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Packaging is aimed at attaining two basic functions, the first to protect the product & second to
promote the product. Packaging may be defined as the general group of activities in the planning
of a product. These activities concentrate on formulating a design of the package and producing
an appropriate and attractive container or wrapper for a product. Example, liquid products require
containers made of glass or plastics. Generally, electrical appliances require tin sheet containers.
Philip Kotler “protection, convenience and economy were the three traditional purposes attached
to package.” But in this modern era, we need to add all the modern functions of packaging.
Packaging may be classified into three categories as follows:
1. Family Packaging: When the product of a particular manufacturer is packaged in an identical
manner, it is known as family packaging. The size, shape, colour, etc. of the packages will be
similar for all his products. “Family brands” are using family packaging also.
2. Re-Use Packaging: Packages that could be used for some other purpose after the packed goods
have been taken out or consumed fall under the re-use packaging. Vegetable oils, and wellness
drinks are being sold in re-usable plastic containers of different shapes.
3. Multiple Packaging: It is the practice of placing several units in one container. For example,
liquor industry uses multiple packaging.
Following are the functions of packaging:
1. Containment: Packaging performs the basic functions of providing a container for a material.
Example- consumer durables televisions, refrigerators, etc. are packed in cardboard cartons,
vegetables; fruits are packed in plastic cover.
2. Protection: Goods are to be transported from the place of manufacture to the ultimate
consumer. This involves several types of risk. Packaging helps protect the goods from damage
during transport and warehousing. It also removes the hindrance of risk by keeping goods safe
and free from spoilage. Thus packaging helps make the transporting of goods easier and safer.
3. Convenience: Wholesalers, retailers, middlemen, warehouse keepers and consumers demand
convenience in packaging i.e. they should be light-weight and conveniently packed so as to be
carried by hand. For example- Amul Mithai Mate is packed in an aluminum container, ten
tablets of Crocin are packed in a strip and soft drinks are packed in a glass bottler.
4. Attractiveness: Packaging enhances the appearance of the product. The design, colour, label,
printed matter, picture etc. all add value to the packaging. For example- chocolates are always
packed in attractive packets and displayed to attract the target group.
5. Identification: Packaging helps to distinguish from one brand to another. It is mandatory that
packages contain the name of the product, the ingredients, date of manufacture, expiry date, etc.
6. Promotional Appeal: Products must sell themselves. This is possible, if they are placed in
more attractive and eye appealing packages. This has resulted in a number of innovations which
appeal to the consumers. Example- Nescafe, Horlicks, is now available in attractive glass jars.
7. Re-Use: Nowadays several companies aim at providing “re-useable container”, once the
product have been completely used. Example- Boost, Horlicks, Nescafe, Pickles, Jams, etc. are
sold in glass bottles that can be used for storing provisions in the kitchen.
8. Economy: Packaging should not create a financial burden for the company. Consumers prefer
economical packaging options, because the packaging cost is included in the cost price. Hence,
the packaging should be made attractive, appealing and economical.
Important essentials of packaging:
1. Protection: This is the fundamental function of packaging. The product demands protection
until it is used or consumed. Package prevents damage or loss during transport & warehousing.
2. Dependable: Truthfulness & honest representation is the most important function & quality of
packaging. Consumers rely on the package for the quality of the product inside the packing.
3. Ease in Handling: Modern packaging facilitates easy handling and movement during the
process of distribution.
4. Identification: Identification is a function of packaging, following closely protection and ease
in handling. Your product can be identified by a consumer from the rival’s because packaging
creates individuality and helps quick identification. Packaging enables branding & advertising.
5. Convenience: Convenience is not a matter of customer service. Middlemen, wholesalers,
retailers & warehouse-keepers, i.e., all agencies in the machinery of distribution, demand
convenience. The size and shape of the package will determine the function of convenience.
6. Attractiveness: The design and the label on the package, printed matter, picture, layout or get-
up of the package, colour combination, all these are special aspects of the package and act as
selling points of the package. Package must have an artistic appeal. Picture on the package adds
to the attention value by drawing and holding the onlooker’s eyes on it.
Some of the important packaging policies and strategies are:
1. Transit Packaging: Every producer has to deliver the goods to its real consumers. Delivery of
a product from producer to the consumer is the process involving many activities. Such
packaging of the product is called transit packaging.
2. Consumer Packaging: The packaging in which the product is finally delivered to the
consumers is known as consumer packaging. Material used for consumer packaging may be a
bottle of glass or plastic, jar, tin, plastic box, hardboard box, polythene bags, etc.
3. Family Packaging: When a producer uses identical packaging for all the product items of a
product line, it is called family packaging. Example of family packaging is packaging of shoes,
slippers, etc. mainly by the producer of repute such as Bata, Liberty, etc.
4. Protection Packaging: The basic function of packaging is to protect the product form
breakage, pilferage, theft, evaporation etc. Packing of the food items, medicines are done in
such a way so as to protect it from moisture, sunlight and high temperature.
5. Multiple Packaging: In this packaging strategy closely related products used by a single
consumer are packed together. This strategy is economical and it also saves consumer’s time in
buying different products. Example, pencil box contains pencil, pen, rubber, eraser, ruler etc.
6. Re-Use Packaging: Here the goods are packed in such a package which can be used again after
consuming the product. This strategy promotes economy in the use of the product & promotes
repeat purchase by consumer. It helps in reducing pollution caused due to used packages. Re-
use packaging preserves the physical environment by increasing the life of packages.
Requirement of good package should possess the following features:
1. Suitability: A package should suit the requirements of the goods to be packed in. The package
designed should consider the size, quality & quantity of product to be packed in the container.
2. Protective: The package must be so designed that it protects the contents contained in it.
Products such as medicines, powders, & edible oils require a special type of packaging.
3. Requirements of Consumers: The same product might meet the requirements of different
segments of consumers who have different levels of income. It should be quite economical for
selling the product to the users. For instance, polythene bags have become quite popular for
selling Ghee in small quantities, say 1 Kg, to the customers from low & middle income groups.
4. Packaging Materials: This factor is influences the cost of packaging. Materials to be used in
packaging depend partly on the nature of goods and appealing power to customers. For instance
sugar, food grains, cement, etc. are packed in gunny or jute bags. Biscuits are packed in air tight
containers or packets; so that they remain fresh, crisp and original in taste and flavor.
5. Attraction Value: Design & label of the package, & the colour combination of the package are
all important. Attractive packages earn reputation, increase sales & profits of the manufacturer.
The use of a picture on the package is made quite often to attract the attention of people.
6. Size and Shape: The size and shape of packaging depends upon the type and value of product
to a large extent. Size and shape of the package do add to its attraction value. They also
facilitate proper display of the product at retail stores.
7. Durability: Durability of packages is also an important consideration. If a package is durable,
it will be reusable even after the product has been consumed. For example, plastic containers of
ghee, coffee jars and pickle jars are reusable.
Factors are to be considered while making packaging decisions.
a) Size – The size of the package should be convenient and handy for the customer. For example-
soft drinks are available in 100ml, 200ml, half a litre, one litre, one and a half litre, etc.
b) Shape – The nature of the content determines the shape of the package. Moreover, it should be
convenient and attractive to display in retail stores.
c) Colour – The colour of the package plays a significant role in marketing decisions. The colour
should be attractive, eye catching & at the same time relevant to the contents of the package.
d) Text – Usually, some information is communicated to the consumers through the package.
Now, it is mandatory to give the statutory warning, date of manufacture, expiry date, contents,
date of packing etc.
e) Material – The packaging material also needs careful consideration. The most commonly used
packaging materials are metal, cardboard, aluminum foils, sack cloth, etc. But now, due to the
growing importance of environmental protection, plastics are being used less frequently for
packaging. Instead, environment friendly packaging materials are being used.
f) Brand Name – The brand name should be prominently displayed on the package. The brand
name differentiates a product from its competitive products. Hence, the package should contain
the distinguishing brand name or brand label.
g) Cost – Packaging cost is added to the cost of production. Hence, the packaging cost should be

economical and minimum, so that the consumers are not over charged. Moreover, the cost of
packaging also affects the cost of transportation, handling, storage, etc.

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