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Producto Integrador de Aprendizaje:

Mi Conexión al Mundo en Otra Lengua II

Natalia Lozano Gómez 2027615
Yolanda Anahí Berlanga 2014505
Johanna Vanessa González 2000520
Danna Paola Morales 1998663

Docente: Silvia Nallely Tamez Guerra

Grupo: 403

Allende, Nuevo León, 14 de Mayo de 2021

The next dialogue will be about 5 friends that two of them want to go
to a concert so much, that to go, they have to pass an exam that
they will present and for this they will put the value of responsibility to
work together with the other three girls and they will teach us the
importance of this value and why we must always put it into practice.
And also, we will see certain themes seen in the previous stages.
Natalia: Paola, let me tell you that I want to go to a concert of my favorite singer,
but my mom told me that I need to pass my next exam if I want to go.
Paola: Well, you would need to study if you really wanted to go. When is the
Natalia: Is on May 22nd, and I will go with my friend Anahi, you know her, don´t
Paola: Oh yeah! I remember her like a chatty person.
(Some days later)
Natalia: Vanessa, we need to study for our exam, I feel a little nervous because
it´s one of our most important exams of these semester.
Vanessa: Let´s go to the library, there we going to see Anahi and Johanna at
(For while Anahi and Johanna)
Anahi: So, you will study with us or you going to stay here watching the ice
hockey game?
Johanna: I´m going to be there at time, promise.
(At midday they meet in the library and start to study but Ilse never arrived, the
next day before the exam)
Danna: Hey! Johanna! You never arrived yesterday at the library, and I don´t
know whatever you will do but you need to have to get ready and get an A.
Johanna: I will study right now, don´t worry about me. (Meanwhile Natalia, Paola
and Vanessa)
Vanessa: Did you study for the exam, didn’t you?
Natalia: Yes, I did. I am doing whatever is necessary just to go to that concert.
Paola: I hear that in the concert the singer will act out in a very different way
never seen before and the performance will be in live in the Europe TV.
(Everyone got in the classroom and answer the exam after they finish)
Anahi: I would get an F if I hadn´t study. That was difficult.
Johanna: You were right it was my responsibility to studied but I rather watch the
hockey game than went with you.
Vanessa: I think it was able to answer it, I feel excited to now If I pass it, how
about you?
Natalia: I felt as the goalkeeper in the last soccer game, nervous…
Paola: At least the High School is not that easy as the movies but just think positive
we´ll get good greats.
(The next day they got results)
Anahi: Ready to know our results and if you are going to meet your favorite
celebrity next month?
Vanessa: If we get some mistakes, don´t worry is just an exam, let´s see our results
Natalia: Well, I get an A, I´m so excited it will be the unbelievable to go to the
concert of my favorite singer at live and with VIP pass!
Johanna: Not too exciting for me… I get a D. I think I will talk with the dean to
have some extra classes for the next exam be ready and get a better great.
Promise the next time I´m going to do my responsibilities first.
Anahi: For now, it´s ok, don’t worry but remember that the school is first of the
whichever sport game.
Natalia: Coming up with a great organization and you could do both things
without any problem.
Being responsible brings us many benefits. It can help you achieve your
goals and objectives in any area of your life. Responsibility allows you to
create values and helps you direct the reins of your life. Being a responsible
person helps us to:
-Be more honest: When we tend to tell the truth, and keep our promises,
the people around us will believe us and they will see us as an honest
-Be more autonomous: Assuming the consequences of our actions will help
us to decide better.
-Be more reliable people: By being responsible, we earn the trust of others.
But more importantly, we will also gain confidence in ourselves. Doing the
right thing will make us feel good. And even if we are wrong, we will be
satisfied because we know that we have done the best we could.
These stages taught us many very important topics and taught us how we
should use them to make it easier for us to speak English and learn it.

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