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The third and final documentary that we have watched for the project,
“Bioterror” is on the topic of biological weapons and the threat it poses to the
existence of humanity. Bioterror tells the chilling story of how scientific
advances in germ warfare are fast outstripping the science of detection and
prevention, threatening nations all over the world. The film is a grim reminder
that germ warfare is no longer just a futuristic nightmare, it's a very real
danger to all of us.
Science is taking us into new era of bioterror, with biological warfare having
consequences more terrible than Nuclear Exchange. Silent, Invisible, lethal,
biological weapons attack without warning. Just one small canister of germs
released in right conditions could have the killing power of Hiroshima bomb.

As early as the Middle Ages, the bodies of plague victims were catapulted into
besieged cities to infect the people inside. This can be considered one of the
earliest accounts of use of biological weapons in a way. We had also observed
that Plague is a good basis for germ weapon as it’s highly infectious and it’s
effects on the body can kill within 48 hours.

But it’s a serious concern in the present day, with modern technology making
growing of bacteria cheap and easy. Paul Taylor, (Chemical and Biological
Defence Command, Porton Down, UK) says:
“Any reasonably competent microbiologist could make biological materials and
probably even with minimum number of facilities…. A microbiologist could
make them fairly simply.”

This documentary also put light on One of the deadly agents that can be used
for such war, Anthrax. This bacterium can survive extreme climatic conditions
for up to forty years. Anthrax causes sceptic swellings and blood poisoning. By
the time symptoms are discovered, it’s often too late to save the victim.
Richard Falkenroth, a Harvard Professor, has advised government agencies on
the threat of biological weapons. He says:
“more and more people are simply learning how to work with bacteria and
viruses than they were in past. Most of them are never gonna do anything
harmful with this knowledge but some very very small percentage might….”

Western intelligence reports suggested that Saddam Hussein might have

access to biological weapons. Under the auspices of United Nations inspections
began in order to search for hidden bio-weapon plants. The Iraqis denied
possessing biological weapons, let alone the means to manufacture them. Just
four months later after an Iraqi defector confirmed the UN suspicions was Iraq
forced to admit the supposed pesticide plants were in fact producing anthrax
and other germ agents. Some of the factories have been destroyed but more
others are yet to be discovered.

The first attempt to use bio-weapon in the modern era by terrorists could be
dated to March 20th, 1995 in Tokyo. 5,000 people were injured and 12 killed
after breathing a toxin seeping from packages planted by a Japanese religious
cult named Shinrikyo. It was a chemical attack but the group had plotted
several biological attacks, with members travelling to Zaire during an outbreak
of Ebola fever there. It is worth mentioning that there is no cure for Ebola, with
mortality rate as high as 90%
It’s evident that terrorist groups are becoming more inclined to commit acts of
mass violence through bio-weapons. And if they succeed, the consequences
could be devastating.

We have also learnt about the various ways of defusing a bomb in a suitcase
that can be used to disperse particle (which could be deadly germs), but the
problem with a terrorist biological attack is that we won’t be able to know it
was coming. So, there would be little chance of being able to defuse the
weapon, and although the training is raising awareness, it won’t solve how the
hospitals would cope with a sudden epidemic of an exotic killer.

Genetic targeting is possible probably within the next five to ten years.
Therefore, we have a very opportunity and time scale, to put in place proper
control mechanisms to make sure these weapons are never developed.
The documentary was concluded with stating the fact that “Since the Second
World War, it has been the age of nuclear bomb, but now we are entering a
new age where the threat from biological weapons will loom even larger.”

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