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In the operating room, a first-time mother named Eliza is currently in labor and is being
told by the gynecologist to push. In doing so, is she consciously contracting her uterus
to expel the baby? Justify your answer based on the muscular composition of the uterus
and what you know about the types of muscular tissues it contains. Explain your answer
in 4 to 5 sentences Indicate the reference/s of your answer.

• No, she is not consciously contracting her uterus to expel

the baby. The uterus is a smooth (and thus, involuntary)
muscle. What she is really contracting are her abdominal
muscles, which in turn help the uterus to move the baby
down. Uterus is actually made up of layers of muscles-
some that go around the uterus and some that go up and
down. The contractions of abdominal muscles pull on the
cervix and help to open it and put pressure on the baby,
helping the baby move downward.
2. The epithelium of the respiratory tract is mostly of the pseudostratified columnar
ciliated type, but in the alveoli, the tiny sacs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are
exchanged between the blood and inhaled air, the epithelium is simple squamous
Explain the functional significance of this histological difference. That is, why do the
alveoli not have the same kind of epithelium as the rest of the respiratory tract? Explain
your answer in 4 to 5 sentences Indicate the the reference/s of your answer.

• The conducting passageways of the respiratory system

(nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi and bronchioles) are lined
by pseudostratified columnar epithelial tissue, which is
ciliated and which includes mucus-secreting goblet cells
and this epithelium is exceedingly thin to facilitate
diffusion of oxygen and CO2. Alveoli possess a lining of
thin squamous epithelium that allows for gas exchange.
• Alveoli are the site of gas exchange in the lungs. Because
rapid diffusion of gases is necessary between the
capillaries and the alveoli, a very thin epithelial layer is
needed. As a result, alveoli use simple squamous
epithelium so that gases can easily diffuses to and from
the bloodstream.
3. Peter suffers from a knee injury involving damage to bone, cartilage and ligaments
because of an accident during basketball practice. What can you tell him about the
healing of these tissues? Explain your answer in 4 to 5 sentences. Indicate the
reference/s of your answer.

• Bone generally restores tissue architecture by

regeneration of the normal cell population while other
connective tissues respond by repair of the injured area.
The wound repair response is generally described by
three major phases: inflammation, reparative (proliferative
or fibroblastic), and remodeling (maturation). Cartilage
wound healing consists of a delicate balance between the
formation of fibrous scar deposition and fibrocartilage;
Ti s s u e r e p a i r c o n s i s t s m a i n l y o f s c a r t i s s u e i f
mesenchymal, progenitor, or fibrocartilage cells are
unable to penetrate the defect.
• Ligaments heal through a distinct sequence of cellular
events that occur through three consecutive phases: the
acute inflammatory phase, the proliferative or
regenerative phase, and the tissue remodeling phase.
Ligament healing is often slow and incomplete.
4. Stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium is an excellent harrier to pathogens in the
epidermis of the skin. Despite the fact that it is such a good barrier, this tissue would not
be suitable for the lining of the trachea or small intestine. Explain your answer in 4 to 5
sentences. Indicate the reference/s of your answer.
• In the keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, the
surface cells are loaded with keratin and they are not
alive anymore. The basal cells are very busy dividing in
order to produce the cells of the upper layers. Areas of
absorption or secretion are served with tissues that moist,
thin, and well served with blood capillaries, therefore
stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium would not be
suitable for the lining of the trachea, as they are hard and
are made up of dead cells that cannot support the
functions carried out by the trachea and small intestine.
• Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium is best suited
on the skin, as it has many layers of fat cells that protect
underlying tissues and surface of the skin.
5. Joe had experienced a recent respiratory infection but felt he was responding well to
over-the counter medications. He still had a low-grade fever, however. He was awakened
during the night with pain in the thoracic region. Fearful that the symptoms might
indicate a heart attack. he called 911 and was transported to the emergency department.
On the way to the hospital, the paramedic advised Joe that his EKG was normal. After all
tests for cardiac illness and pathology returned negative, Joe was sent home on
antibiotics, pain medication, and with recommended bed rest. From your study of tissues
and membranes, what might be the reason for this treatment? Explain your answer in 4
to 5 sentences. Indicate the references of your answer.
• Joe may have pleurisy ( inflammation of the pleura ) as a
result of the respiratory condition. Pleurisy describes the
chest pain syndrome characterized by a sharp chest
cavity pain that worsens with breathing.The pain is
caused by irritation and friction as the lungs rub against
the walls of the chest cavity. Antibiotics will address the
inflammation, and pain medication will reduce the pain
until the inflammation subsides and healing takes place.


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