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performance)Research Work and
Journal Writing

Literature or study

This book is entitled Diversity at work "The practice of Inclusion Bernardo M. Ferdman

andBarbara R. Deane. The book give emphasis and shows that not only in industrial -

organizationalpsychology, in human resources, in management, and in related fields, but also in

the world at large,they give emphasis, and widely discussed that diversity matters for organizations and

society and howthey highly accepted it.

In the present and even tomorrow's societies and in workplaces, it is important to eliminate, or

reduce,prevent having discrimination or biases to avoid conflicts, to increase fairness. This can

lead theorganizations to have a better innovation, and better outcomes for more people and for

society as awhole. The cutting edge of diversity practice for different organizations addresses the

challenge ofinclusion in which the organizations and their members or employees are able to

fully connect with,engage, and utilize people across all types of differences.

Diversity does not only have a disadvantage, but also have a advantages only when its practice

andchanges in individual behaviors and attitudes, group norms and approaches, and organizational

policies,and procedures that may result in their people feeling valued, appreciated, respected, listened

to, andengaged both as individuals and as members of multiple social identity groups.

In their research, they show that diversity, represents multiple identity groups and their cultures

inparticular organization or workgroup. Inclusion has emerged as important asset as a approach to

benefitfrom diversity. The term diversity and inclusion are often treated almost like a two side of

the samecoin. That inspite of distinctions and relations between the are not always sufficiently specified.

It also

Author,Dateofpublished&Titleofarticle:Ferdman, B. M., I.,. (2012). Diversity in organization andcross-

cultural work psychology: What if they were more connected?. Industrial and

OrganizationalPsychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 5(3), 323-345.

Key realization and relevance of it to future career in tourism and hospitality workforce

Practicing and discussing that understanding the diversity is important for and

organizationespecially in hospitality industry. It is not a quota, or a social responsibility of a certain

individual, we didnot notice that we instinctively know that it is a pathway where everyone in the

workplace need to walkalong, since this will bring prospects, company culture, employee retention, fight

biases and productivityto our work. As William Sloane Coffin Jr said, “Diiversity may be the hardest thing

for a society to livewith, and perhaps the most dangerous thing for society to be without it. As a

future employee of ahospitality industry, we need to keep in our mind that we do not only want our

selves to improve and doa hardwork to accomplished a certain task that is given but we want our

organizations to reach theirgoals, mission and vision by giving effort and make a fulfilling

experience for its workers. Because wecannot achieve achieved something if we will not work

together because group of people work togetherto achieve their goals in an organization, and can

perform much better when diverse. Discussing andbringing diversity in the workplace is one of the

topmost priorities for business leaders and managersshould do today.


Literature or study

Organizational culture involves the aspirations, experiences, ideology, and values of

anorganization that direct the behavior of members and are reflected in the self-image of members,

innerworkings, interactions with the outside world, and future expectations. Culture is based on

commonattitudes, values, traditions, and written and unwritten rules that have been developed over

time andare considered valid. Although the above cultural concepts express how the term plays

out in theworkplace, other definitions emphasize the interpersonal components of

workers and howorganizational culture specifically affects employee activities within an organization.

Author,Dateofpublished&Titleofarticle:Sawyer, K. (January 18 2021). Importance of Cultural

Diversity in the Workplace

Key realization and relevance of it to future career in tourism and hospitality workforce

As a student of hospitality management, it makes me realize the importance or we can say

therelevance of the organizational culture for a tourism and hospitality workforce. This will allow

eachemployee to be more motivated and responsible in their duty. Or we can say

providing anOrganizational culture in an industry or workforce can result for a continuous

improvement. Forinstances a hotel that promotes the total quality culture will help the workforce to be

obsessed for thequality of services that they provide and also continuous improvement of the


Having a good culture in an organization makes the customer taste of what your business is all

aboutevery time they interact with your staff. And also, having a culture in an organization makes the

flow ofthe system way easier, because employees will love their job, knowing that the

organization is givingthem the culture that they think is reliable for them. So, for the future of

tourism and hospitality


continual improvement and continual quality service for all customer.


Literature or study

The conceptual framework proposes that the development of an inter-organizational

culture,based on initial elements (shared meanings and symbols, openness to new ideas, frequency and

qualityof interactions, role of boundary spanners, past experiences and paths, role of

leadership andasymmetry power), is influenced by inter-organizational relationships, through

intermediate elements(trust related to information, to actions and to people, commitment to actions, to

results and to people,learning processes and results), which will be able to contribute later with

the resultant elements(cooperative practices, new, redefined and strengthened meanings and symbols,

reduction of boundaryspanner role conflict and approximation of companies’ organizational areas).

These elements, andrelations between them, are influenced by the weakening elements (level of

boundary spanner turnoverand non-shared meaning and symbols). Furthermore, this development is

related to the context, beyondthe involved organization (cultural aspects, like other organizational

cultures and elements of nationalcultures, as well as environmental dynamics).

Author,Dateofpublished&Titleofarticle:F. Larentis et. al (2019). Development of Inter-

organizational Culture: The elements

Key realization and relevance of it to future career in tourism and hospitality workforce

I realized that the study of F. Larentis et. al is the same context on the handout/topic that

welearn from this subject, multicultural diversity in workplace, wherein the three elements which

areintial, intermediate and resultant elements are being discussed. But for further realization the

Initialelements is about the foundation of an inter-organizational culture in a workplace because

thiselements is about the shared culture, ideas and relationship of people from one another, without


actions, so employees, top managers and all the leaders and members of departments

shouldknowledgeable enough in performing this first elements early in their first meeting, it can be on

training,seminars and introduction, for them to know what will be the next step and forecast the

conclusion ofsuccess. In the future career I tourism and hospitality workplace, the

development of inter-organizational culture will happen and strengthen if leaders and managers

are able to performed andeducate one another about the company’s one goal and one culture,

because it will be their basis onperforming the whole operations and how to conduct and follow the

culture system in their workplace.Second is intermediate element, it is about being committed, have

integrity and being trust worthy onconducting and applying the knowledge on the Initial element. For

instance, there’s an employee of aburger store, he/she is the one who is trained and knowledgeable

enough on preparing the product, andthey have a culture or rules that they should maintain the

temperature of the burger patty in 160 ℉, butunfortunately, he doesn’t care for that rules instead he has

an own rule that when the burger patty islook cooked, it can be serve, the temperature is not important

for him. On this scenario, he/she shouldfollow it or else he will classify as uncommitted worker that

has a different and violated the rules.He/she is not trust worthy enough since he doesn’t apply

the knowledge/learnings he absorbs inprocedure on initial elements. Though, it is just a small error but

if he/she continuous to execute thatwrong application, the conflict will arise sooner or later. Lastly

the resultant element, it is about theclassifying the overall culture system if from the start at the end

the culture is still strong and executedproperly and effectively. It is where people in the industry identify

if every employee or part of team isworking properly based on the initial and intermediate element. It

can be shown on the feedback of thecustomers, if their first expression and expectations was reached or

extend. Also, it can identify if theirgrowth rate, their sale and probability of success increases. And the

success for resultant elements willidentify if the establishment don’t experience downfall but only


Literature or study

According to Mohr and Sengupta (2002), Learning in inter-organizational relationships rests on

aparadox for researches, academics and managers of organizations. There studies shows that

inter-organizational learning as an extension of organizational learning, developing a knowledge base

that can present real opportunities and can provide new insights for the implementation of strategies

and theconquest of new markets. It also seeks complementary skills to achieve strategic

objectives andmaximize the effectiveness and efficiency in the use of their resources in order to

access and expandtheir participation in the market. According to Amato, Neto (2000), it can also

help increase theircompetitive position. For Hayes and Allinso, in order to understand the

individual learning styles, thecognitive style influence how the members of an organization gather

and interpret the receivedinformation, and how they will be able to incorporated it to their own

mental mindsets, which guidetheir behavior.

In Identifying learning styles, this will allow a better understanding on the preferences of

peoplein relation to learning and will be a basis to design training and development programs with the

purposeof developing a set of abilities and qualifications that may assist and will develop and

empower theorganizational learning.

Author,Dateofpublished&Titleofarticle:Mohr, j. Sengupta, S. Managing the paradox of Inter-firm:

the Role of Governance Mechanisms. The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, [S.l.], v. 17, n. 4, p.

282-301, 2002.
Key realization and relevance of it to future career in tourism and hospitality workforce

Just as inside the workplace, we might encounter various learning styles. Because people differ

inhow they prefer to receive information and what and how strategies they coming with to improve

theirskills. There are employees that may read better than others, while others may process

spokeninformation better. If we will become a future employee especially in the hospitality industry we

shouldhave a goal to train all employees to help them more effectively. We can detect different

learning stylesusually from our directly observing our employees. Yes, it takes time to understand what

each employeeneeds to become a high performer to his/her tasks. We should remember that some

takes time to learnbut once they learned, they can be better and outperform others. That is why we

should take focus tothe different learning styles to our employees.


Literature or study

This study examines whether personality factors influence individuals’ preferences for

raciallydiverse, versus non-diverse, workplaces. We hypothesized that individuals who are high in

openness toexperience, extroversion and agreeableness would be more attracted to a racially

diverse workplace,whereas individuals high in neuroticism and conscientiousness would be less

attracted to a diverseworkplace. Undergraduate participants completed an online survey after viewing

a company fact sheetwith either high or low minority representation among its employees and a

traditional or open companyculture. After viewing the fact sheet, participants indicated the extent

to which they found it anappealing place to work and completed the Big Five Personality Scale.

On average, participantssignificantly preferred the racially diverse workplace to the one that had

few minorities. In addition,participants who were high in openness to experience especially

preferred the racially diverseorganization. These findings are important because they aid in a

better understanding of individualdifferences in workplace preferences, especially as organizations are

trying to become more diverse.

Author,Dateofpublished&Titleofarticle:Tinker, Kaitlin N., (2012). The Role of Personality and

Diverse Workplace Preferences

Key realization and relevance of it to future career in tourism and hospitality workforce

Based on the journal wrote by the author named Kaitlin Tinker, I realized that their study

showsthat the person who had the big 5 personality traits which are high in openness to

experience,extroversion, agreeableness, high in neuroticism and conscientiousness are the one who is

perfectly fitto the workplace that has a multicultural diversity. A person who has an openness to

experiences arethe ones that is able to accept any challenges, seek for adventures and willing to

do out of the box

experiences for them to feel the uniqueness in everything and to learn something from the different

life.Let us make a relevance in the future career in tourism and hospitality workplace, if an

employee ishired as front office clerk in a Hotel, but suddenly conflict arise. The Hotel needs

someone that canhandle back office tasks, a person who has openness to experiences will accept that

changes. He/shewill able to adapt new environment, new task and new people. This personality is

somewhat related onbeing flexible to work, since he/she is able to do different task, it is for them to

learn new things and tohave a more experiences to share and keep on. Second, a person that has

extroversion personality arealso fit in diverse workplace since this person are able to show his/her true

self, share their thoughts,their likes and dislikes without thinking for the judgments of other people. This

person has a big impactand contribution in brainstorming in a workplace scenario. Also agreeableness

personality is includedto 5 big personality traits in diverse workplace because without a person who is

able to understand andaccept the differences of other people, and without a person who is agree in a

right decision, people inthe workplace will don’t have smooth operation and will have no concrete way

to face on. If people arealways disagreed in suggestions and recommendations of others, and will stick to

his/her decision only,the workplace will have a big conflict. Being disagree to an opinion is fine, but if

they’re always dislikethings, and will not seek for the brighter side, the chances of having a right decision

in problem solvingor development will prevent in happening. Lastly is having a high neuroticism and

conscientiousness,these are somewhat the same in having a sensitive personality, wherein they are able

to have empathyand concern on persons feelings, culture, personality and life. But high in neuroticism is

about a personwho has high understanding in deeper level of emotions and feelings like anxiety,

depression, stress,worry, fear, frustration, envy and even jealousy, because on some point they are

related and involved tothe person who experience these emotions or they have it also. On the other

hand, a person who has ahigh conscientiousness is a person has a guilt on doing wrong actions and

decisions, but only seeks ondoing the right things in his/her general life, including in the workplace.

Literature or study

Cross culture is a philosophy that accepts the differences between business people from

variouscountries and backgrounds. With globalization, cross-cultural education has become

important toindustry. In order to be effective, business people working abroad need to understand

subtle differencesin style and substance. Cross-cultural education is perceived to be imperative for

workers acting inmanagerial capacity abroad. Failure to communicate or understand their behavior

effectively withsubordinates can lead to cascading issues within the organization. Cross culture covers

body language,physical contact, and personal space perceptions. Interactions between members of

the opposite sex,even in the business sphere, may be complicated in cultures that adhere to strict

religious standards.

Upon applying in an organization that promotes cross cultural interaction, employees must

gounder the Cross-Cultural training where this training helps raise awareness, break down barriers

andimprove collaboration. Where people will learn the positive intention that through understanding

moreabout one another, we are able to get the best out of each other, regardless of culture. This will

allow theemployees to be aware on what cross cultural and diversity coaching where they will

develop a goodunderstanding between differences.

Author,Dateofpublished&Titleofarticle:Kopp, C. M. (2020, August 28). What You Need to Know

About Cross Culture

Key realization and relevance of it to future career in tourism and hospitality workforce

Having a cross cultural interaction within an organization makes the company more diverse,

whichmeans employees are more different in terms of culture, belief and also religion or we can also say

intheir communication. That is why a cross cultural and diverse coaching is a must, it will allow them to b
guided appropriately for the culture or the benefits of each differences in the company and also for

theirselves. Knowing that in our industry there are still organizations or establishments that is not

promotingthe Multicultural diversity, but in the future purposes of the tourism and hospitality

workforce theyshould established it. for the reason that we are more interacting in different kinds of

people, and alsohaving a diverse organization means we are working with different people in

terms of beliefs, andculture that they have. Having a cross cultural and diverse coaching will make the

workforce in tourismand hospitality industry more reliable and understanding in terms of differences

and for being diverse.This will serve as a preparation for the industry, that differences in an

establishment can be used as aasset for the company, that just need to have a better understanding on

how diverse culture can help theorganization and how coaching will apply to it.

Literature or study

Employee engagement is an approach to the workplace that provides all members of

anorganization with the right conditions to give their best every day, committed to the goals and ideals

oftheir organization, inspired to contribute to organizational progress, with an enhanced sense of

theirown well-being. The engagement of employees is focused on faith, honesty, two-way

dedication andcooperation between an organization and its members. It is a strategy that increases the

probability ofcompany performance, leading to organizational and individual success, efficiency and

well-being. Itcould be assessed. It fluctuates from bad to fantastic. It can be nurtured and heightened

dramatically; itcan be lost and thrown away.

Actively disengaged employees are described as employees who are not just unhappy at

work;they are busy acting out their unhappiness. These workers weaken what their committed co-

workers doevery day. Employee disengagement is linked to employee engagement, these

phenomena are oftenstudied as being linked to each other, and disengagement is often discussed

in the context of itsnegative impact on the company.

Employees who are not involved are not enthusiastic. They don't invest extra time on

helpingteam work. They follow a "wait-and-see attitude" and act in a similar way that needs a

push to join.Workers with a low level of involvement are disinterested and not curious about their

business and theirown place in it. With their managers and co-workers, they often have poor

connections. Disengagedworkers may have a negative impact on the morale and revenues of the

organization. They often havetrouble, they complain, and they have accidents. They can harm the

organization in the way they talk tocustomers, their negative behavior affects the satisfaction of the

client and can lead to the loss of theclient. Disengaged workers are generally dissatisfied at work and

express this feeling actively. The

detrimental effect of such employees continually influences other people in the team and damages

thesuccesses of dedicated workmates.

Author,Dateofpublished&Titleofarticle:Macleod, D. (2019, September 04). What is Employee


Key realization and relevance of it to future career in tourism and hospitality workforce

Handling a diverse organization is quite challenging but upon understanding it can give a

benefitnot just for the organization but for employees. So as an employee or a future leader in a tourism

andhospitality industry I realize that implementing good leadership and motivation for employees

areneeded, because this will benefit the whole organization and it will boost the engagement status of

theemployees on their duty. For the reason that tourism and hospitality employees are far more

underpressure because of the demand of each customer that can lead for unmotivated and

disengagedemployees. So as a leader or an employee we need to show the good communication

and alsomotivation for the employees this will help for the future career of both tourism and

hospitalityworkforce. Each organization should know the reasons why employees are experiencing

disengagementin their organization and plan for the solution and make an organization the engaged on

their duties.

Tinker, Kaitlin N. (2012). The role of personality and diverse workplace preferences. Retrieved
from January 14, 2021

Larentis, Fabiano (2019). Development of Inter-organizational Culture: The elements.

vNIf5VcqUJiPFoZFhXLhXvejgtobTjEYITmfT_iAvy6_sww1CfRF134 on January 15, 2021

Deal T. E. and Kennedy, A. A. (1982, 2000) Corporate Cultures: The Rites and Rituals of Corporate
Life,Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1982; reissue Perseus Books, 2000

Sawyer, K. (n.d.). Importance of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace. Retrieved January 18, 2021,

Kopp, C. M. (2020, August 28). What You Need to Know About Cross Culture. Retrieved January
2021, from

Macleod, D. (2019, September 04). What is Employee Engagement. Retrieved January 19, 2021,

Ferdman, B. M., I.,. (2012). Diversity in organization and cross-cultural work psychology: What if
theywere more connected?. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and
5(3), 323-345.

HAYES, J.; ALLINSON, C. Cognitive Style and the Theory and Practice of Individual and Collective
Learningin Organizations. Human Relations, New York, v. 51, n. 7, p. 847-871, 1998.

MOHR, J. SENGUPTA, S. Managing the paradox of Inter-firm: the Role of Governance Mechanisms. The
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, [S.l.], v. 17, n. 4, p. 282-301, 2002.

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