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Nombor pusat/angka
964/1 STPM
One and a half hours( 1 jam 30 minit )



Untuk kegunaan
Bahagian A

Arahan kepada calon 15 soalan

Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian A. Tandakan jawapan
yang betul pada borang Jawapan Aneka Pilihan yang dibekalkan. 17
Jawab semua solan dalam bahagian B. Tulis jawapan dalam Bahagian C
ruang yang disediakan.
Jawab dua soalan sahaja dalam Bahagian C. Anda boleh
menjawab semua soalan tetapi hanya dua jawapan yang pertama akan
diperiksa. Tulis jawapan di dalan helaianjawapan yangdisediakan.
Semua jerja hendaklah ditunjukkan.Bagi jawapan yang berangka,
unit hendaklah dinyatakan di mana-mana yang sesuai. Mulakan setiap
jawapan pada helaian jawapan yang baharu.
Jawapan boleh ditulis dalam bahasa inggeris atau bahasa
Markah untuk tiap-tiap soalan dan bahagian soalan diberikan dalam
tanda [ ]

Kertas soalan ini terdiri daripada halaman bercetak

STPM 964/1
Section A [15 marks]
Answer all questions in this section

1. Which is not true regarding the cellulose molecules?

A. It is made up of the monomer β- glucose.
B. The long straight chain is linked by β-1,4 glycosidic bonds
C. The side branches are linked by β-1,6 glycosidic bonds.
D. Parallel chains are cross-linked by hydrogen bonds.

2. The diagram below shows a lipid molecule.

Which of the following is true about the above molecule?

I Formed by condensation of one glycerol with two hydrocarbon fatty acid chains.
II The third hydroxyl is joined to a phosphate group.
III Both hydrocarbon chains are unsaturated fatty acids.
IV The head end of the molecule is hydrophobic.
A. I and III
B. II and IV
C. III and IV
D. I and II

3. Proteins can act as buffers because

A. they are non polar.
B. they are amphoteric.
C. they are large, colloidal molecules.
D. the amino acids are linked by dipeptide bonds.
4. What is the common function of pilus and capsule in a prokaryotic cell?
A. Movement of the cell.
B. Digestion of the cell.
C. Pathogenicity of the cell.
D. Attachment to the surface of the cell.

5. The table below shows four organelles and their functions.

Organelle Function

P Centrioles (a) Formation of peroxisomes.

Q Microtubules (b) Digestion of ingested food.
R Golgi apparatus (c) Organiser of spindle fibres.
S Lysosomes (d) Main component of cilia and flagella in cell motility.

Which of the following is the correct match for the organelles and their functions?
A (a) (c) (b) (d)
B (c) (d) (a) (b)
C (c) (d) (b) (a)
D (d) (c) (a) (b)

6. Which of the following is not true about the components of a plasma membrane and
their functions?
Components Functions
A. Lecithin - Main component of a plasma membrane.
B. Branching oligosaccharides - Enzymes to catalyse specific reactions.
C. Cholesterol - To stabilise the membrane structure.
D. Protein channels - To transport polar ions and molecules by
facilitated diffusion.

7. The diagram below shows a process in which molecules move through a cell membrane

The process shown is

A. Active transport
B. Simple diffusion
C. Facilitated diffusion
D. Osmosis
8. What is the activation energy in an enzyme-catalysed reaction
A The maximum energy required to start a reaction
B The energy required to activate the enzyme
C The amount of energy needed to bring the reactant into the transition state
D. The amount of energy release in an exergonic reaction

9. Cofactors for enzyme are

A. the protein substance
B. the non- protein substance
C. the protein and non- protein substance
D. the inorganic substance

10. Which of following is a cofactor used by dehydrogenase enzymes ?

A. Coenzyme A
B. Cytochrome
C. Lactate

11. Enzyme X catalyses the following reaction.

Enzyme x
Pyruvate Ethanol + carbon dioxide
Enzyme x is classified as
A. an oxidoreductase
B. a tranferase
C. a lyase
D. a ligase

12. Which of the following are advantages of enzyme immobilization ?

I The enzyme can be reused
II The reaction products are not contaminated by the enzyme
III It sometimes makes the enzyme more stable
IV The characteristics of the enzyme can be altered to increase its effect.
A. I, II and III
B. I, II and IV
C. I, III and IV
D. II, III and IV

13. Which reaction catalysed by pyruvatekinase in glycolysis is correct ?

A. Production of phosphoenol pyruvate
B. Occurs in the mitochondria
C. Breakdown of ATP
D. Its occurs twice for each glucose molecule
14. Which statement is not true of photophosphorylation ?
I. Its occurs in the stroma
II. Its involves in the splitting of high energy phosphate bond
III. Its involves in the transformation of light energy to chemical energy
IV. Its involves in the formation of high energy phosphate
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. III and IV
D. I, III and IV

15. Which statement is true of the light independent stage of photosynthesis ?

A. ATP and NADPH are formed when electrons leave the reaction centres of
B. ATP is required for the conversion of carbon dioxide to triose phosphate sugar
C. Water molecule is required for the formation of oxygen and reduction of carbon
D. Water molecule is oxidised to oxygen and NADP+ is reduced to NADPH
Section B [15 marks]
Answer all questions in this section

16. The diagram below shows a chromatogram produced after the pigment in a chlorophyll
extract are separated by dipping the tip of the filter strip in a solvent.

(a) What is the techniques used in this experiment? [1m]


(b) State one application of the technique named in (a). [1m]


(c) Based on the chromatogram in the diagram above, identify pigments A, B, C and D.
A: ……………………………………
B : …………………………………..
C : …………………………………..
D : …………………………………..

(d) State the factors that affect the movement rate of the pigment. [2m]
(e) Explain why the chlorophyll extract on the filter paper strip has to be placed higher
than the solvent level.

17 (a)Below is Lineweaver-Burk graph for an enzymatic reaction without inhibitor.


[S ]
(a)( i )What is P and Q ?

P:……………………………. Q:…………………………….. [2m]

( ii ) Draw and label a graph to show the effect of noncompetitive inhibitor, on the
same graph above. Explain the graph.




(b)Write an equation of Michaelis – Menten and show that [S] = KM when V ¿

Section C [30 marks]
Answer two questions only in this section.

18 (a) Describe the properties of water which render to be an important medium

for life . (8 marks )

b) Nucleic acids are complex molecules that act as genetic materials. Explain the
differences between DNA and RNA (7 marks)

19. With the aid of a labelled diagram, explain the structure and function of the following
plant tissues :
(a) Parenchyma (5 marks)
(b) Collenchyma (5 marks)
(c) Sclerenchyma (5 marks)

20. (a)Describe the process of ATP formation in the electron transport chain (8 marks)
(b) Describe the effect of cyanide on respiration (7 marks)
2. D
3. B
7 C
8 C
9 B

16. a) Chromatography
b) -To separate photosynthesis pigments from the chlorophyll extract.
//To separate different amino acids from a solution.
c) A : Chlorophyll b
B : Chlorophyll a
C : Xanthophyll
D : Carotene
d) – Molecular size // solubility // charges and adhesion of the macromolecule to the
chromatography medium.
e) To prevent the chlorophyll extract from dissolving into the solvent in the boiling tube.
−1 1
17(a)( i ) P is Q is [2m]
KM V maks


noncompetitive inhibitor
without inhibitor

P [1m]
[S ]
(ii) A noncompetitive binds to a site on the enzyme other than the active site. As a result KM does
not changeunchanged. [1m]
However , Vmax decreases because the noncompetitive inhibitor deforms the configuration of the
enzyme. [1m]
Vmaks [S ]
V= [1m]
K M +[S]
When V ¿
Vmaks Vmaks[ S ]
= [1m]
2 K M +[S]
1 [S ]
2 K M +[S ]
KM + [S] = 2[S]
KM = [S] [1m]

18 a)
-universal solvent
-water is a polar/bipolar/charged molecule
-solubilizes most of biological molecules /medium for biological
reaction/ ionic solids/ nutrient substances
-due to hydrogen bonding
( 1 mark + 1 mark) 2

-high heat capacity/ high latent heat of vapourisation

-good in maintaining against temperature fluctuation/stabilize temperature
-high boiling point (in relation to low molecular weight)
-evaporation leads to cooling effect
(1 mark + 1 mark) 2

-high surface tension

-formation of plasma / micelle
-cohesion and adhesion forces for movement of water up a capillary/capillary action
(1 mark + 1 mark) 2

-maximum density of water at 4°C /ice float on water

-water increases in volume and reduces in density as temperature drops
-this ensure aquatic organism to survive in freezing water/ice is an insulator of heat
(1 mark + 1 mark) 2

-low viscosity
-acts as lubricant//low resistant for movement
(1 mark + 1 mark) 2
[10 marks, maxs : 8 marks]
18 b)
2 long polynucleotide chain Shorter single polynucleotide chain

2 polynucleotide strand coiled around each other to No double helix structure is formed
form a double helix structure
4 Type of nitrogenous bases are: Adenine, Thymine, 4 type of nitrogenous bases are: Adenine,
Cytosine and Guanine Uracil, Cytosine and Guanine
Pentose sugar is deoxyribose Pentose sugar is ribose

Only one type of DNA Exists in 3 types –rRNA,mRNA and tRNA

Mainly present in chromosomes in nucleus and Present in nucleus and cytoplasm

small amount is present in the mitochondria and
molecular mass (100,000 – 150,000,000) molecular mass (20,000 – 2,000,000)

Carries genetic information in the form of genes All the 3 types function in protein synthesis

… Any 7
(a) Parenchyma

Label diagram – 1 M

Structure :
-thin primary cellwall
- Usually spherical and isodiametrics sometimes elongated.
- Large centrally located vacuole with cytoplasm at the periphery.
- Loosely arranged with large amount of intercellular spaces.
- May contain chloroplast.
* ANY 2 - 2 MARKS
Functions :
- Act as a major component of the ground tissue of stems and roots.
- Provide support when the cells are turgid created by the large and centrally located vacuole.
- If contain chloroplast, photosynthesis is carried out.
- Store food such as starch.
- Can be modified into other type of cells such as endodermis.
* ANY 2 - 2 MARKS


(b) Collenchyma

- Polygonal in shape and elongated.
- Uneven thickening of primary cell wall, usually thickened at the corner of the cell wall to form
angular collenchyma.
- Cell wall is not lignified/made of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin
- Compact arrangement with no intercellular spaces or very small intercellular space.
- May contain chloroplast.
* ANY 2 – 2 MARKS
Functions :
- Collenchyma cells with uneven thickening act as supporting tissue by providing mechanical
strength and flexibility.
- If contain chloroplast, photosynthesis is carried out.


(c) Sclerenchyma

Structure :
- Two types (Sclerenchyma fibres and sclereids/stone cells)
- Mature cells are dead and contain no protoplast.
- Thick lignified secondary cell walls.
- Small and empty lumen.
- Sclerenchyma fibres are polygonal and elongated with tapered ends.
- Tightly packed with no intercellular spaces.
* ANY 2 – 2 MARKS

Functions :
- Thick lignified cell walls act as supporting tissue by providing mechanical strength and rigidity
to plants.
- Sclereids which have thick lignified cell walls protect the seeds.


 Hydrogen atoms are released from reduced NAD+/NADH and reduced FAD/FADH2
 H atoms split into protons and electrons
 Electrons move along ETC losing energy at each carrier
 NADH transfer e to Flavoprotein(FAD)
 Flavoprotein is reduced
 H ions is released to intermembrane space
 Flavoprotein transfer electron to Ubiquinone(coenzyme Q)
 Flavoprotein is oxidized and Ubiquinone is reduced
 Ubiquinone transfer electron to Cytochrome complex
 Ubiquinone is oxidized and Cytochrome complex is reduced
 Cytochrome complex transfer electron to Oxygen
 Cytochrome complex is oxidized and Oxygen is reduced
 Water is produced

 This energy is used by the electron carriers to pump protons from mitochondrial matrix
into intermembrane space
 Concentration of protons is higher in in the intermembrane space forming an
electrochemical gradient
 Protons move down the electrochemical gradient back into mitochondrial matrix via
ATP synthase
 This movement drives the synthesis of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate
 The movement of H+ ions across a membrane,which generates ATP is called

Effect of cyanide to ETC

-cyanide inhibits cytocrome oxidase

-prevents transfer of electrons from cytochrome a to oxygen
-blocks further transfer of electrons
-no proton gradients will be established/ no chemiosmosis
- halting / stop ATP production
-NADH not reduced to NAD+
-no oxidation of pyruvic acid to acetyl CoA
-FADH2 is not reduced to FAD
-NAD+ and FAD are not available to accept electrons for oxidation in the Krebs Cycle
-causing cellular respiration in mitochondria to come to a halt
Nombor kad pengenalan……….……………….. Nombor pusat/angka
964/3 STPM
One and a half hours( 1 jam 30 minit )

Arahan kepada calon NEGERI
Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian A. Tandakan jawapan SIJIL TINGGI
yang betul pada borang Jawapan Aneka Pilihan yang dibekalkan. PERSEKOLAHAN
Jawab semua solan dalam bahagian B. Tulis jawapan dalam
ruang yang disediakan. MALAYSIA
Jawab dua soalan sahaja dalam Bahagian C. Anda boleh (MALAYSIA HIGHER
menjawab semua soalan tetapi hanya dua jawapan yang pertama akan SCHOOL CERTIFICATE)
diperiksa. Tulis jawapan di dalan helaianjawapan yangdisediakan.
Semua jerja hendaklah ditunjukkan.Bagi jawapan yang berangka,
unit hendaklah dinyatakan di mana-mana yang sesuai. Mulakan setiap Untuk kegunaan
jawapan pada helaian jawapan yang baharu. Bahagian A
Jawapan boleh ditulis dalam bahasa inggeris atau bahasa
15 soalan
Markah untuk tiap-tiap soalan dan bahagian soalan diberikan dalam Bahagian B
tanda [ ] 16


Bahagian C


Kertas soalan ini terdiri daripada halaman bercetak

STPM 964/1
Section A [15 marks]
Answer all questions in this section

1. Which levels of biological diversity correspond to their explanation?

Genetic Species Ecosystem
diversity Diversity diversity

2. Which of the following is the most important reason for the decline in biodiversity?
A Destruction of habitat
B Introduction of exotic species
C Over-exploitation
D Pollution

3. The diagram below shows a summary of the phosphorus cycle. L, M, N and O are
processes that occur in the cycle.

Plants Animals

Dissolved phosphates

Shallow marine deposits Inorganic phosphates in rock

Deep marine deposits O

Which of the following is true of L, M, N and O?

A Decompositio Active transport Geological land Erosion
n uplift
B Erosion Geological land Decomposition Active transport
C Geological Erosion Active transport Decomposition
land uplift
D Active Decomposition Erosion Geological land
transport uplift

4. The characteristics of r and K strategies are given below

I The number of offspring is large.
II The life span is long.
III Parental care is practised.
IV Body size is small.

Which characteristics correspond with r and K strategies correctly?

r-strategy K-strategy
A. I and II III and IV
B. I and IV II and III
C. II and IV I and IV
D. III and IV I and II

5. Carrying capacity is
A. the minimum population size that can be supported by its environment under certain
B. the maximum population size that can be supported by its environment under certain
C. the individual birth rate in a population
D. the individual death rate in a population

6. Which is not an example of adaptive radiation?

A. Pentadactyl limbs in mammals
B. Marsupial mammals in Australia
C. Melanic peppered moths in industrialised areas
D. Beaks of Darwin’s finches in Galapagos Island
7. In Drosophila,allele for short leg (p) is recessive to the allele for normal leg (P) and allele
for hairy body (l) is recessive to allele for normal body (L).From the cross of PPLl X
Ppll,what is the expected ratio of the progeny that shows the normal phenotype for both
A 1/16
B 1/8
C 3/16
D 1/2
8. The table below shows the value of chromosome crossing over between linked genes.
Linked genes pair PQ PR PS QR QS RS
Value of chromosome crossing over (%) 60 10 20 70 40 30
The genes sequence on the chromosome is
9. The system of MN blood group in human is dependent on the inheritance of a pair of
alleles.There are three blood groups in this system,namely M, MN and N.The blood
group of a sample of 416 peoples living on an island has been studied.The dispersion of
their blood group that has been obtained is as below:
Blood group Number of peoples
M 238
MN 152
N 26
What are the frequencies of alleles M and N for the samples of the people on the island?
A 0.30 0.70
B 0.50 0.50
C 0.60 0.40
D 0.75 0.25

10 Which of the following statements is/are true concerning the investigation of the genetic
I The investigation of Hershey and Chase deduced that the genetic material is DNA, not
II The investigation of Griffith deduced that the genetic material is DNA, not protein.
III The investigation of Meselson and Stahl deduced that the genetic material is RNA, not
IV The investigation of Avery and his friends deduced that the genetic material is RNA,
not protein.
A I only
B I and II
C I and IV
D II and IV

11. The table below shows

the genetic codes in the
protein synthesis.
Which of this is the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide that has been formed
A His-Ser-Leu-Val-Tyr
B Thr-His-Glu-Arg-Val
C Tyr-Val-Leu-Ser-His
D Asp-Ser-Leu-Met-Gly

12. What are the components of lactose operon?

Regulatory gene Operator gene promoter gene Structural genes
A No Yes Yes Yes
B Yes No Yes Yes
C Yes Yes No Yes
D Yes Yes Yes Yes

13. Which enzyme is used to cut DNA in genetic engineering ?

A. DNA ligase
B. Restriction endonuclease
C. DNA polymerase
D. Exonuclease

14. Which about the characteristics of genetic code is correct ?

I. AUG is not the only codon for methionine
II. The genetic code is non-overlapping
III. Almost all genetic codes degenerate
IV. Codon could be ambiguous
A. I and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II and IV

15. Which are true of the advantages of transgenic plants ?

I. Create superweeds
II. Delay the ripening of fruits
III. Reduce weed species on farmlands
IV. Resistant to insecticides
A. II and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II and IV

Section B [15 marks]

Answer all questions in this section.
Write the answers in the spaces provided.

16. The diagram below shows the flow of energy through a forest ecosystem (All figures in



Producer to Detritus (2228)

a) How is energy made available to the primary consumer ? [ 1 mark ]

b) Calculate the efficiency of energy transfer between the secondary consumers and tertiary
consumers using the formula [ 1 mark ]

c) What are the advantages of omnivores such as monkeys that feed on different trophic
levels? [ 2 marks ]
d) Explain how abiotic factor affect the energy flow [ 1 mark ]

e) Explain how biotic factor affect the energy flow [ 1 mark ]


f) Explain the relationship of energy flow and carbon cycle [ 2 marks ]


17. The pedigree below shows the inheritance of red-green colour blindness.Red-green
colour blindness is a sex-linked recessive condition.The gene for colour blindness is
carried on the X chromosome.
(a) Why a son has higher chance to get red-green colour blindness trait compare to a
daughter when their mother is a red-green colour blindness female? [2 marks]
(b) Assuming that the alleles B and b control the expression of the trait,state the genotype
of the following individuals labeled A,B,C. [3 marks]


(c) By means of a genetic diagram,what is the probability of a normal vision father and a
red-green colour blindness mother having red-green colour blindness son? [3

Section C [30 marks]

Answer two questions only in this section.

18. (a) Define biological nomenclature and explain how organisms are named using
the Binomial system of nomenclature. (5 marks)
(b) Describe the morphological characteristics of the following phyla:
(i) Platyhelminthes (5 marks)
(ii) Mollusca (5 marks)

19. (a) Describe the estimation involved in the quantitative population (6 marks)
(b) Explain how total mice population can be estimated in a habitat (9 marks)
20 (a) Explain three types of natural selection with the aid of separate graphs and
suitable examples. . (9 marks)
(b) Based on founder effect, describe how genetic drift occurs in a named population.
(6 marks)

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. D
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. C

Scheme Answer
16 a) Its is through photosynthesis by producers in the form of biomass
b) 228/3838 X 100 = 5.94 %
c) They are provided with more types of food. The chance for them to survive would
be better if one type of food is wiped out
d) One factor is drough when there is no water. The plants/producer does not grow well and
some die/ When there is increase in temperature that kill some temperature sensitive
e) One factor is increase in the number of herbivores. This will destroy more plants
and less energy flow to the consumer/ Disease will decrease the number of organism at
any level and stop the energy flow
a) The energy from the sun is trapped by producer by fixing carbon dioxide, converting it
into chemical energy in the form of carbohydrates, mainly cellulose, is passed on to the

17.(a) X-linked trait passes from mother to the hemizygous son (XY) because male inherits his
X chromosome from his mother and Y chromosome from his father
(b)A – X Y

B – XBXb
C – XBXb [3marks]

Parent phenotype: Normal vision father X Red-green colour blindness
Parent genotype : XBY X Xb Xb 1m
Meiosis :

Gametes : XB Y Xb Xb
Random fertilization:
F1 genotype : XBXb XbY XB Xb XY
F1 phenotype : Female carrier:Male :Female carrier:Male 1m
colour colour

blind blind

Probability of having red green colour blindness son = 2/4 = 1/2 1m

18. a)
 Nomenclature is a way of naming organisms scientifically based on bionomical
 A scientific name consists of the genus name and species name.
 The genus name begin with capital letter, while species name consists of small letter.
 The two names must be presented in italic if typed and if written, the genus and
species name must be underlined separately.
 All the scientific names are in Latin(to ensure uniformity).
(5 marks)

(i) Platyhelminthes
 Body contains no internal cavity
 Their bodies are dorsoventrally flattened
 Acoelomates
 Possesses a blind gut i.e. it has a mouth but no anus
 Has Protonephridial excretory organs ending in flame cells instead of an anus
 Lacks both respiratory and circulatory system

*max 5 marks

(ii) Mollusca
 Soft bodies
 Body possesses true gut with mouth and anus
 Mantle may secrete a calcareous shell (some without shell)
 Unsegmented body divided into head, muscular foot and visceral mass
 Has radula teeth
 Main body cavity is haemocoel
 Coelomate
 Has complete digestive tract with digestive glands
 Has an open circulatory system (heart with 2 chambers) in most groups but closed in
 Excretory system (kidney-like nephridia)
*max 5 marks

19(a)Relative estimation 1
Quadrat and line transects 1
-plant communities 1
-sessile animals 1
-animals that move slowly, like mollusks 1
Max 3
(b)Absolute estimation 1
Capture-mark-release and recapture 1
- animals move from one place to another 1
- hide 1
- cannot be counted directly 1
Max 3
(b)-captured 1
-marked using metal marking rings or paint patches 1
-released 1
-few days (about 3 days) 1
-captured again 1
-number of marked individuals recorded 1

Total population = Number in first sample x number in second sample 1

Number of marked individuals recaptured in second sample

The number of field mice captured, marked and released into the field = 50 1
The number of field mice captured in a second sample after 3 days = 100 1
The number of marked field mice recaptured in the second sample = 20 1
Total mice population = 50 x 100 = 250 1
Max 9
Total 15

20(a) Natural selection:

1. Stabilising selection
-Stabilising selection favours the intermediate phenotype 1
and tends to eliminate the extreme phenotypes (extreme
groups) from the population.
-Environmental pressure act to eliminate the two
extreme groups. The intermediate group is selected.
This will cause the normal frequency distribution curve
to become narrower. 1
- Draw stabiling selection graph 1
-eg. : Human baby birth weight 1
Max =3

2. Directional Selection
- Direction selection favours individuals on one end of
the phenotypic extreme and results in a shift of the min
either to the right or to the left. 1
- It occurs in response to changes in the environment.
Environmental changes favor the selection of more
suitable phenotypes, causing the normal distribution to shift. 1
- Draw directional selection graph 1
- Eg: 1. Industrial melanism for Biston bitularia (peppered moth). 1
Max = 3

3. Disruptive Selection
- is a form of natural selection in which the two extreme types
are selected but act against the intermediate group. 1
-occurs when environmental conditions fluctuate between
two opposite extreme values 1
- Draw disruptive selection graph 1
eg: Limited foods supply during a severe drought caused a 1
population of Galapagos finches to undergo disruptive
selection. The finch population initially exhibited a variety
of beak sizes & shapes.
Max = 3
Total = 9

(b) - founder effect is genetic drift that occurs when a small population 1
is isolated/dispersed/migrated from the larger main population
- the smaller the population , the grater the effect of genetic drift 1
- the founding population/new population that started from a small 1
number of pioneer individuals is likely to have gene pool that
is not a representative of the original population
- there may be a loss of some alleles from the new population 1
- sometimes rare alleles that a present in low frequencies in the 1
original population may now be of higher frequencies in the
new population
- genetic drift occurs and there is an extreme effect on the genetic 1
diversity in the population
- the barriers that result in separation of the population may be 1
physical or behavioural
- continuous breeding in the pioneer population produces changes 1
in frequencies of alleles and genotypes for adaptation to different
environmental conditions
- the pioneer population become a new species and cannot breed 1
with members of original population
- eg Baikal seal of freshwater seal evolved from a saltwater seal 1
that stranded when a sea passage linking Lake Baikal with
Artic Ocean was cut off/
- eg dispersal of organism from mainland to oceanic islands such
as Galapagos tortoises/finches inhibiting Galapagos Islands
Max = 6

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