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On the Velocity in the

Lorentz force Law

By A.K. T. Assis and RM. Peixoto

C lassical electromagnetism is composed of three distinct parts, namely,

(1) Maxwell's equations; (2) Constitutive relations depending on the
medium(1ikeOhm'slawV=RI,D = fE, 1 = (fE,S = )lH , etc.); and (3) the
Lorentz force law. This last one states that a point charge q moving in an ar-
bitrary electromagnetic field is acted on by a force


-> .......... .....

In this equation E E (r, t ) is the electric field at a point r where the charge
~ ~ ~

q is located at the time t, and B = B (r, t) is the magnetic induction at the same
point and at the same time.
Thc velocity -; that appears in Eg. (1) is the instantaneous velocity of the test
charge q. A fundamental question is: Velocity of q relative to what? Of course
position, velocity, and acceleration arc not intrinsic properties of any system, and
any body can have sillluitaneously different velocities relative to different objects.
What is the velocity of a man who is driving a car on a road at 80 km/h? Relative
to his own car it is zero, relative to the Earth it is 80 kmfh, relative to another car
moving in the opposite direction at 60 km/h it is 140 km/h, relative to the Sun it
is approximately 30 km/s, and so on.
Andre K.T. Assis is professor 0/ physics at Physically there are many meaningful possibilities: (A) The velocity of the
the State University o/Campinas (Institute
charge q relative to a fixed ether in space, or relative to an ether at rest in the frame
0/ Physics-DRCC, State University of
Campinas, 13081 Campinas, Sp, Brazil) of the "fixed stars" (like the "aether" of Maxwell and Fresnel 1); (B) Relative to
where he researches Weber s electrodynam- the laboratory or to the Earth; (C) Relative to an inertial frame of reference; (D)
ics, Ampere's force between current ele- Relative to an arbitrary observer, not necessarily an inertial one; (E) Relative to
ments, Mach s principle, and the origin 0/ the macroscopic source of the magnetic field B (a magnet or a wire carrying a
inertia. He spelll the year of 1988 as a post- current /); (F) Relative to an average motion of the microscopic charges which
doctoral fellow at the Culham lAboratory
(UKAEA, England). From October 1991 to generate 8, the electrons; and (G )Relative to the magnetic field. As a matter of
October 1992 he was a visiting scholar at fact, in the dcvelopment of electrodynamics many force laws were proposed with
the Center for Electromagnetics Research different quantities being relevant to them. In Weber's electrodynamics, for
(Northeastern University, Boston, MA instance, which is the oldest of all these models, only the relative velocities and
02115)_ accelerations between interacting charges were important, so that the force always
had the same value for all observcrs. 2- 9 In Clausius's theory, on the other hand,
the force law called for the velocities of the charges relative to an ether. 1o

Standard Presentations
Curiously, when most textbooks introduce the Lorentz force law they do not
state explicitly what the velocity --: in Eg. (I) is relative to. Some examples in
well-known works include:

480 THE PHYSICS TEACHER VOL. 30, NOV. 1992 "On the Velocity in the Lnrentz Force Law·'
• (I) Symon II: "The force exerted by a magnetic ficld on a charged particle
~ ~

at a point r depends on the velocity v of the particle, and is given in terms

-I- -I- -I- -1- .......

ofthemagneticinductionB (r )bytheequationF = qv xB Ic."

• Fcynman 12: "We can write the force 1 on a charge q moving with velocity
....... --'> -I- -+ ......
v as F = q (E + v x B)." "The force on an electric charge depends not
only on where it is, but also on how fast it is moving ... It is possible ... to
write the magnetic force as x B." q-;
• Jackson 13 : "Also essential for consideration of charged particle motion is
the Lorentz force eguation, = + x1 qE q-; B,
that gives the force acting on a
point charge q in the presence of electromagnetic fields." "The total elec-
tromagnetic force on a charge particle is + x 1= qE q--; B."
• Reitz and Milford l4 : "For the purpose of defining the magnetic induction it
is convenient to define 1,
the magnetic force (frequently called the Lorentz
force), as that part of the force exerted on a moving charge which is neither
electrostatic nor mechanical. Thc magnetic induction, is then defined asB,
the vector which satisfies 1
= q--;x B, for all velocities."
• Sears J5 : "Force on a moving charge .... A positive charge q, moving with
velocity v perpendicular to the direction of the induction, is found to
experience a force F in the direction shown, pcrpendicular to its velocity v
and to the induction B. The magnitude of this force is given by F = qvB ....
Evidently, then, the force
on a charge q moving with velocity --; in a
-+ ->-1-

magnetic field of flux density B is in vector notation, F = qv x B ."

• Purcell l6 : "We say that an electric current has associated with it a magnetic
field which pervades the surrounding space. Somc other current, or any
moving charged particle which finds itself in this field experiences a force
proportional to the strength of the magnetic field in that locality. The force
is always perpendicular to the velocity, for a charged particle. The entirc
--'> --'> ...... ->
forceona particle carrying chargeq isgivcn by F = qE + qv x B where
B is the magnetic field. We shall take Eg. (1) as the definition of B."
• Panofsky and Phillips17: "According to Lorentz' electron theory, howevcr,
the only force which has physical significance is a resultant force which
arises from the space-time forces acting on material charges and currents,
namely, those obtained by averaging 1 = q (i + -; x II ). ~
Fabio M. Peixoto is currently fillishing his
After reading all these passages, a curiolls student could ask quite naturally and ulldergraduate courses ill physics at the
with complete reason, "But velocity of the charge q relative to what?" State Ulliversity of Campillos (Institute of
In ouropinion this lack of a clear initial statement on thc meaning of the velocity Physics-DRCC, State University of Cam-
in Eq. (I) is the reason for the confusion of students on this essential aspect of thc pillos, 13081 Campinas, SF, Brazil). Heper-
theory. Vlhen we asked students who had taken courses of electromagnetism formed research ill Weber s electrodynamics
and also has all interest in Mach s principle.
(undergraduate or graduatc) to explain the meaning of--; in Eg. (1) we received
all sorts of answers from (A) to (G) above. At the conclusion of this article we
present a short discussion of the origins and meanings of the expression
q--; B,
x where it is shown that even historically therc have been different

The Meaning o/the li?locity

Of course when we study any of the books citcd, especially the sections dealing
with the special theory of relativity, we grasp the c~ect answer according to the
standard electromagnctic theory, namely, in Eg. (1) v is the velocity of the charge
q relative to an observer or frame of reference. If we apply the Lorcntz force law
together with Newton's second law of motion (1= 11/-::) or with ils analogous
relativistic generalization (F = dp Idt,
--'>...... -+
withp =
-+; 22
mav I I-v Ie ),thenthe
observer or reference frame needs to be an inertial one. If this were stated more

··On the V~locity in the Lorentz Force Law·· VOL. 30, NOV. 1992 IHE PHYSICS TEACHER 481
clearly when the Lorentz force law is presented, students would be Fm q~ x B",' Let us suppose now that the frame
could understand much more easily the interdependence and ~ ~

mutual transfonnation of electric and magnetic fields. This S' is moving relative to the frame S with a velocity v = vq ,
interconnection of and appears only due to this meaning so that in this frame S' the charge q would be seen at rest,
~ ~ ~

of the velocity -; in Eq. (1). Since this velocity is understood namely, v 'q = O. Moreover v '", = -vq , so that the magnetic
as a velocity relative to an inertial observer, fields and E B force in this frame S' would be, according to our last expres-
must also be understood like that, so their values must be sion, F'm= q' [0 - (-~)] x
B'm. Since q' = q and
different in different inertial frames. We can see the necessity
of this if we imagine an inertial frame S in which there is no
Bm if~ we then would get F'm = Fm·

electric field but only a magnetic field, and that a charge q This indicates clearly that the transfonnation properties of
moves relative to this frame S. According to the Lorentz force E and i into E'and B', and vice versa, arise (are necessary)
~ ~ ~

law, it should feel a force given by F '" qv x B. Relative only because -; in the Lorentz force law has different values
to another inertial frame S'-which moves relative to S with in different inertial frames.
the same velocity -;, so that in this frame the charge q is at
rest (-;' = O)-the force would be zero if there were no History of the Magnetic Force
transfonnation of the fields. But the force must exist in all According to Whittaker (pp. 306-310)10 the first to arrive
inertial frames, which means that somehow there must exist at an expression like this (except for the factor 1/2) was J.J.
an electric field If'in the frame S' that will exert a force on Thomson in 1881, two years after Maxwell's death. Thomson
~ ~

q. We present here the general Lorentz transfonnations of the arrived at the expression qv x B 12 when studying theoret-
fields: If in an inertial frame S we have the electric and ically the force of a magnet on a charge q moving through a
magnetic fields given by Eand B,
then in an inertial frame medium characterized by a dielectric constant € and magnetic
S', which moves relative to S with a velocity -;, the fields will permeability /-I. According to him the velocity -; in this
--> --> 18 expression (which he called the "actual velocity" of the
be E ' and B " and these are related to the previous fields by :
charge) was not relative to the magnet or to the observer, but
relative to the medium. III his own words: "It must be re-
E'II E (2)
marked that what we have for convenience called the actual
velocity of the particle is, in fact, the velocity of the particle
B'II ~ B (3) relative to the medium through which it is moving ... [a]

E' =

(E + v x B )
h-lf;c2 .1
- (4)
medium whose magnetic pemleability is /-1:.19 Eight years
later Heaviside, in another theoretical paper, corrected the
factor 1/2 of lllOmson's work. He did not comment on
Thomson's meaning of the velocity -;, so we can assume that
->--> ..... 2 he accepted Thomson's interpretation. This is even more
(B -v xE/c) (5)
B' =
.; 22.1 evident by the title of his work: On the electromagnetic
1- 1 - v Ie
effects due to the motion of electrification through a dielec-
tric. 2o A detailed and careful analysis of the works of Thom-
In these equations the subscripts I I and..l mean the compo-
son and Heaviside can be found in BUchwald's book. 21
nents of the fields parallel and perpendicular to the direction
111eoretical phYSicist Lorentz presented his force law, Eq.
of the velocity -;, respectively. 22
(1), for the first time in 1895. Contrary to the interpretations
As a matter of fact, if-; were, for instance, the velocity of ofl1lOmson and Heaviside, and also contrary to om present-
q relative to the macroscopic source of (let us suppose a B day interpretation, Lorentz maintained that the velocity v in

magnet) then the magnetic force would not change from an Eg. (1) was the velocity of the charge q relative to the ether,
inertial frame S to another inertial frame S' moving with which according to him was in a state of absolute rest relative
velocity -; relative to S. If this were the case the magnetic to the frame of the fixed stars. I This can also be seen in his
-> --> -> -->
component of Eg. (1) would read {; = q (Vq - v,) x B ",' most famous book, The Theory of Electrolls,23 and also ill his
Lectures 011 Theoretical Physics. 24 111e present-day interpre-
where ~ and~! are the velocities of the charge and magnet,
tation that the velocity -; in Eq. (1) is to be understood as the
respectively, relative to an inertial frame of reference. More- velocity of the charge q relarive to an i/tenial frame of
over 8", would be the magnetic field at the position of the reference, the same being true for the electric fields E and
charge q, relative to the magnet (and therefore having the if, appeared for the first time in Einstein's paper of 1905.25
same value to all observers since it would depend only on the There he presents the difference between the old paradigm
position of q relative to the magnet). If in frame S we had of electromagnetism and the new one based on his theory of
~n = 0 (which means that the magnet is at rest in this frame), relativity. It seems that later on Lorentz accepted tllis inter-
then according to our last expression the magnetic force pretation by Einstein.

482 THE PHYSICS TEACHER VOL. 30, NOV. 1992 "On the Velocity in the Lorentz Force Law"
We think that it is very instructive to , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , - - -....
see this conceptual change in the mean-
ing of one of the most utilized expres-
sions of physics. Perhaps this is one of the
reasons for the lack of clarity in the major 1328 W, Palo Alto Ave, • Fresno, CA 93711
part of textbooks when presenting the Phone: (209) 435·5273 • Fax (209) 449·9760
Lorentz force law. &--d~

Acknowledgments Bring your documents alive with a click of the mouse!

Author A.K.T.A. wishestothankFAPESP
and CNPq (Brazil) for their fmancial support. The Art or Physics & Hewitt Drewlt
• comprehensive library of lecture demo
1. A. Pais, Subtle Is the Lord (Oxford Uni- and laboratory equipment
versity Press, Oxford, 1982), p. III. • conveniently organized in HyperCard
2. J.e. Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity
and Magnetism (Dover, New York,
1954), Vol. 2, Chap. 23.
The Art or Biology
3. A. O'Rahilly, Electromagnetic Theory- • comprehensive library of biology graphics
A Critical Examination a/Fundamentals
(Dover, New York, 1965), Vol. 2, Chap. • 195 graphics organized in HyperCard &
II. as 300 dpi PICTfiles • Send for free Demo Disk
4. J.P. Wesley, "Weber's electrodynamics, Available in either Macintosh or IBM compatible formats
Parts I to III," Found. Phys. Lett. 3, 443, '-_ _ _ _............................................................_ _....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....1
5. A.K.T. Assis, "Weber's law and mass
variation," Phys. Lett. A, 136, 277
6. A.K.T. Assis, "Deriving Ampere's law
from Weber's law," HadronicJ. 13,441 (1990).
17. W,K.H. Panofsky and M. Phillips, Classical Electricity and
7. R.A. Clemente and A.K.T. Assis, "Two-body problem for Magnetism (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1964), p. 182.
Weber-like interactions," 1m. J. Thea!: Phys. 30, 537 (I991), 18. Ref. 12, Chap. 26,26.9.
8. A.K.T. Assis and ].1, Caluzi, "A limitation of Weber's law," 19. 1.1. Thomson, "On the electric and magnetic effects produced
Phys. Lett. A. 160,25 (1991). by the motion of electrified bodies," Philos. Mag. 11, 229
9. T.E. Phipps, Jr., 'Toward modemizationofWeber's force law," (1881).
Phys. Essays 3, 414 (1990). 20. O. Heaviside, "On the electromagnetic effects due to the motion
10. E.T. Whittaker, A History of the Theories of Aether and Elec- of electrification through a dielectric," Phi/os. Mag. 27,324
tricity (Humanities Press, New York, 1973), Vol. 1: The Clas- (1889).
sical Theories, pp. 234-235; Also Ref. 3, Vol. I, p. 222. 21. J.Z. Buchwald, From Maxwell to Microphysics-Aspects of
11. K.R. Symon, Mechanics, 3rd ed. (Addison-Wesley, Reading, Electromagnetic Theory in the Last Quarter ofthe Nineteenth
MA, 1971), p, 141. Century (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1985), Appen-
12. R.P. Feynman, R.B. Leighton, and M, Sands, The Feynman dix I.
Lectures on Physics (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1977), 22. H.A. Lorentz, Versuch Einer Theorie der Electrischetl und
Vol. 2, pp. 1.2 and 13.t. Optischen Erscheimmgen in Bewegten Korpern (Brill, Leiden,
13. 1.0, Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, 2nd ed. (Wiley, New 1895), Section 12; H.A, Lorentz, Collecled Papers (Ny hoff,
York, 1975), pp. 2 and 238. the Hague, 1936), Vol. 5, p. L
14. 1.R. Reitz and F.1. Milford, FOllndations 0/ Electromagnetic 23. H.A. Lorentz, The Theory of Electrons (Teubner, Leipzig,
Theory (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1967), p. 148. 1915), pp. 14-15.
15. F.W. Sears, Electriciry and Magnetism (Addison-Wesley, Read- 24. H.A, Lorentz, Lectures Oil Theoretical Physics (MacMillan,
ing, MA, 1958), pp. 227-229. London, 1931), Vol. 3, p, 306; Also, Ref. 3, Vol. 2, p, 563.
16. E.M. Purcell, Ell'ctriciry and Magnetislll, Berkeley Physics 25. A. Einstein, "On electrodynamics of moving bodies," The
Course, Vol. 2 (McGraw-Hili, New York, 1965), p. 150. Principle ofRelativity (Dover, New York, 1952); sec especially

··On the Velocity in the Lort'ntz Force Law" VOL. 30, NOV. 1992 THE PHYSICS TEACHER 483

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