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Pres. Dir. Manager

Point Item Point Range

Grade Judge.
PT. MIZUSHIMA 0 Standard or procedure not Available
SUPPLIER NAME : ------------------------------------- (Standar atau prosedur tidak tersedia)
A 97% - 100% Sangat Memadai
Manufacture of Pressition Forging and B 86% - 96% Memadai
stamping automotive part 1 Standard or procedure it's available but not clearness of control item and control point Memadai Dengan
C 80% - 85%
KIND OF INDUSTRY : ------------------------------------- (Standar atau prosedur tersedia tetapi kontrol item dan kontrol poin tidak jelas)
D < 79%
Tidak Memadai
2 Standard or procedure it's available, clearness of control item and control point but not smoothly implemented
(Standar atau prosedur tersedia, kontrol item dan kontrol poin jelas tetapi implementasi tidak berjalan lancar) RESULT / COMENT :
ADDRESS : ------------------------------------- 3 Standard or procedure it's available, clearness of control item and control point and smhootly implementaed
(Standar atau prosedur tersedia, kontrol item dan kontrol poin jelas serta implementasi berjalan lancar)
------------------------------------- CHECK SHEET ANNUAL AUDIT
Supplier Evaluation Point
(Self Assessment) AAI Evaluation Point
Item Control Item Check Weakness Point
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3

1 Is a Quality Management System established which is conform to Automotive Standards ? 1

2 Does the company have an Environmental Management System (ISO Certificate) 2

3 Is the Management System (ISO Certificate) updated? 3

Is there a clear Vision defined by the management to support the Quality & environment
4 Policy and translated to the entire organization. 4

Does the supplier has developed a full contingency plan, including strikes, energy supply
5 issues, raw material supply shortage, serious damage to production equipment and/or 5
tooling, serious damage to the production facility, disaster recovery s. a. flooding,

1 Are appropriate receiving inspection instructions defined and implemented ? 6

2 All Materials and WIP are stored appropriately ? 7

Acceptance 3 Is the receiving material store set up and managed properly? 8

How are the receiving materials and parts placed?
4 Are the parts storage areas classified into OK parts, parts waiting for inspection, and NG 9

5 How do you manage first-in, first-out 10

1 Is there a procedure for process production (set up production) 11

Machine Control 2 Is there a procedure for dandori machine 12

3 Daily checksheet for equipment condition records, include pokayoke function (if any) 13

Drawing important characteristics are specified into control plan, inspection standard,
1 inspection report, line, etc

Quality Control 2 Confirm control plan and WI revision related to previous defect countermeasure 15

3 Confirm daily quality inspection check is done based on standards 16

Does the organization maintain its facility in a state of order, cleanliness and repair
1 consistent with the product and manufacturing process needs

2 Preventive Maintenance (PM) periodical checks and record 18

3 Are preventive maintenance needs identified and implemented ? 19

4 Are tools and equipment stored in a proper way ? 20

Facility Control
5 Important machine spareparts list, downtime data, and contingency plan 21

6 Capacity Loading Machine 22

7 Capacity Loading Man Power 23

8 List Suku Cadang 24

1 Are inspections and calibrations of gauges and measuring equipment based on the plan 25

2 Is there a person who is qualified for internal inspection and calibration 26

Tools &
3 Is there a record of inspection / calibration 27

Is there a process to ensure a MSA is done for all measuring and test equipment prior
4 release for production ? 28

Confirm internal 4M change control process (definition, flow, approval process,

1 documentation, etc. Include sub suppliers.
Process Change
Control (4M Control
perubahan / 2 Confirm supplier inspection and initial product record related to 4M change 30
3 Control board when Henkaten occurs 31

ls there a project organization (project management) established and are tasks &
1 authorities specified for the team leader and team members?

2 Is there an established escalation process for project management tasks ? 33

3 Does each stage have a review? 34

ls the transfer of the project from project phase to production controlled in order to
4 secure the product launch ? 35

1 Is the worker's ability evaluation 36

Operator 2 Is there a skill matrix 37


3 Is there a standard for the follow-up system when unskilled workers work 38
Supplier Evaluation Point
(Self Assessment) AAI Evaluation Point
Item Control Item Check Weakness Point
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3

1 What activities are you doing to reduce the incidence of defects (defects in the process) 39

2 What are the procedures for handling customer complaints and taking countermeasures 40

3 What kind of troubles (in-process defects, customer defects) do you have a system to 41
prevent recurrence

Is there a process established to ensure effective investigations and on time response in

4 case of customer complaints / field returns? 42

Product 5 Is there a procedure for customer complain, internal problem 43

6 Is there a procedure for trace back problem 44

7 Is there a procedure for repair / rework 45

8 Operator repair / rework part (Skill repair/rework) 46

9 Flow judgement part after repair / rework 47

10 Record part repair / rework 48

1 Is there a procedure for selection supplier 49

Management 2 ls the quality of the external operations and services monitored ? 50

3 Is a process in place to evaluate supplier performance ? 51

1 MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) 52

Kebijakan 5R/5S Kondisi Lay out process & equipment, Clean work area (process), Check
Environment 2 sheet & implementation 5R

3 Control of production waste (Waste Management) according to ISO 14001 54

1 Is there a Shipping / delivery procedure including safety for operators and fleets? 55

2 Is the shipping area and checking before shipping according to specifications 56

Delivery Storage
Production Control 3 Confirm inventory control status for F/G and WIP 57

4 Confirm child parts and F/G actual quantities does meet standard quantities 58

5 Confirm delivery status monitoring between ordered and actual quantities 59

GRAND TOTAL : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 177

SCORE : #DIV/0! SCORE : 0%




Point Item Point Grade Judge.
SUPPLIER NAME : PT. FUKUYAMA INDONESIA 0 Standard or procedure not Available A 97% - 100% Sangat Memadai
------------------------------------- (Standar atau prosedur tidak tersedia) B 86% - 96% Memadai
Memadai Dengan
1 Standard or procedure it's available but not clearness of control item and control point C 80% - 85%
------------------------------------- (Standar atau prosedur tersedia tetapi kontrol item dan kontrol poin tidak jelas) D < 79% Tidak Memadai

2 Standard or procedure it's available, clearness of control item and control point but not smoothly implemented RESULT / COMENT :
------------------------------------- (Standar atau prosedur tersedia, kontrol item dan kontrol poin jelas tetapi implementasi tidak berjalan lancar)
3 Standard or procedure it's available, clearness of control item and control point and smhootly implementaed
AUDITEE DATE :18-------------------------------------
JAN 2022 (Standar atau prosedur tersedia, kontrol item dan kontrol poin jelas serta implementasi berjalan lancar)


Supplier Evaluation Point AAI Evaluation Point
(Self Assessment)
Item Control Item Check PIC Weakness Point
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3

1 Apakah perusahaan memiliki Sistem Manajemen Mutu & Lingkungan (Sertifikat ISO) Ricky Sertifikat ISO 9001:2015 1

Management Apakah ada Visi yang jelas yang ditetapkan oleh manajemen untuk mendukung Kebijakan FKY(MGT)-S003 Filosofi & Misi Perusahaan PT. Fukuyama Indonesia, FKY(MGT)-S002 Kebijakan
System 2 Mutu & lingkungan dan diterjemahkan ke seluruh organisasi. Ricky Mutu PT. Fukuyama Indonesia 2

3 Apakah pemasok telah mengembangkan rencana kontinjensi Ricky FKY(MGT)-F026 Contigency Plan 3

1 Drawing, PIS, QCPC, Inspection Report Bagas Sampling Doc. Part No. 5311D315 4
Quality Control
2 Pemeriksaan kualitas harian & bulanan dilakukan berdasarkan standar Agung FKY(PRD)-F001 Production Checksheet, IR Part No. 5311D315 5

1 Apakah terdapat rencana pelatihan untuk karyawan baru, refresh, dan skill up Reny IK(PGA)-IK002 Recriutment Karyawan, FKY(PGA)-F008 Program Training Schedule 6

Operator 2 Apakah terdapat evaluasi kemampuan pekerja & skill matriks Reny FKY(PGA)-F036 Skill Matrik (Sampling : Skill Matrix QC) 7

3 Apakah ada standar untuk sistem tindak lanjut ketika pekerja tidak terampil bekerja Reny FKY(PGA)-P002 _Prosedur Pelatihan dan Pendidikan 8

1 Apakah instruksi penerimaan inspeksi yang sesuai ditetapkan dan diterapkan Bagas FKY(QA)P.001 Prosedure Inspeksi , FKY (QA)-F001 QCPC 5311D315 9
2 Apakah penyimpanan bahan penerima diatur dan dikelola dengan benar termasuk Bagas FKY(PCM)-P.001 Penerimaan dan Penyimpanan Material, FKY(PCM)-P.002 Prosedure FIFO 10
first-in, first-out

Apakah ada aturan untuk proses produksi (set up production/dandori/pengaturan

1 parameter/pokayoke) Agung FKY(PRD)-P001_Prosedur Produksi, IK Dandori, IK Pokayoke Proximity sensor 11

Machine Control 2 Apakah orang yang bertanggung jawab atas pengaturan (set up / dandori) Agung Production Planing 12
mengkonfirmasi konsistensi antara checksheet produksi dengan operation monitor ?

3 Apakah Anda melakukan dan mencatat inspeksi produk pertama ? Bagas FKY (QA)-F015 IPC 13

1 Apakah ada instruksi kerja untuk "One Cycle Finish" / aturan yang mencegah pekerja Agung OPL one cycle procees by Widi/Agung 14
meletakkan part dan alat di tempat yang tidak tepat bahkan sementara ?
Operation Standard
2 Apakah status part yang belum selesai diidentifikasi saat operator meninggalkan area
kerja termasuk mengidentifikasi part setengah proses dan produk jadi (Finish Good) Agung Based on FKY(PPC)-I001_Production Tag 15

1 Apakah perusahaan memiliki standar kategori loss time (problem mesin, delay supply Ilham FKY(MTN)-F001_Historical Problem & Maintenance, 16
Breakdown time material, problem MP, dsb.) FKY(PCM)-P.004 Pemilihan dan Evaluasi Supplier (regarding material delay)
2 Apakah terdapat check sheet untuk mencatat line stop karena problem mesin Ilham Data break down machine, FKY(MTN)-F007_Schedule Preventive Maintenance 17
Apakah terdapat aktivitas kaizen untuk mencegah berulangnya kerusakan mesin ?

1 Apakah organisasi memelihara fasilitasnya dalam keadaan teratur, bersih, dan diperbaiki Ilham FKY(MTN)-P001_Prosedur Perawatan dan Perbaikan Mesin, 18
sesuai dengan kebutuhan produk dan proses manufaktur FKY(PGA)-P008_Prosedur Pengendalian Infrastruktur

Facility Control & 2 Pemeriksaan dan pencatatan berkala Preventive Maintenance (PM) Ilham FKY(MTN)-F007_Schedule Preventive Maintenance 19
3 Capacity Loading Machine & Man Power Arti Data loading capacity ASKA & kalkulasi MP by Arti 20

4 List Suku Cadang Ilham List spare part Maintenance & Machining by Ilham 21

1 Apakah terdapat aturan untuk traceability / trace back Ricky Based on FKY(PPC)-I001_Production Tag regarding Lot no. 22
2 Catatan untuk proses traceability / trace back Ricky FKY(PPC)-S.002 - Aturan No. Lot 23

1 Bagaimana penanganan produk tidak sesuai jika ditemukan di proses termasuk Bagas FKY (QA)-P004 Prosedur Pengendalian Produk Tidak Sesuai, 24
Penempatan defect part OPL box kuning & merah, Hold area
Product (Internal / 2 Bagaimana prosedur penanganan keluhan pelanggan dan tindakan penanggulangannya Bagas FKY (QA)-P002 Prosedur Penanganan Keluhan Pelanggan 25

3 Apakah biaya ketidaksesuaian dihitung Bagas NG budget & Rework cost by Ricky 26

1 Apakah ada aturan untuk perbaikan / pengerjaan ulang (Repair / Rework) Agung FKY (QA)-F013 Form Hold 27

Repair / Rework 2 Terdapat WI / standar untuk masing-masing perbaikan dan record part repair / rework Agung IK Repair by Widi 28

3 Operator repair / rework part (Skill repair/rework) Agung Skil matrix repair by Widi 29

1 Apakah terdapat perawatan pada sample master Bagas IK/OPL Master Sample by Ricky 30
Sample Product
2 Sample master di identifikasi (tanggal berlaku dan tanggal akhir) Bagas Identifikasi pada sampel master (foto) 31

1 Apakah inspeksi dan kalibrasi alat pengukur dan alat ukur didasarkan pada rencana Bagas FKY (QA)-F007 Daftar dan Jadwal Klaibrasi/Verifikasi alat ukur 32

2 Apakah ada orang yang memenuhi syarat untuk inspeksi dan kalibrasi internal? Bagas Di internal hanya verifikasi alat ukur saja. 33
Tools &
Measurement Apakah ada catatan pemeriksaan/kalibrasi dan apakah ada dokumen catatan untuk
3 mengkonfirmasi hasil kalibrasi ke standar nasional Bagas Sertifikasi Kalibrasi alat ukur 34

4 Apakah ada proses untuk memastikan MSA dilakukan untuk semua peralatan pengukuran Bagas Based on sertifikat alat ukur dari supplier/data verifikasi CF dari Customer 35
dan pengujian sebelum dirilis untuk produksi
Supplier Evaluation Point
(Self Assessment) AAI Evaluation Point
Item Control Item Check PIC Weakness Point
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Apakah memiliki sistem manajemen 4M change change (perubahan desain & perubahan
1 Proses) Bagas FKY (QA)-P005 Prosedur Perubahan Proses dan Produk 36

Process Change 2 Konfirmasi inspeksi pemasok dan catatan produk awal terkait dengan perubahan 4M Bagas FKY (QA)-F015 IPC 37
Control (4M Control
perubahan / Follow up perkembangan dari 4M (Log Book atau Visualisasi board (PIS,QCPC,WI,SDS,and
Henkaten) 3 Bagas FKY(QA)-F024 History 4M by Ricky 38

4 Control board ketika terjadi Henkaten Bagas FKY(QA)-F024 History 4M by Ricky 39

1 Apakah ada organisasi proyek (manajemen proyek) yang didirikan dan apakah tugas & Ricky FKY (QA)-P006 Prosedur Project Baru, FKY(MGT)-F033 Struktur Organisasi (New Project) 40
wewenang ditentukan untuk pemimpin tim dan anggota tim
Management 2 Apakah setiap tahap memiliki ulasan Ricky FKY(MGT)-F036 Matrik New Project 41

Apakah pemindahan proyek dari tahap proyek ke produksi dikendalikan untuk

3 mengamankan peluncuran produk Ricky FKY (QA)-P006 Prosedur Project Baru, FKY (QA)-F015 IPC 42

1 Apakah ada prosedur untuk pemilihan pemasok Ike FKY(PCM)-P.004 Pemilihan dan Evaluasi Supplier 43

Management 2 Apakah kualitas operasi dan layanan eksternal dipantau Ike FKY(PCM)-F.015 - Penilaian Supplier 44

3 Apakah ada proses untuk mengevaluasi kinerja pemasok Ike FKY(PCM)-F.015 - Penilaian Supplier 45

1 MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) Ike Sampling MSDS dari Supplier material 46

Environment / 5s 2 Apakah ada standar evaluasi untuk 5S Reny FKY(PGA)-IK006_ 5S 47

3 Apakah ada standar dan kepatuhan terhadap keselamatan lingkungan kerja Agung FKY(MGT)-F017 Check sheet kepatuhan Operator by Widi/Agung 48

1 Apakah ada prosedur pengiriman, termasuk keselamatan bagi operator dan armada Arti FKY(DEL)-P.001 Pengiriman, FKY(DEL)-IK002_Instruksi Kerja Persiapan Pengiriman 49
Delivery Storage
Production Control
2 Apakah area pengiriman dan pengecekan sebelum pengiriman sesuai dengan spesifikasi Arti Layout PT. Fukuyama Indonesia + Gemba (File Layout minta di Ricky) 50

GRAND TOTAL : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150

SCORE : 0% SCORE : 0%


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