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Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific

Mustansiriyah University
College of Engineering
Water Resources Engineering Department
Fluid laboratory

Experiment 3
Center of pressure

Asst.Lectuer: Mohammed Abid Jameel
Fluid laboratory Center of pressure

1. Introduction:
The pressure center is a point on a surface immersed (such as gates) in a
particular liquid. This point represents the effect of the fluid pressure force
(hydrostatic force) on the surface immersed. In the case of the submerged
surface horizontally, the water pressure is distributed horizontally,
symmetrically, and it passing through the surface area center immersed. In
the case of surface immersed vertically or inclined at a certain angle, the
center of the sum of water pressure forces is under the center of the area
immersed and this pressure increases as the depth increases.

2. Objectives:
1- To find the water pressure force, which affecting a regular rectangular
plate (partially or completely immersed in water).
2- To find the water pressure center (the position of the point of the water
pressure force affected on the plate).
3- To find the torque moment, which resulting from the water pressure
through balancing the device by placing the weight at the other end of the
device and comparing the calculations with the required results.

3. Theoretical background (equations):

A- Partial immersion: Figure (1):

Ftheoretical = 1/2× γ× b×y2……... (1)
F= The water pressure force (hydrostatic force) delivered on a plate
immersed (N)
γ = Weight Density of water (N/m )
b = the width of plate immersed (m)
y = the water height from base to free surface (m)

XF = a + d - y/3 ……... (2)

XF = The rotating arm of hydrostatic force (m)
a = The distance from top of plate immersed to beam level indication (m)
d= The total height of plate (m)

MF = Ftheoretical × XF ……... (3)

MF= The moment of hydrostatic force (Nm).

Mweight= m× g× Xm ……... (4)

Mweight = The moment of weight placed in balance pan (Nm)
m= Mass of weight (Kg)
g= the acceleration to the gravity (9.81 m/s )

Asst.Lectuer: Mohammed Abid Jameel
Fluid laboratory Center of pressure

Xm = The rotating arm of force delivered by weight (m)

We find the actual force from through equality between MF and Mweight:
Mweight= MF……... (5)
m× g× Xm = Factual × XF
Factual= m× g× Xm / XF……... (6)

Figure 1

B- Complete immersion: Figure (2):

Ftheoretical = γ× (y-d/2) × b×d……... (7)
F= The water pressure force (hydrostatic force) delivered on a plate
immersed (N)
γ = Weight Density of water (N/m )
b = the width of plate immersed (m)
y = the water height from base to free surface (m)
d= The total height of plate (m)

XF = a + d/2 + (d2/12(y-d/2)) ……... (8)

XF = The rotating arm of hydrostatic force (m)
a = The distance from top of plate immersed to beam level indication (m)

MF = Ftheoretical × XF ……... (9)

MF= The moment of hydrostatic force (Nm)

Mweight= m× g× Xm ……... (10)

Mweight = The moment of weight placed in balance pan (Nm)
m= Mass of weight (Kg)

Asst.Lectuer: Mohammed Abid Jameel
Fluid laboratory Center of pressure

g= the acceleration to the gravity (9.81 m/s )
Xm = The rotating arm of force delivered by weight (m)
We find the actual force from through equality between MF and Mweight:
Mweight= MF……... (11)
m× g× Xm = Factual × XF
Factual= m× g× Xm / XF……... (12)
a= 0.2 m d= 0.1 m L= Xm = 0.276 m b= 0.075m

Figure 2

4. Experimental Work:
4.1. Equipment and apparatus:
Figure 3, it shows the device used in the experiment, which consists of a
cylinder quarter empty with its internal and external diameters (R1, and
R2), respectively. The center of the cylinder quarter applies with the (x)
axis, which is measured around it the required torque moment in the
experiment. There is a regular plate at the bottom of the cut cylinder, the
space between the cylinder surfaces forms a tank. There is no force on the
side surfaces, while the torque moment produced by the forces on the plate
is the only torque moment as in Figures (1, and 2).
The cylinder is connected by an arm called (beam level indication), at one
end, it is connecting (balance pan), which is used to balance the device
when the plate is immersed in water. At the other end, another equivalent
weight skier, it called (adjustable counter balance), which is used to balance
the device before starting the experiment. The bottom of the cylinder is
placed in a plastic tub. The basin contains Drain Cock, which used for

Asst.Lectuer: Mohammed Abid Jameel
Fluid laboratory Center of pressure

emptying the tank. To ensure that the basin is horizontal before starting the
experiment, the bubble founded in the bottom of the tub should be centered

Figure 1

Figure 3

4.2. Procedure:
1. Before starting the experiment, stabilize the device evenly by centering
the bubble on the base, on which the basin is based.
2 - Stirring the adjustable counter balance until the beam level indication
becomes in a horizontal position, then water pours in the basin until the
water reaches the bottom edge of the cylinder quarter.
3 – The suspension of the balance pan from the other side, then add water
gradually until the beam level indication becomes horizontally.
4- The weights are changing gradually, then the water height in the device
is recorded in each time.
5- Eight readings are recorded (4 readings in partial immersion) and (4
readings in case complete immersion), with note that the water depth in the
basin is less than 100 mm in case partial immersion, while be greater than
100 mm in complete immersion.

4.3. Data Sheet:

Ran The mass (g) The water depth(y) (mm)


Asst.Lectuer: Mohammed Abid Jameel
Fluid laboratory Center of pressure

5. Calculations and Results:

For two case (partial immersion and complete immersion), we find:
1- The Ftheoretical by equations (1) or (7).
2- The rotating arm of hydrostatic force (m) by equations (2) or (8).
2- The moment of hydrostatic force (MF) by equations (3) or (9).
3- The moment of weight placed in balance pan (Mweight) by equations (4)
or (10).
4- The actual force Facutal from through equality between MF and Mweight
and using equations (6) or (12).
5- Draw diagram between the mass and the water depth (y).
Ran The Ftheoretical (N). XF (m) MF (Nm) Mweight (Nm) Facutal (N)

6. Discussion:
1- Is there a difference between the value of theoretical and laboratory
force? Why?
2- Is the force by weight the same as the experimental force? Why?
3- Any force of water pressure greater, in case of partial immersion or total
immersion? Why?
4- What is the relationship between mass and the water depth? Why?

Asst.Lectuer: Mohammed Abid Jameel

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