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Gland Stimulation of Hormones Action

Gland Produced
Pineal Gland Time of day/closed melatonin Circadian
eyes Rhythm
Anterior Pituitar't Hypothalamus - FSH ,LH, AcTH, Prolactin ,GH AcTH-
releasing/inhibiting cortisol(adrenal
hormones glands)
GH-cell growth
These produced by Oxytocin-
Posterior Pituitar't Nerve impulse from hypothalamus BUT stored in uterine
the hypothalamus pp contraction

Oxytocin & ADH ADH-.1,,urine


Th"troid Gland Hypothalamus-TRH- T3 T4 (follicular cells) Metabolism

-Anterior Pit. TSH
Calcitonin -
Calcitonin-blood { } Calcitonin (extrafollicular decreases
levels cells) blood ca+ levels

Parath"troid Blood { } levels PTH Increases ca+

Gland blood levels

Insulin- Beta cells '1,blood sugar Both endocrine and

Pancreas Blood { } of glucose exocrine
levels Glucagon -Alpha cells 1'blood sugar

Adrenal cortex (outer Blood { } of na+ ions Aldosterone Conserves Na+

larg_est reg_ionl or increase in K+ ions (mineralocorticoid) /excretes K+
thus retains flds Steroid hormones
Cortisol (glucocorticoid)
-affects glue
ose metabolism
Adrenal medulla
Middlel Nerve impulses Epinephrine/norepinephrine SNS effects Fight /flight

Ovary Hypothalamus estrogen

Testes Hypoth alamus testosterone

Thymus Thymosins Affect

production and
specialization of
The connection btwn
These can be also inhibiting See above*** hypothalamus & AP is
H othalamus GHRH,GnRH,CRH,TRH the hypophyseal
portal vein
Connection btwn
Hypothalamus & PP is
the axons /nervous

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