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Lodz’s scholarship contract

February 4th, 2022

I’m excited to award Axie Infinity Scholarships to deserving and committed applicants.
Through this, I hope that you can achieve a happy and rewarding time with me.
I am looking for scholars with a reasonable degree of knowledge in Axie Infinity, whether it
is through playing experience, reading up, watching streams/videos, friends, etc.
I will be given a team that’s great for PVP, and therefore I will be strict when it comes to
meeting quota, or even beyond.
I am aware that all scholars have their own objectives in applying for the Scholarship. I’ll do
my best to help you to reach them by providing quality resources that found during my
own journey. Then you will be able to help new members of the guild as well.

Terms and conditions

Profit sharing: 50% SLP for scholar, 50% SLP for the manager;65% AXS for scholar,
35% for manager; Top 1000? 90% AXS for scholar, 10% for manager;
Probation Period: 2 week from start
Quota after 2 weeks: Minimum 500 SLP weekly and MMR greater than 1500
1 day off per week after 30 days
Performance Review & Withdrawal: Every 1st and 16th of the month

How am I assessed during the probation period?
Most importantly your constant efforts to progress in Arena. I understand that external
factors may affect your ability to hit quota in some circumstances, I will take that into
account. However, this is not to be taken for granted.
I can terminate whenever I want our contract during these two weeks if I estimate that you
won’t be able to reach the 1500 MMR and quota.

What happens if I do not pass the probation period?

Your scholarship will be rescinded immediately. The SLPs you earned during the period
will still be accorded to you during the next withdrawal date.

When will the next withdrawal and payment be?

To keep things easy, the withdrawals will be made every 1st and 16th of the month.
Payment will be made to your ronin wallet on the same day.

I believe that I deserve a higher profit sharing. What can I do?

I appreciate hard work, results and consistency. If you have clearly demonstrated these (ex:
being constantly above 2000 MMR), you will be given a higher profit sharing. Also I will
improve your team if you demonstrate high skills.


The terms of the Scholarship may be amended by myself at each performance review
date, with notice given to all Scholars.
Best of luck!

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