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Task 1. Discuss the following pictures.

Task 2. Read the following text.

These tasty skewer meats are cooked over hot coals, so the vendors need fans to waft the smoke away. It
can be chicken, lamb, mutton, or rabbit. The scrappy morsels are marinated in turmeric. Then, those are
barbecued and bathed in a hearty dose of peanut sauce. Indonesia considers it as a national dish conceived
by street vendors and popularized by Arab traders. Each vendor seeks distinction, but satay Madura is
served with Ketupat (rice cakes) and diced cucumber and onion. It is also distinguished by its boat-shaped
street cart. It is so popular in every part of Indonesia.

This traditional meat soup comprises a broth and ingredients that vary across the archipelago. Common
street versions are simple. It is made of a simple, clear soup flavored with chicken, lamb, or beef. In
Jakarta, home of the indigenous Betawi, Soto Betawi garners fame with its sweet, creamy, coconut-milk
base. It is usually topped with crispy shallots and fried garlic, and as much or little sambal as taste buds
can take.

Task 3. Look up the above text. Then, rewrite in the following table based on its cluster.
Nominal sentences (S + P (be) + Adj/N Verbial sentences S + P (v)
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

 What type of text did you read?

 What tense is used in the above text?
 So, in ________ the nominal sentence need …., …, …. for be
 How about the verb used in verbial sentence?
 Could you please change those sentences into negative and interrogative form?

Task 4. Fill in the blanks.

Literally, the term gado-gado 1._____ (describe) a situation that is all mixed up. Gado-gado 2._____
(be)one of indonesia’s best-known dishes. It 3._____ (contain) boiled vegetables bathed in the peanut
sauce. At its base, it 4._____ (be) boiled long beans, spinach, potato, corn, and bean sprouts coupled with
cucumber, tofu, and tempe. Gado-gado 5._____ (get) sweeter as you travel eastward through Indonesia,
but Jakarta 6._____(swear) by the cashew sauce at Gado-gado Boplo.

Task 5. The Passive Voice

These tasty skewer meats are cooked over hot coals
The scrappy morsels are marinated in turmeric
Satay Madura is served with rice cakes
….. ….. ….. …..

Get these points

 When do we need to use passive voice?
 What is the difference between food, dish, snack, meal, culinary, and cuisine?

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