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Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Principal Roots and
Irrational Numbers

Writers: Elton Jame T. Labor

Learning Objective
In this lesson, you learned about irrational numbers and principal nth roots,
particularly square roots of numbers. You learned to find two consecutive integers
between which an irrational square root lies.

Lesson Proper
Read the Information very well then comprehend what you have read.


Every positive number has two square roots, the positive and the negative.
The symbol used to represent the square root is √𝑥. It is assumed that this is the
positive square root of x. To show both the positive and negative values, you can
use the symbol ±, read “plus or minus.”
For example:

√81 = 9 means the positive square root of 81.

−√81 = −9 means the negative square root of 81.
±√81 = ±9 means the positive or negative square root of 81

Approximating Square Roots

When the square root of a number is a whole number, this number is called
a perfect square. 9 is a perfect square because √9 =3.

Not all square roots are whole numbers. Many square roots are irrational
numbers, meaning there is no rational number equivalent. For example, 2 is the
square root of 4 because 2×2=4. The number 7 is the square root of 49
because 7×7=49. What is the square root of 5?

There is no whole number multiplied by itself that equals five, so √5 is not a

whole number. To find the value of √5, we can use estimation.
To estimate the square root of a number, look for the perfect integers less
than and greater than the value, and then estimate the decimal.

Let's estimate √𝟓:

The perfect square below 5 is 4 and the perfect square above 5 is 9.
Therefore, 4<5<9. Therefore, √5 is between √4 and √9 or 2<√5 <3. Because 5 is
closer to 4 than 9, the decimal is a low value: √5 ≈2.2.

Identifying Irrational Numbers

Real numbers have two categories: rational and irrational. If a square root is
not a perfect square, then it is considered an irrational number. These numbers
cannot be written as a fraction because the decimal does not end (non-

terminating) and does not repeat a pattern (non-repeating). Although irrational
square roots cannot be written as fractions, we can still write them exactly,
without typing the value into a calculator.

There are several definitions or group for numbers.

. These include:

Real Numbers – the set of rational and irrational numbers

Natural Numbers – the set of counting numbers

Whole Numbers – the set of natural numbers and 0 Integers – {… , -5, -4, -3,
-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …}
Rational Number – a number that CAN be written as a RATIO of 2 integers

• repeating decimals
• terminating decimals

Irrational Number – a number that CANNOT be written as a RATIO of 2

• integers Non-repeating
• non-terminating decimals

Square Root – a number that produces a specified quantity when multiplied

by itself “7 is the square root of 49”

Perfect Square Number – a number that can be expressed as the product of

two equal integers

Additional Activity
Enrichment Activity 1: Read again the information or texts from page viii to ix
and do the activity 1. Activity 1: Use the √ button of a scientific calculator to
find the following values and whether the principal root of each number is rational
or irrational. Use your note book as your answer sheet.
1. √𝟐𝟐𝟓
2. √𝟎. 𝟎𝟒
3. √−𝟏𝟏𝟏
4. √𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎
5. √𝟔𝟐𝟓

Complete the idea of each statement by filling the blanks with the correct
word or words. Use your note book as your answer sheet.

1. __________ is the set of counting numbers.

2. _______________ is a number that CANNOT be written as a RATIO of

2 integers.

3. The ______________________________ is a set of rational and irrational


4. ___________________ is the set of natural numbers and 0 Integers –
{… , -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …}

5. __________________ is a number that CAN be written as a RATIO of

2 integers.


Let’s try if you can apply what you have learned. I will give you a problem to solve.
You can use your calculator and you may use your note book as your answer
A. You were told that an elementary school has a square playground with an
area of 3000 square feet. What is the width of the playground? Is the width
a rational or irrational number?

B. The area of your house is 25 square meter. What are the lengths of the sides
of your house and tell either it is rational or irrational number?


Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your chosen letter on your notebook as
your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following best describes −√3?.

A. whole and irrational
B. whole and rational
C. real and irrational
D. real and rational

2. Identify the set of numbers that best describes the situation.

The cost of an item at a store.
A. rational numbers
B. whole numbers
C. integers
D. irrational numbers

3. Choose the number that is irrational.

A. √123
B. 88/41
C. √49
D. 23/69

4. Which number is irrational?
A. 1/4
B. √47
C. 89/9
D. 4/3
5. Which number is rational?
A. √4/7
B. √1.6
C. √47
D. √81

6. Which number is rational?

A. √123
B. √1
C. −√5
D. √2/5

7. √39 is between which two numbers?

A. 9 and 10
B. 8 and 9
C. 7 and 8
D. 6 and 7

8. √20 is between which two numbers?

A. 2 and 3
B. 3 and 4
C. 4 and 5
D. 5 and 6

9. √106 is between which two numbers?

A. 10 and 11
B. 9 and 10
C. 11 and 12
D. 8 and 9

10. Which of the following fractions most closely approximates the value of π?
A. 7/21
B. 7/22
C. 21/7
D. 22/7


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