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I. Because learning becomes easier and more interesting,

information and communication technologies are already
regarded as playing an important role in the teaching-
learning process. A teacher becomes proficient when he
possesses a variety of skills and techniques for providing
effective instruction, which is why teachers nowadays
participate in various digital literacy training programs.

II. ICT used as an ‘assisting tool’ for example while making

assignments, communicating, collecting data
and documentation, and conducting research. Typically, ICT
is used independently from the subject matter.

A. ICT tools contribute to high-quality lessons because they

have the potential to increase student motivation, connect
students to a variety of information sources, support
active in-class and out-of-class learning environments, and
allow instructors to devote more time to facilitation.
B. It has helped me find answers in the past, for example, by
using a web browser or some applications. I plan on using
a translator or grammar checkers.

III. ICT helps in improving professional development and

educational management as well as enhances active learning
of teacher trainees. 

A. When ICT is integrated into lessons, students become

more engaged in their work. This is due to the fact that
technology allows for different ways to make it more fun
and enjoyable to teach the same things in different ways.

B. This role, in my experience, pertains to me when I am

preparing my lesson on TLE for which I was required to
create a slide presentation.

IV. ICT helps teachers to design educational environment.

A. The learning environment is what students take away

from the information they are given during class. A
teacher's job is to make students learn. Physical and
mental strength of students, lack of motivation, students'
backgrounds, course and curriculum design, and
physiological needs can all have an impact on the learning
B. For example, my teacher always ensures that he meets
the three domains of her learning objectives by being
creative in her approach to teaching with digital tools.

V. ICT helps teachers to interact with students.

A. Building a positive relationship with the teacher allows

students to feel more at ease and safe in their classroom
settings. As a result, students are more likely to actively
participate in class and to push themselves academically.

B. Teachers, in my experience, will meet us in Google Meet

to interact with us and communicate through virtual

VI. ICT helps teachers to motivate students and growing interest

in learning.

A. Learners are more motivated when you engage ICT. It

boosts kids' critical thinking abilities.

B. My schoolteacher used to read stories to us, but now she

shows us animated videos.

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