one’s expectation
self-assured (adj): = confident
be the light and the soul of the party: a fun person, someone who is the centre
of activity
bend over backwards to help me: to try very hard to help someone
have my nose in a book: love reading book
idly (adv): nhàn rỗi.

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