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Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Factor Frequency Percentage

Responses Age Sex Grade Respo Age Sex Grade
(yrs. level -nses (%) (%) level
Old) (%) (%)
Short-Range Planning Sometimes 16-18 Female 12 66 42.86 37 34

Time Attitudes Sometimes 16-19 Female 12 46 45.71 40 34

Long-Range Planning Frequently 16-19 Female 12 46 37.14 31 20

Table I presents the working students time management. As shows, in the

short-range planning factor most of the responses of the working student are

“Sometimes” (66%) which age is between 16-18 yrs. Old (42.86%) and most of them

are female (37%) which are grade 12 students (34%). For time attitudes,

“Sometimes” (46%) is still the common responses of 16-19 yrs. Old (45.72%) that

are female (40%) from grade 12 (34%) students. Moreover, in long-range planning

“Frequently” (46%) is the most common response by 16-19 yrs. Old (37.14%) which

are female (31%) from grade 12 (20%) students. Most of the students’ responses

regarding to every factor indicates that most of the working students in Alubijid SHS

are not completely giving importance to time management.

Students schedule in this setting of education is very hectic how much more for the

working students. The responsibility at home, at work, and as a student gives more

valid reason that student cannot handle time properly which affects academic

achievement. It is also possible that the students did not practiced time management

Table I.technique since junior high. There are also working students from STEM. These
working students time management
students are possibly bombarded by assignments and performance task by other
subjects which affects their time management technique and academic achievement.

Working students’ life is proportion to time. Students with proper time

management, performs well in school. According to Mercanlioglu (2010) students

that are not employing time management tactics have significantly lower academics

compared to those who apply time management, they have considerably high

academics. According also to ( Yilmaz, Yoncalik, & Bektas, 2006) they said that

majority of the students has moderate time management skills, and only small

portion of students has high level of time management skills. Many empirical studies

done by past researchers also says that time management practices really have an

impact on the student’s academic. But, according to ( Sevari & Kandy, 2011) even if

the students know that time management has a good impact on academic

achievements, this relationship are not given importance by the students.

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