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Program: BS-V (Morning)

Subject Code: (Phy-01504)

Subject Title: Atomic and Molecular Physics
Teacher Name: Dr. Gul Naz

1) The motion of a particlein quantum mechanicsis statedin terms of

A. F = ma
B. Energy value
C. Wavelength
D. Wave-function

2) Which property of the electron is intrinsic one, i.e. does not change in transitions?
A. velocity
B. angular momentum
C. total energy
D. spin

3) An electron in the nth orbit of the hydrogen atom has the total energy?
A. –e2/4πɛor2n
B. e2/4πɛorn
C. e2/8πɛorn
D. -e2/8πɛorn

4) For one complete revolution, the wavelength of an electron in an orbit =?

A. nℏ
B. ℏω
C. 2πr
D. 2πω

5) The wavelength ‘λ’ in Lyman series has limiting number?

A. 3645 angstrom
B. 8201 angstrom
C. 227 angstrom
D. 911 angstrom

6) Which value represents probability of finding the particle in volume element ‘dV’ at a
point in space?
A. ǀψǀdV
B. ǀψǀ2 dV
C. ǀψǀ2
D. ǀψǀ2/dV

7) In quantum mechanics, all the operators are

A. null operators
B. identity operators
C. linear
D. non-linear

8) The spectrum of Mercury should indicate a line of wavelength for the first excitation
energy of Mercury atom (4.9 eV)?
A. 2.5 nm
B. 25 nm
C. 150 nm
D. 250 nm

9) The Z-component of orbital angular momentum in the ground state of hydrogen is?
A. 0
B. ℏ
C. 2ℏ
D. 3ℏ

10) In first LASER, a ruby rod was used as ________________.

A. Optical pump
B. Active medium
C. Oscillator
D. Resonator

11) Quantum numbers are used to specify the __________ of an electron in an atomic model.
A. charge
B. mass
C. L-S coupling
D. state

12) The radius of first hydrogen orbit has value?

A. 0.0529 nm
B. 0.529 nm
C. 0.925 nm
D. 9.25 nm
13) The Z-component of magnetic moment (µz) equals?
A. mlµB
B. - mlµB
C. mlℏ
D. - mlℏ

14) The value of Rydberg constant for an infinitely heavy nucleus is?
A. 1.097x10-7 m-1
B. 1.097x107 m-1
C. 0.079x10-7 m-1
D. 2.097x107 m-1

15) The orbital quantum number (Ɩ for a single electron in an orbit follows?

A. Ɩ˃0
B. Ɩ˂0
C. Ɩ=0
D. Ɩ=∞

16) The classical energy of rotation is equal to:

A. L2 / I
B. L2 / 2I
C. Iω2
D. ωI2

17) The selection rule for electron transition in an orbit is

A. Δn = ± 1
B. Δn = 0
C. ΔƖ = 0, ± 1
D. ΔƖ = ± 1

18) Which function is considered as independent of time to achieve the steady state form?
A. Ψ
B. dΨ/dt
C. d2Ψ/dx2
D. Internal energy

19) There is no transition in case of vibrational spectrum if?

A. ΔI = 0
B. ΔI = ±1
C. Δn = 0
D. Δn = ± 1
20) Population inversion only occurs in a system that has
A. one state
B. two states
C. three states
D. four states

21) The possible values of total angular momentum J will be __________ for L > S.
A. 2L+1
B. 2S+1
C. 2J+1
D. 2n+1

22) Electronic transitions usually occur in _____________ region of light.

A. UV & Visible
B. In the middle of IR region
C. IR and microwave region
D. Only visible region

23) For light amplification in LASER, an active medium is placed inside an optical cavity
A. oscillator
B. amplifier
C. resonator
D. radiator

24) In Ruby crystal, the material is

A. Al2O5
B. Al2O3
C. Al2O4
D. Al3O2

25) The ratio of number of spontaneous emission per second to that of stimulated emission=?
A. e-hf/KT +1
B. e-hf/KT ‒1
C. ehf/KT +1
D. ehf/KT ‒1

26) The energy difference between vibrational levels falls in the following region?
A. infrared
B. far-infrared
C. visible
D. ultraviolet

27) The spontaneous transition far exceeds the number of stimulated emissions when
A. hf = KT
B. hf<< KT
C. hf>> KT
D. T = 0

28) In Summerfield atomic model, the ratio of semi-minor to semi-major axes (b/a) = ?
A. n/k
B. kℏ
C. k/n
D. nℏ

29) The angular momentum ‘L’ for l = 3 has possible orientations?

A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7

30) Which of the following lists molecular excitations in increasing order of energy

A. electronic, vibrational, rotational ( internet true)

B. vibrational, electronic, rotational
C. rotational, electronic, vibrational
D. rotational, vibrational, electronic

31) LASER results due to?

A. Absorption
B. Spontaneous emission
C. Stimulated emission
D. Scattering

32) The energy transfer in stimulated emission is _______ than that of spontaneous emission.
A. Smaller
B. Greater
C. Twice
D. Thrice

33) The selection rules on ‘l’ in an electron transition is that Δl = ?

A. 0
B. ±1
C. 0, ±1
D. 0, 1

34) The probability of finding the particle when thewave-function ‘ψ’ is normalized = ?
A. Infinite
B. Zero
C. One
D. Negative

35) Which of the following will produce a photon with the longest wavelength in the energy
level diagram?
A. n = 2 to n = 1
B. n = 3 to n = 1
C. n = 3 to n = 2
D. n = 4 to n = 3

36) Which one of the following is a dimensionless quantity?

A. Wave-function
B. Probability
C. Total angular momentum
D. Charge

37) Which of the following is not a characteristic of wave-function?

A. Continuous
B. Single-valued
C. Differentiable
D. Physically significant

38) The other name of Summerfield atomic model is?

A. vector atomic model
A. Scalar atomic model
B. Non-relativistic atomic model
C. Relativistic atomic model

39) In LASER, the population inversion occurs at? (B)

A. non-equilibrium state
B. equilibrium state
C. ground state
D. 0K

40) To excite the active medium in LASER,a high intensity light source used is known as? (B)
A. Population inversion
B. Electrical excitation
C. Inelastic atom-atom collision
D. Optical pumping

41) The second excitation energy of mercury = ?

A. 9.4 eV
B. 4.9 eV
C. 9.2 eV
D. 9.8 eV

42) What is the value of Bohr’s magneton in J/T = ?

A. 9.274x1024
B. 9.274x10-23
C. 9.274x10-19
D. 9.274x10-24

43) In Zeeman splitting, the changes in ml are restricted to? (B)

A. 0
B. ±1
C. 0, ±1
D. 0, 1

44) For an electron in a Bohr’s orbit of radius (r), its magnetic moment is proportional to
A. Its mass
B. √r
C. Magnetic field
D. None of these

45) In the spectrum of Mercury,the wavelength of a prominent line = ? (D)

A. 250 nm
B. 350 nm
C. 400 nm
D. 450 nm
46) The total angular momentum ‘J’ in normal Zeeman’s effect follows
A. J=1
B. J<1
C. J>1
D. J=L+S

47) The value of exp(iml2π) = ?

A. Zero
B. One
C. Infinite
D. ℏ

48) The Z-component of the angular momentum vector = ?

A. nℏ
B. 2πℏ
C. ml ℏ
D. 2πω

49) If magnetic moment points in the direction of magnetic field, then energy possessed by the
dipole =?
A. ̶ µB
B. µB
C. nℏ
D. kℏ

50) The total spin of electrons,in case of normal Zeeman effec, is?
A. Non-zero
B. Zero
C. Infinite
D. ½

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