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3rd Quarter-Midterm Exam


Name:____________________________ Score:__________________

General Directions: Write your answers on this paper. Use black and blue ballpens only.Follow all the directions given
before the tests. Any form of cheating is subject for punishment! Avoid Erasures!

Directions: Encircle the correct answer of the following questions.

1. It is a group of individuals sharing a common culture, geographical location and government.

A.society b. family c. community d.culture
2. Knowledge about human.
A. Sociology b. anthropology c. evolution d. culture
3. It is the lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture.
A. Relation b. frienship c. socialization d. organization
4. It is the combined basic needs and the influence of society into a model of personality
A. Mead’s Theory of Social Self B. Freud’s Model of Personality c.Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive d. none
5. It is a person's conscious efforts to balance innate pleasure – seeking drives (id) with the demand immediate of
society a. Id b. ego c. superego d. Formal Stage
6. Stage at which individuals know the world only through the five senses.
A. Sensorimotor Stage b. preoperational c. Concrete Operational d.Formal Operational
7. Stage in which individuals think abstractly and critically.
A. Sensorimotor Stage b. preoperational c. Concrete Operational d.Formal Operational
8. Stage which individuals first see casual connections in their surroundings.
A. Sensorimotor Stage b. preoperational c. Concrete Operational d.Formal Operational
9. at which individuals first use language and other symbols.
A. Sensorimotor Stage b. preoperational c. Concrete Operational d.Formal Operational
10. It refers to the cultural values and norms internalized by an individual.
a. Id b. ego c. superego d. Formal Stage
11. represents the human beings basic drives or biological and physical needs which are unconscious and demand
immediate satisfaction. a. Id b. ego c. superego d. Formal Stage
12. A Theory in which Self is a part of personality and includes self–awareness and self–image. It is the product of
social experiences and is not guided by biological drives(see Freud) or biological maturation
A. Mead’s Theory of Social Self c.Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive
B. Freud’s Model of Personality d. Cooleys LookingGlass Self
13. uses the phrase looking-glass self to mean a self-image based on how we think others see us.
A. Mead’s Theory of Social Self B. Freud’s Model of Personality c.Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive d. Cooleys
Glass Self
14. The first setting of socialization that has the greatest impact on attitudes and behavior.
A.society b. family c. community d.culture
15. culturally defined standards that people use to decide what is desirable, good and beautiful and that serve as broad
guidelines for social living.
A. Values b. Norms c.status d. roles
16. refers to a social position that a person holds.
A. Values b. Norms c.status d. roles
17. refers to those social, cultural,and psychological traits linked to males and females through particular social
A. Sex b.Gender c. roles d. status
18. refers to the biological characteristics distinguishing male and female- base on
chromosomes,anatomy,hormones,reproductive systems, and other physiological components
A. Sex b.Gender c. roles d. status
19. refers to behavior expected of someone who holds a particular status.
A. Sex b.Gender c. roles d. status
20. compliance with standards, rules, or laws.
A.Deviance b. conformity c. Rights d. rules
21. range from minor infractions, such as bad manners, to major infractions, such as serious violence.
A.Deviance b. conformity c. Rights d. rules
22. refers to the violation of the law.
A.Deviance b. conformity c. Rights d. crime

23. means achieving cultural goals through approved means

A.Deviance b. conformity c. Rights d. crime
24.shared by and beneficial to all or most members of a given community
A. Common good b. rights c. human dignity d. conformity
25. It is a collection of individuals who have relation with one another that make them interdependent to some
significant degree.
A. Social group b. primary group c. secondary groups d. in-group
26. It is a small, intimate, and less specialized group whose mambers engage in face - to - face and emotion based
interactions over an extented period of time.
A. primary b. in-group c. secondary groups d. out-group
27. re larger, less intimate and more specialized groups where members engage in an impersonal and objective
oriented relationship for a limited time.
A. primary b. in-group c. secondary groups d. out-group
28.It is a group to which one belongs and with which one feels a sense of identity
A. A. Social group b. primary group c. secondary groups d. in-group
29. Is a group to which an individual compare himself or herself
A.Social group b. primary group c. secondary groups d. reference group
30. A group in which one does not belong and to which he or she may feel a sense of competitiveness or hostility.

Directions: Enumerate what is asked.

(31-33): 3 Types of Personality According to Freud.

31._____________________ 32.______________________ 33._____________________

(34-37): 4 Stages of Cognitive Development

34.__________________________________ 36. _______________________________

35.__________________________________ 37.________________________________

(38_41) 4 types of deviance

38__________________________________ 40. _______________________________

39.__________________________________ 41.________________________________

(42-43): 2 kinds of status

42.__________________________________ 43.________________________________

(44-48): Give the complete name of the 5 researchers or proponet of the theory of self-evelopment
44.________________________________ 45.________________________________

46.________________________________ 47.________________________________


(49-50): Give atleast 2 settings which have special importance in the socialization process.

49.________________________________ 50.________________________________


Ang Exam parang pag-ibig lang yan, kahit nahihirapan ka na,

‘wag na ‘wag kang tumingin sa iba.

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