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Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Normal University

The National Center for Teacher Education
The Multicultural Education Hub
Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur



Chemical Bonding

Prepared by:



I. Objectives
A. Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
a. how atoms combine with other atoms by transferring or by sharing
b. forces that hold metals together

B. Learning Competency: The learners should be able to recognize different

types of compounds (ionic or covalent) based on their properties such as
melting point, hardness, polarity, and electrical and thermal conductivity.
C. Learning Objectives: In this lesson, the students will:
a. Define chemical bonding
b. identify and demonstrate the different types of chemical bonds
c. create a mind map on how chemical bonds are formed
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Chemical Bonding
Materials: Laptop, Projector, Periodic Table of the
elements, Gumdrops, Poster Board, Glue,
Markers, Index Cards with chemical
compounds written on it. Marker, and manila

K TO 12 Curriculum Guide Science: Second Part, (2016),

Department of Education, 159-161

Strategy: Cooperative Learning, Experiential Learning

Approach: 4A’s

III. Procedures
A. Preparatory Activities
- Greetings
- Prayer
- Checking of Attendance
- Setting of Standards

B. Recall


Who can still recall our previous topic? Sir, our previous topic is all about the
electronic structure of atom

Yes! Last meeting, we had our discussion

about the electronic structure of atom.

Now, what are the electronic structures of Accordingly, Electrons in an atom

atoms? Any volunteer from the class. are grouped around the nucleus into
shells. Shell (electron): A grouping of
electrons in an atom according to energy.
The farther a shell is from the nucleus, the
larger it is, the more electrons it can hold,
and the higher the energies of those

Very Good! And how you are going to find The electronic structure of an atom can be
electronic structure? predicted from its atomic number.
Absolutely! Now, who can give me an
example of electronic structure? For example, the atomic number of
sodium is 11. Sodium atoms have 11
protons and so 11 electrons: eight
electrons occupy the second shell.

Exactly! I am happy that you had learned

a lot from the topic we had discussed at
the last meeting.

C. Motivation


Class, are you familiar with chemical
bonding? The different types of Yes, teacher. I know The three
compounds? different type of chemical bonding is
ionic, covalent, and metallic.
Very Good! And now we are going to (answer may vary)
have a game, the “FIX ME”

I have prepared a scrambled word

that’s relates to chemical bonding, all
you need to is to fix and write the
exact words. I will be flash it on the
board and you will write in a ¼ sheet
of paper for about 3 minutes.

(Flashing the scrambled game with

Students begin answering
the timer set for 5 minutes)

 CehimaL Bnod
 Cundotcivity
 Aolly
 Furmola Uint
 Sturctuarl Furmola
 CehimaL Furmola
 Molucelar Furmola
 Otcet Rlues
 Mtellaic Bnod
 Inoic Bnod
 Cavoelnt Bnod
 Hdyoregn Bnod
 Sngile Cavoelnt Bnod
 Duolbe Cavoelnt Bnod
 Vlanece Eelctrnos
 Mellaalbe
 Ployatoimc Ion
 Inoic Cmopuond
 Mellocular Cmopuond
 Hilade Inos

After 5 minutes, okay time is up!

Now pass your paper in front of you

and give it to me. Since all your paper
is on me I will check who have write a Marie:
lot. (checking the papers)
 Chemical bond
And now we have Marie (student may
 Conductivity
vary). Marie allow us to hear your
answer, please read it louder.  Alloy
 formula unit
 structural formula
 Chemical formula
 molecular formula
 octet rule
 metallic bond
 ionic bond
 covalent bond
Absolutely! That’s all correct, and now
let’s see the Correct answer.

(reviling the answer)

 Chemical bond
 Conductivity
 Alloy
 formula unit
 structural formula
 Chemical formula
 molecular formula
 octet rule
 metallic bond
 ionic bond
 covalent bond
 hydrogen bond
 single covalent bond
 double covalent bond
 valence electrons
 malleable
 polyatomic ion
 ionic compound
 molecular compound
 halide ions

Please read everyone Students are reading…

Very good! It seems that you are now

familiar with the words that connects
to chemical bonding.
D. Lesson Proper


Today, we will find out how chemical bonding

happens and what is the different types of
chemical bonds.

Please read our objectives for today At the end of this lesson, I
a. Define chemical
b. identify and
demonstrate the
different types of
chemical bonds
c. create a mind map on
As you can see, I have index Cards here how chemical bonds
(showing the index cards) with the name and are formed
chemical formula for compounds that are
created using covalent and Ionic Bonds.

Gumdrop Models

The class will be divided into four groups, each

group will have two index cards and perform the
covalent and ionic bonds that had written in
your index cards.

 Periodic Table of the elements
 Gumdrops
 Poster Board
 Glue
 Markers
 Index Cards with chemical compounds
written on them

General Directions: students will create

models of the covalent and ionic bonds for the
two compounds that are written on your index
cards. For each compound, students will write
the chemical symbol for each element and
position its outer shell electrons, present by
gumdrops, to show how it is bonded to other
elements in the compound

Index Cards: IC (Ionic Compound), CC

(Covalent Compound)

Group 1: IC- Sodium Fluoride

CC- Phosphorus trichloride

Group 2: IC- Lithium Fluoride


Group 3: IC- Potassium Bromide

CC-Hydrogen chloride

Group 4: IC- Beryllium Oxide


When the students are finished, they will have

one representative per group to share their (Explanations may vary)
models with the class

Discussion Questions:
1) how are covalent and ionic bonds similar 1) The most obvious similarity is
and different? that the result is the same: Both
2) What types of elements, metal, and non- ionic and covalent bonding
metals, combine from the covalent and Ionic leads to the creation of stable
bond? molecules. For ionic bonding,
valence electrons are gained or
lost to form a charged ion, and in
covalent bonding, the valence
electrons are shared directly.

2) An ionic bond is formed

between a metal and a non-
metal. Non-metals (-ve ion) are
"stronger" than metal (+ve ion)
and can get electrons very easily
from the metal. These two
opposite ions attract each other
and form the ionic bond


Each group will be given a manila paper and

marker for their mind map making

Create a mind map that describes the chemical

bonding, its different types of compound (ionic
and covalent). The mind Map should also
address the following questions:

1) What is the importance of chemical

2) What are the 3 most common chemical
3) What is the strongest chemical bond?
4) What is the weakest chemical bond?
5) Why is covalent stronger than ionic?
6) How do you identify chemical bonds?

You will be given 10 minutes to create your

graphic organizer. You will be graded
through these criteria.

10 pts The organizer is well organized. The
order and structure of information are
compelling and flow smoothly.

10 pts Thorough and insightful
understanding of content.

5 pts Enthusiastically use materials and
ideas for enhancement.

5 pts Insightful and well-considered ideas
making multiple connections.

(Students in their groups making

The highest score to achieve is 30 points.
their graphic organizer)
After the allotted time of 10 minutes, place
your group’s work on the board. Choose
(Group representatives present
one representative to discuss the output.
and discuss their graphic
Each group will be given 3 minutes to
organizer output)
present their output.

Good luck!


Exciting! What a fantastic presentation.

Let's give a round of applause to everyone.
I had observed that There are
three primary types of
Anyone in class who can share what
bonding: ionic, covalent, and
he/she has observed in our activities?
metallic. An ionic bond is
formed when valence electrons
are transferred from one atom to
the other to complete the outer
electron shell

(Students’ responses may vary)

Very good! An ionic bond is formed when

valence electrons are transferred from one
atom to the other to complete the outer
electron shell.
(Teacher present and discuss the prepared
mind map)

(see enclosed mind map)

chemical bonding is any of the interactions that

account for the association
of atoms into molecules, ions, crystals, and
other stable species that make up the familiar
substances of the everyday world. When atoms
approach one another, their nuclei
and electrons interact and tend to distribute
themselves in space in such a way that the
total energy is lower than it would be in
any alternative arrangement. If the total energy
of a group of atoms is lower than the sum of the
energies of the component atoms, they then
bond together and the energy lowering is the
bonding energy.
Ionic bonding

Definition: An ionic bond is Example: A typical ionically bonded

formed when valence material is NaCl (Salt):
electrons are transferred
from one atom to the other
to complete the outer
electron shell.

The sodium (Na) atom gives up its

valence electron to complete the
outer shell of the chlorine (Cl) atom.
Ionic materials are generally very
brittle, and strong forces exist
between the two ions.
Covalent bonding

Definition: A covalent Example: Many compounds have covalent

bond is formed when bonding, such as polymers. Nylon rope is
the valence electrons an example of a material that is made up
from one atom are of polymers. Polymer structures typically
shared between two are long chains of covalently bonded
or more particular carbon and hydrogen atoms in various
atoms. arrangements.

Metallic bonding

Definition: A metallic bond is formed Example: In the real and

when the valence electrons are not imperfect world, most
associated with a particular atom or materials do not have pure
ion, but exist as a "cloud" of electrons metallic, pure covalent, or
around the ion centers. pure ionic bonding; they
may have other types of
bonding as well. For
example, iron has
predominantly metallic
bonding, but some
covalent bonding also

Metallic materials have good electrical

and thermal conductivity when
compared to materials with covalent
or ionic bonding. A metal such as iron
has metallic bonding.

This wrench, found in a car

shop in Malaysia, has been
subjected to much abuse
and is clearly showing
signs of age. In its current
condition, signs of rust
shows that, at a molecular
level, its metallic bonding
is not perfect and the
bending indicates that the
original crystalline
structure is altered.

Now, in our daily lives, living things are made

up of atoms, but in most cases, those atoms
aren’t just floating around individually. Instead,
they’re usually interacting with other atoms (or
groups of atoms).
For instance, atoms might be connected by
strong bonds and organized into molecules or
crystals. Or they might form temporary, weak
bonds with other atoms that they bump into or
brush up against. Both the strong bonds that
hold molecules together and the weaker bonds
that create temporary connections are essential
to the chemistry of our bodies, and to the
-Both the strong bonds that hold
existence of life itself. I was wondering Why is
molecules together and the
chemical bonding important in our daily life? weaker bonds that create
temporary connections are
essential to the chemistry of our
bodies, and to the existence of
life itself. Why form chemical
bonds? The basic answer is
that atoms are trying to reach
the most stable (lowest-energy)
state that they can
(student’s answers may

Absolutely! Because the concept of Chemical

bonds holds molecules together and creates
temporary connections that are essential to life.
IV. Agreement: Read in advance the next topic about Polyatomic Ions.

(Enclosed material)
Ionic and Covalent Bonding

There are primarily two forms of bonding that an atom can participate in: Covalent and
Ionic. Covalent bonding involves the sharing of electrons between two or more atoms.
Ionic bonds form when two or more ions come together and are held together by
charge differences.

So how do you know what kind of bond an atom will make? That is actually the easy
part. Metals and Non-Metals when combined make ionic compounds. Non-Metals
when combined with other Non-Metals make covalent compounds. So all you need to
be able to do is figure out what elements are Metals and which are Non-Metals. For
that information we can use the periodic table:

Tutorial - Covalent Bonding

Covalent Bonds

As we mentioned before, the electrons in an atom are what is responsible for forming
bonds. What we did not discuss previously is which electrons in the atom are involved
in bonding. The bonding electrons are called the VALENCE electrons and they are the
electrons that are found in the outermost shell of the atom. In the periodic table below,
you can see diagrams of each element that shows how many valence electrons it
possesses. Conveniently, the Group Number at the top of each column in the periodic
table also gives the number of valence electrons. For example, Boron (represented as
B in the periodic table) is in Group 3A and has 3 valence electrons; Carbon
(represented as C) is in Group 4A and has 4 valence electrons.

Once you know how many valence electrons an atom has, you can start to build
molecules. There are a couple of rules to follow however as you build:

1. The Octet Rule: The atoms that participate in covalent bonding share electrons in
a way that enables them to acquire a stable electron configuration, or full valence
shell. This means that they want to acquire the electronic configuration of the
noble gas of their row. The Noble Gases are like the Michael Jordan's of the
Chemistry world and every one of them wants to "be like Mike".
2. There are several exceptions to the octet rule however:
o Hydrogen (H) only requires 2 electrons to have a full valence shell since it
only needs to be like Helium (He).
o Elements on the 3rd Period (3rd row) of the periodic table and below can
actually have more than 8 electrons around them. They have extra space
to allow for the extra electrons.

Now that you know the number of valence electrons and the rules you can start making
molecules. For instance, looking at hydrogen we know that it is in Group I and thus has
1 valence electron, if it bound itself to another hydrogen they could share the two
electrons between them and both be "happy". See below.

If that same hydrogen bonded to Chlorine, the hydrogen would get the two electrons it
needs to be complete and the chlorine which has 7 valence electrons would get the
one more to fulfil its octet. See above.

Now that you can form covalent compounds we need to go over how to name these
compounds. Nomenclature is the fancy way of saying the rules for naming.

Covalent Compound Nomenclature

1. The first element is named first, using the elements name:

SF6 Sulfur Hexafluoride

2. Second element is named using the suffix "-ide"

SF6 Sulfur Hexafluoride (Fluorine becomes Fluoride)

3. Prefixes are used to denote the number of atoms

Prefix Number Indicated
mono- 1
di- 2
tri- 3
tetra- 4
penta- 5
hexa- 6
hepta- 7
octa- 8
nona- 9
deca- 10

SF6 Sulfur Hexafluoride (There are 6 Fluorines so Hexa is used as the prefix)

4. "Mono" is not used to name the first element

SF6 Sulfur Hexafluoride (Note that there is only one Sulfur but no Mono prefix)

Note: when the addition of the Greek prefix places two vowels adjacent to one another,
the "a" (or the "o") at the end of the Greek prefix is usually dropped; e.g., "nonaoxide"
would be written as "nonoxide", and "monooxide" would be written as "monoxide". The
"i" at the end of the prefixes "di-" and "tri-" are never dropped.

Ionic Bonding

Ionic bonds are formed by the combination of positive and negative ions; the
combination of these ions form in numerical combinations that generate a neutral (zero
charge) molecule.

So how do you know what kind of ion an element will form?

Again, our answers can be found using the periodic table:

Just as with the covalent compounds, each ion wishes to form an octet and be like the
nearest noble gas. Sometimes it is easier for the element to gain electron(s) (anions) to
produce the octet and sometimes it is easier for the element to lose electron(s)
(cations). If you look at the periodic table above you will note that the Group 1A, 2A
and 3A elements all form positive ions or Cations. This is because it is easier
energetically for those elements to lose 1, 2, or 3 electrons than it would be for them to
gain 5, 6 or 7 electrons. The gain or loss of an electron generally requires energy and
once you exceed the gain or loss of 3 electrons the energy cost is simply too high for
most atoms to accomplish. You should also notice that the elements on the right side
of the periodic table (the non-metals) in Groups 5A, 6A and 7A all form negative ions or
Anions for the same reason.

You can determine the charge that an element will form as an ion by looking at how far
that element is from the nearest noble gas. For example, elements in Group 2A are 2
columns away from the nearest noble gas so losing 2 electrons will give them the
noble gas number of electrons; Group 5A elements are 3 columns away from the
nearest noble gas so addition of 3 electrons will work best for them and so on.
Tutorial - Ionic Bonding

Forming Ionic Compounds

As was mentioned above, ions come together in compounds to form neutral

(uncharged) molecules. This means that the positive and negative ions have to be
balanced so that their charges all add up to zero:

In the examples to the right, the sodium is +1 and the chloride is -1 so adding them
together to form a neutral molecule (positive charges + negative charges = zero) only
requires 1 of each. NaCl

But in the case of calcium which forms a +2 ion and chlorine which forms a -1 ion, we
need two chlorines to balance the charge of the one calcium. CaCl2

Here are a few more general rules to follow when building and naming ionic molecules:

1. The number of ions in the compound is indicated as a subscript after the

element's symbol: MgF2 (Magnesium Fluoride), AlCl3 (Aluminum Chloride), or
Al2O3 (Aluminum Oxide)
2. The cation is generally listed first in the compound: MgF2 (Magnesium Fluoride),
AlCl3 (Aluminum Chloride), or Al2O3 (Aluminum Oxide)
3. The name of the compound is simply the name of the positive element followed
by the name of the negative element adding the �ide suffix: MgF2 (Magnesium
Fluoride), AlCl3 (Aluminum Chloride), or Al2O3 (Aluminum Oxide)

Notice that in ionic nomenclature you do not use the Greek prefixes to indicate the
number of atoms in the molecule. This is because as chemists we know the number
since the charge the ions take on is predictable.

So to sum up the process for identifying, writing and naming compounds:

Up until now we have not discussed the metals beyond those in the Groups IA, 2A and
3A. The metals in the B Groups in the middle of the periodic table are also involved in
ionic bonding. Their charges as an ion are less predictable however and they can
actually have more than one charge as an ion:

Whenever you write an ionic compound that contains a transition metal ion, you have
to indicate in the name which ion you are using by the inclusion of a Roman numeral in
the name:

Fe2+ + Br- → FeBr2 Iron (II) Bromide

Fe3+ + Br- → FeBr3 Iron (III) Bromide
Polyatomic Ions

Another special case for creating and naming compounds derives from the existence
of polyatomic ions. Polyatomic ions are ions that are made up of non-metals that when
combined form a charged molecule. A table of the more common of these ions is
shown below:

Common Polyatomic Ions

When a polyatomic ion is part of an ionic compound the rules for assembly are the
same: the ions must combine to make a neutral molecule. But because the polyatomic
ion must be treated like a single substance parenthesis are placed around it in the
formula if more than one ion is required.

For instance, if you combined Magnesium Ion, Mg2+ and Phosphate Ion, PO43-, to
balance the charges you would need 3 magnesium ions and 2 phosphate ions:
Mg3(PO4)2 The parenthesis are placed around the polyatomic ion to indicate that the
subscript creates a multiple of the entire ion not just a single atom. The parentheses
are only used in cases where there is more than one polyatomic ion in the molecule.
So for instance, MgSO4 contains the sulfate ion (SO42-) but since only one is required
to balance the molecule, no parentheses are needed.

formed when the
force that holds charge is spread
atoms together over a larger
in a metallic distance as
helps to join atoms or molecules hold molecules together and
substance compared to the
together create temporary connections
size of single atoms
that are essential to life.
in solids

the strongest and most common METALLIC BOND

form of chemical bond in living the weakest of the true chemical
organisms bonds that bind atoms to atoms.


Ionic bonds are stronger than

The hydrogen and oxygen atoms covalent bonds, but when dissolved
that combine to form water in water, they become much
molecules are bound together by weaker because ions separate and
strong covalent bonds To determine the are surrounded by water
chemical formulas of ionic molecules.
It is also helps compounds, the following
molecules of the same
two conditions must be .
satisfied: Solid, liquid, or gaseous
or different substance matter can exist in nature
to get together through due to chemical bonding
1. Each ion must obey
joining to each other
the octet rule for
maximum stability.
2. Ions will combine in
a way that the
overall ionic
compound will be
neutral. In other
words, the charges
of the ions must
balance out.

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