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CKK Axie Scholarship

Rules, terms and Conditions – version date 02-08-2021

Want to get started playing Axie Infinity, but don’t want to spend (or don’t have) the ETH to
buy Axies yourself yet? Borrow a team of Axies and play to earn!
The CKK Axie Scholarship offers you the opportunity to use one of our high-quality teams of
3 Axies to get started earning Small Love Potions (SLP) without having to purchase the Axies

Please read the following information about the CKK Scholarships carefully. It will help you
to understand the Scholarship agreement based on these rules, terms and conditions very

1. Generalities about the CKK scholarship and the CKK community

a. The information and the rules provided in this document must be known and
followed by every scholar.
b. We, the CKK managers, are committed to build a strong and long-lasting community
of positive like-minded players. The CKK team will do everything possible to help CKK
scholars to improve and to earn more SLP.
c. Every new scholar will receive a short onboarding session to the Scholarship
program. The onboarding session will allow an optimal performance and to set the
conditions for a successful partnership.
d. The CKK management team will be composed of 2 managers and 1 admin
moderator. Both managers have individual duties and plenty of things to do. This is
why we highly suggest that if you have inquiries, read the available info on the
Discord channel first, and only then ask your question in the appropriate channel.
e. In order for you to be able to play without spending any money upfront, we will set
up the player accounts and fill them with capable teams of Axies.
f. It is our goal to create a scholar-manager community with fair partnerships that
benefit all participants and where all members are actively contributing to optimize
the earn-to-play aspect of the game.

2. Rules and expectations for every scholar

a. Every new scholar has to follow the short onboarding session that will be organized
via the CKK Discord channel.
b. It is important that every scholar has enough time to actively play this intricate and
awesome game.
c. We provide a solid playable Axies team that will allow the scholar (you) to easily get
the required SLP quota and even to gain a substantial bonus.
d. When starting, every new scholar will get one week to level up and to get used to
play with the provided team of 3 Axies.
e. After one week getting used to the provided Axie team, every scholar has to gain a
minimum average daily quota of 150 SLP. This results in a weekly (7 days) quota of
minimum 1050 SLP or a biweekly (14 days) quota of minimum 2100 SLP. These
quota can be easily met and are a strict minimum for scholars to ensure that the
provided Axies team is used to its best potential.
f. We will do check-ups regularly, usually every Sunday, to make sure scholars are
playing and fill their quota.
g. In exchange for the scholar's service and play, and to cover our investment of the
team of Axies, we agree to a fair distribution structure of the earned SLP for both
the scholars and the managers. We also implement a merit-based system that will
reward the scholars for exceeding expectations.
h. Reward Structure:

Tier 1 Average between 150 SLP and 250 SLP per day 50 % to scholar
Tier 2 Average above 250 SLP per day 55 % to scholar

The aim of this structure is to allow both partners of the scholarship to benefit and
make a nice return on the investment. The CKK management can make
adjustments to the structure to keep a justified and correct reward split.

i. If after the official first month of playing, a scholar is not earning the required
monthly quota, they will get contacted by the management to investigate the
reasons and their spot in the program may be terminated. We do not expect new
scholars in their first month to hit 7200 SLP (-smiley-) but as from the second
month we do expect people to be hitting the absolute minimum monthly quota of
4500 SLP.
j. Other benefits such as loyalty rewards, performance bonuses and special incentives
for top earners and helpful members may be implemented in the near future. (for
example, scholars that beat the goal can get priority to choose other Axies and gain
rewards for gaining the highest amount of SLP each month, and so on).
Outperforming is a big opportunity for our members to earn extra income.
k. Other Requirements to become a CKK Scholar:
(1) All scholars must be and stay a member of our discord server for as long you
are a scholar.
(2) All players MUST follow the Axie Infinity Terms and Conditions.
(3) All scholars must be able to understand English text and be able to
communicate in basic “gameplay Axie” English.
3. Payments

a. Every scholar must have a private Ronin wallet set up to receive to receive future
payments in SLP. This is a private Ronin wallet account of the scholar which is
different of the one that is used for the gameplay. (Remember to take note of your
seed phrase in a safe, offline place and NEVER share it with anyone – no one but you
need the seed phrase).
b. The rewarded SLP will be paid out monthly to this private Ronin wallet of the scholar
on the 15th and 30th of each month. This payment schedule follows the SLP claim
schedule of 14 days from the game.
c. CKK Managers will pay special attention to the timely claim and payments of the SLP
to the scholars.

4. Scholar Player Accounts Setup

a. IMPORTANT RULE = the “1 player = 1 account” principle:

(1) We follow very strictly the Axie Infinity's Terms and Conditions regarding the
number of accounts allowed:
o This means we follow the rule of maximum 1 account per person.
o Never multi-account. Playing more than one Axie account is not allowed. The
Terms state : “you can only play on one account in any 24-hour”.
o Multi-accounting is when a single player uses multiple devices to earn more
SLP than they should be able to. The game has various detection systems that
will raise flags when they detect multi-accounting. As long as you are playing
the game legitimately you should be fine.
o So bottom line : Use only the provided CKK scholar account on your device
and you should be alright!
(2) This also means, if you have already been accepted into another scholarship
before, you cannot be in our program.
(3) If you own a personal Axie Infinity player account, you must let us know. You will
not be able to farm any SLP on your personal account while participating in our
scholarship program. We welcome everyone to join our community and add to
the conversation but you can not be a scholar if you are active on another
(4) Scholars will not be allowed to be in multiple scholarship programs at the same
time. If you are accepted into our scholarship program, you must leave all other
scholarship waiting lists you are on. You must also not apply for any other
scholarships whilst you are still a scholar here.
(5) If the Axie Infinity official team identifies you as playing multiple accounts, there
is a high risk that all of the Axie’s involved will be permanently banned. This will
result in a loss of our investment. You can NOT join more than one scholarship!
Absolutely NOT! Playing on more than one account is strictly against Axie Infinity
terms and it will get you and the account banned from scholarships.
(6) That is why the CKK Axie Scholar account is the ONLY account you can use. If you
are caught playing on another account, you will be removed from the
community and the SLP is forfeited. The CKK team reserves the right to
terminate any player's place in the program to protect the integrity of the CKK
Community. We work closely with other scholarship managers to try to prevent
this behavior.

b. Setup of the player account for a new scholar (you):

(1) A scholar player-account is created by the CKK management for every new
scholar (you).
(2) During the onboarding process, we provide you with the login credentials so you
can access the game with the Axie Team through the applications (iOs, MacOS,
Android and Windows) and start earning.
(3) The accounts are created for the scholar personally, so you must never share the
account and its credentials with anyone.

5. Useful links to relevant information on the internet or on our Discord

§ Tips to avoid a ban of Axie Infinity

o Do not change the time on your phone to refresh your energy. This is a bannable
o Do not use VPN

6. Axie Scholarship Team Composition

a. Our initial breeding program is focused on creating teams with following capabilities:
§ One Tank Axie = Plant (Cactus, Carrot, Pumpkin, Serious)
§ Two Damage Axies, possibilities =
• Beast (Ronin, Imp, Nut Cracker)
• Bird (Pigeon Post, Little Owl, Eggshell, Swallow)
• Aqua (Oranda, Goldfish, Risky Fish, Koi)
b. However, we cannot guarantee that the provided team will have the exact same
c. Our managers are kind enough to let you exchange your Axies if your Axies are giving
you a hard time, and if other are available.
d. If ever you got an Axie that is not lvl 1 from the start. STOP, don't play for 24-32 hrs.
Inform the moderators, then wait for the signal on what to do and when to play.
There is a risk of getting banned if you play.
7. Closing Statement

Since the CKK managers are generous enough to borrow the Axies to scholars. Please be
responsible enough on taking care of it. We trust you with our Axies teams so please
stay updated to every news so that we can avoid any problems in the future.
Trust is hard to build between parties so make sure not to break our trust by abusing
the account or doing illegal things when using it.
If you do not agree or follow our scholarship rules, we will have to ask you to leave so
we can allow someone else this opportunity. These rules may change so please look out
for updates via our discord.

CKK, Community Founder

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