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N = hallo good morning. Welcome to IELTS speaking test. I’m Nila, and I will be
your examiner for this part of the test. What’s your full name?
Z = hallo good morning, my name is Zainiyyah Alfa Rahmita, you can call me
N = Hi Zainiyyah. this speaking section will last for 5-7 minutes, and there will be
2 part. Are you ready ?
Z = yes im ready
N = Zainiyyah, where you live and come from ?
Z = I come from Gresik. I live in a village called Gulomantung Village. Precisely
on Mayjend Sungkono Street Gg XIV C, Gulomantung, Gresik Regency.
N = Oh yes, I know there. Now, what is your interest and hobby ?
Z = Since middle school, I have been interested in acting and reading poetry. I am
also interested in health sciences. Biology is one of my favorite subjects. In Senior
high school I took theater and PMR extracurriculars to develop myself and gain
experience. Currently, I am also still actively participating in the theater at
Airlangga University. There, I was able to learn more about the material, not only
drama material, but also writing and reading poetry. And my hobbies are reading
novels, singing, and listen to music.
N = that’s all sound fun zainiyyah. Then, what skills do u have?
Z = hmm… I think my skills is writing fiction, singing, and reading poetry.
basically my skill is in the art world. except for drawing, i can't draw and i'm
always not confident in my drawing.
N = Except all that skills you have been doing, you may feel tired right? then what
is your activity in this middle of pandemic that certainly makes people stressed ?
Z = yes of course tired. but life must go on. Most of my activities during the
pandemic are done at home. sitting in front of the laptop to listen to the material
given by the lecturer, doing all assignments given by the lecturer, and actively
participating in student organizations. And don't forget to take the time to exercise
and sunbathe. I am also running a business by selling socks online with my friends.
every day I promote my products, receive orders and deliver orders to consumers.
and I will save the money. I'm trying to be productive during this pandemic. I don't
want to be bored sitting at home. it's better to do something useful and keep your
immune system and obey health protocols while leaving the house
N = thank you zainiyyah, this is the end of the part 1. Now, we will begin for part
2. In part 2, I will give you a topic card and I will give you 1 minutes to prepare
your answer. If u were ready, I will give you 1 minutes again to submit your
answer regarding to the topics that I have given. Prepare your pen and paper. Are
you ready?
Z = yes of course
( sharescreen slide ppt anggep aja topic card, berisi 3 pertanyaan )
1. Where and what major are u studying ?
2. Why did you choose that major ?
3. Do you feel comfortable in that major ?
N = 1 minutes start !
(zay pura2 nyatet pertanyaan di kertas)
N = okay 1 minutes it’s over. You can give me your answer, please.
1. I am currently studying at Airlangga University, Surabaya. I majored in
2. I chose nursing because besides liking the world of art, I also like the world
of health and I aspire to become a professional nurse who can provide
nursing care according to procedures to patients. and I think, being a nurse is
a noble job even though it is a difficult job. I hope I can take responsibility
for this decision I made. With the knowledge I got in the nursing major, I
hope that one day I can take care of my parents independently when they are
old and need care.
3. Honestly, for the first semester I still have to adapt. moreover, learning is
done online, it becomes a burden for me. It occurred to me that I entered the
wrong major because I still had difficulty understanding the material given
by the lecturer. however, over time, I have started to feel comfortable and
able to adapt to the learning system in this nursing major. I always
remember my dream to become a nurse. So, I must be enthusiastic and
earnest in studying and giving my best.
N = okay, that’s the end for IELTS speaking test. Thank you so much zainiyyah,
and have a great day!

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