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 Saving energy is given a high priority as children learn to shoulder their
responsibility for a greener future.
 Both the schools adopted ‘Team Work’ as their working model.
 Solar panels play a key role in saving energy at school.
 Usage of energy efficient appliances is done in both the schools.

 We, at Pawar Public School, Chandivali, INDIA, emphasize on the usage
of staircase as an important Energy Saving Measure.
 In our school, we prefer to utilise the natural sources of energy and keep
the large windows and the doors of the classroom open for more light and
better ventilation.

The EUMIND project gave us an experience of interactive ways to help expand
our knowledge on Saving Energy at School. One of the ways we learnt about
this was through conversing with our peers, the Dutch counterpart of Baken
Park Lyceum School.
Working together as a team could have been a strenuous task, but my group
members were very proactive and supportive. Despite the pandemic, our Dutch
Counterparts complied with our requests. With the help of the Introductory
Video, we got familiarised with our team members and Dutch Counterparts.
The Research helped us learn about different ways of Saving Energy at School.
The EUMIND project also taught me Team Management Skills. We interacted
with the Dutch Counterparts via WhatsApp and had Zoom Meetings with them.
It would have been a pleasure to interact more with the Dutch Counterparts.
Thanks to EUMIND for helping us come up with innovative ways of working
together despite the restraints created by the pandemic.

The best part of this project was the interaction with students from other school
and from another country, the students from Baken park Lyceum school.
EUMIND has given us special and unforgettable memories with practical
knowledge of how to save energy in school. We all divided the work into 5
parts and each one of them did their work on time with the proper and great
guidance of our group leader and our teachers. We used to give suggestions on
each other’s work to make it even better. We, as a group, took each and every
step together with each other’s opinion and corrections. We worked with team
spirit and conducted meetings to discuss some parts of the project. We had
conducted many Zoom meetings, Google Form and made many documents for a
clear visualisation and to give a clear idea to our group mates. We had
conducted meetings with our Dutch counterparts and also communicated with
them thought WhatsApp chats. This project was a memorable one and the most
amazing project because now we have friends from foreign and we exchange a
diverse culture with each other.

In the beginning of the EUMIND project we had made an Introductory Video,
after which we began working on the second part that is the Research part
where our team was co-operative enough to join the scheduled meetings and
complete the tasks given to them before the deadline given to us. Subsequently,
we had a meeting with our Dutch counterpart with whom we interacted online,
starting with our introduction followed by knowing their ways to save energy at
school. It was a marvellous experience, interacting with them. We also have a
WhatsApp group on which we asked a few questions and chatted with them
regarding their project’s progress and related things. We can continue to have
meetings and some sessions with them to know more about each other in a
better way in future. Lastly, we gathered some information regarding the
project from the Dutch counterpart. The information helped us to complete our
project. I would like to thank my group members and the Dutch counterpart to
help us complete this project.

My experience with working as a team in EUMIND, working with the Dutch
counterpart was great and resourceful. Along with improving my teamwork
skills, I learned about saving energy in different ways. Not only did I get to
explore the subject and learn new skills, but I also got to know my Dutch peers
as well. Although it was a knowledgeable learning experience, I hoped we had
more opportunities to interact with the Dutch students. A few more video
conferences perhaps. Other than that, I had an enriching experience working
with my team while learning a ton of interesting things such as methods of
saving energy and how it is saved around the globe. My team members were
extremely patient and cooperative and so were our Dutch peers. Overall, it was
a memorable experience with a prodigious amount of knowledge to pick up on
the way.

Overall, the project was a success, in my opinion. To begin with, all of us made
an Introductory Video in which each one of us introduced ourselves and told
our hobbies. Later, we were given tasks to interview people and listen to their
advice and perspective. We all contacted various people and I personally
contacted an employee from a company and from him I was able to gain some
valuable information on how to save energy. Later, we virtually met our Dutch
counterpart using Zoom Applications and were able to ask them a few questions
and they too asked us some. It was a successful conversation and we all could
share our views on saving energy at our school. We all learnt about their
methods on doing this and were able to communicate afterwards on WhatsApp.
We, all together as a group, made a PowerPoint presentation on the ways to
save energy at school. Overall, it was an enjoyable and innovative way to learn
on this important topic.

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