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Submitted to the English Teaching Department
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty
as a Requirement to Obtain Bachelor Degree

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Reg. No. 15 300 400 034



Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Fandi Ahmad
NIM : 15 3004 000 34
Program Studi : Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa SKRIPSI yang berjudul: “STRATEGIES
sendiri, bukan plagiat, kecuali yang dicantumkan sumbernya
Apabila di kemudian hari terbukti sebagai plagiat, maka bersedia menerima
sanksi sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. Demikian surat pernyataan ini
dibuat dengan sebenarnya untuk digunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Batusangkar, September
Yang membuat pernyataan

Fandi Ahmad
NIM. 15 3004 000 34


Pembimbing skripsi atas nama FANDI AHMAD, 15300400034, dengan

memandang bahwa SKRIPSI yang bersangkutan telah memenuhi persyaratan
untuk diajukan kesidang munaqasah.
Demikianlah persetujuan ini diberikan untuk dapat dipergunakan
sebagaimana mestinya.

Batusangkar, 27 Agustus 2020



NIP. 19730121 200003 2 001


This thesis was written by FANDI AHMAD, Reg. No. 15 3004 00034, entitled:
been examined by board of examiners of English Teaching Department of
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of IAIN Batusangkar on Wednesday,
September 2, 2020 and approved to be accepted as requirement to obtain Bachelor
Degree in Teaching English.

No. Names Position Signature Date

1. Dr. Rita Erlinda, M.Pd Advisor
NIP. 19730121 200003 2 001
2. Dr. Suswati Hendriani, M.Pd, M.Pd Examiner
NIP. 19660914 199203 2 003

Batusangkar, September 2020

Approved by,
Dean of Tarbiyah and
Teacher Training Faculty
State Institute Islamic Studies (IAIN)

Dr. Adripen, M.Pd

NIP. 19650504 199303 1 003


Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, first and foremost, the researcher would like

to express his thankfulness to Allah SWT Who has blessed him in finishing this
BATUSANGKAR”. Then, Shalawat and Salam are delivered to the prophet
Muhammad SAW who left mankind two heritages; al-Qur’an and sunnah, so that
they can learn from both of those to be glorious servant in this world.
This thesis is written as one of the requirements to obtain undergraduate
degree (S1) of English Department of IAIN Batusangkar. The writer realizes that
this thesis is still far from perfection, and the completion of this thesis is
inseparable from the help of many parties, with all humility and respect, the writer
would like to thank all those who have helped him in writing this thesis to the
completion. First, he would like to express his special honor to Ibu Dr. Rita
Erlinda, M.Pd as his advisor who have guided the writer during the process of
thesis from the first untill right now. Next, he also wants to say thankyou to Ibu
Dr. Suswati Hendriani, M.Pd, M.Pd as reviewer of this research who has given
contribution and suggestion to accomplish this thesis. Then, he also wants to say
thanks to Ibu Dr. Rita Erlinda, M.Pd, Ibu Yuliana Kasuma, SS., M.Pd, and Mr.
Arjus Putra., M.Pd as validators of the instrument of this research who have
provided validation to the instrument in this research. Then, he also wants to say
thanks to the respondents who have been willing and helping him in collecting
Moreover, the deepest thanks also goes to the head of English Teaching
Department, Ibu Yulnetri, SS, M. Pd and Ibu Nina Suzanne, M.Pd for facilitating
him in his research and permissions to conduct this research. He would like to
thanks to all of lecturers of English Teaching Department of IAIN Batusangkar
for their helps during studying at this Department. Next, he wants to express his
massive thanks to Dr. Rita Erlinda, M.Pd as his academic advisor who always

gives advice to him during his study. Then, he also thanks to staff of English
Teaching Department, Kak Anggi Rahmadika, S. Pd.I who helped
administratively during writing this thesis. Next, he also thanks to Dean of
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, Bapak Dr. Adripen, M.Pd, who has given
assistances to him during academic years. Then, his deepest gratitude is addressed
to Rector of IAIN Batusangkar Bapak Dr. Marjoni Imamora, M.Sc who has given
chance for him study at IAIN Batusangkar untill he got the bachelor degree.
The writer wishes to show his love and gratitude to his beloved father,
Vasmuker and mother, Desi Arianti and his beloved brother and sister; Rio
Ferdiansah, Irwansyah (Alm.) and Nadia Az-Zahra who have given guidance and
support in finishing his study. Then, he really appreciates for his beloved
grandfather from his mother’s family, Bapak H. Buyung and grandmother Ibu Hj.
Wartati, also his grandmother and cousin from his father’s family, Nenek Mian
and Putri Chania who have given supports in every process of his study.
Futhermore, he also delivers his massive thankyou to his beloved friends
Rizky Aulia, Ichsan Dafha, Nabila Swestika Ulya, Apri Nurul Iman, Hardisa Putri,
Ilmalana, Nora Karmila, Refky Michael Kiehl, Rizki Ilahi Putra, Yogi Guntara,
Nurirfandi, Fajar Dimas Muhammad Azhar, Wendi Erik Manurung and all
members TBI’ 15 especially for B class that the researcher can not mention one
by one. Last but not least, his best friends ever, Rava Sonia Salsabila, Jhito
Samudra, Indah Putri Nesia, Ratih Dwi Ningsih, Ranti Juliani, Fatur Ichsan, Susi
Febriana, Deno Alfianto who have given supports in every process of his study.
Batusangkar, 29 July 2020
The researcher,

Fandi Ahmad
Reg. No. 15 3004 00034

Fandi Ahmad. NIM 15 3004 00034. Judul skripsi: “STRATEGIES OF
Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, Institut Agama Islam
Negeri (IAIN) Batusangkar.
Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah terbatasnya penggunaan
ungkapan dalam menyampaikan thanking strategy sehingga dapat menyebabkan
pragmatic failure pada mahasiswa Jurusan Tadris di IAIN Batusangkar. Penelitian
ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis thanking strategy apa saja yang digunakan oleh
mahasiswa jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode descriptive quantitative, dengan
menggunakan cross sectional design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah
mahasiswa semester 7 yang berjumlah 61 orang. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti
menggunakan teknik total sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian
ini adalah Written Discourse Completion Test (WDCT). Hasil dari validitas
instrumen dengan hasil secara umum 0,96 (high), sedangkan hasil validasi dari
masing-masing validator adalah 1 (high) untuk aspek pertama, 1 (high) untuk
aspek kedua, 1 (high) untuk aspek ketiga, dan 0,93 (high) untuk keempat. Hasil
reliability instrument adalah 0,60 (moderate agreement). Setelah itu peneliti
menyebarkan WDCT via google form kepada sample.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa strategi dari simple thanking yaitu
thankyou strategy muncul 106 kali dengan persentase 21%, thanks strategy
muncul 52 kali dengan persentase 10,7% dan elaborated thanking yaitu thanking
intensifier strategy muncul 163 kali dengan persentase 33,4%, thanking for
(reason) strategy muncul sebanyak 108 kali dengan persentase 22,1% dan
thanking intensifier for (reason) strategy muncul sebanyak 18 kali dengan
persentase 3,7%. Dari penjelasan di atas, strategi yang paling sering digunakan
oleh responden adalah thanking intensifier yang merupakan bagian dari strategi
elaborated thanking dengan total berdasarkan respon dari 61 orang responden
sebanyak 163 kali digunakan dengan presentase 33,4%. Mahasiswa banyak
menggunakan strategi ini karna strategi adalah cara termudah dan yang paling
umum digunakan serta sesuai dalam situasi apapun, dengan contoh seperti kata
“thankyou very much, thankyou so much”.

Table of Contents
COVER ....................................................................................................................
SURAT PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI ................................................i
PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING ...................................................................... ii
THESIS EXAMINERS’ APPROVAL .............................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................iv
Table of Contents ............................................................................................... vii
List of Tables ........................................................................................................ix
List of Histograms ................................................................................................. x
List of Appendices ................................................................................................xi
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION......................................................................... 1
A. Background of the Problem ............................................................................. 1
B. Identification of the Problem ........................................................................... 7
C. Limitation of the Problem................................................................................ 7
D. Definition of Key Terms ................................................................................. 7
E. Purpose of the Research ................................................................................... 8
F. Significance of the Research ............................................................................ 8
CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .............................. 10
A. Review of Related Literature ........................................................................ 10
1. Pragmatics and ELT (English Language Teaching) ................................... 10
a. Definitions of Pragmatics ....................................................................... 10
b. Importance of Teaching Pragmatics for EFL Learners .......................... 12
c. Pragmatics Competence for EFL Learners ............................................. 12
d. The Scope of Pragmatics ........................................................................ 14
2. Speech Acts ............................................................................................... 15
a. Definition of Speech Acts ....................................................................... 15
b. Levels of Speech Acts ............................................................................ 17
c. Classification of Speech Acts ................................................................. 23
3. The Speech Acts of Thanking ................................................................... 24
B. Review of Related Studies ............................................................................. 34

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................... 36
A. Research Design ............................................................................................ 36
B. Population and Sample .................................................................................. 36
C. Research Instrument ...................................................................................... 37
D. Technique of Data Collection........................................................................ 42
E. Research Procedure........................................................................................ 42
F. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................................... 43
A. Research Finding .......................................................................................... 46
B. Discussion ..................................................................................................... 71
CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ..................................... 76
A. Conclusion .................................................................................................... 76
B. Suggestion .................................................................................................... 76
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 78
APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 82

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Types of Thanking Strategies ............................................................... 29

Table 2.2 Thanking Strategies............................................................................... 32
Table 3.1 Population of The research ................................................................... 37
Table 3.2 Data Classification ................................................................................ 44
Table 3.3 Code for Thanking Strategies ............................................................... 44
Table 4.1 Total Frequency of Thanking Strategy ................................................. 46
Table 4.2 Thanking Strategies used by EFL Students in Item 1 ........................... 48
Table 4.3 Frequency of Thanking Strategy in Item 1 ........................................... 49
Table 4.4 Thanking Strategies used by EFL Students in Item 2 ........................... 51
Table 4.5 Frequency of Thanking Strategy in Item 2 ........................................... 52
Table 4.6 Thanking Strategies used by EFL Students in Item 3 ........................... 54
Table 4.7 Frequency of Thanking Strategy in Item 3 ........................................... 55
Table 4.8 Thanking Strategies used by EFL Students in Item 4 ........................... 57
Table 4.9 Frequency of Thanking Strategy in Item 4 ........................................... 58
Table 4.10 Thanking Strategies used by EFL Students in Item 5 ......................... 60
Table 4.11 Frequency of Thanking Strategy in Item 5 ......................................... 61
Table 4.12 Thanking Strategies used by EFL Students in Item 6 ......................... 63
Table 4.13 Frequency of Thanking Strategy in Item 6 ......................................... 64
Table 4.14 Thanking Strategies used by EFL Students in Item 7 ......................... 66
Table 4.15 Frequency of Thanking Strategy in Item 7 ......................................... 67
Table 4.16 Thanking Strategies used by EFL Students in Item 8 ......................... 69
Table 4.17 Frequency of Thanking Strategy in Item 9 ......................................... 70

List of Histograms

Histogram 4.1 Total Percentage of Thanking Strategies ...................................... 47

Histogram 4.2 Percentage of Thanking Strategies in Item 1 ................................ 50
Histogram 4.3 Percentage of Thanking Strategies in Item 2 ................................ 53
Histogram 4.4 Percentage of Thanking Strategies in Item 3 ................................ 56
Histogram 4.5 Percentage of Thanking Strategies in Item 4 ................................ 59
Histogram 4.6 Percentage of Thanking Strategies in Item 5 ................................ 62
Histogram 4.7 Percentage of Thanking Strategies in Item 6 ................................ 65
Histogram 4.8 Percentage of Thanking Strategies in Item 7 ................................ 68
Histogram 4.9 Percentage of Thanking Strategies in Item 8 ................................ 71

List of Appendices
Appendix 1. Table Theory of Thanking Strategies ............................................... 82
Appendix 2. Grid of DCT ..................................................................................... 83
Appendix 3. Discourse Completion Test (DCT)................................................... 84
Appendix 4. Alternative Answer........................................................................... 88
Appendix 5. Validation Sheet ............................................................................... 91
Appendix 6. Validation Result from the Validator ............................................... 93
Appendix 7. Validity Result .................................................................................. 99
Appendix 8. Inter-rater Reliability ...................................................................... 103
Appendix 9. Final DCT ....................................................................................... 105
Appendix 10. Final Grid of DCT ........................................................................ 112
Appendix 11. Code of Data ................................................................................. 113
Appendix 12. Recapitulations of Respondents ................................................... 121
Appendix 13. Sample of Filled WDCT Response .............................................. 141
Appendix 14. Letter of Research Recommendation ........................................... 145



A. Background of the Problem

Language holds the important role in human life because it is an effective
way to show human want from others. Erlinda (2010 : 25) defines language is
tool of communication which means that the language itself can not be
separated with human because language is one of the way for human to
communicate each others. Language is also used to show ideas, feeling and
thoughts to others. In fact, people realize that language is important for them
to be involved in a communication. Crystal in Riesmayanti (2013: 1) defines
communication as a fundamental notion in the study of behavior, which acts
as a frame of reference for linguistics and phonetics. By the use of language
in communication, people can express their feelings, emotions and so on. It
seems impossible for people to both interact and communicate to each other
without language.
When people use language to communicate with others, they expect the
communication runs well even better so it will impact to their relationship. By
using the appropriate language, people can keep a good and closer
relationship with others. People should use language appropriately in order to
avoid miscommunication between the speaker and the hearer. In addition, to
have a good communication itself, the speaker and the hearer should
understand about feelings, thoughts and desire.
Since there are many frictions in communication, an effective speaker
should have ability to use accurate words in the right situation. This can be
reached only if the speakers have knowledge about context or situation
because sometimes there some meanings behind the line to communicate. To
achive a good communication, in linguistics, there is a field of study called
Erlinda (2010: 42) defines pragmatics as the study of language use; how
the meaning conveyed by a word or sentence depends on aspects of the

context in which it is used (such as time, place, social relationship between

speaker and hearer, and speaker’s assumption about the hearer’s beliefs).It
means that pragmatics is a study of linguistics that learning about how to get
the speaker’s meaning behind the utterances. It is concerned with the study of
meaning as communicated by speaker (or writer) and interpreted by the
Based on the explanation above, the speaker should concern about those
contexts (such as time, place, social relationship). First, time (or when), the
speakers need to be aware about time when they are going to start a
communication. It indicates that time is important to be considered in starting
a communication with the listener in order to make the listener is ready and
comfortable for the communication. For example, when two people are
speaking, someone who wants to speak with one of those people should be
patient to wait until they are finish. The speaker is not allowed to directly get
involved in their interaction with different concern.
Second, place (or where), the speaker should know the place where they
are going to start a conversation to get an effective communication and the
speakers’ meaning in their utterances can reach the listener. For instance,
when you when the listener has the debt to the speaker and the speaker meets
him in the market, the speaker is not supposed to say something relates to the
debt in order to have effective communication. In the other hand, social
relation has its own important part in communication because it will make the
people to think with whom they are speaking and what language choice they
have to use.
There are some social context in our daily life such as market, home,
office and others. In the market, for example, communication may happen
between seller and buyer. The seller offers the products and the buyer tries to
bargain. Then, in home interaction may take place between parents and
children. Parents ask the children to do something at home and they advise
their children what they should or not do. Additionally, in classroom
communication occurs between teacher and students. The teacher teaches the

students and the students are expected to give feedback of teacher’s

When people are studying language use through pragmatics, they will
learn several things because the scope of pragmatics is wide. It covers many
principles such as deixis, speech act, presupposition, implicature, maxim, and
politeness. By having better comprehension on pragmatics study, it indicates
that people may be assumed capable of maintaining an effective
communication in order to share the benefits between the speakers and the
Thus, a successful communication in a target language uses pragmatic
competence, requires not only by the knowledge of grammar and
vocabularies but also knowledge about the culture of the target language. It
means that pragmatics competence has benefits to students to understand the
meaning behind the utterances. If the students do not learn about pragmatics
competence, there will be pragmatic failure where the interlocutors cannot
understand each other and failure in communication occurs.
Teaching pragmatics for English Foreign Lerners (EFL) is important to
gain students’ knowledge about it. Pragmatics will give the students choices
to interact to others. Through teaching pragmatics, the students may be
assumed that they can maintain their own cultural identities, participate more
fully in target language communication, and gain control of the force and
outcome of their contributions. Involving students in pragmatics in their
foreign language helps the students to expand their perception of target
language and those who speak it.
Furthermore, teaching pragmatics has the benefit for the students to
improve their pragmatics competence. Pragmatics competence is the ability to
communicate speakers intended message with all of its unique in any socio-
culture context and to interpret the message of the listeners as it was intended.
It means pragmatic competence is the ability that can be used for
communication success.

Speech acts has its own character in communication. According to Yule

(1996) speech acts is actions performed via utterances. A speech acts in
communication means an utterance that serves a function in communication.
We perfom speech act when we offer an apology, greeting, request, complaint,
thanking, compliment, or refusal. A speech act might contains just one word,
as in “Thankyou!” to perform thanks, or several words or sentences,
“thankyou for borrowing me the books”. Speech acts in communication
includes real-life interaction and require not only knowledge of the language
but also appropriate use of the language within a given culture. In addition,
understanding an act must be concerned by EFL learners because it is not
enough just to understand the words through speaking.
One of the most commonly used speech acts is the speech act of
thanking. According to Hornby (1995:45) thanking is the feeling of happiness
or profit express a sense of gratitude to someone. Producing the appropriate
language in different situations is essential for successful communication;
In order to achieve this goal, one should acquire pragmatic competence along
side the grammatical one. Thanking or expressing gratitude as a convivial
speech act is frequently used in daily communication, for it is the universal
ritual and convention all the peoples on the globe observe. It seems easy and
simple to express gratitude even in cross-cultural communication. Thanking
strategy is define as expressing gratitude. Gratitude is one of the speech
acts under the category of expressive speech act. And thanking is one of
the gratitude taxonomy proposed by Cheng (2005). This present study will
focus on thanking strategies in gratitude speech acts.
Thanking or expressing gratitude as a convivial speech act is frequently
used in daily communication, for it is the universal ritual and convention all
the peoples on the global observe Blum-Kulka (1984:206). People express
gratitude through words of thanks, praise or appreciation. Since thanking has
a societal function, learners should acquire rules for expressing gratitude in
the target language. Expressing gratitude is a speech act that is taught at an
early age, and is commonly performed by native speakers of most

languages. It is, thus, often assumed that learners can successfully say
thank you in the target language. Expressions of gratitude are closely
linked to the notion of verbal politeness. In the same way as apologies,
expressions of gratitude are produced as a reaction to aprevious action and
have as an objective to restore the balance in the social relations between
speaker and hearer.
Understanding thanking strategies are important for EFL learners as a
candidate of teacher is important. Students should use appropriate strategy to
thank someone depend on certain situation. Thanking strategies appropriately
learned by English Students is to raise their awareness of thanking by looking
at the situation. In a different situation it may sound weird to thank. This
condition can be called as pragmatics failure because it is inappropriate usage
of thanking. People must be aware of the context of thanking strategies and
be able to determine the best thanking strategies that has to be applied in a
context. For example, if a teacher or lecturer has done something for the
speaker like making a recommendation letter although the lecturer is very
busy with his/her works. It is high imposition for lecturer and the status is
higher than the speaker. The student can not say just the word ‘thanks’
because the imposition is high for the lecturer. They should say “thankyou
very much mam/sir for making this recommendation letter.” This is one of the
elaborated thanking strategies. This strategies will run the relationship
become smoother and avoid the pragmatics failure.
There are several types of Thanking that should be mastered by the
students; Cheng (2005) divided two types of thanking strategies: (a) simple
thanking, by using the word thank you or thank, and (b) elaborated
thanking, including four sub-subcategories (i) by thanking and adding
one intensifier, (ii) by thanking and adding two intensifiers (iii) thanking
for (reason), by thanking and mentioning the reason, and (iv) thanking +
intensifier + for (reason), by thanking and adding intensifier(s) and the
reason by Cheng (2005).

English Teaching Department of IAIN Batusangkar facilitates the students

with Pragmatics subjects. Those are compulsory subjects that must be taken
by the students. Pragmatics for ELT subjects are very important for English
Teaching Department students, such as to use language properly in the right
context, to improve their communicative competence in order to avoid
miscommunication and uncomfortable that can be happened in
communication and also to enrich their knowledge as candidate of English
Based on the preliminary informal observation, the students seems to
thank in the simplest way. Theoritically, they should know how to thank in
different situation context of situation which depends on whom they thank to
and in what situation. It reduces the damage relation between speaker and the
hearer instead of having a failure interaction when English Department
students communicate each other. Additionally, Cheng (2005) explained that
pragmatic failure may not only cause ineffective communication, but may
also cause native speakers to form misjudgments or misperceptions about the
personality, beliefs and attitudes of the learner.
Based on the premilinary research by the researcher, this situation was one
of the researcher’s observation in the classroom in English Students
Department at IAIN Batusangkar. The situation is when the researcher’s
friend borrowed a note because she was not focus and did not understand
when the lecturer explained the material. And she asked to borrow the
researcher’s note. When she returns the note, she said:
“Your note is the best. It is so structured. I understand if I see your note. Is
it ok if I borrow it a bit longer?”
By seeing the utterances above, it shows that the audience was not aware
of the speech acts of thanking and she failed to show pragmatics competence.
The utterances, “Your note is the best. It is so structured. I understand if I see
your note. Is it ok if I borrow it a bit longer?” seems ignored the speech acts
of thanking. The sentence is correct as grammatically but it ignores the
pragmatics itself. It will be more polite if she says “thankyou for borrowing

me this note. I can understand more while using your note.” even the
situation is informal and the relationship is between friends.
Finally, the phenomenon above inspires the researcher to conduct the
research to describe about thanking strategies used by English Teaching
Department Students. This research will be conducted at IAIN Batusangkar.

B. Identification of the Problem

English Teaching Deparment of IAIN Batusangkar facilitates students by
pragmatics subject to improve their communcative competence and
pragmatics competence. In fact, many students have problem in
communication. It can be seen in of the topic of pragmatics is speech acts of
thanking. Actually there are two types of thanking strategies. These strategies
also could be influenced by some factors such as; situation, status, familiarity
and imposition.
Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher wants to
know Strategies of Thanking Employed by the English Teaching Department
Students at IAIN Batusangkar.

C. Limitation and Formulation of the Problem

Based on limitation of the problem above, the researcher conducts the
research to answer the following question: “What are the types of thanking
strategies employed by English Teaching Department students?” and “What
is the highest thanking strategy used by English Teaching Departments?”

D. Definition of Key Terms

To avoid in understanding this research, the researcher defines the key
terms as follows:
1. Speech acts of Thanking
Thanking is under expressive speech acts. Thanking is performed in
response to someone who has done a favor for the speaker.
2. Strategies of Thanking

Strategies of thanking is the way of choosing the words or phrases to

express someone kind feeling or appreciation on other action, saying or
benefit received. Usually thankfulness or appreciation is account as
positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has
received or will receives.

E. Purpose of the Research

The purpose of this research to analyze thanking strategies used by the
seventh semester students of English Teaching Department at IAIN
Batusangkar registered in 2019/2020.

F. Significance of the Research

The result of this research hopefully can give some contributions to:

1. Theoretically
Theoretically, the result of this research hopefully may give
information about strategies of thaking strategies used by English
Teaching Department of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of
State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Batusangkar.
2. Practically
Hopefully, the researcher hopes that this research may be useful
a. English Students
Hopefully, the result of this research can give contribution to the
students such as by knowing the strategies of showing thanking
strategies can make the students understand about pragmatics
competence and also know that in utterance not only grammar is
our focus but also know how to make someone feel comfort to talk
to us.
b. Lecturer
The result of this research is hopefully can give contribution to the
lecturers. She/He will get information about types of thanking

strategies used by English Department Students and can be used in

communication in the classroom.
c. The resercher himself
For the researcher, it was increased his knowledge about the
strategies of showing thanking strategies used by English
Department Students and also increasing the researcher’s
knowledge about communication is not just about grammar things
but also about how to make someone feel comfort to talk with us.
Besides, it is requirement in getting bachelor degree (S1) at
English Teaching Department of IAIN Batusangkar.


A. Review of Related Theories

1. Pragmatics and ELT (English Language Teaching)
a. Definitions of Pragmatics
According to O’Keffe (2011: 1), the term pragmatics is often used
in linguistic research to refer to the study of the interpretation of meaning.
Pragmatic is a part of linguistics that investigated about the use of
language. The use of language does not take place in an emptiness,
language is always produced in definite contexts, and is always
interpreted in certain contexts. In the other pragmatics is the study of
invisible meaning, or how we be familiar with, what is intended even it is
not actually said or written. In order for that to happen the speaker or
writer must be able to depend on a lot of common assumption and
expectation. Pragmatics concerns to people's assumption, people purposes,
and the types of action that they are performing when they speak (Yule,
According to Yule (1996: 4), pragmatics is the study of the
relationships between linguistic forms and the user of those forms.
Through this study, one can talk about people’s intended meanings, their
assumptions, their purposes or goals, and the kinds of actions that they are
performing when they speak because pragmatics allows humans as the
language user into language analysis. In line with definition given by
Yule (1996), Crystal (in Barron, 2003: 7) defines pragmatics as the study
of language from the point of view of the users, especially the choices
they make, the constraints they encounter in using language in social
interaction, and the effects their use of language has on the other
participants in an act of communication.
Furthermore, Levinson (1983: 21) states that pragmatics is the
study of language use, that is, the study of the relations between

language and context that are basic to an account of language

understanding which involves the making of inferences that will
connect what is said to, what is mutually assumed, or what has been
said before. Therefore, it can be concluded that pragmatics is the study
of how people use language to communicate. It deals with the
intended meaning of an utterance in a particular context communicated
by a speaker and interpreted by a hearer.
On the other hand, Leech (1983: 1) states that people cannot
really understand the nature of language itself unless they understand
pragmatics. It is how a language is used in communication. In
delivering their purposes, people usually utter them implicitly in which
what they say does not semantically have the same meaning as what
they mean. Speakers have purposes by uttering something related to the
context or situation where the conversation takes place. Therefore,
pragmatics can be also usefully defined as the study of how utterances
have meanings in situations. Furthermore, Leech (1983: 6) redefines
pragmatics for the purposes of linguistics as the study of meaning in
relation to speech situations.
Furthemore, Cutting (2008: 2) states that pragmatics and
discourse analysis study the relation of language to contextual
background features which study context, text and function. Pragmatics
focuses on what is not explicitly stated and on how to interpret an
utterance in situational contexts. They are concerned not so much with
the sense of what is said as with its force, that is, with what is
communicated by the manner and style of an utterance.
Studying language through pragmatics approach leads to know
the nature of language. It leads to a deep analysis of what message that
is brought in an utterance said by a speaker. It gives the advantages that
one can talk about people’s intended meanings, their assumptions, their
purposes or goals, and the kinds of actions performed in utterances.

b. Importance of Teaching Pragmatics for EFL Learners

The benefit of studying language through pragmatics is that the people
can express the other’s meaning and the important difficulty is that
analyzing the peoples’ concepts is hard independently. This pragmatics is
interesting because it’s about how people make sense of each other
linguistically, but it can be a disappointed area of study because it needs
us to make sense of people and what they have in mind (Yule, 1996:3).
As Locastro (2012:30) mentioned improving the learners’ pragmatic
knowledge is as important as developing one’s IT and technology skills.
Both are important for the world of today. The learners benefit from the
explicit teaching of pragmatics by their teachers and ideally become
autonomous learners, doing pragmatics to solve communication problems
and pushing their competence level.
Pragmatics in English Language Teaching is important to gain
students’ knowledge about it. Pragmatics will give the students choices to
interact to others. Through teaching pragmatics, the students may be
assumed that they can preserve their own cultural identities, participate
more fully in target language communication, and increase control of the
force and outcome of their contributions. Involving students in pragmatics
in their foreign language helps the students to develop their perception of
target language and those who speak it. So, pragmatic in ELT help student
to make familiar with language and student easy to find social appropriate
c. Pragmatics competence for EFL Learners
Chomsky (1965) distinguished between the notions of competence
and performance. In his definition, competence is the intuitive knowledge
of rules of grammar and syntax and of how the linguistic system of a
language operates, and performance is the individual’s ability to produce
language. As a reaction to Chomsky’s somewhat limited definition of
competence, Hymes (1972) proposed communicative competence, which
is the knowledge and ability that an individual possesses to use and

interpret language appropriately in the process of interaction and in

relation to social context. Possessing grammatical knowledge alone does
not result in successful communication; the knowledge of how to use the
forms of the language (i.e. grammar) in a way that is appropriate to the
situation or context in the speech community is also important. In
Hymes’s much quoted formulation, it is a competence “when to speak,
when not, and as to what to talk about with whom, when, where, in what
manner” (Hymes, 1972, p. 277). Similarly, Saville-Troike (1982) defines
communicative competence this way:
Knowing not only the language code, but also what to say to whom,
and how to say it appropriately in any given situation. It deals with
the social and cultural knowledge speakers are presumed to have
to enable them to use and interpret linguistic forms. (p. 22)
Bachman (1990) indicates that pragmatic competence is concerned
with the relationship between utterances and the functions that speakers
intend to perform through these utterances (illocutionary force) and the
characteristics of the context of language use that determine the
appropriateness of utterances (p. 89-90). Leech (1983) claims that we can
really begin to understand the nature of language only if we understand
pragmatics, the study of language used in communication. That is,
pragmatic competence entails a variety of abilities to use language for
different purposes. Based the explanation above we can conclude that
pragmatics competence is important for EFL Learners in order to
understand the utterances and its meaning to avoid the pragmatics failure
in communcation. It is because in communication, not only focus on
grammatical but also focus on how language is used in communication to
avoid pragmatics failure.

d. The Scope of Pragmatics

Levinson (1983: 21) states that pragmatics is the study of
language use, that is, the study of the relations between language and
context that are basic to an account of language understanding which
involves the making of inferences that will connect what is said to,
what is mutually assumed, or what has been said before. Therefore, it
can be concluded that pragmatics is the study of how people use
language to communicate. In learning pragmatics, there are several
scope of pragmatics that should be mastered by the english learners. It
will be discussed as follows.
1. Deixis
According to Yule (1996: 9), deixis that is derived from ancient
Greek meaning to show is a technical term for one of the most
basic things people do with utterances. It means pointing via
language. Deixis is clearly a form of referring that is tied to the
speaker’s context.
2. Cooperative principle
When people are involved in a communication, they will cooperate
with each other. Furthermore, Yule (1996: 37) states that
cooperative principle suggests the speaker makes his/her
conversational contribution as it is required, at the stage at which it
occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in
which s/he engaged.
3. Presupposition
Yule (1996: 25) explains that a presupposition is something the
speaker assumes to be the case prior to making an utterance. When
people use a referring expression, they usually assume that their
listeners can recognize which referent is intended. Some of these
assumptions may be mistaken, of course, but mostly they are
4. Implicature

Grice (in Brown and Yule, 1983: 31) defines implicature

to account for what a speaker can imply, suggest, or mean, as a
distinction from what the speaker literally says.
5. Speech Acts
Speech acts is a functional unit in communication. According
Austin (1962) speech act is an act that a speaker performs when
making an utterance. It means that when utterances are utterred
someone will do something for the speaker. Speech acts shows
how words are used not only to present information but also
carry out actions of performances.
6. Politeness
Politeness, in an interaction, can be defined as the means
employed to show awareness of another person’s face (Yule, 1996:
60). Face means the public self-image of a person and refers to that
emotional and social sense of self that everyone has and expects
everyone else to recognize.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded in
pragmatics there are several scopes that should be mastered by EFL
learners such as deixis, cooperative principle, presupposition,
implicature, speech acts and politeness. These components will
help EFL learners to understand not only the pragmatics
competence but also so they can understand the meaning of
communication and its context

2. Speech Acts
a. Definition of Speech Acts
In communication, speakers use language to do things other than
describes reality. In addition to make statements such as “the sky is
blue”, speakers make utterances with certain intentions that have an
effect on the listeners. Saying thankyou, asking a request or
complaint are some of the acts that a speaker can perform. When

people utter a sentence, it is not just to say things but rather actively
to do things.
According to Yule (1996), Speech acts define as the action
performed via utterances. When people have conversation, they not
only produce utterance but also perform action. There are sorts of
things that can be done with words, such as ask questions, give
orders, and make promises. Speech act theory, therefore, defines and
classifies the speech acts that are realized by language speakers. In
the other hand Austin (1962), defined speech act as what actions we
perform when we produce utterance. Then Searle (1969), says that
speech act is the unit of linguistics communication is not as has
generally been supposed, the symbol, word or sentence, or even the
token of the symbol, word or sentence, but rather the production or
issuance of the symbol, word or sentence in the performance of the
speech acts (Mey, 2001)
Moreover, Cutting (2002) Speech acts is actions which are
performed by saying something and stated that being able to use the
appropriate speech acts can be defined as having the knowledge to
communicate with others. Furthermore, Searle (1969: 16) states that
the production or issuance of a sentence token under certain
conditions is a speech act, and speech acts are the basic or minimal
units of linguistic communication. Speaking a language is
performing speech acts such as making statements, giving
commands, asking questions, making promises, etc. Thus, viewing
speech acts as the basic unit of communication allows Searle to
explicitly associated speech acts with the study of language (its
production, its interpretation) and meaning (both speaker meaning
and linguistic meaning) (Schiffrin, 1994: 55).
It can be concluded that, Speech Acts is actions performed via
utterances. Speech Acts is not just a linguistics in general but rather
the action of word and sentences.

b. Levels of Speech Acts

Austin (1962: 108) states that in issuing an utterance, a speaker
can perform three acts simultaneously. They are a locutionary act,
illocutionary act and perlocutionary act.
1. Locutionary Act
Austin (1962: 108) states that locutionary act is roughly
equivalent to uttering a certain sentence with certain sense and
reference, which again is roughly equivalent to meaning in the
traditional sense. The locutionary acts are acts of speaking in the
construction of speech, such as uttering certain sounds or making
certain marks, using particular words and using them in conformity
with the grammatical rules of a particular language and with certain
senses and certain references as determined by the rules of the
language from which they are drawn.
This is in line with Levinson’s statement (1983: 236) that the
locutionary act is the utterance of a sentence with determinate sense
and reference. Meanwhile, according to Yule (1996: 48),
locutionary act is the basic act of utterance. This is the actual words
that the speaker uses. Moreover, Leech (1983:199) formulates the
locutionary act as s says to h that X, in which s refers to the
speaker, h refers to the hearer, and X refers to the certain word
spoken with a certain sense and reference.
Furthermore, there are three patterns of locutionary act
according to which English sentences are constructed. They are
declarative if it tells something, imperative if it gives an order and
interrogative if it asks a question. Levinson (1983: 242) says that all
languages appear to have at least two of mostly three of these
sentences-types. For example, in the sentence “I’ve just made some
coffee”, the locutionary act is that the speaker utters the statement
(declarative) that s/he just made some coffee (Yule, 1996: 48).

2. Illocutionary Act
Austin (1962: 108) says that illocutionary act is an
utterance which has a certain force. It is an act performed in
saying something. It is the intention behind the words. It is the
act of using utterance to perform a function. When saying
something, a speaker does not only produce utterance with no
purpose. S/he forms an utterance with some kind of function in
mind. The formulation of illocutionary act in saying X, s asserts
that P (Leech, 1983: 199). P refers to the proposition or basic
meaning of an utterance. In Yule‟s example “I‟ve just made
some coffee”, the speaker makes an offer or statement (Yule,
1996: 48).
Closely associated with the notion of illocutionary acts is
the concept of illocutionary force, the communicative plan, or
design behind a speaker‟s remark (Leech, 1983: 200).
Examples of illocutionary acts include accusing, apologizing,
blaming, congratulating, declaring war, giving permission,
joking, marrying, nagging, naming, promising, ordering,
refusing, swearing, and thanking. The functions or actions just
mentioned are also commonly referred to as the illocutionary
„force‟ („point‟) of the utterance.
Austin (in Coulthard, 1977: 18) distinguishes locutionary and
illocutionary acts. He states that the interpretation of the
locutionary act is concerned with meaning whereas the
interpretation of the illocutionary act is concerned with force.
Performing an illocutionary acts means issuing an utterance that
carries an illocutionary force. The meaning of a locutionary
utterance has a potential of different illocutionary force.

3. Perlocutionary Act
According to Austin (1962: 108), perlocutionary act is the
achieving of certain effects by saying something. It concerns the
effect an utterance may have on the hearer. Put slightly more
technically, a perlocution is the act by which the locution and
illocution produce a certain effect in or exert a certain influence on
the hearer. Still another way to put it is that a perlocutinary act
represents a consequence or by-product of speaking, whether
intentional or not. The effect of the act being performed by
speaking is generally known as the perlocutionary effect (Mey,
2009: 1003). The formulation of the perlocutionary act by saying X
s convinces h that P (Leech, 1983: 199). For example, by saying
“I‟ve just made some coffee”, the speaker performs perlocutionary
act of causing the hearer to account for a wonderful smell, or to get
the hearer to drink some coffee (Yule, 1996: 48-49). Moreover,
some effects of the perlocutionary acts are in the following:
(a) Hearer knows something
A hearer knows or realizes something in mind especially
information as a result of experience or because s/he has learned or
been told.
(b)Hearer thinks of something
A hearer has a particular idea or opinion about something or
somebody or when s/he uses the mind to consider something that a
speaker says.
(c) Hearer is doing something
A hearer is doing something because the speaker expects him
or her to do it or causes him or her to have something.
(d)Hearer is convinced
A hearer believes something because the speaker gives a good
reason to do it.
(e) Hearer feels irritated
A hearer feels irritated because the speaker annoys him or her
by saying some statements which cause slight irritations.
(f) Hearer feels frightened
A hearer feels frightened because the speaker frightens him or
her through the speaker‟s statement.
(g) Hearer is amused
A hearer is amused because the speaker makes him or her

laugh or smile or think that somebody or something is funny.

(h)Hearer is inspired
A hearer is inspired because s/he gets encouragement, spirit, or
idea of the speaker.
(i) Hearer is impressed
A hearer is impressed because the speaker causes him or her to
admire or respect the speaker because of something that the speaker
has done or said.

(j) Hearer is attracted

A hearer is attracted because the hearer recognizes and gets
attention of what the speaker said.
(k)Hearer relieves tension
A hearer relieves tension to remove or reduce an unpleasant
feeling, anxiety, or pain or to make a problem less serious.
(l) Hearer is giving an answer
A hearer answers as a reaction to a question or situation.

Meanwhile, Searle (1969: 23-24) give another classification

about speech acts. He starts with the notion that when a person
speaks, she or he performs three different acts; utterance acts,
propositional acts, and illocutionary acts. Utterance acts simply
consist of uttering strings of words (morphemes, sentences).
Meanwhile, propositional acts (referring, predicating) and
illocutionary acts (stating, questioning, commanding, promising,
etc.) characteristically consist of uttering words in the sentences in
certain context, under certain condition and with certain intention.
To these three notions, Searle (1969: 25) adds Austin’s notion of
the perlocutionary act. There is a correlation between illocutionary
acts and their consequences or effects on the actions, thoughts, or
beliefs, etc. of hearers. The examples are in italics:

(1) by arguing I may persuade or convince someone

(2) by warning him I may scare or alarm him
(3) by making a request I may get him to do something,
(4) by informing him I may convince him (enlighten, edify,
inspire him, get him to realize)

Searle (1979: 12-20) classifies the illocutionary acts as the


1. Representatives or Assertives
Searle (1979: 12) states that the point or purpose of
the members of the representative class is to commit the
speaker to something’s being the case, to the truth of the
expressed proposition, e.g. stating, boasting, complaining,
claiming and reporting. Therefore, testing a representative
can be done by simply questioning whether it can be
categorized as true or false. This is similar to Yule’s
definition (1996: 53) that representatives state what the
speaker believes to be the case or not. By performing a
representative or an assertive, the speaker makes the
words fit the world (belief).
2. Directives
Searle (1979: 13) states that directives are attempts
by the speaker to get the hearer to do something such as
ordering, commanding, requesting, advising, and
recommending. They express what the speaker wants.
According to Yule (1996: 53), by using a directive, the
speaker attempts to make the world fit the word (via the
(a) You may ask
(b) Would you make me a cup of tea?
Example (a) is a suggestion that has a function to
get the hearer to do something as what the speaker
suggests, i.e. suggests someone to ask. Meanwhile, in
example (b), in saying an interrogative sentence, the
speaker has an intention to perform a request that has a
function to get the hearer to do something that the speaker
wants, i.e. requests someone to make him/her a cup of tea.
The speaker does not expect the hearer to answer the

question with ‘yes’ or “no” but the action of making him/

her a cup of tea.
3. Commisives
Searle (1979: 14) states that commisives as the
illocutionary acts whose point is to commit the speaker to
some future course action. Yule (1996: 54) states that
commisives commit the speaker to some future action.
They express what the speaker intends such as promising,
threatening, refusing, pledging, offering, vowing, and
volunteering. In using a commissive, the speaker
undertakes to make the world fit the words (via speaker).
Example : (a) I will be back

Example (a) can be a promise that has a function to

commit the speaker to some future action, i.e. promise to
someone that the speaker will be back after speaking the
4. Expressive
Searle (1979: 15) states that expressives are
illocutionary point used to express the psychological state
of the speaker. They states what the speaker feels and can
be statements of joy, pain, sorrow etc., but also
expressions of thanking, apologizing, welcoming,
congratulating, etc. (Yule, 1996: 53). In using an
expressive, the speaker makes words fit the world (of
feeling). For instance:
(a) Thankyou for helping me
(b) Congratulation!
Example (a) is an expression to thanking someone.
Example (b) is used to congratulate someone.

5. Declarations
Searle (1979: 16) states that declarations effect
immediate changes in the institutional state of affairs that
is they change the world via the utterance. According to
Yule (1996: 53), the speaker has to have a special
institutional role, in a specific context, in order to perform
a declaration appropriately; typically examples include
excommunicating, declaring war, marrying, firing from
employment, nominating, etc. Some examples of
utterances classified as declarations are:
(a) Boss : You are fired!
The utterance above brings about the change in
reality and they are more than just a statement. This
utterance can be used to perform the act of ending the
employment or to declare someone is fired from her or
his job.
c. Classification of Speech Acts
Yule (1996) classifies speech acts into several types as follows:
(a) Verdictives
Verdictives are typified by the giving of verdict, as the
name implies, by a jury, arbitrator, or umpire. However, they
need not be final; they are, for example, an estimation,
reckoning, or appraisal. It is essential to give a finding to
something-fact or value-, which is for different reasons hard to
be certain about.
(b) Exercitives
Exercitives are exercise of power, right, or influence. The
examples are appointing, voting, ordering, urging, advising,
and warning.

(c) Commisives
Commisives are typified by promising or otherwise
undertaking. They commit the hearer to do something, but
include also declaration or announcements of intention, which
are not promise, and also rather vague things, which can be
called espousal, as for example siding with.
(d) Behabitives
Behabitives are very miscellaneous group and have to do
with attitudes and social behavior. The examples are
apologizing, congratulating, condoling, cursing, and
(e) Expositives
Expositives are difficult to define. They make plain how
utterances fit into the course of an argument or conversation,
how words are use, or in general are expository. The examples
are; I reply”, “I assume”, and “I postulate”.

3. The Speect Acts of Thanking

a. Definitions of The Speech Acts of Thanking
Thanking is one of the acts under expressive speech acts .
Expressive speech act primarily focuses on representing the
speaker’s feelings. In other word, speakers uses expressive speect
acts to express their feeling by making the their words. Adini &
Iragiliati (2013) defines thanking or expressing gratitude as a
Convivial speech act is frequently used in daily communication,
for it is the universal ritual and convention that all the people
around the world observe. It is, thus, often assumed that
learners can successfully say thank you in the target language.
Then, Kustini and Sulyaningsih (2016) explains that expressing

thanking is considered a stereotypical speech act because the form

of thank you or thanks is almost always used by speakers every
time they want to express gratitude. Which mean that the word
thankyou is often used by people when someone do some favor to
Moreover, Yusefia et al. (2015) defines thanking is as well
as apologies, requests and offers, all of which are similar in
that they are made up of limited numbers of expressions and
speech-act forms. Thanking is type of speech acts that expresses
polite and friendly expressions which give benefit to hearer.
Furthermore, Rousan (2018) explains that by expressing thanking,
a speaker expresses his appreciation to the hearer for performing a
previous action the speaker benefited from. On the other hand, a
response to thanking constitutes a reaction to a thanking act.
Which means that thaking is the response that given by someone
after doing something and giving beneficial for the speaker.
Dalilan (2012) states another definition of speech acts of
thanking. He explains that considering thanking as “a convivial
function whose goal of stating appreciation helps maintain a polite
and friendly social atmosphere.” Appropriate thanking can
engender feelings of warmth and solidarity among interlocutors,
and promote a successful social contact. Instead, the failure to
express gratitude adequately and properly having negative social
consequences, damaging the relationship between interlocutors.
It can be concluded that, the speech acts of thanking is a
reaction that produced to a previous action that has done by the
hearer to the speaker. It has an objective to restore the balance in
the social relationsip between the speaker and the hearer. Speech
Acts of thanking can also make the social relationship runs

b. Types of Thanking Strategies

There are several types of thanking strategies. Adini and
Iragiliati (2013) state that there are some thanking strategies
found in their research. They are appreciation, on-gratitude,
combinations, thanking a 3rdperson, and formal speech. Each of
strategies will be explained as follows:
1. Appreciation
Three subcategories were identified in the appreciation
strategy: (a) by showing appreciation and adding intensifier(s),
(b) by showing appreciation and stating the reason, and (c) by
showing appreciation and adding intensifier(s) and the reason.
Coding and examples are provided for each subcategory as
(a) by showing appreciation and adding intensifier(s)
//AI// It’s much appreciated.
(b) by showing appreciation and stating the reason.
//ARf// If you don’t want to be public about it and will tell me
later, I’d appreciate that.
(c) by showing appreciation and adding both intensifier(s) and
the reason.
//AIRf// We would really appreciate it if you could come.
2. On –gratitude
The non-gratitude strategy consists of three subcategories:
(a) by showing relief, (b) by rejecting an offer, and (c) by
showing politeness, greeting, and conversation ending. Coding
and examples are provided for each subcategory as follows:
(a) by showing relief
//NGr// Thank goodness.
//NGr// Thank God for that.
(b) by rejecting an offer
//NGo// No, thanks.

//NGo// I can manage on my own. Thank you.

(c) by showing politeness, greeting, and conversation ending
/NGp// Sure? I’m positive, thank you.
/NGp// Are you alright? Yes, thank you.
/NGp// Have a nice day. Thank you, you too.
3. Combinations
This category is a combination of different strategies. Two
subcategories were identified: (a) by thanking and stating the
reason, and (b) by thanking and adding intensifier(s) and the
reason. Coding and examples are provided for each
subcategory as follows:
(a) by thanking and stating the reason
//Ty//+/Rp// Thank you dear. Very kind of you.
//Ty//+//Ri// Thank you. Disturb you again.
(b) by thanking and adding intensifier(s) and the reason
//TI//+//Rf// Thank you thank you. I got to use your hat.
//TI//+//Ri// Thank you very much. I’m sorry to bother you.
4. Thanking a 3rd person
The “thanking a 3rd person” strategy consists of two
subcategories: (a) by thanking a 3rd person and stating the
reason, and (b) by thanking a 3rd person and adding
intensifier(s) and the reason. Coding and examples are
provided for each subcategory as follows:
(a) by thanking a 3rd person and stating the reason
//ToRf// It falls uh to me on your behalf uh to thank uh, gary
Glick for a talk.
(b) by thanking a 3rd person and adding intensifier(s) and the
//TIoRf// Many thanks to Eunice and Matt for lots of hard
work and for really making a big leap forward and for going

from where we were in Chicago in terms of text to where we

are today
5. Formal speech
The formal speech strategy uses overt subjects, such as ‘I’
or ‘we’, in thanking expressions. Three subcategories were
identified in this strategy: (a) by formally thanking and stating
the reason, (b) by formally thanking a 3rd person, and (c) by
formally thanking a 3rd person, and stating the reason.
Coding and examples are provided for each subcategory
as follows:
(a) by formally thanking and stating the reason (favor or
positive feeling)
//FTRp// I thank you, Pam, because I think the committee’s
done a great job.
//FTRf// I want to thank you for soliciting our ideas and
concerns, as you deliberate and develop the item and test
specifications for the Voluntary National Eighth Grade Math
(b) by formally thanking a 3rd person
//FTo// The committee would like to publicly thank
Garland Hershey and Dick McCormick and their offices.
(c) by formally thanking a 3rd person, and stating the reason
//FToRf// We’d like to thank Garland Hershey and Dick
McCormick and especially the staffs in their offices for all the
help they've given us this past year in gathering the data for
the glass ceiling study that we are currently engaged in, and
hopefully next year we will have in our report the conclusions
from that study.
Furthermore, Altahi (2014) divided thanking strategies into
two types : a) In the Bald Thanking strategy, Hijazi females use

formulaic expressions that contain the word shukran ‘thank’. b)

Thanking and Stating the Favor as a strategy to express gratitude.
Altahi (2014) points out that the Bald thanking strategies is
the same with simple thanking such as Thankyou or Thanks. In his
research the Hijazi females use the Bald thanking by expressing
the word Shukran ‘thanks’ such as : a) shukran jazelan ‘thanks a
lot’ and b) shukran marrah or marrah shukran ‘many thanks’.
While in the Thanking and Stating the Favor means thanking
expression followed by the favor itsef. The thanker mentions the
favor in the thanking expressions such as follows: a) shukran ala
alqahwa ‘thanks for the coffee’
Cheng (2005) also carried study and divided thanking
strategies into two sub major categories : (a) simple thanking, by
using the word thank you or thank. According to Ajimer (1996)
simple thanking is the simplest way to respond a simple favor for
example the word “Thanks” while (b) Ajimer defines elaborated
thanking the strategy to respond a favor with stressing the
gratitude and can be reinforced by the speaker’s wish. It means the
the speaker tries to strengthen the expression by intensifying the
thanking and explaining the reason depends on the situation. This
strategy includes four sub -subcategories (i) by thanking and
adding one intensifier, (ii) by thanking and adding two intensifiers
(iii) thanking for (reason), by thanking and mentioning the reason,
and (iv) thanking + intensifier + for (reason), by thanking and
adding intensifier(s) and the reason. Intensifiers means to
strengthen the meaning of an expressions and how emphasis the
expression itself.
The researcher will draw the thanking theories in the
following table :
Table 2. types of Thanking Strategies
Experts Thanking Strategies: Sub-Categories Examples

Thankyou Thankyou (TY)
Simple Thaking
Thanks Thanks (TS)
Thanking + intensifier Thankyou very much.
Thanks a lot.
Thanking + intensifier Thankyou very much
+ intensifier indeed.
Thankyou + for Thank you for your
Cheng (2005)
(reason) consideration and
Elaborated Thanking
your attention to all of
the things that we
brought forward.
Thankyou + intensifier Thank you very much
+ for (Reason) for showing us your
Simple Thanking Thankyou or Thanks.
Elaborated Thanking Thankyou very much
Thankyou for helping
Appreciation and It’s much appreciated.
Adding Intensifiers
Appreciation and If you don’t want to be
Adini and Ragiliati
Stating the Reasons public later, I’d
(2013) Appreciation
appreciare that.
Appreciation and We would really
Adding both appreciate if you could
Intensifiers and come.
Showing Relief Than ks goodness.
Thanks God

Rejecting an Offer No, Thanks.

I can manage on my
own. Thankyou for
Showing Politeness Im positive, thankyou.
Thanking + Stating the Thankyou dear.
Reason Disturb you again
Combinations Thanking + Thankyou very much
Intensifiers + Reasons for helping me to do
my homeworks
Thanking 3rd + Stating It falls to me on your
the Reasons behalf to thank, Gary
Glick for a Talk
Thanking 3rd + Stating Many thanks to Eunice
the Reasons and Matt for lots of
hard work and for
Thanking 3rd person
really making a big
leap forward and for
going from where we
were in Chicago in
terms of text to where
we are today
Formally Thanking + I Thank you, Pam,
Stating the Reasons because I think the
committee’s done a
great job
Formal Speech
Formally Thanking 3rd The committee would
person like to thank to Garlan
and McCormick and
their offices

Formally Thanking 3rd We’d like to thank

Person and Stating the Garland Hershey and
Reasons Dick McCormick and
especially the staffs in
their offices for all the
help they've given us
this past year in
gathering the data for
the glass ceiling study
that we are currently
engaged in, and
hopefully next year we
will have in our report
the conclusions from
that study.
Bald Thanking Shukran (Thankyou)
Thanking and Stating Shukran ala alqahwa
Altahi (2014) Thanking Strategies
the Favor (Thankyou for the

For easier the thanking strategies will be summarized in the table below

Table 2.2
Thanking Strategies

Classification of Strategy Strategy Semantic Formula

Thankyou Thankyou
Simple Thanking
Thanks Thanks
Thankyou very much
Thanking + Intensifier
Thanks a lot

Thanking + Intensifier +
Thankyou very much indeed

Elaborated Thanking Thankyou for helping me to

Thankyou + for (reason)
repair my computer.

Thankyou + Intensifier + for Thankyou very much indeed for

(reason) showing us your home

B. Review of Related Studies

The researcher found this research relevant to the research by Yasami and
Rastegar under their research title “The Use of Thanking Strategies among
Iranian Learners of Different Proficiency Levels”. They found that the most
used thanking strategies was simple thanking and thanking mentioning the
favour, but it revealed some degrees of relationship between participants
proficiency levels and their choices of thanking strategies. The similirity of
their research and this research are both analyzing thanking strategies. The
difference between their research and this research are focus of the research.
Their research analyze all of gratitude strategies which include thanking
strategies in the gratitude itself.
Second, research report by Rohmah (2016) under the title “Gratitude
strategies used by the charaters of I Love You, Man Movie”. She found that
nice functions of thanking by Hajimer which is used by the characters in the
movie. The most used are “confession” for the goodness. Further, three
characters, Peter, Zoey, Sydney used appreciation expressions often rather
than others expressions.
This research has similarities and differences with the previous studies.
The simalarities between Rohmah’s thesis and the researcher are this thesis
discussed about thanking strategies and also finding the most used
expressions in thanking strategies in gratitude. Furthermore, the differences
with the previous studies are this thesis discussed about movie while the
researcher’s focus is english students. The data of her research was taken
from utterances in the movie while this research will use DCT to get the data.
Next, the difference is this research discussed about all aspects of gratitude
while the researcher only focuses on thanking strategies.
Then, Meiramova & Kulzhanova (2015) with her research under the title
“The Peculiarities of Gratitude Expression Use in The Foreign Language”.
This research has similarities and differences with the previous studies. The
similarities between Meiramova & Kulzhanova’s research and researcher are
this research discussed about gratitude strategies and the most frequently used

gratitude epressions. Then, the researcher finds the differences which are the
object of the study and the way of informal style in oral speech.
Furthermore, the research done by Adini & Iragiliari under the title “The
Speech Acts of Thanking used by EFL learners”. They found that the result of
research showed that the subjects are aware of the use of thanking. There are
some aspects that need to be taken into consideration based on the findings
and discussions for improving of the quality of speech. And then how to say
thankyou correctly, when to say thankyou and what is the importance of
saying thankyou. This research has similarities and differences with the
researcher’s research. The similarity with the researcher is about gratitude in
speech acts. The differences are this research discussed about thanking. The
differences are the instrument of this research used role-play. The result of
this research seems that unnatural because of the participants are aware of
making mistakes and seems like the respondents answer the situation not
based on what they wanted to.
Then, the next research by Dalilan (2012) under her title “Strategies in
Expressing thanking in English Realized by Indonesian Learners”. She
revealed that the gratitude strategies employed by the participants of study
ranged from from simple, brief thankings to length, complex thankings. All
participants produced mixed speech acts sets of thanking in the following
conditions : a) social status b) indebtness c) breaking promise, but in informal
area or setting public the participants tend to use simple thanking.
This research has similarities and differences with the researcher’s study.
The similarities are this study focused on expressing thanking and also talking
about strategies in English in various situations. The difference is, this
research focus on mixed speech acts sets of thanking.

A. Research Design
This research was descriptive quantitative research with cross-
sectional design. Gay (2000:11) states that descriptive involves collecting
data in order to answer the question concerning the current status of object
of the study. The description is in the form of words and language, in a
specific context naturally and by utilizing a variety of natural methods.
Bryman and Bell (2007) defines that a cross-sectional design entails the
collection of data on more than one case and at single point in time in
order to collect a body of quantitative data in connection with two or more
variables, which are then examined to detect patterns of association.
Dealing with this theory, this research have described students
strategies in using thanking strategies in the seventh semester students of
English Department of IAIN Batusangkar registered 2018/2019 Academic

B. Population and Sample

1. Population
According to Gay (2000), population is the group of the interest of
the researcher, the group to which she or he would like the result of the
study to be generalized. The population of this research was all the
students of English Teaching Department in the seventh semester
registered in 2019/2020 academic year. The number of the students was 61
students. The population were chosen through the consideration that they
have learned about pragmatics which is a compulsory subject that the
English Students at IAIN Batusangkar should take. Which means they
already understood about pragmatics competence.

Table 3.1
Population of this Research
No Class Number of Student
1 TBI A 15
2 TBI B 21
3 TBI C 25

The table shows that there were 61 students of seventh semester have
participated in this research. Consist of class A, B and C. The total of
population were 61 students.

2. Sample
According to Gay et al (2012) sample is a group of individuals,
items, or events that represents the characteristics of the larger group from
which the sample is drawn. It means that sample is the representative of
the population that is used in data collection. Moreover, to get the data the
researcher uses sampling technique. Gay et al (2012) says that sampling is
the process of selecting a number of individual for a study in such a way
that they represent the large group from which they were selected.
In this research, the researcher took all of the students as sample,
because the population less than 100. According to Fraenkel and Wallen
(2009: 106), in the descriptive research a minimum sample is 100. It
means, the researcher used total sampling technique to take the sample.
According to Sugiyono (2010: 85), total sampling is a sampling technique
is all members of the population are used as sample. That, the sample of
this research was 61 students.

C. Research Instrument
The instrument of this research used DCT (Discourse Completion
Test) as the main data collection tool. A DCT is a written test containing
short descriptions of a particular situation intended to reveal the pattern

of a speech acts being studied (Nurani, 2009). A DCT is an effective

means of data collection when the purpose of the study is to “inform
about speakers’ pragmalinguistic knowledge of the strategies and
linguistic forms by which communicative acts can be implemented, and
about their sociopragmatic knowledge of the context factors under which
particular strategic and linguistic choices are appropriate” (Kasper, 2000:
329). It means, DCT is a tool that used in pragmagtics and linguistics to
obtain particular speech acts. There are some previous study that used
DCT as the main tool for their research. For example the research that
had done by Meiramova (2015) used written DCT which consist of
situation which is the situation was close with her respondents.
The researcher chose DCT because of the efficiency of the time
and effort needed to collect data. Respondents will be provided with
situations and roles that are different from their real lives which will
become a limitation for them to fill in the DCT and this can stimulate the
natural answers of the respondents themselves. Researchers also chose
DCT because taking data is relatively easy and does not need too long. If
using other instruments such as role play will make the respondents are
embarrassing and unnatural so the data that passed will not valid. With
DCT, respondents also feel free in giving responses to the natural and
related to daily life. Aufa (2014) DCT may practically have potential use
to initiate learners’ pragmatic awareness that leads to the development of
their pragmatic competence. As a focus of this study, learners’
production of suggestion acts in English was considered since giving
suggestion is commonly used in daily interaction particularly in the
campus setting, between a learner and a lecturer or among learners.
In this research, the researcher used Written discourse completion
task (WDCT). Written discourse completion test (WDCT) is a
pragmatics instrument that requires the learners to read a written
description of a situation (including such factors as setting, participant
roles, and degree of imposition) and asks them to write what they would

say in that situation. It is a valid instrument in measuring speech acts

performance and it is widely used in this field. It is easy to replicate
because of their simplicity of use and high degree of variable control
(Golato, 2003). The researcher’s reason to choose WDCT is because of
WDCT have several advantages. According to Xu & Wannaruk (2015)
there are several of advantages of WDCT: it shows more authentic
language, it is easy to transcribe and manage because of paper and pencil,
and it is time saving to collect a large amount of data.
There are five types of WDCT. This research will use Open Item-
Verbal Response. Nurani (2009) defines Open item-verbal response is
the type of DCT that make participants are free to respond without any
limitation from an interlocutor initiation and rejoinder. However, they are
required to provide verbal response.
You have invited a very famous pedagogue at an
institutional dinner. You feel extremely hungry, but this
engineer starts speaking and nobody has started eating
yet, because they are waiting for the guest to start. You
want to start having dinner. What would you say?
(Safont-Jorda in Nurani 2009)
Therefore, data for this study will be obtained using DCT which
consists of discussions where saying thanking must be made. This test
will be divided into several topics such as, thanking to lecturer, closest
friends, and with formal and informal situation.
Before giving a test to the sample, the instrument will be tried out.
Try out will use to see the validity and reliability of the test, the writer
measure the validity and reliability of the test in explanation bellow:
1. Validity
Validity is the most important characteristics of a test in
order to get the appropriate of data collection. According to Gay
(2000: 161), validity is the most important characteristics of the

test or measuring instrument can process. In this case, the

researcher will use DCT test in collecting data. The test
arrangement must measure what the purpose is to measure.
Therefore, in this research will measure students’ ability in using
thanking strategies by using a DCT test.
The researcher has conducted several way to ensure the the
validity of the contents of the instruments. According to
Hendryady (2017: 171) content validity ensures that
measurements include a sufficient set of items and represent
concepts. The more items reflecting the whole concept being
measured, the greater the content validity. Based on this, the
initial step that researchers do is the researcher makes a
comparison table of experts' opinions regarding the types of
thanking strategies, then the researcher draws a conclusion. After
drawing conclusions from the table, the researcher makes a table
specification of instrument which will be translated into research
According to Sugiyono (2010: 129), technically the content
validity testing can be helped by using table specification. After
the research instrument is complete, the researcher will ask three
validators to validate the instrument by attaching an application
letter willing to be a validator, validation sheet, table of
specification of the instrument, and research instruments. The
researcher will more focus on the language aspects of the
instruments that the researcher has made.
According to Matondang (2009: 90) the content validity of
a test does not have a certain amount calculated statistically but it
is understood that the test is valid based on a review of the table
specification. Therefore, content validity is actually based on
logical analysis, it does not constitute a validity coefficient
calculated statistically. However, to be more convincing about the

content validity of the instrument, the researcher will use use the
Aiken's V formula in Hendryady (2017: 173) to calculate the
content-validity coefficient based on the results of evaluating by
the validators for an item in terms of the extent of the item.
Represents the measured construct. The following is the Aiken’s
formula that researchers will use:
V = ∑ s /[n (C – 1)]
S = R – lo
Where: lo = Lowest scoring rate
C = Highest score
R = The number given by the validator
n = Number of validator

The validity of this instrument in general after using Aiken’s

formula, was Valid, whereas the validity of the instrument based
on each aspect from three validators were 1 (Valid) for aspect one,
1 (Valid) for aspect two, 1 (Valid) for aspect three, 0,93 (Valid) for
aspect four and the result of all aspects was 0,96. It means the
validity of the test belongs to “High” and the validity product
automatically was “Valid”. The instrument was considered to have
adequate content validity. For more detail calculation, see
appendix 7.
2. Reliability
Gay (2000: 169) states that reliability is the degree to which
test consistently measures whatever it measures. Reliable is
consistent, it means that establishing by determining the
relationship between scores resulting from administering the same
test, the same group on different occasions. In the other hand
Wang (2009) states that reliability is the extent to which test
scores are consistent: if participants took the test again after
taking it today, would they get the same result.

In this research the researcher used inter-rater reliability.

Wang (2009) states that Inter-rater reliability refers to the degree
of similarity between different examiners: can two or more
examiners, without influencing one another, give the same marks
to the same set of scripts. The research will collect two or more
score from the try out test and calculated to get the correlation
The researcher used two raters, researcher and one student
who research about pragmatic field. After calculating the score
for the raters using SPSS and Cohen Kappa, the result was 0.60
(Moderate Agreement). For more detail about SPP output table,
see appendix 8.

D. Technique of Data Collection

To collect the data of this research, the researcher used Written
Discourse Completion Test via google form and distribute to the student
who English Teaching Department spesifically the seventh semester
students registered in 2018/2019 at IAIN Batusangkar.

E. Research Procedure
This research conducts by applying several steps as follows:
1) Finding research problem
After reading some sources and discussing with academic advisor,
a research problem that the researcher is interested in was a found.
The research problem is the impact of students’ academic stress
toward their learning outcome. It involves the fifth semester students
of English Teaching Department 2017/2018 academic year as the
population and sample of this research.
2) Collecting the source and references
To be able comprehend the problem, as many as related sources and
references about the research problem will collect and discuss. Those

were about thanking strategies employed by English Teaching

Department Students.
3) Writing a research design
The researcher started to write a research proposal based the
sources and references found. The research proposal included the
design how to do the research, what kinds of instrument that used to
the research. The design on this research is descriptive quantitative
and it belongs to quantitative research. There will be used a DCT to
know students’ thanking strategies .
4) Constructing research instruments
The researcher constructed the DCT instruments into 8 different
kinds of situation and it consist of several factors such as situation,
status, familiarity and imposition
5) Distributing research instruments
After constructing the instruments,. the researcher used google
form as a tool to collect the data. By using google form the
researcher could distrubute the DCT questionnaire to the sample. It
was more easy and saving time when the data were collected from
the respondents. The respondents could answer the DCT by visiting
this link
6) Analyzing the data
The data was described and analyzed by using descriptive analysis.
The researcher started with coding the data from the respondents and
then the researcher calculated the data frequency and also percentage.
7) Reporting the research
Based on the result of the questionnaire, the researcher comes up
with the conclusion and suggestions.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher will use descriptive analysis. In
this technique, the data will analyze by several steps:

1. Classifying the test based on the different situations of thanking.

In thanking strategies there are two types of strategies; simple
thanking and elaborated thanking.
2. Classifying the strategy of thanking strategies used by the students.
After collecting responds from WDCT, the researcher
classified the response based on thanking strategy by Cheng
(2005). The following table is example how to classified the data
that has done by the researcher.

Table 3.2
Data Classification
Data from WDCT Classification Strategy
Thankyou very much Thankyou very Thankyou very much
for your
much (Thanking + for your
recommendation letter
mam/sir Intensifier) for your recommendation
recommendation letter is classified as
letter sir/mam (for + Thanking +
reason) Intensifier + Reason

3. After collecting the data via DCT, rensponses will be coded based
on the thanking strategies.
To make easier, the researcher makes codes for thanking
strategies. The following table is the code for thanking strategies
that made by the researcher.
Table 3.3 Code for thanking strategies
No. Thanking Strategy Code
1 Thankyou TY
2 Thanks TS
3 Thanking + Intensifier TI
4 Thanking + Intensifier + Intensifier TII

5 Thanking + for (reason) TRf

Thanking + Intensifier + for
6 TIRf

4. Percentage the data by using formula as suggested by Sudijono

(2005: 43)
𝑷= 𝑿 𝟏𝟎𝟎%

P = the index of percentage
F = the number of frequency
N= the number of sample


A. Research Finding
1. Data Description
Based on the results of data analysis that has been done, the
researcher shows the findingd of relating to the question to the research
problem. What are are thanking strategies used by English Teaching
Department Students at IAIN Batusangkar and What is the highest
thanking strategies they used?
This section presents the result of Written Discourse Completion
Test (WDCT) in terms of the thanking strategies used by English
Teaching Deparment Students. It has been mentioned in the previous
chapter that there are two strategies in thanking strategies by Cheng
(2005). There are simple thanking and elaborated thanking. The
researcher has expanded the results in data analysis each of strategies.
Tables below sumarize the result of thanking strategies used by
English Teaching Department Students, there are 488 total thanking
strategies are made, which is from the eight scenarios and 61
respondents. Elaborated Thanking (thanking + intensifier) was the
highest strategy that used by English Teaching Department Students
with the highest frequency. The researcher also found another responds
in the findings. In this section the data will be shown in the table where
the table will consist of the total of the stratetgy for English Teaching
Department Students used in each DCT that have been provided, for
more details can be seen in the following tables below.

Table 4.1
Total frequency of Thanking Strategy
Thanking Sub-strategies Frequency Percentage
Strategies per
Simple Thanking Thankyou 106 21,7%
Thanks 52 10,7%
Elaborated Thanking + Intensifier 163 33,4%
Thanking Thanking + Intensifier 0 0,0%
+ Intensifier
Thanking +for 108 22,1%
Thanking + Intensifier 18 3,7%
+ for (reason)
Another responds 41 8,4%
Total 488 100%

Based Based on the frequency table above, we can conclude

that the highest strategies used by EFL students is thanking +
intensifier (TI) with 33,4%, and the lowest strategies used by EFL
students is thanking + intensifier + intesifier with 0,00%
percentage. The researcher also found that another responds used
by EFL students was 8,4%. The histogram can be seen below. For
more details, there are data analysis in each DCT item that used by
the students at IAIN Batusangkar.

Histogram 4.1
Total percentage of thanking strategies used by EFL students

Total Frequency of Thanking Strategies




Total Frequency of Thanking
15 Strategies



2. Data Analysis
There are two thanking strategies than can be used by EFL students
on Cheng’s theory (2005). They are simple thanking and elaborate
thanking. In simple thanking there are two sub categories; thankyou
and thanks. Whereas, in elaborate thanking, there are four sub
categories; thanking + intensifier, thanking + intensifier + intensifier,
thanking + for (reason), thanking + intensifier + for (reason).
The researcher used statistic descriptive to analyze the data.
Descriptive statistics are used to describe the basic features of the data
in study. It provides simple summaries about the sample. Together
with simple graphics analysis, they formed the basis of virtually every
quantitative analysis of the data. The researcher also classified the
strategies used by the respondents in the first item until the eighth item.
The data can be seen as follows :

a. Item 1
The situation and context from item 1 described below :
Situation : (borrowing notes). Context : You were sick and missed
class last week. You feel better and go to class today. You ask
your close friend, who is in the same class, to lend you the notes
from last week so you can make copies. Your friend agrees to
lend you the notes. When you return the class notes, what
would you say?
Table 4.2
Thanking Strategies used by EFL students in item 1
(Equal status, High Familiarity, Low Imposition)
Strategies Total Data No. Data
Data Code
Thankyou 12 - Thankyou my 1 TY
- Thankyou 7 TY

Thanks 10 - Thanks dude 23 TS

- Thanks bro 1 TS
- Thanks 44 TS
Thanking + 13 - Thankyou very 3,15 TI
Intensifier much 18,21

- Thankyou so 21,25 TI
- Thankyou so 6
much my friend TI
Thanking + 0 -
Intensifier +
Thanking + for 21 - Thankyou for 22,24 TRf
(reason) lending me your
- Thankyou for 49,14 TRf
helping me
- Thankyou for 5 TRf
lend me your notes
- Thankyou for 14 TRf
helping me
Thanking + 2 - Thankyou very 17 TIRf
Intensifier + for much for your help

- Thankyou so 38 TIRf
much my
bestfriend for
borrowing me this
AR (Another 3 - You have saved 36 AR
Respon) my life
- Here’s your note, 19 AR
You helped me a
lot, next time I will
help you my friend

Based on the table above, the researcher found several

strategies used by the students in responses Item 1. First, 12
students answered by using thankyou (TY) expression like
(Thankyou friend, Thankyou). Second, 10 students answered the
questionnaire by using thanks (TS) like (Thanks my friend,
thanks bro, thanks). In the first and second strategies, students
only answered simple thanking without mentioning the reason or
intensifier. Third, 13 students used thanking + intensifier (TI) like
(Thankyou very much my friend, thankyou so much). Fourth,
none of the students answered by using thanking + intensifier +
intensifier (TII). Fifth, 21 students answered by using Thanking +
for (TRf) like (Thankyou for lending me this book, thankyou
for helping me). Next, in the Thanking + Intensifier + for (TIRf)
only 2 students answered the questionnaire with the expression
like (Thankyou very much my friend for borrowing this note).
The speaker wanted to thank to the hearer and mentioned the
reason. The last one, there are 3 students answered another
responds like (You have saved my life).
The researcher calculated the frequency and percentages
the variations of thanking strategies used by EFL students in item

Table 4.3

Frequency of Thanking Strategies used by EFL students in

item 1
Strategy Frequency Percentage
Thankyou 12 19,67%
Thanks 10 16,39%
Thanking + Intensifier 13 21,31%
Thanking + Intensifier + 0 0,00%
Thanking +for (reason) 21 34,43%
Thanking + Intensifier + for 2 3,28%
Another responds 3 4,92%

Based on the frequency table above, we can conclude that

the most strategies in item 1 used by EFL students was thanking +
for (reason) with 34,43%, and the lowest strategies used by EFL
students in item 1 is thanking + intensifier + intesifier with 0,00%
percentage. While another responds used by EFL students was
4,92%. Moreover the histogram can be seen as follow :
Histogram 4.2
Percentage of Thanking strategies in Item 1
(Equal status, High Familiarity, Low Imposition)







b. Item 2
The situation and context of Item 2 described below :
Situation : Book extension day. Context : “You are writing a term
paper for one of your courses. For this paper, you borrow a
book from one of your Lecturer, whom you know very well.
You are supposed to return the book to him/her tomorrow.
However, you need to keep it for another 2-3 days to complete
your paper. So you ask your lecturer if you can keep the book
for a few more days, and she/he agrees. When you return the
book to your lecturer, what would you say?”
Table 4.4
Thanking strategies used by EFL students in Item 2
(Higher status, High Familiarity, Low Imposition)
Strategies Total Data No. Code
Thankyou 9 - Thankyou 12, 29 TY
Students mom/sir
- Thankyou, 35 TY
- Thankyou sir 41, 46 TY
Thanks 6 - Thanks sir 58 TS
-Thanks mam 56,31 TS
Thanking + 30 - Thankyou 1, TI
Intensifier Students very much 14, 15,
sir/mam 16, 22,
- Thankyou so 11, 13 TI
much miss
- Thanks a lot 4, 6 TI
mom / sir
- Thanks a 19 TI
bunch, sir
Thanking + 0 Student -
Intensifier +
Thanking + 10 - Thankyou for 37 TRf
for (reason) Students allowing me to
keep this book
- Thankyou for 47 TRf

allowing to
keep this book
- Thankyou for
lending me the
book sir, Im 24 TRf
very grateful
- Thankyou for 5 TRf
your kindness
Thanking + 2 - Thankyou 8 TIRf
Intensifier + Students very much for
for letting me
borrow this
book mam
- Thankyou 18 TIRf
very much
about this
AR (Another 4 - Apologize me 36 AR
Respon) Students to late bring
your book
-Im grateful 34 AR
mam, you have
helped me

Based on the table above, the researcher found several

strategies used by the students in responses Item 2. First, 9
students answered by using thankyou (TY) expression like
(Thankyou miss, Thankyou sir). Second, 10 students answered
the questionnaire by using thanks (TS) like (Thanks miss, thanks
mom). In the first and second strategies, students only answered
simple thanking without mentioning the reason or intensifier. The
students only mentioned simple thanking. Third, 30 students used
thanking + intensifier (TI) like (Thankyou very much sir,
thankyou so much miss). It is because the status was talking
about lecturer and student which means low to high status. Fourth,
none of the students answered by using thanking + intensifier +
intensifier (TII). Fifth, 10 students answered by using Thanking +
for (TRf) like (Thankyou for lending me this book, thankyou

for helping me). The students mentioned the reason after saying
thankyou. Next, in the Thanking + Intensifier + for (TIRf) only 2
students answered the questionnaire with the expression like
(Thankyou very much my friend for borrowing this note). The
students wanted to thank to the hearer with intensifier and
mentioned the reason. The last one, there are 4 students answered
another responds like (Apologize me to late bring your book).
The researcher calculated the frequency and percentages
the variations of thanking strategies used by EFL students in item
Table 4.5
Frequency of Thanking Strategies used by EFL
students in Item 2
Strategy Frequency Percentage
Thankyou 9 14,75%
Thanks 6 9.84%
Thanking + Intensifier 30 49,18%
Thanking + Intensifier + 0 0,00%
Thanking +for (reason) 10 16,39%
Thanking + Intensifier + for 2 3,28%
Another responds 4 6,56%

Based on the frequency table above, we can conclude that

the most strategies in item 2 used by EFL students was thanking +
Intensifier with 49,18%, and the lowest strategies used by EFL
students in item 1 is thanking + intensifier + intesifier with 0,00%
percentage. While another responds used by EFL students was
6,56%. Moreover the histogram can be seen as follow :
Histogram 4.3
Percentage of Thanking Strategies in Item 2
(Higher status, High Familiarity, Low Imposition)

25 ITEM 2

c. Item 3
The situation and context of Item 3 described below :
Situation : Recommendation letter. Context : “You want to apply
for a scholarship. It requires recommendation letter from three
lecturers. You have already asked two lecturers whom you
know very well to write that letters. You decide to meet and ask
the third lecturer, although you don’t know very well, to write
a letter for you because you took a course with him/her last
semester. She/he agres to write the recommendation letter for
you. A few days later, when you meet the lecturer, she/he tells
you that she/has sent out the recommendation letter. What
would you say?”
Table 4.6
Thanking strategies used by EFL students in Item 3
(Higher status, Low familiarity, Low Imposition)
Strategies Total Data No. Code
Thankyou 9 - Thankyou 9 TY
Students mom/sir
- Thankyou, miss 11 TY
- Thankyou sir 12, 17 TY
Thanks 4 - Thanks mam 51 TS

Thanking + 30 - Thankyou very 1,2,3,6 TI
Intensifier Students much sir
- Thankyou so 14, 20 TI
much mam
- Thanks a lot mom 22, 37 TI
/ miss
- Thanks a bunch, 42 TI
Thanking + 0 Student -
Intensifier +
Thanking + 13 - Thankyou for 15,16 TRf
for (reason) Students your help mam/sir
- Thankyou for the 8
help sir
- Thankyou for 21
your time mam
- Thankyou for 16
helping me sir
- Thankyou for the 13
Thanking + 1 - Thankyou so 4 TIRf
Intensifier + Students much for
for recommendation
AR (Another 3 - Im so grateful 5 AR
Respon) Students mam
- I am glad to have 27
this paper from you
Based on the table above, the researcher found several
strategies used by the students in responses Item 3. First, 9
students answered by using thankyou (TY) expression like
(Thankyou miss, Thankyou sir). Second, 10 students answered
the questionnaire by using thanks (TS) like (Thanks miss, thanks
mom). In the first and second strategies, students only answered
simple thanking without mentioning the reason or intensifier. The
students only mentioned simple thanking. Third, 30 students used
thanking + intensifier (TI) like (Thankyou very much sir,
thankyou so much miss, Thanks a bunch sir). It is because the

status was talking about lecturer and student which means low to
higher status. Fourth, none of the students answered by using
thanking + intensifier + intensifier (TII). Fifth, 13 students
answered by using Thanking + for (TRf) like (Thankyou for
lending this recommendation letter ma’am, thankyou for
helping me). The students mentioned the reason after saying
thankyou. Sixth, in the Thanking + Intensifier + for (TIRf) only 1
student answered the questionnaire with the expression like
(Thankyou so much for recommending me this scholarship
ma’am). The students wanted to thank to the hearer with
intensifier and mentioned the reason about recommending the
student to get the scholarship. The last one, there are 3 students
answered another responds like (Im glad to have this paper from
you). This answer was not classified as thanking strategies
The researcher calculated the frequency and percentages
the variations of thanking strategies used by EFL students in item
Table 4.7
Frequency of Thanking Strategies used by EFL
students in Item 3
Strategy Frequency Percentage
Thankyou 9 14,75%
Thanks 4 9.84%
Thanking + Intensifier 30 49,18%
Thanking + Intensifier + 0 0,00%
Thanking +for (reason) 13 21,31%
Thanking + Intensifier + for 1 1,64%
Another responds 3 4,92%

Based on the frequency table above, we can conclude that

the most strategies in item 3 used by EFL students was thanking +
Intensifier with 49,18%, and the lowest strategies used by EFL
students in item 1 is thanking + intensifier + intesifier with 0,00%

percentage. While another responds used by EFL students was

4,92%. Moreover the histogram can be seen as follow :
Histogram 4.4
Percentage of Thanking strategies in Item 3
(Higher status, Low familiarity, Low Imposition)

25 ITEM 3

d. Item 4
Situation and context of Item 4 described below :
Situation : Moving to new rent house. Context : “You are about to
move to a new rent house. You have a lot of boxes and some
small furnitures, but you don’t have a car. You ask your close
friend who has a car to help you move. Your friend hesitates
because she/he is very busy, but then agrees to help you move.
After two of you load your things into the car, drive to your
new rent house, and then finish carrying everything to your
new rent house, what would you say?”

Table 4.8
Thanking Strategies used by EFL students in Item 4
(Equal status, High familiarity, High imposition)
Strategies Total Data No. Code
Thankyou 13 - Thankyou 3, 12, 35 TY
Students - Thankyou, 29
- Thankyou sob 54
Thanks 11 - Thanks 2, 44, 55 TS
Students - Thanks dude 32, 37
- Thanks friend 28,
Thanking + 14 - Thankyou so 60, 16 TI
Intensifier Students much my friend
- Thankyou 21
very much
- Thanks a 36
- Thanks a lot 26, 56

Thanking + 0 Student -
Intensifier +
Thanking + 12 - Thanks for 18 TRf
for (reason) Students your help
- Thankyou for 13, 50
your helps
- Thankyou for 24, 39,
helping me 48
- Thankyou for
helping me
Thanking + 2 - Thanks a 38 TIRf
Intensifier + Students bunch bro for
for helping me
- Thankyou so 6
much for your
AR (Another 9 - Please help 34 AR
Respon) Students me, I will give
you money
- I owe you one 5
- I cant imagine 8
without your

Based on the table above, the researcher found several
strategies used by the students in responses Item 4. First, 13
students answered by using thankyou (TY) expression like
(Thankyou dude, Thankyou bro). Second, 11 students answered
the questionnaire by using thanks (TS) like (Thanks, thanks my
friend). In the first and second strategies, students only answered
simple thanking without mentioning the reason or intensifier. The
students only mentioned simple thanking. Third, 14 students used
thanking + intensifier (TI) like (Thankyou very much dude,
thankyou so much my friend, Thanks a lot). Fourth, none of the
students answered by using thanking + intensifier + intensifier
(TII). Fifth, 12 students answered by using Thanking + for (TRf)
like (Thankyou for helping me dude, thankyou for your helps
even you are very busy). The students mentioned the reason after
saying thankyou. Sixth, in the Thanking + Intensifier + for (TIRf)
only 2 students answered the questionnaire with the expression
like (Thankyou very much bro for your help, I don’t know how
to bring this furniture without you). The students wanted to
thank to the hearer with intensifier and mentioned the reason after
helping the student to move to new rent house. The last one, there
are 9 students answered another responds like (I owe you one,
Please help me I will give you money). These answer was not
classified as thanking strategies. These answered were give by the
respondents because the situation was their close friend and the
respondents did not just want to say thankyou but wanted to give
or threat after that.
The researcher calculated the frequency and percentages
the variations of thanking strategies used by EFL students in item

Table 4.9
Frequency of Thanking Strategies used by EFL students in
Item 4
Strategy Frequency Percentage
Thankyou 13 21,31%
Thanks 11 18,03%
Thanking + Intensifier 14 22,95%
Thanking + Intensifier + 0 0,00%
Thanking +for (reason) 12 19,67%
Thanking + Intensifier + for 2 3,28%
Another responds 9 14,74%
Based on the frequency table above, we can conclude that
the most strategies in item 4 used by EFL students was thanking +
Intensifier with 22,95%, and the lowest strategies used by EFL
students in item 1 is thanking + intensifier + intesifier with 0,00%
percentage. While another responds used by EFL students was
14,74%. Moreover the histogram can be seen as follow :
Histogram 4.5
Percentage of Thanking strategies in Item 4
(Equal status, High familiarity, High imposition)





e. Item 5
The situation and context of Item 5 described as follow :
Situation : Paper writing extension. Context : “You are writing a
term paper for one of your courses. You are working hard on
the paper, but you have to stop because you also have to study
for final exams in your other courses. The paper is due for
tomorrow, and you need few more days to finish it. You decide
to ask the lecturer who teaches the courses, whom you don’t
know very well for an extension days. Your lecturer hesitates
because it won’t be fair for other student in the class, but then
she/he agrees to give you an extension days. A few days later,
when you turn in the paper, what would you say to your
Table 4.10
Thanking Strategies used by EFL students in Item 5
(Higher status, Low familiarity, High imposition)
Strategies Total Data No. Code
Thankyou 16 - Thankyou 1, 14, TY
Students mom/sir 16, 36,
- Thankyou 12, 55

- Thankyou sir 19, 37

Thanks 0 Student - TS

Thanking + 25 - Thankyou so 3, 11, TI

Intensifier Students much 25, 34,

- Thankyou so 2, 8,
much sir/mam
- Thankyou 18, 23
very much sir
- Thanks a lot 46
mom / sir
Thanking + 0 Student - TII
Intensifier +

Thanking + 15 - Thankyou for 5, TRf

for (reason) Students giving me an
extra time
- Thankyou for
thinking of me
- Thankyou for 9, 41
an extension
day miss
- Thankyou for 39
your kindness, I
will arrange a
better schedule
next, sir
- Thankyou 49
your kindness
Thanking + 2 - Thankyou 38 TIRf
Intensifier + Students very much mom
for for the relief
you have given
to me.
- Thankyou so 10
much miss for
giving me
extension days
to finish my
AR (Another 3 - Im truly 24 AR
Respon) Students grateful for the
extension day

Based on the table above, the researcher found several

strategies used by the students in responses Item 5. First, 16
students answered by using thankyou (TY) expression like
(Thankyou miss, Thankyou sir). Second, none of students
answered the questionnaire by using thanks (TS) like (Thanks
miss, thanks mom). In the first strategies, students only answered
simple thanking without mentioning the reason or intensifier. The
students only mentioned simple thanking. Third, 25 students used
thanking + intensifier (TI) like (Thankyou very much sir,

thankyou so much miss, Thanks a lot sir). It is because the

status was talking about lecturer and student which means low to
higher status. Fourth, none of the students answered by using
thanking + intensifier + intensifier (TII). Fifth, 15 students
answered by using Thanking + for (TRf) like (Thankyou for the
extension days sir, thankyou for giving me an extra time, sir).
The respondents mentioned the reason after saying thankyou
because their Lecturer has done a favor to the respondents. Sixth,
in the Thanking + Intensifier + for (TIRf) 2 students answered the
questionnaire with the expression like (Thankyou so much for
giving me the extra time mam/sir). The students wanted to thank
to the hearer with intensifier and mentioned the reason after giving
the student an extra days to finish their paper. The last one, there
are 3 students answered another responds like (Im truly grateful
for the extension days miss). This answer was not classified as
thanking strategies.
The researcher calculated the frequency and percentages
the variations of thanking strategies used by EFL students in item
Table 4.11
Frequency of Thanking Strategies used by EFL students
in Item 5
Strategy Frequency Percentage
Thankyou 16 26,23%
Thanks 0 0,00%
Thanking + Intensifier 25 40,98%
Thanking + Intensifier + 0 0,00%
Thanking +for (reason) 15 24,59%
Thanking + Intensifier + for 2 3,28%
Another responds 3 4,92%
Based on the frequency table above, we can conclude that
the most strategies in item 5 used by EFL students was thanking +

Intensifier with 40,98%, and the lowest strategies used by EFL

students in item 5 were thanking + intensifier + intesifier and
thanks with 0,00% percentage. While another responds used by
EFL students was 4,92%. Moreover the histogram can be seen as
follow :
Histogram 4.6
Percentage of Thanking Strategies in Item 5
(Higher status, Low familiarity, High imposition)


f. Item 6
Situation and context of Item 6 described below :
Situation : Fixing computer. Context : “You are having troubles
with your computer or laptop, it keeps crashing. You know
someone at school who knows a lot about computers and you
ask the person to help you eventhough the two of you are not
close friends. She/he hesitates because he/he is very busy fixing
someone’s laptop too, but then agrees to help you, and ends up
spending the whole afternoon fixing your laptop. After the
laptop is fixed, what would you say?”

Table 4.12
Thanking Strategies used by EFL students in Item 6
(Equal status, Low familiarity, High imposition)
Strategies Total Data No. Code
Thankyou 8 - Thankyou 29, 35, TY
Students 55, 59

- Thankyou bro 20
Thanks 8 - Thanks my 1, 31, 44 TS
Students friend
- Thanks dude 32
- Thanks 12, 46,
Thanking + 13 - Thankyou so 2, 14, TI
Intensifier Students much 16, 41,

- Thankyou 23, 25,

very much 26, 60

- Thanks a lot 17, 52

Thanking + 0 Student - TII

Intensifier +
Thanking + 19 - Thankyou for 9, 21, 22 TRf
for (reason) Students your help 58, 49
- Thankyou for 19
fixing my

Thanking + 5 - Thankyou 38 TIRf

Intensifier + Students very much for
for helping me
- Thankyou 49, 54,
very much for 47
fixing my

-Thankyou very 13
much for to
AR (Another 8 - I wil never 6 AR
Respon) Students forget what you
have done
- Sorry to 27
disturb you
- you are my 8
- I wanna rent 34
your laptop

Based on the table above, the researcher found several

strategies used by the students in responses Item 6. First, 8
students answered by using thankyou (TY) expression like
(Thankyou , Thankyou bro). Second, 8 students answered the
questionnaire by using thanks (TS) like (Thanks, thanks my
friend). In the first and second strategies, students only answered
simple thanking, it means they answered without mentioning the
reason or intensifier. The students only mentioned simple thanking.
Third, 13 students used thanking + intensifier (TI) like (Thankyou
very much dude, thankyou so much my friend, Thanks a lot).
It means that students wanted to intesify the thankyou to someone
has done favor for them. Fourth, none of the students answered by
using thanking + intensifier + intensifier (TII). Fifth, 19 students
answered by using Thanking + for (TRf) like (Thankyou for
fixing my laptop, thankyou for your helps even you are very
busy). The students mentioned the reason after saying thankyou to
intensify the thanking expression and also mentioning the reason
or explanation. Sixth, in the Thanking + Intensifier + for (TIRf)
only 2 students answered the questionnaire with the expression
like (Thankyou very much for fixing my laptop). The students
wanted to thank to the hearer with intensifier and mentioned the

reason after helping the student to move to fix their laptop. The
last one, there are 9 students answered another responds like (I
can’t do my thesis without you, You are my saver). These
answer was not classified as thanking strategies.
The researcher calculated the frequency and percentages
the variations of thanking strategies used by EFL students in item
Table 4.13
Frequency of Thanking Strategies used by EFL students in
Item 6
Strategy Frequency Percentage
Thankyou 8 13,11%
Thanks 8 13,11%
Thanking + Intensifier 13 21,31%
Thanking + Intensifier + 0 0,00%
Thanking +for (reason) 19 31,15%
Thanking + Intensifier + for 5 8,20%
Another responds 8 13,11%

Based on the frequency table above, we can conclude that

the most strategies in item 6 used by EFL students was thanking +
for (reason) with 31,15%, and the lowest strategies used by EFL
students in item 6 was thanking + intensifier + intesifier with
0,00% percentage. While another responds used by EFL students
was 13,11%. Moreover the histogram can be seen as follow :

Histogram 4.7
Percentage of Thanking Strategies in Item 6
(Equal status, Low familiarity, High imposition)







g. Item 7
Context and situation of Item 7 described below
Context : Writing recommendation letter. Situation : “You just
have found out about a very good scholarship, but the deadline
is two days away. Since this scholarship would help you
financially, you decide to apply. You ask your academic advisor,
whom you know very well, to write a recommendation letter
for you to apply this scholarship. Your academic advisor
hesitates because she/he is very busy about the project and the
deadline is in two days, but she/he finally agrees to write the
letter. When you meet your academic advisor the next day,
he/she tells you that he/she has sent the letter by e-mail. What
would you say?”

Table 4.14
Thanking Strategies used by EFL students in Item 7
(Higher status, High familiarity, High imposition)
Strategies Total Example No. Code
Thankyou 17 -Thankyou 2, 35 TY
Students - Thankyou 9, 12,
mom/sir 18, 21,
- Thankyou, miss 7

Thanks 4 - Thanks sir 46 TS

Students - Thanks my hero 53

Thanking + 26 - Thankyou very 1, 17, TI

Intensifier Students much sir 21, 52

- Thankyou so 3, 11,
much miss/sir 16, 22,
29, 36

- Thanks a lot mom 6, 56,

/ sir 57
Thanking + 0 Student - TII
Intensifier +
Thanking + 7 - Thankyou for 13 TRf
for (reason) Students make a time to
letter sir
- Thankyou for 14
helping me mam
- Thankyou for 15
your help mam
- Thankyou for 24
you’re your
letter miss
Thanking + 3 - Thankyou so 8 TIRf
Intensifier + Students much for your
for concern, miss/sir

- Thankyou very 31
much for your help
- Thankyou very 38
much mom for
helping me make a
letter of
AR (Another 4 - Sorry sir, do you 34 AR
Respon) Students open your email
- I can’t tell how 5
grateful I am orall
your help miss

- Im very 25, 41

Based on the table above, the researcher found several

strategies used by the students in responses Item 7. First, 17
students answered by using thankyou (TY) expression like
(Thankyou miss, Thankyou sir). Second, 4 students answered
the questionnaire by using thanks (TS) like (Thanks miss, thanks
mom). In the first strategies, students only answered simple
thanking without mentioning the reason or intensifier. The students
only mentioned simple thanking. Third, 26 students used thanking
+ intensifier (TI) like (Thankyou very much sir, thankyou so
much miss, Thanks a lot sir). It is because the status was talking
about lecturer and student which means low to higher status. Also
to intensify the expression of thanking. Fourth, none of the
students answered by using thanking + intensifier + intensifier
(TII). Fifth, 7 students answered by using Thanking + for (TRf)
like (Thankyou for you recommendation letter for me mam,
Thankyou for your help mam). The respondents mentioned the
reason after saying thankyou because their Lecturer has done a
favor to the respondents. Sixth, in the Thanking + Intensifier + for
(TIRf), 3 students answered the questionnaire with the expression

like (Thankyou very much for your help mam). The students
wanted to thank to the hearer with intensifier and mentioned the
reason after making a recommendation letter for the students. The
last one, there are 4 students answered another responds like
(Sorry sir, do you open your email?). This answer was not
classified as thanking strategies because this asnwer was not
related to the situation.
The researcher calculated the frequency and percentages
the variations of thanking strategies used by EFL students in item
Table 4.15
Frequency of Thanking Strategies used by EFL students in
Item 7
Strategy Frequency Percentage
Thankyou 17 27,87%
Thanks 4 6,56%
Thanking + Intensifier 26 42,62%
Thanking + Intensifier + 0 0,00%
Thanking +for (reason) 7 11,48%
Thanking + Intensifier + for 3 4,92%
Another responds 4 6,56%

Based on the frequency table above, we can conclude that

the most strategies in item 7 used by EFL students was thanking +
intensifier with 42,62%, and the lowest strategies used by EFL
students in item 7 was thanking + intensifier + intesifier with
0,00% percentage. While another responds used by EFL students
was 6,56%. Moreover the histogram can be seen as follow :
Histogram 4.8
Percentage of Thanking Strategies in Item 7
(Higher status, High familiarity, High imposition)


h. Item 8
Context and situation of Item 8 described below :
Context : Scattered notes. Situation : “You and your classmate,
whom you aren’t so close very well, are walking to the class.
You accidentally drop your papers and notes, which scatter all
of over the middle of crowded corridor. Your classmate helps
you to pick up your papers and notes. When your classmate
gives the papers and notes to you, what would you say?”
Table 4.16
Thanking Strategies used by EFL students in Item 8
(Equal status, Low familiarity, Low imposition)
Strategies Total Data No. Code
Thankyou 22 - Thankyou 5, 14, TY
Students 15,16,
35, 43,
55, 58,

- Thankyou, 11

- Thankyou 1, 41
Thanks 9 - Thanks 25, 42 TS
Students - Thanks dude 23, 32
Thanking + 12 - Thankyou so 2, 8, 21, TI
Intensifier Students much 61

- Thankyou very 13, 60

- Thanks a lot 45, 51

- Thanks a 17, 19
Thanking + 0 Student - TII
Intensifier +
Thanking + 11 - Thanks for 3, 18, TRf
for (reason) Students your help 26, 30,

- Thankyou for 10, 49

helping me
- Thanks for the 22, 24
Thanking + 1 - Thankyou so 38 TIRf
Intensifier + Students much for
for helping me sist

AR (Another 6 - I really 4 AR
Respon) Students appreciate your
- God bless you 34
- You are my 36
- It’s nice to 48
have a bestfriend
like you
- You have 52
saved my life
Based on the table above, the researcher found several
strategies used by the students in responses Item 8. First, 22
students answered by using thankyou (TY) expression like
(Thankyou , Thankyou bro). Second, 9 students answered the
questionnaire by using thanks (TS) like (Thanks, thanks dude).

In the first and second strategies, students only answered simple

thanking, it means they answered without mentioning the reason or
intensifier. The students only mentioned simple thanking because
basically the respondents aren’t so close with their friend. Therefor,
respondents only mentioned simple thanking. Third, 12 students
used thanking + intensifier (TI) like (Thankyou very much dude,
thankyou so much my friend, Thanks a lot). It means that
students wanted to intesify the thankyou to someone has done
favor for them even they are not so close or just classmate friend.
Fourth, none of the students answered by using thanking +
intensifier + intensifier (TII). Fifth, 11 students answered by using
Thanking + for (TRf) like (Thankyou for the help. Thankyou for
helping me, Im in messed). The students mentioned the reason
after saying thankyou to intensify the thanking expression and also
mentioning the reason or explanation. Sixth, in the Thanking +
Intensifier + for (TIRf) only 1 student answered the questionnaire
with the expression like (Thankyou so much for helping me).
The students wanted to thank to the hearer with intensifier and
mentioned the reason after helping the student to move to pick up
their stuffs. The last one, there are 6 students answered another
responds like (God bless you, You are my angel, I really
appreciate your help). These answer was not classified as
thanking strategies.
The researcher calculated the frequency and percentages
the variations of thanking strategies used by EFL students in item

Table 4.17
Frequency of Thanking Strategies used by EFL students in
Item 8
Strategy Frequency Percentage
Thankyou 22 36,07%
Thanks 9 14,75%
Thanking + Intensifier 12 19,67%
Thanking + Intensifier + 0 0,00%
Thanking +for (reason) 11 18,03%
Thanking + Intensifier + for 1,64%
Another responds 6 9,84%
Based on the frequency table above, we can conclude that
the most strategies in item 8 used by EFL students was thankyou
with 35,07%, and the lowest strategies used by EFL students in
item 8 was thanking + intensifier + intesifier with 0,00%
percentage. While another responds used by EFL students was
9,84%. Moreover the histogram can be seen as follow :
Histogram 4.9
Percentage of Thanking Strategies in Item 8
(Equal status, Low familiarity, Low imposition)

20 ITEM 8

B. Discussion
Based of the data description and data analysis, some strategies were
used by English students at IAIN Batusangkar. This research found total
result that the most thanking strategies used by EFL students were
thanking + intensifier with percentage 33,4%, and the lowest thanking
strategies used by EFL students is thanking + intensifier + intensifier with
percentage 0,00%. In this strategy, the most widely used expression is the
expression “Thankyou so much” or “Thankyou very much”. An
example of this expression can be seen after someone has done something
or a favor for the speaker. The phrase “ much” and “very much” can be
defined as a stressing that the speaker really thank someone because they
have done the favor. The strategies that used by EFL students in the data
analysis are influenced by some factors such as situation, status,
familiarity and imposition. It will be different answers from the
respondents if the situation is affectted by those factors. It had shown that
students were aware to use thanking strategies because of the different
situation which are given. From the research findings, the researcher found
that the result was different from the preliminary observation that the
students actually aware of pragmatic failure. They used appropriate
thanking strategies if they were given such a situation depended on
different context whom they are talking to; higher or lower status, how
close the relationship (familiarity) between the speaker and hearer, and
how high the imposition caused for the hearer.
First, the researcher found the most strategies used by EFL students in
the item 1 : You were sick and missed class last week. You feel better and
go to class today. You ask your close friend, who is in the same class, to
lend you the notes from last week so you can make copies. Your friend
agrees to lend you the notes. When you return the class notes, what would
you say? is thanking + for (reason) with frequency 21 students and
34,43% percentage, and the lowest strategy used by EFL students is

thanking intensifier + intensifier with frequency 0 student and 0,00%

Second, the researcher found the most strategies used by EFL students
in the item 2 : You are writin a term paper for one of your courses. For
this paper, you borrow a book from one of your Lecturer, whom you know
very well. You aare supposed to return the book to him/her tomorrow.
However, you need to keep it for another 2-3 days to complete your paper.
So you ask your lecturer if you can keep the book for a few more days, and
she/he agrees. When you return the book to your lecturer, what would you
say? is thanking intensifier with frequency 30 students and 49,18%
percentage, and the lowest strategy used by EFL students is thanking
intensifier + intensifier with frequency 0 student and 0,00% percentage.
Third, the researcher found the most strategies used by EFL students
in the item 3: You want to apply for a scholarship. It requires
recommendation letter from three lecturers. You have already asked two
lecturers whom you know very well to write letters. Although you don’t
know the third lecturer very well, you decide to ask to him/her to write a
ltter for you because you took a course with him/her last semester. She/he
agres to write the recommendation letter for you. A few days later, when
you meet the lecturer, she/he tells you that she/has sent out the
recommendation letter. What would you say? is thanking intensifier with
frequency 30 students and 49,18% percentage, and the lowest strategy
used by EFL students is thanking intensifier + intensifier with frequency 0
student and 0,00% percentage.
Fourth, the researcher found the most strategies used by EFL students
in the item 4: You are about to move to a new rent house. You have a lot of
boxes and some small furnitures, but you don’t have a car. You ask your
close friend who has a car to help you move. Your friend hesitates because
she/he is very busy, but then agrees to help you move. After two of you
load your things into the car, drive to your new rent house, and then finish
carrying everything to your new rent house, what would you say? is

thanking intensifier with frequency 14 students and 22,95% percentage,

and the lowest strategy used by EFL students is thanking intensifier +
intensifier with frequency 0 student and 0,00% percentage.
Fifth, the researcher found the most strategies used by EFL students in
the item 5: You are writing a term paper for one of your courses. You are
working hard on the paper, but you have to stop because you also have to
study for final exams in your other courses. The paper is due for tomorrow,
and you need few more days to finish it. You decide to ask the lecturer who
teaches the courses, whom you don’t know very well for an extension days.
Your lecturer hestitates because it won’t be fair for other student in the
class, but then she/he agress to give you an extension days. A few days
later, when you turn in the paper, what would you say to your Lecturer? is
thanking intensifier with frequency 25 students and 40,98% percentage,
and the lowest strategy used by EFL students is thanking intensifier +
intensifier with frequency 0 student and 0,00% percentage.
Sixth, the researcher found the most strategies used by EFL students
in the item 6: You are having with your computer or laptop, it keeps
crashing. You know someone at school who knows a lot about computers
and you ask the person to help you eventhough the two of you are not
close friends. She/he hesitates because he/he is very busy fixing someone’s
laptop too, but then agress to help you, and ends up spending the whole
afternoon fixing your laptop. After the laptop is fixed, what would you
say? is thanking + for (reason) with frequency 25 students and 31,15%
percentage, and the lowest strategy used by EFL students is thanking
intensifier + intensifier with frequency 0 student and 0,00% percentage.
Seventh, the researcher found the most strategies used by EFL
students in the item 7: You just have found out about a very good
scholarship, but the deadline is two days away. Since this scholarship
would help you financially, you decide to apply. You ask your academic
advisor, whom you know very well, to write a recommendation letter for
you to apply this scholarship. Your academic advisor hesitates because

she/he is very busy about the project and the deadline is in two days, but
she/he finally agress to write the letter. When you meet your academic
advisor the next day, he/she tells you that he/she has sent the letter by e-
mail. What would you say? is thanking intensifier with frequency 26
students and 42,62% percentage, and the lowest strategy used by EFL
students is thanking intensifier + intensifier with frequency 0 student and
0,00% percentage.
Last, the researcher found the most strategies used by EFL students in
the item 8: You and your classmate, whom you don’t so close very well,
are walking to the class. You accidentally drop your papers and notes,
which scatter all of over the middle of crowded corridor. Your classmate
helps you to pick up your papers and notes. When your classmate gives the
papers and notes to you, what would you say? is thankyou with frequency
22 students and 36,07% percentage, and the lowest strategy used by EFL
students is thanking intensifier + intensifier with frequency 0 student and
0,00% percentage
From the research finding above, it shows that the students used
different thanking strategies based on the situation and context. This
research has similarities from the research by Yasami and Rastefar (2014).
Their research showed that Iranian EFL learners only used simple
thanking strategies without mentioning the favor with 80% percentage for
intermediate and advanced learners. Next, the research from Yusefi (2015)
about thanking strategies used by Kurdish speaker based on gender and
age. The result of this research indicated that simple thanking was the
most frequently strategies used by male and female Kurdish speaker. The
result from other studies by Dalilan (2012) revealed that Indonesian EFL
learners answered the illustration given by using simple thanking such as
thankyou and thanks whether it is formal or informal situation. This also
supported the research by Meiramova & Kulzhanova (2015) in their
research also revealed that simple thanking was the most strategies used
by Kazakhstani learners.

Contratry from the research that the researcher has mentioned above,
the result of this research revealed that the most preferred thanking
strategies in any kinds of situation was thanking intensifier. This research
supported by Iragiliati (2013), she found that elaborated thanking were
kindly preferred in all situation, formal or informal, lower to higher or
even equal status. This research confirms that Indonesian learners tend to
use thanking intensifier – the ones frequently expression used by
Indonesian native speaker when somone have done a favor for them.
Respondents are a influenced by some factors to respond the situation
given but thanking intensifier was the most strategy used. Stressing the
expression of thankyou after mentioning thankyou it self, because the
students consider this strategy is sufficiently polite to be used in any kinds
of situations wether it is influenced by some factors. In line with this, the
thanking intensifier strategies are expressed through the words “thankyou
very much, thankyou so much.”. It can be concluded EFL learners at IAIN
Batusangkar used thanking intensifier because this is one of the easiest
strategy to be used to express gratitude whether they are influenced by
some factors such as context, situation, familiarity, status and imposition.
Furthermore, in pragmatic competence, when we talk to someone,
possessing grammatical knowledge alone does not always produce a
successful communication; the knowledge of how to use the forms of the
language (i.e. grammar) in a way that is appropriate to the situation or
context in the speech community is also important. It means that not only
the knowledge of grammatical but also the pragmatics competence should
be considered. In Hymes’s much quoted formulation, it is a competence
“when to speak, when not, and as to what to talk about with whom, when,
where, in what manner” Hymes (1972).

A. Conclusion
This thesis analyze the thanking strategies used by seventh-semester
students of English Teaching Departments at IAIN Batusangkar. Based on
the data that have been analyzed, the researcher concludes that the
respondents used different ways in thanking the WDCT. After analyzing
the data, several conclusions are found to answer the research questions.
This research answered the research question, for thanking strategies,
elaborated thanking was the highest strategy that used by the EFL students,
spesifically thanking intensifier with 33,4%.
This thanking strategies are used to reveal the way the respondents
thank the interlocutor after doing a favor. The result shows that the
respondents apply almost all the types of thanking strategies. They are
thankyou that appears 106 times 21,7% and thanks that appears 52 times
10,7%. Furthermore, thanking + intensifier appears 163 times 33,4%,
thanking + for (reason) appears 108 times 22,1%, thanking + intensifier +
for (reason) appears 18 times 3,7% and none of student used thanking +
intensifier + intensifier that appears 0 time with no percentage. From the
explanation above, the highest strategy that used by the respondents
elaborated thanking (thanking + intensifier) strategy. Moreover, there were
also another responds that the researcher found in the research with 8,4 %.
It could be the evidence that the students have ability in communication so
the answered were not related to the strategy.
Thus, this research also provides the evidence that thanking strategies
used by EFL learners at IAIN Batusangkar depends on the various factors
such as situation, context, status (lower or higher), familiarity, and
imposition. All in all, the researcher has proven that the thanking strategies
can be analyzed through WDCT (Written Discourse Completion Test).
This research can discover the types of thanking strategies used by the

B. Suggestion
Based on the result of this research, the researcher give some
suggestion as follows :
1. Lecturers
From the result of the research, thanking strategies used by english
students in general is elaborated thanking. Lecturers can persuade the
the students that elaborated thanking more preferable to use and it
should be continued.
2. The Students
Considering the result of the research above, to the students, the
students are expected that to use appropriate thanking strategies
depends on the situation and context so it will not make the
communication failure to whom they are talking to.
3. Next Researcher
For the next researcher, it is hoped that he/she can conduct a
research about an analysis of politeness strategies that happen in a
certain place and certain people.


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Appendix 1: Table Theory of Thanking Strategies

Thanking Strategies by (Cheng 2010)

Classification of
Strategy Semantic Formula

Thankyou Thankyou
Simple Thanking
Thanks Thanks
Thankyou very much
Thanking + Intensifier
Thanks a lot

Thanking + Intensifier +
Thankyou very much indeed

Elaborated Thanking Thankyou for helping me to

Thankyou + for (reason)
repair my computer.

Thankyou very much indeed for

Thankyou + Intensifier + for
making the recommendation
letter for me sir.

Appendix 2: Grid of DCT

Status Formality Respondents Situations
of Item
You and your
familiarity Informal Borrowing notes 1
You and your
Familiarity Formal Book extension 2
You and your Recommendation
familiarity Formal 3
lecturer letter
You and your Moving to new
familiarity Informal 4
friend rented-house
You and your Paper writing
familiarity Formal 5
lecturer extension
You and your
familarity Informal Fixing computer 6
High- You and your Writing
familiarity Formal academic recommendation 7
High- advisor letter
You and your
familiarity Informal Scattered notes 8

Appendix 3: Discourse Completion Test (DCT)

Discourse Completion Test

Nama / Name :
NIM / Reg. No :
Kelas / Class :

Please read the following scenarios carefully and write down what you
would say if you were in these situations

No English Indonesian
1 You were sick and missed Kamu sakit dan melewatkan kelas
class last week. You feel minggu lalu. Kamu merasa lebih
better and go to class today. baik dan masuk kelas hari ini.
You ask your close friend, Kamu meminta kepada teman
who is in the same class, to dekatmu, yang berada dikelas yang
lend you the notes from last sama, untuk meminjamkan catatan
week so you can make minggu lalu sehingga kamu dapat
copies. Your friend agrees to menyalinnya. Temanmu setuju
lend you the notes. When you untuk meminjamkan catatan
return the class notes, what tersebut, apa yang akan kamu
would you say? katakan?

2 You are writing a term paper Kamu sedang menulis makalah

for one of your courses. For untuk salah satu mata kuliah. Untuk
this paper, you borrow a book mata kuliah ini, kamu meminjam
from one of your Lecturer, buku dari dosen kamu, yang kamu
whom you know very well. kenal sangat dekat. Kamu
You are supposed to return seharusnya mengembalikan buku
the book to him/her tersebut besok. Akan tetapi kamu
tomorrow. However, you masih membutuhkannya untuk 2-3
need to keep it for another 2- hari lagi untuk menyelesaikan
3 days to complete your makalah kamu. Jadi kamu meminta
paper. So you ask your kepada dosenmu untuk menyimpan
lecturer if you can keep the buku tersebut untuk beberapa hari
book for a few more days, lagi, dan dosenmu setuju. Ketika
and she/he agrees. When you kamu mengembalikan buku
return the book to your tersebut, apa yang akan kamu
lecturer, what would you katakan?

3 You want to apply for a Kamu ingin mendaftar beasiswa.


scholarship. It requires Pendaftaran tersebut memerlukan

recommendation letter from rekomendasi dari tiga orang dosen.
three lecturers. You have Kamu sudah meminta dua orang
already asked two lecturers dosen yang sangat kamu kenal
whom you know very well to dekat untuk membuat surat
write that letters. You decide rekomendasi tersebut. Kamu
to meet and ask the third memutuskan untuk bertemu dan
lecturer, although you don’t meminta dosen ketiga, yang kamu
know very well, to write a kurang dekat dengan beliau, untuk
letter for you because you menuliskan surat rekomendasi
took a course with him/her tersebut karena kamu pernah
last semester. She/he agrees mengambil mata kuliah dengannya
to write the recommendation semester lalu. Dosen tersebut
letter for you. A few days setuju. Beberapa hari kemudian
later, when you meet the kamu bertemu dosen tersebut,
lecturer, she/he tells you that dosen tersebut berkata bahwa ia
she/has sent out the telah mengirimkan surat
recommendation letter. What rekomendasi tersebut. Apa yang
would you say? akan kamu katakan?

4 You are about to move to a Kamu akan pindah ke kos baru.

new rent house. You have a Kamu punya banyak kotak barang
lot of boxes and some small dan beberapa perabotan kecil, tapi
furnitures, but you don’t have kamu tidak punya mobil untuk
a car. You ask your close memindahkannya. Kamu meminta
friend who has a car to help teman dekatmu yang memiliki
you move. Your friend mobil untuk menolongmu
hesitates because she/he is pindahan. Temanmu ragu karna ia
very busy, but then agrees to sangat sibuk, tapi dia setuju untuk
help you move. After two of membantumu. Setelah
you load your things into the memindahkan barang-barangmu ke
car, drive to your new rent mobil, berjalan menuju kos baru
house, and then finish dan mengangkat barang tersebut ke
carrying everything to your kos baru, apa yang akan kamu
new rent house, what would katakan?
you say?

5 You are writing a term paper Kamu sedang menulis tugas akhir
for one of your courses. You untuk salah satu mata kuliah. Kamu
are working hard on the bekerja keras untuk menyelesaikan
paper, but you have to stop makalah teresbut, akan tetapi kamu
because you also have to harus berhenti karna harus belajar
study for final exams in your untuk ujian akhir di mata kuliah
other courses. The paper is yang berbeda. Tugas akhir tersebut
due for tomorrow, and you harus dikumpulkan besok, dan

need few more days to finish kamu butuh beberapa hari lagi
it. You decide to ask the untuk menyelesaikannya. Kamu
lecturer who teaches the memutuskan untuk bertanya kepada
courses, whom you don’t dosenmu, yang kamu tidak terlalu
know very well for an dekat, untuk tambahan hari.
extension days. Your lecturer Dosenmu ragu karna itu tidak adil
hesitates because it won’t be bagi mahasiswa lain yang ada
fair for other student in the dikelas, namun akhirnya dosenmu
class, but then she/he agrees setuju untuk memberikan tambahan
to give you an extension hari. Setelah beberapa hari
days. A few days later, when kemudian, ketika kamu
you turn in the paper, what mengumpulkan tugas akhir
would you say to your tersebut, apa yang akan kamu
Lecturer? katakan?

6 You are having troubles with Kamu memiliki masalah dengan

your computer or laptop, it komputer atau laptopmu, yang terus
keeps crashing. You know error. Kamu tau seseorang
someone at school who dikampus yang seseorang yang ahli
knows a lot about computers dalam komputer dan kamu meminta
and you ask the person to orang tersebut untuk membantumu
help you eventhough the two walaupun kamu bukan teman dekat.
of you are not close friends. Dia ragu karna ia sangat sibuk
She/he hesitates because memperbaiki laptop milik orang
he/he is very busy fixing lain, akan tetapi ia setuju, dan
someone’s laptop too, but akhirnya kamu dan dia
then agrees to help you, and menghabiskan siang itu untuk
ends up spending the whole memperbaiki laptopmu. Setelah
afternoon fixing your laptop. laptop mu diperbaiki, apa yang
After the laptop is fixed, what akan kamu katakan?
would you say?

7 You just have found out Kamu baru saja menemukan

about a very good beasiswa yang sangat bagus, namun
scholarship, but the deadline sudah berakhir dua hari yang lalu.
is two days away. Since this Karena beasiswa ini dirasa akan
scholarship would help you menolongmu secara finansial, kamu
financially, you decide to memutuskan untuk mendaftar.
apply. You ask your Kamu meminta kepada
academic advisor, whom you pembimbing akademikmu, yang

know very well, to write a kamu kenal dekat, untuk

recommendation letter for menuliskan surat rekomendasi
you to apply this scholarship. untuk mendaftar beasiswa tersebut.
Your academic advisor Pembimbing akademikmu ragu
hesitates because she/he is karena beliau sangat sibuk dengan
very busy about the project proyek dan batas waktunya dalam
and the deadline is in two dua hari, akan tetapi, dosen
days, but she/he finally pembimbing akademikmu setuju.
agrees to write the letter. Ketika kamu bertemu pembimbing
When you meet your akademikmu besok harinya, beliau
academic advisor the next berkata bahwa surat tersebut sudah
day, he/she tells you that dikirim melalui e-mail. Apa yang
he/she has sent the letter by akan kamu katakan?
e-mail. What would you say?

8 You and your classmate, Kamu dan teman sekelasmu, yang

whom you aren’t so close tidak terlalu dekat dengamu, sedang
very well, are walking to the berjalan menuju kelas. Tiba-tiba,
class. You accidentally drop kamu menjatuhkan makalah dan
your papers and notes, which catatan kuliah sehingga
scatter all of over the middle berhamburan ditengah-tengah
of crowded corridor. Your lorong gedung yang sangat ramai.
classmate helps you to pick Teman sekelasmu menolongmu
up your papers and notes. untuk mengambil makalah dan
When your classmate gives catatan yang kamu jatuhkan. Ketika
the papers and notes to you, ia memberikannya, apa yang akan
what would you say? kamu katakan?

Appendix 4: Alternative Answer

Alternative Answer

No Situations Alternative answer

1 You were sick and missed class • Thankyou for consideration for
last week. You feel better and go borrowing me the notes, my
to class today. You ask your friend
close friend, who is in the same • Thankyou very much indeed for
class, to lend you the notes from the notes, my friend
last week so you can make • Thankyou so much for the notes
copies. Your friend agrees to • Thanks for notes
lend you the notes. When you • Thanks
return the class notes, what
would you say?

2 You are writing a term paper for • Thankyou very much mam/sir
one of your courses. For this for giving me additional days to
paper, you borrow a book from keep the book
one of your Lecturer, whom you • Thankyou for allowing me to
know very well. You are keep the book, sir/mam
supposed to return the book to • Thankyou very much, sir/mam.
him/her tomorrow. However, Indeed
you need to keep it for another • Thankyou sir/mam
2-3 days to complete your paper. • Thanks sir / mam
So you ask your lecturer if you
can keep the book for a few
more days, and she/he agrees.
When you return the book to
your lecturer, what would you

3 You want to apply for a • Thankyou so much for your

scholarship. It requires consideration to make the
recommendation letter from recommendation letter sir/mam.
three lecturers. You have already • Thankyou for making the
asked two lecturers whom you recommendation letter sir/mam
know very well to write that • Thankyou very much, sir/mam
letters. You decide to meet and • Thanks a lot, sir/mam
ask the third lecturer, although • Thanks sir/mam
you don’t know very well, to
write a letter for you because
you took a course with him/her
last semester. She/he agres to
write the recommendation letter

for you. A few days later, when

you meet the lecturer, she/he
tells you that she/has sent out the
recommendation letter. What
would you say?

4 You are about to move to a new • Thankyou very much for

rent house. You have a lot of helping me to bring my things.
boxes and some small furnitures, Would you like to drink
but you don’t have a car. You something?
ask your close friend who has a • Thankyou so much for helping
car to help you move. Your me with my stuffs, my friend
friend hesitates because she/he is • Thankyou so much indeed, my
very busy, but then agrees to friend
help you move. After two of you • Thanks a lot, my friend
load your things into the car, • Thankyou, bro!
drive to your new rent house,
and then finish carrying
everything to your new rent
house, what would you say?

5 You are writing a term paper for • Thankyou so much for your
one of your courses. You are consideration giving me an
working hard on the paper, but extra days to finish the term
you have to stop because you paper mam/sir
also have to study for final • Thankyou for giving some extra
exams in your other courses. The days to finish the paper mam/sir
paper is due for tomorrow, and • Thankyou very much mam/sir
you need few more days to • Thankyou, mam/sir
finish it. You decide to ask the • Thanks a lot, mam/sir
lecturer who teaches the courses,
whom you don’t know very well
for an extension days. Your
lecturer hesitates because it
won’t be fair for other student in
the class, but then she/he agress
to give you an extension days. A
few days later, when you turn in
the paper, what would you say to
your Lecturer?

6 You are having with troubles • Thankyou so much for your

your computer or laptop, it keeps consideration for fixing my
crashing. You know someone at laptop eventhough you’re so
school who knows a lot about busy. Let’s go get some lunch
computers and you ask the for both of us.

person to help you eventhough • Thankyou for for fixing my

the two of you are not close laptop. I do appreciate that.
friends. She/he hesitates because • Thankyou so much
he/he is very busy fixing • Thanks a lot.
someone’s laptop too, but then • How much does it cost?
agress to help you, and ends up
spending the whole afternoon
fixing your laptop. After the
laptop is fixed, what would you

7 You just have found out about a • Thankyou very much for your
very good scholarship, but the consideration allowing me to
deadline is two days away. Since apply the scholarship, mam/sir
this scholarship would help you • Thankyou for the
financially, you decide to apply. recommendation letter, mam/sir
You ask your academic advisor, • Thankyou so much indeed,
whom you know very well, to mam/sir
write a recommendation letter • Thankyou, mam/sir
for you to apply this scholarship. • Thanks, mam/sir
Your academic advisor hesitates
because she/he is very busy
about the project and the
deadline is in two days, but
she/he finally agress to write the
letter. When you meet your
academic advisor the next day,
he/she tells you that he/she has
sent the letter by e-mail. What
would you say?

8 You and your classmate, whom • Thankyou very much for

you don’t so close very well, are helping me to collect the papers
walking to the class. You and the notes although the
accidentally drop your papers corridor is crowded
and notes, which scatter all of • Thankyou for helping me to
over the middle of crowded pick up my the all the papers
corridor. Your classmate helps • Thankyou so much, indeed.
you to pick up your papers and You’re a good friend
notes. When your classmate • Thankyou very much
gives the papers and notes to • Thanks a lot
you, what would you say?

Appendix 5: Validation Sheet




Petunjuk :

A. Untuk memberikan penilaian terhadap format angket ini mohon Bapak/Ibu

memberikan tanda ceklis (√) pada kolomyang disediakan.
B. Aspek-aspek yang dinilai sebagai berikut :
1. Keterkaitan indikator dan tujuan.
2. Kesesuaian pernyataan/ pertanyaan dengan indikator yang diukur.
3. Kesesuaian antara pernyataan/ pertanyaan dengan tujuan.
4. Bahasa yang digunakan baik dan benar.
C. Angka-angka yang terdapat dalam kolom yang dimaksud berarti :
0 = Tidak Valid
1 = Kurang Valid
2 = Cukup Valid
3 = Valid
4 = Sangat Valid
D. Huruf-huruf yang terdapat dalam kolom yang dimaksud berarti :
A = Dapat digunakan tanpa revisi
B = Dapat digunakan dengan revisi sedikit
C = Dapat diuinakan dengan revisi sedang
D = Dapat digunakan dengan revisi yang banyak sekali
E = Tidak dapat digunakan

1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

Penilaian secara umum :

Penilaian secara umum terhadap
format test tentang: “Strategies of
showing thanking employed by the
English students at IAIN


Batusangkar, 2020

Dr.Rita Erlinda, M.Pd

NIP. 19730121 200003 2 001

Appendix 6: Validation Result from each of Validator

a. Validator Pertama

Petunjuk :

A. Untuk memberikan penilaian terhadap format angket ini mohon Bapak/Ibu

memberikan tanda ceklis (√) pada kolomyang disediakan.
B. Aspek-aspek yang dinilai sebagai berikut :
1. Keterkaitan indikator dan tujuan.
2. Kesesuaian pernyataan/ pertanyaan dengan indikator yang diukur.
3. Kesesuaian antara pernyataan/ pertanyaan dengan tujuan.
4. Bahasa yang digunakan baik dan benar.
C. Angka-angka yang terdapat dalam kolom yang dimaksud berarti :
0 = Tidak Valid
1 = Kurang Valid
2 = Cukup Valid
3 = Valid
4 = Sangat Valid
D. Huruf-huruf yang terdapat dalam kolom yang dimaksud berarti :
A = Dapat digunakan tanpa revisi
B = Dapat digunakan dengan revisi sedikit
C = Dapat diuinakan dengan revisi sedang
D = Dapat digunakan dengan revisi yang banyak sekali
E = Tidak dapat digunakan

1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
1 √ √ √ √
2 √ √ √ √
3 √ √ √ √
4 √ √ √ √
5 √ √ √ √
6 √ √ √ √
7 √ √ √ √
8 √ √ √ √

Penilaian secara umum :

Penilaian secara umum terhadap √
format test tentang: “Strategies of
showing thanking employed by the
English students at IAIN

DCT yang disebarkan kepada responden hanya DCT
yang berbahasa Inggris saja

Batusangkar, 2020

Dr.Rita Erlinda, M.Pd

NIP. 19730121 200003 2 001

b. Validator Kedua

Petunjuk :

A. Untuk memberikan penilaian terhadap format angket ini mohon Bapak/Ibu

memberikan tanda ceklis (√) pada kolomyang disediakan.
B. Aspek-aspek yang dinilai sebagai berikut :
1. Keterkaitan indikator dan tujuan.
2. Kesesuaian pernyataan/ pertanyaan dengan indikator yang diukur.
3. Kesesuaian antara pernyataan/ pertanyaan dengan tujuan.
4. Bahasa yang digunakan baik dan benar.
C. Angka-angka yang terdapat dalam kolom yang dimaksud berarti :
0 = Tidak Valid
1 = Kurang Valid
2 = Cukup Valid
3 = Valid
4 = Sangat Valid
D. Huruf-huruf yang terdapat dalam kolom yang dimaksud berarti :
A = Dapat digunakan tanpa revisi
B = Dapat digunakan dengan revisi sedikit
C = Dapat diuinakan dengan revisi sedang
D = Dapat digunakan dengan revisi yang banyak sekali
E = Tidak dapat digunakan

1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
1 v v v v
2 v v v v
3 v v v v
4 v v v v
5 v v v v
6 v v v v
7 v v v v
8 v v v v

Penilaian secara umum :

Penilaian secara umum terhadap v
format test tentang: “Strategies of
showing thanking employed by the
English students at IAIN

Format tes sudah baik dan mencakup poin-poin yang akan diukur.
Perlu sedikit perbaikan dalam penulisan beberapa kata

Batusangkar, July 1st 2020


Yuliana Kasuma SS., M.Pd

NIP. 19760705 200312 2 003

c. Validator Ketiga

Petunjuk :

A. Untuk memberikan penilaian terhadap format angket ini mohon Bapak/Ibu

memberikan tanda ceklis (√) pada kolomyang disediakan.
B. Aspek-aspek yang dinilai sebagai berikut :
1. Keterkaitan indikator dan tujuan.
2. Kesesuaian pernyataan/ pertanyaan dengan indikator yang diukur.
3. Kesesuaian antara pernyataan/ pertanyaan dengan tujuan.
4. Bahasa yang digunakan baik dan benar.
C. Angka-angka yang terdapat dalam kolom yang dimaksud berarti :
0 = Tidak Valid
1 = Kurang Valid
2 = Cukup Valid
3 = Valid
4 = Sangat Valid
D. Huruf-huruf yang terdapat dalam kolom yang dimaksud berarti :
A = Dapat digunakan tanpa revisi
B = Dapat digunakan dengan revisi sedikit
C = Dapat diuinakan dengan revisi sedang
D = Dapat digunakan dengan revisi yang banyak sekali
E = Tidak dapat digunakan

1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
1 √ √ √ √
2 √ √ √ √
3 √ √ √ √
4 √ √ √ √
5 √ √ √ √
6 √ √ √ √
7 √ √ √ √
8 √ √ √ √

Penilaian secara umum :

Penilaian secara umum terhadap
format test tentang: “Strategies of
showing thanking employed by the √
English students at IAIN

Instruments nya sudah Ok untuk disebarkan kepada respondents
Batusangkar, June 30th 2020

Arjus Putra, M.Pd

NIP. 19750503 200212 1 003

Appendix 7: Validation Result

To find the validation result, the researcher used Aiken’s formula where :

V = ∑ s /[n (C – 1)]
S = R – lo
Where: lo = Lowest scoring rate
C = Highest score
R = The number given by the validator
n = Number of validator

A. The Result of Aspect 1

No. Validator Validator Validator S1 S2 S3 ∑s V Keterangan
Item 1 2 3
1 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
2 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
3 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
4 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
5 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
6 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
7 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
8 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID

Aspect 1 is aimed to get validity of “Keterkaitan Indikator

dengan tujuan”. This aspect consisted of eight situations that show on
the table above. Then the researcher used the formula provided by Aiken
in Retnawati (2016) to analyze the validty from three experts. It’s
explained in the following table below:
No. Validator Validator Validator S1 S2 S3 ∑s V Keterangan
Item 1 2 3
1-8 32 32 32 24 24 24 96 1 VALID

Based on the validity above, the validity coefficient is 1, it means

the validity of this aspect belongs to “High”

B. The Result of Aspect 2

No. Validator Validator Validator S1 S2 S3 ∑s V Keterangan
Item 1 2 3
1 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
2 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
3 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
4 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
5 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
6 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
7 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
8 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID

Aspect 2 is aimed to get validity of “Kesesuain

pertanyaan/pernyataan dengan indikator yang diukur”. This aspect
consisted of eight situations that show on the table above. Then the

researcher used the formula provided by Aiken in Retnawati (2016) to

analyze the validty from three experts. It’s explained in the following table
No. Validator Validator Validator S1 S2 S3 ∑s V Keterangan
Item 1 2 3
1-8 32 32 32 24 24 24 72 1 VALID

Based on the validity above, the validity coefficient is 1, it means

the validity of this aspect belongs to “High”

C. The Result of Aspect 3

No. Validator Validator Validator S1 S2 S3 ∑s V Keterangan
Item 1 2 3
1 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
2 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
3 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
4 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
5 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
6 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
7 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
8 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID

Aspect 1 is aimed to get validity of “Keterkaitan Indikator

dengan tujuan”. This aspect consisted of eight situations that show on
the table above. Then the researcher used the formula provided by Aiken
in Retnawati (2016) to analyze the validty from three experts. It’s
explained in the following table below:
No. Validator Validator Validator S1 S2 S3 ∑s V Keterangan
Item 1 2 3
1-8 32 32 32 24 24 24 72 1 VALID

Based on the validity above, the validity coefficient is 1, it means the

validity of this aspect belongs to “High”

D. The Result of Aspect 4

No. Validator Validator Validator S1 S2 S3 ∑s V Keterangan
Item 1 2 3
1 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
2 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
3 4 3 4 3 2 3 8 0,888888889 VALID
4 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 1 VALID
5 4 3 4 3 2 3 8 0,888888889 VALID
6 4 3 4 3 2 3 8 0,888888889 VALID
7 4 3 4 3 2 3 8 0,888888889 VALID
8 4 3 4 3 2 3 8 0,888888889 VALID

Aspect 4 is aimed to get validity of “Bahasa yang digunakan

baik dan benar”. This aspect consisted of eight situations that show on
the table above. Then the researcher used the formula provided by Aiken
in Retnawati (2016) to analyze the validty from three experts. It’s
explained in the following table below:
No. Validator Validator Validator S1 S2 S3 ∑s V Keterangan
Item 1 2 3
1-8 32 27 32 24 19 24 67 0,930555556 VALID

Based on the validity above, the validity coefficient is 0,93, it means the
validity of this aspect belongs to “High”

E. Total Result of All Aspects

No. Validator Validator Validator S1 S2 S3 ∑s V Keteranga
Item 1 2 3 n
1-8 128 123 128 96 85 96 277 0,961805556 VALID

The result of all aspect are aimed to get the validity of the product.
These are all aspect of DCT (Discourse Completion Test) with several
situation on the table above. From the all aspects table above, validity
coefficient of the test is 0,96. It could be conclude that validity of the test
belongs to “High” and the validity product automatically is “Valid”

Appendix 8: Inter-rater Reliability

1. Thanking + Intensifier + for (reason) = 6

2. Thanking + for = 5
3. Thanking + Intensifier + Intensifier = 4
4. Thanking + Intensifier = 3
5. Thankyou = 2
6. Thanks = 1

Item Rater 1 Rater 2 Differences

1 6 6 0
2 5 5 0
3 6 6 0
4 5 5 0
5 6 5 1
6 6 5 1
7 6 6 0
8 3 3 0

Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
Rater 1 * Rater 2 8 100,0% 0 0,0% 8 100,0%

Rater 1 * Rater 2 Crosstabulation

Rater 2 Total
3 5 6
Rater 3 Count 1 0 0 1
1 Expected ,1 ,5 ,4 1,0
5 Count 0 2 0 2
Expected ,3 1,0 ,8 2,0
6 Count 0 2 3 5
Expected ,6 2,5 1,9 5,0

Total Count 1 4 3 8
Expected 1,0 4,0 3,0 8,0

Symmetric Measures
Value Asymptotic Approximate Approximate
Standard Tb Significance
Measure of Kappa ,600 ,235 2,475 ,013
N of Valid Cases 8
a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.
b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.

List Interpretation of Kappa

Kappa Interpretation
<0 Poor Agreement
0.0 – 0.20 Slight Agreement
0.21 – 0.40 Fair Agreement
0.41 – 0.60 Moderate Agreement
0.61 – 0.80 Substantial Agreement
0.81 – 1.00 Almost Perfect Agreement

Appendix 9: Final DCT

Discourse Completion Test

Nama / Name :
NIM / Reg. No :
Kelas / Class :

Please read the following scenarios carefully and write down what you
would say if you were in these situations

No English Indonesian
1 You were sick and missed Kamu sakit dan melewatkan kelas
class last week. You feel minggu lalu. Kamu merasa lebih
better and go to class today. baik dan masuk kelas hari ini.
You ask your close friend, Kamu meminta kepada teman
who is in the same class, to dekatmu, yang berada dikelas yang
lend you the notes from last sama, untuk meminjamkan catatan
week so you can make minggu lalu sehingga kamu dapat
copies. Your friend agrees to menyalinnya. Temanmu setuju
lend you the notes. When you untuk meminjamkan catatan
return the class notes, what tersebut, apa yang akan kamu
would you say? katakan?

2 You are writing a term paper Kamu sedang menulis makalah

for one of your courses. For untuk salah satu mata kuliah. Untuk
this paper, you borrow a book mata kuliah ini, kamu meminjam
from one of your Lecturer, buku dari dosen kamu, yang kamu
whom you know very well. kenal sangat dekat. Kamu
You are supposed to return seharusnya mengembalikan buku
the book to him/her tersebut besok. Akan tetapi kamu
tomorrow. However, you masih membutuhkannya untuk 2-3
need to keep it for another 2- hari lagi untuk menyelesaikan
3 days to complete your makalah kamu. Jadi kamu meminta
paper. So you ask your kepada dosenmu untuk menyimpan
lecturer if you can keep the buku tersebut untuk beberapa hari
book for a few more days, lagi, dan dosenmu setuju. Ketika
and she/he agrees. When you kamu mengembalikan buku
return the book to your tersebut, apa yang akan kamu
lecturer, what would you katakan?

3 You want to apply for a Kamu ingin mendaftar beasiswa.


scholarship. It requires Pendaftaran tersebut memerlukan

recommendation letter from rekomendasi dari tiga orang dosen.
three lecturers. You have Kamu sudah meminta dua orang
already asked two lecturers dosen yang sangat kamu kenal
whom you know very well to dekat untuk membuat surat
write that letters. You decide rekomendasi tersebut. Kamu
to meet and ask the third memutuskan untuk bertemu dan
lecturer, although you don’t meminta dosen ketiga, yang kamu
know very well, to write a kurang dekat dengan beliau, untuk
letter for you because you menuliskan surat rekomendasi
took a course with him/her tersebut karena kamu pernah
last semester. She/he agrees mengambil mata kuliah dengannya
to write the recommendation semester lalu. Dosen tersebut
letter for you. A few days setuju. Beberapa hari kemudian
later, when you meet the kamu bertemu dosen tersebut,
lecturer, she/he tells you that dosen tersebut berkata bahwa ia
she/has sent out the telah mengirimkan surat
recommendation letter. What rekomendasi tersebut. Apa yang
would you say? akan kamu katakan?

4 You are about to move to a Kamu akan pindah ke kos baru.

new rent house. You have a Kamu punya banyak kotak barang
lot of boxes and some small dan beberapa perabotan kecil, tapi
furnitures, but you don’t have kamu tidak punya mobil untuk
a car. You ask your close memindahkannya. Kamu meminta
friend who has a car to help teman dekatmu yang memiliki
you move. Your friend mobil untuk menolongmu
hesitates because she/he is pindahan. Temanmu ragu karna ia
very busy, but then agrees to sangat sibuk, tapi dia setuju untuk
help you move. After two of membantumu. Setelah
you load your things into the memindahkan barang-barangmu ke
car, drive to your new rent mobil, berjalan menuju kos baru
house, and then finish dan mengangkat barang tersebut ke
carrying everything to your kos baru, apa yang akan kamu
new rent house, what would katakan?
you say?

5 You are writing a term paper Kamu sedang menulis tugas akhir
for one of your courses. You untuk salah satu mata kuliah. Kamu
are working hard on the bekerja keras untuk menyelesaikan
paper, but you have to stop makalah teresbut, akan tetapi kamu
because you also have to harus berhenti karna harus belajar
study for final exams in your untuk ujian akhir di mata kuliah
other courses. The paper is yang berbeda. Tugas akhir tersebut
due for tomorrow, and you harus dikumpulkan besok, dan

need few more days to finish kamu butuh beberapa hari lagi
it. You decide to ask the untuk menyelesaikannya. Kamu
lecturer who teaches the memutuskan untuk bertanya kepada
courses, whom you don’t dosenmu, yang kamu tidak terlalu
know very well for an dekat, untuk tambahan hari.
extension days. Your lecturer Dosenmu ragu karna itu tidak adil
hesitates because it won’t be bagi mahasiswa lain yang ada
fair for other student in the dikelas, namun akhirnya dosenmu
class, but then she/he agrees setuju untuk memberikan tambahan
to give you an extension hari. Setelah beberapa hari
days. A few days later, when kemudian, ketika kamu
you turn in the paper, what mengumpulkan tugas akhir
would you say to your tersebut, apa yang akan kamu
Lecturer? katakan?

6 You are having troubles with Kamu memiliki masalah dengan

your computer or laptop, it komputer atau laptopmu, yang terus
keeps crashing. You know error. Kamu tau seseorang
someone at school who dikampus yang seseorang yang ahli
knows a lot about computers dalam komputer dan kamu meminta
and you ask the person to orang tersebut untuk membantumu
help you eventhough the two walaupun kamu bukan teman dekat.
of you are not close friends. Dia ragu karna ia sangat sibuk
She/he hesitates because memperbaiki laptop milik orang
he/he is very busy fixing lain, akan tetapi ia setuju, dan
someone’s laptop too, but akhirnya kamu dan dia
then agrees to help you, and menghabiskan siang itu untuk
ends up spending the whole memperbaiki laptopmu. Setelah
afternoon fixing your laptop. laptop mu diperbaiki, apa yang
After the laptop is fixed, what akan kamu katakan?
would you say?

7 You just have found out Kamu baru saja menemukan

about a very good beasiswa yang sangat bagus, namun
scholarship, but the deadline sudah berakhir dua hari yang lalu.
is two days away. Since this Karena beasiswa ini dirasa akan
scholarship would help you menolongmu secara finansial, kamu
financially, you decide to memutuskan untuk mendaftar.
apply. You ask your Kamu meminta kepada
academic advisor, whom you pembimbing akademikmu, yang

know very well, to write a kamu kenal dekat, untuk

recommendation letter for menuliskan surat rekomendasi
you to apply this scholarship. untuk mendaftar beasiswa tersebut.
Your academic advisor Pembimbing akademikmu ragu
hesitates because she/he is karena beliau sangat sibuk dengan
very busy about the project proyek dan batas waktunya dalam
and the deadline is in two dua hari, akan tetapi, dosen
days, but she/he finally pembimbing akademikmu setuju.
agrees to write the letter. Ketika kamu bertemu pembimbing
When you meet your akademikmu besok harinya, beliau
academic advisor the next berkata bahwa surat tersebut sudah
day, he/she tells you that dikirim melalui e-mail. Apa yang
he/she has sent the letter by akan kamu katakan?
e-mail. What would you say?

8 You and your classmate, Kamu dan teman sekelasmu, yang

whom you aren’t so close tidak terlalu dekat dengamu, sedang
very well, are walking to the berjalan menuju kelas. Tiba-tiba,
class. You accidentally drop kamu menjatuhkan makalah dan
your papers and notes, which catatan kuliah sehingga
scatter all of over the middle berhamburan ditengah-tengah
of crowded corridor. Your lorong gedung yang sangat ramai.
classmate helps you to pick Teman sekelasmu menolongmu
up your papers and notes. untuk mengambil makalah dan
When your classmate gives catatan yang kamu jatuhkan. Ketika
the papers and notes to you, ia memberikannya, apa yang akan
what would you say? kamu katakan?

Alternative Answer

No Situations Alternative answer

1 You were sick and missed class • Thankyou for consideration for
last week. You feel better and go borrowing me the notes, my
to class today. You ask your friend
close friend, who is in the same • Thankyou very much indeed for
class, to lend you the notes from the notes, my friend
last week so you can make • Thankyou so much for the notes
copies. Your friend agrees to • Thanks for notes
lend you the notes. When you • Thanks
return the class notes, what
would you say?

2 You are writing a term paper for • Thankyou very much mam/sir
one of your courses. For this for giving me additional days to
paper, you borrow a book from keep the book
one of your Lecturer, whom you • Thankyou for allowing me to
know very well. You are keep the book, sir/mam
supposed to return the book to • Thankyou very much, sir/mam.
him/her tomorrow. However, Indeed
you need to keep it for another • Thankyou sir/mam
2-3 days to complete your paper. • Thanks sir / mam
So you ask your lecturer if you
can keep the book for a few
more days, and she/he agrees.
When you return the book to
your lecturer, what would you

3 You want to apply for a • Thankyou so much for your

scholarship. It requires consideration to make the
recommendation letter from recommendation letter sir/mam.
three lecturers. You have already • Thankyou for making the
asked two lecturers whom you recommendation letter sir/mam
know very well to write that • Thankyou very much, sir/mam
letters. You decide to meet and • Thanks a lot, sir/mam
ask the third lecturer, although • Thanks sir/mam
you don’t know very well, to
write a letter for you because
you took a course with him/her
last semester. She/he agres to
write the recommendation letter
for you. A few days later, when
you meet the lecturer, she/he

tells you that she/has sent out the

recommendation letter. What
would you say?

4 You are about to move to a new • Thankyou very much for

rent house. You have a lot of helping me to bring my things.
boxes and some small furnitures, Would you like to drink
but you don’t have a car. You something?
ask your close friend who has a • Thankyou so much for helping
car to help you move. Your me with my stuffs, my friend
friend hesitates because she/he is • Thankyou so much indeed, my
very busy, but then agrees to friend
help you move. After two of you • Thanks a lot, my friend
load your things into the car, • Thankyou, bro!
drive to your new rent house,
and then finish carrying
everything to your new rent
house, what would you say?

5 You are writing a term paper for • Thankyou so much for your
one of your courses. You are consideration giving me an
working hard on the paper, but extra days to finish the term
you have to stop because you paper mam/sir
also have to study for final • Thankyou for giving some extra
exams in your other courses. The days to finish the paper mam/sir
paper is due for tomorrow, and • Thankyou very much mam/sir
you need few more days to • Thankyou, mam/sir
finish it. You decide to ask the • Thanks a lot, mam/sir
lecturer who teaches the courses,
whom you don’t know very well
for an extension days. Your
lecturer hesitates because it
won’t be fair for other student in
the class, but then she/he agress
to give you an extension days. A
few days later, when you turn in
the paper, what would you say to
your Lecturer?

6 You are having with troubles • Thankyou so much for your

your computer or laptop, it keeps consideration for fixing my
crashing. You know someone at laptop eventhough you’re so
school who knows a lot about busy. Let’s go get some lunch
computers and you ask the for both of us.
person to help you eventhough • Thankyou for for fixing my
the two of you are not close laptop. I do appreciate that.

friends. She/he hesitates because • Thankyou so much

he/he is very busy fixing • Thanks a lot.
someone’s laptop too, but then • How much does it cost?
agress to help you, and ends up
spending the whole afternoon
fixing your laptop. After the
laptop is fixed, what would you

7 You just have found out about a • Thankyou very much for your
very good scholarship, but the consideration allowing me to
deadline is two days away. Since apply the scholarship, mam/sir
this scholarship would help you • Thankyou for the
financially, you decide to apply. recommendation letter, mam/sir
You ask your academic advisor, • Thankyou so much indeed,
whom you know very well, to mam/sir
write a recommendation letter • Thankyou, mam/sir
for you to apply this scholarship. • Thanks, mam/sir
Your academic advisor hesitates
because she/he is very busy
about the project and the
deadline is in two days, but
she/he finally agress to write the
letter. When you meet your
academic advisor the next day,
he/she tells you that he/she has
sent the letter by e-mail. What
would you say?

8 You and your classmate, whom • Thankyou very much for

you don’t so close very well, are helping me to collect the papers
walking to the class. You and the notes although the
accidentally drop your papers corridor is crowded
and notes, which scatter all of • Thankyou for helping me to
over the middle of crowded pick up my the all the papers
corridor. Your classmate helps • Thankyou so much, indeed.
you to pick up your papers and You’re a good friend
notes. When your classmate • Thankyou very much
gives the papers and notes to • Thanks a lot
you, what would you say?

Appendix 10: Final Grid of DCT

Status Formality Respondents Situations
of Item
You and your
familiarity Informal Borrowing notes 1
You and your
Familiarity Formal Book extension 2
You and your Recommendation
familiarity Formal 3
lecturer letter
You and your Moving to new
familiarity Informal 4
friend rented-house
You and your Paper writing
familiarity Formal 5
lecturer extension
You and your
familarity Informal Fixing computer 6
High- You and your Writing
familiarity Formal academic recommendation 7
High- advisor letter
You and your
familiarity Informal Scattered notes 8

Appendix 11: Coding of Data

Coding Of Data

1. TY = Thankyou
2. TS = Thanks
3. TI = Thanking + Intensifier
4. TII = Thanking + Intensifier + Intensifier
5. TRf = Thanking + for (reason)
6. TIRf = Thanking + Intensifier + for (reason)
7. AR = Another Respon

No Name Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8

1 Reli Anggraini TY TI TI TI TY TS TI TY
2 Yogi Guntara TS TS TI TS TI TI TY TI
3 Ivana Manjula Sweetly TI TS TI TY TI TRf TI TRf
4 Rizki Pratama TRf TI TIRf AR TI AR TI AR
5 Nadila Afrianis TRf TRf AR AR TRf TRf AR TY
6 Novita Wulandari TRf TI TI TIRf TI AR TI TS
7 Tisa Angelina TY TRf TI TRf TRf TS TY TRf
8 Junita Kasma Ayu TI TIRf TRf AR TI AR TIRf TI
9 Marliza Ariani TY TRf TY AR TRf TRf TY TY
10 Syerlin Mandasari TY TI TI TS TIRf TRf TI TRf
11 Yulasni TRf TI TY TRf TI AR TI TY
12 Mutiara Ikhsani TY TY TY TY TY TS TY TY
13 Suci Ramadhani TY TI TRf TRf TRf TIRf TRf TI
14 Resi Khothori TRf TI TI TY TY TI TRf TY
15 Nelvi Zuliani TI TI TRf TY TI TRf TRf TY
16 Febrina Erlinda TRf TI TRf TI TY TI TI TY
17 Aifa Diyah Gusmawati TIRf TI TY TI TI TI TI TI
18 Sendy Afriyanli TI TIRf TY TRf TI TRf TY TRf
19 Wahyudi Asri AR TI TY TRf TY TRf TI TI
20 Hardisa Putri TY TI TI TY TI TY TY TY
21 Fadila Turrahmi TI TI TRf TI TI TRf TY TI
22 Ega Gusti M TRf TI TI TI TI TRf TI TRf
23 Ezzy Suhatril TS TI TI TS TI TI TI TS
24 Fira Safitri TRf TRf AR TRf AR TRf TRf TRf
25 Silvia Rahmatul Putri TI TI TI TI TI TI AR TS
26 Ledy Mardiah TRf TI TI TI AR TI TI TRf
27 Voni Maisyarah TRf TY AR TY TY AR TY TRf

28 Leli Elvira Aliensi TRf TI TI TS TY TY TY TY

29 Naurah Mardhiyah TS TY TI TY TY TY TI TY
30 Atika Mezi AR TI TRf TRf AR TRf TI TRf
31 Hur'ain Kurnia TS TS TI AR TRf TS TIRf TY
32 Aidil Fitra TRf TS TS TS TRf TS TRf TS
33 Vivina Rizali TRf TRf TRf TY TRf TRf TS TY
34 Robby Pratama Putra TI AR AR AR TI AR AR AR
35 Indah Zalita TY TY TY TY TY TY TY TY
36 Neli Ainul Mardiah AR AR TI TI TY TI TI AR
37 Warayhan TRf TRf TI TS TY TRf TY TI
38 Retta Violona TIRf TI TI TIRf TIRf TIRf TIRf TIRf
39 Yovando Alvarici TS TI TY TRf TRf AR TY TS
40 Nurafna Thayyibah TS TI TI AR TI AR TS AR
41 Salmatu Rahmah TY TY TI TI TRf TI AR TY
42 Rahmawati TI TI TI TY TY TY TY TS
43 Yusra Afriaeini TRf TRf TRf TY TRf TRf TI TY
44 Welia Anggreini TS TRf TRf TS TRf TS TRf TS
45 Alia Turahma TI TI TI TRf TI TRf TI TI
46 Suci Putri TS TY TI TS TI TS TS TY
47 Refky Rahmad TRf TRf TI TS TRf TIRf TRf TS
48 Novita Sari TRf TRf TRf TRf TRf TRf TI AR
49 Rani Yunita TRf TY TY AR TRf TIRf TY TRf
50 Erni Eriya Susanti TRf AR TI TRf TI TRf TI TY
51 Nofi Yanti TS TI TS TS TI TS TI TI
52 Fathmaliya Fitri TI TI TS AR TI TI TI AR
53 Rahmi Hayati TY TI TI TI TI TY TS TS
54 Yuli Asrina TY AR TRf TY TRf TIRf TY TY
55 Tamara Putri Jefilia TS TY TI TS TY TY TI TY
56 Rehan Kamil TRf TS TS TI TI TI TI TI
57 Filda Hidayati Husna TI TI TRf TI TI TRf TI TRf
58 Rezi Irviana TRf TS TRf TRf TY TRf TY TY
60 Wila Nofrianti TI TI TI TI TY TI TI TI
61 Widia Permata Sari TI TI TI TI TI TI TI TI

Appendix 12: Recapitulations of Respondents

Item 1

No Name Data Code

1 Reli Anggraini Thank you my friend TY
2 Yogi Guntara Thanks bro TS
3 Ivana Manjula TI
Thank you so much, it really helps
4 Rizki Pratama thanks for your notes, it is helpful TRf
5 Nadila Afrianis Thank you for lend me youre note TRf
6 Novita TRf
You have saved my life, thank you
7 Tisa Angelina Thank you TY
8 Junita Kasma TI
Thanks a lot
9 Marliza Ariani Thank you my beloved friend TY
10 Syerlin TY
Thank you friend
11 Thank you for lend my notes TRf
Yulasni before
12 Mutiara Ikhsani Thank you for the notes TY
13 This note help me to comprehend TY
Suci Ramadhani the material, thank you very much
14 Resi Khothori Thanks for helping me TRf
15 Thank you very much. Your notes TI
Nelvi Zuliani are really helpful
16 Thank you for borrowed me your TRf
Febrina Erlinda note
17 Aifa Diyah Thank you very much for your TIRf
Gusmawati help
18 Sendy Afriyanli Thank you very much TI
19 Here is your note, you helped me AR
a lot, next i will help you too,
Wahyudi Asri thanks dude
20 Hardisa Putri Thank you, this is very helpful TY
21 Fadila Turrahmi Thank you so much TI
22 Thank you for lending me your TRf
Ega Gusti M notes
23 Ezzy Suhatril Thanks Dude TS
24 Fira Safitri thank you for lending your notes TRf
25 Silvia Rahmatul TI
Thank u so much

26 You are the best one. Thanks for TRf

Ledy Mardiah lending me this notes.
27 Thank you for lend me this note. TRf
Voni Maisyarah You’re my angel
28 Leli Elvira Thank you for lend me your notes. TRf
Aliensi So, i get the matarial last week
29 Naurah TS
Thanks ya
30 Are you bussy? May i ask you? AR
My plan, i would like to ask you to
Atika Mezi borrow your notebook
31 Hur’ain Kurnia Thanks dude TS
32 Aidil Fitra thanks for saving me TRf
33 Terimakasih sudah meminjamkan TRf
Vivina Rizali catatan
34 Robby Pratama TI
Thank you so much
35 Indah Zalita Thank you TY
36 Neli Ainul AR
you have saved my life, girl
37 Bro, this is your book, thanks for TRf
Warayhan ur notes
38 thankyou so much ma bestfriend TIRf
Retta Violona for lending me your notes
39 Yovando TS
Thanks dude..
40 Nurafna TS
That a big help for me, thanks
41 Salmatu Rahmah Thank you bro, it really helped me TY
42 Thankyou so much for lending me TI
Rahmawati your note
43 thanks for the book, if you don’t TRf
Yusra Afriaeini lend it then I will miss the lesson
44 Welia Anggreini Thanks TS
45 Alia Turahma Thank you very much TI
46 Thanks for borrowed me your TS
Suci Putri notes
47 Thanks for allowing me the note TRf
Refky Rahmad mate
48 Novita Sari Thanks for helping me TRf
49 Rani Yunita Thankyou for helping me. TRf
50 Erni Eriya TRf
Thank you for the class notes
51 Nofi Yanti Thank a lot girl TS

52 Fathmaliya Fitri thank you very much TI

53 Rahmi Hayati thank pai, you save my life TY
54 Yuli Asrina Thank you TY
55 Tamara Putri TS
56 Rehan Kamil Thanks for your help brother TRf
57 Filda Hidayati Thank you so much bro. Without TI
Husna you i don’t know what should i do.
58 Rezi Irviana Thanks for the note TRf
59 Wetna Thank you TY
60 Wila Nofrianti Thank you very much my friend TI
61 Widia Permata TI
Thank you so much for your note

Item 2

No Name Data Code

1 Reli Anggraini Thank you very much sir/mom TI
2 Yogi Guntara Massive thanks sir. TS
3 Ivana Manjula Thanks miss,, I am sorry miss, I TS
Sweetly am late to return this book
4 thanks a lot sir, I was keeping your TI
Rizki Pratama book
5 Nadila Afrianis Thank you for your kindness mrs TRf
6 Novita Thank’s a lot sir TI
7 Tisa Angelina Thanks for your book miss TRf
8 Junita Kasma Thank you so much for let me TIRf
Ayu borrowed this mam
9 So late to return your book Mam. TRf
Marliza Ariani Thank you Mamj
10 Syerlin Thank you Very much mr. Or mrs TI
Mandasari for letting to keep this book
11 Yulasni Thank you so much miss/mr TI
12 Mutiara Ikhsani Thank you sir TY
13 Thank you very much mis, and TI
Suci Ramadhani sory for late,
14 Resi Khothori Thank you so much mam TI
15 Nelvi Zuliani Thank you very much mam. TI
16 Febrina Erlinda Thank you so much sir/mam. TI
17 Aifa Diyah Thank you very much mam, i’ll TI

Gusmawati return when I finish it

18 Sendy Afriyanli Thank you very much about this TIRf
19 Thanks a buch sir, your book is TI
Wahyudi Asri very intersting. Thanks sir
20 Thank you very much sir, sorry TI
Hardisa Putri I’m late returning it.
21 Fadila Turrahmi Thanks a lot mom TI
22 Ega Gusti M Thank you very much mom TI
23 Ezzy Suhatril Thank you very much Sir. TI
24 thank you for lending the book TRf
Fira Safitri miss, sorry for returning it late
25 excuseme mam, this is your paper . TI
Silvia Rahmatul Thank u somuch mam, i hope u
Putri always healthy
26 Thank you very much sir, that’s TI
Ledy Mardiah really kind of you
27 Thank you big mam, this is your TY
Voni Maisyarah book.
28 thank you very much mrs. Your TI
Leli Elvira help very important for me in
Aliensi finishing my term.
29 Naurah Thank you mr/mrs TY
30 thank you very much sir, I am very TI
helped by this book. I am very
lucky to borrow this book from
Atika Mezi you
31 Hur’ain Kurnia Thank mam TS
32 its needed more days to completed TS
Aidil Fitra my paper sir, thanks anyway
33 Terimaksih sudah meminjkan buku TRf
Vivina Rizali ino untik beberapa hari buk
34 Robby Pratama Apologize me to late bring your AR
Putra book
35 Indah Zalita Thank you miss TY
36 Neli Ainul i am grateful, Mom. You have AR
Mardiah helped me
37 Hello sir, this is the book that o TRf
borroerf and thanks for allowing
Warayhan me to use this book
38 thank you very much ma’am for TI
lending and allowing me to keep
Retta Violona your book for the next few days.
39 Yovando Thank you very much sir for lend TI

Alvarici me this book

40 Thank you very much sir, without TI
Nurafna the book there’s no idea to making
Thayyibah my task
41 Salmatu Rahmah Thank you sir, you are very kind TY
42 How nice you are,mom. Thankyou TI
Rahmawati so much
43 Thank you, sir, because of the TRf
book you lent me, I was able to
Yusra Afriaeini complete my assignment
44 Welia Anggreini Thanks for helping madam TRf
45 Alia Turahma Thank you very much mom TI
46 Suci Putri Thank you sir TY
47 Thankyou for allowing me to keep TRf
Refky Rahmad the book sir/mam
48 thank you for trusting me, I will TRf
Novita Sari keep this book well
49 Thankyou mrs/mr for Your TY
helping. I will keep this book very
Rani Yunita well
50 I’m sorry before sir, can I borrow AR
Erni Eriya this book again for 3 days to
Susanti complete my paper sir?
51 Nofi Yanti Thank u so much my lovely mom TI
52 Ma’am, thank a lot for lending this TI
Fathmaliya Fitri book
53 Rahmi Hayati thank so much miss TI
54 miss..can I borrow 2 more AR
make papers..many materials from
Yuli Asrina this book miss
55 Tamara Putri Thankyou TY
56 Rehan Kamil Thanks mam, your kind TS
57 Thank a lot mrs/mr. For your let TI
Filda Hidayati me borrow your book for me.with
Husna the book I get a lot of inspiration.
58 Rezi Irviana Thanks sir TS
59 Wetna Thank you TY
60 Wila Nofrianti Thank you very much sir/mam TI
61 Widia Permata Sir, this is your book thank you so TI
Sari much sir

Item 3

No Name Data Code

1 Reli Anggraini Thank you so much sir/mom TI
2 Yogi Guntara Thank you so much sir TI
3 Ivana Manjula Thank you so much sir,, thank you TI
4 thank you so much sir for your TIRf
Rizki Pratama recommendation
5 Nadila Afrianis I’m very grateful to you AR
6 Novita Thank you very much sir TI
7 Tisa Angelina Thank you very much miss, TI
8 Junita Kasma Thank you for the help mam TRf
9 Marliza Ariani Thank you Sir TY
10 Syerlin Oh my good thank u very very TI
Mandasari much mr or mrs for helping me
11 Yulasni Thank you miss TY
12 Mutiara Ikhsani Thank you sir TY
13 Suci Ramadhani Thanks for recommendatiom mis, TRf
14 Resi Khothori Thank you very much mam TI
15 Nelvi Zuliani Thank you for your help mam. TRf
16 Febrina Erlinda Thank you for help me mam/sir TRf
17 Aifa Diyah Thank you sir, thank you.. TY
18 Sendy Afriyanli Thank you sir/mirs TY
19 Thank you sir, you helped me a TY
Wahyudi Asri lot sir
20 Hardisa Putri Thank you very much TI
21 Thank you for your time and help TRf
Fadila Turrahmi mom
22 Ega Gusti M Thanks a lot mom TI
23 Ezzy Suhatril Thank you very much Sir. TI
24 I am very grateful for your AR
Fira Safitri recommendation letter miss
25 Silvia Rahmatul Thank u so much sir, TI
26 Thanks a lot Mom, it's difficult to TI
Ledy Mardiah find people like you nowadays
27 I am glad to have this paper from AR
Voni Maisyarah you

28 Leli Elvira Thank you very much Mr. TI

29 Naurah Thank you so much mrs/mr. It so TI
Mardhiyah helpful for me.
30 thank you for helping me book, I TRf
Atika Mezi feel very touched by your help
31 Hur’ain Kurnia Thans a million.mam TI
32 i will check it as soon as possible TS
Aidil Fitra sir, thanks
33 Terinaaih sudah metrkimdeasikan TRf
Vivina Rizali saya pak
34 Robby Pratama Please help me to get the AR
Putra scholarship
35 Indah Zalita Thank you TY
36 Neli Ainul Thank you so much, sir TI
37 Warayhan Thanks a lot miss TI
38 thank you very much ma'am for TI
making a letter of recommendation
Retta Violona for me, I am very grateful
39 Yovando Thank you sir, I don't know how to TY
Alvarici repay your kindness.
40 Thank you so much ma'am for TI
Nurafna recommending me to get the
Thayyibah scholarship, i'll do my best!
41 Thank you so much sir, i am so TI
Salmatu Rahmah grateful
42 Rahmawati Thanks a bunch mom TI
43 Yusra Afriaeini Thank you, sir, for signing it TRf
44 Welia Anggreini Thanks for helping madam TRf
45 Alia Turahma Thanks a lot mom TI
46 Suci Putri wahhh, thankyou veery much sir TI
47 Refky Rahmad Thankyou very much sir/mom TI
48 Thank you for helping me, I feel TRf
Novita Sari very grateful
49 Thankyou mrs/mr.. I'm so TY
Rani Yunita thankfull of you.
50 Erni Eriya Thank you very muc sir, TI
51 Nofi Yanti It's really help me, mom. Thanks TS
52 Fathmaliya Fitri many thanks ma'am TS
53 Rahmi Hayati thank a lot miss TI
54 Yuli Asrina assalamualaikum miss..thanks very TRf

much for recommending me for

this scholarship
55 Tamara Putri Thanks a lot TI
56 Rehan Kamil Thanks sir TS
57 Mrs/mr. thank you for your TRf
Filda Hidayati recommendation letter whom you
Husna give for me to get scholarship.
58 Thank you for the recomendation TRf
Rezi Irviana lettter,sir
59 Wetna Thank you so much TI
60 Wila Nofrianti Thank you very much sir/mam TI
61 Widia Permata That is very useful for me sir, TI
Sari thank you so much

Item 4

No Name Data Code

1 Reli Anggraini Thank you friend TI
2 Yogi Guntara Thanks TS
3 Ivana Manjula Thank you.. TY
4 Rizki Pratama I really appreciate your help AR
5 Nadila Afrianis Hey, I owe you one AR
6 Novita Thank you very much for your TIRf
Wulandari help
7 Tisa Angelina I'm very thankful for you TRf
8 Junita Kasma I can't imagine without your help AR
9 How lucky I am to have you my AR
Marliza Ariani best
10 Syerlin Thanks bro i will treat you later TS
11 Yulasni Thank you for your help my friend TRf
12 Mutiara Ikhsani Thank you TY
13 Thnks for you help, eventhogh you TRf
Suci Ramadhani are very busy,
14 Resi Khothori Thank you i owe you a lot TY
15 Thank youuu... I'll treat you TY
Nelvi Zuliani tommorow.
16 Thank a bunch baby, you are so TI
Febrina Erlinda good

17 Aifa Diyah Thank you very much friend, I TI

Gusmawati dont know how to reply this
18 Sendy Afriyanli Thanks for your help TRf
19 It was a nice trip dude, haha TRf
Wahyudi Asri thanks for helping me a lot
20 You are very good sist, the best. TY
Hardisa Putri Thank you
21 Fadila Turrahmi Thank you very much TI
22 Ega Gusti M Thank you so much for the help TI
23 Ezzy Suhatril Thanks guys TS
24 Fira Safitri thank you for helping me TRf
25 Silvia Rahmatul Thanks a bunch TI
26 Thanks a lot, you're very kind TI
Ledy Mardiah brother
27 I say thank you because you help TY
me, I can't finished that without
Voni Maisyarah your help
28 Leli Elvira thanks friend TS
29 Naurah Soddy and thank you dude. TY
30 I feel very reluctant to you, thank TRf
you for your help, I am very
Atika Mezi grateful
31 Hur’ain Kurnia I'm verry grateful for your help AR
32 thanks dude, im nothing without TS
Aidil Fitra you
33 Terimasih sudah membantu,maad TY
Vivina Rizali mengganfu waltu mu
34 Robby Pratama Please help me , I will give you AR
Putra money
35 Indah Zalita Thank you TY
36 Neli Ainul thank a bunch TI
37 Warayhan Thanks dude, i appreciate that haha TS
38 thanks a bunch bro for helping TIRf
me.. I don't know how I brought
Retta Violona this furniture without your help
39 Thank you for helping me. I don't TRf
Yovando know what it would be like if you
Alvarici were not there
40 Nurafna Without your help, i can't imagine AR
Thayyibah how could i move those bags.

41 Thank a lot sist, you are very nice TI
Salmatu Rahmah i hope you have a good life
42 Rahmawati Thank you a lot TY
43 fortunately you are, thank you, for TY
Yusra Afriaeini helping me
44 Welia Anggreini Thanks TS
45 Alia Turahma Thanks for your help TRf
46 Suci Putri well done, thanks TS
47 Refky Rahmad Thanks mate TS
48 Thank you for helping me do this TRf
even though you are very busy but
Novita Sari still want to help me
49 I don't know how to thank you. AR
Rani Yunita you are so kind. thank you
50 Erni Eriya Thank you for your help TRf
51 Nofi Yanti Big thanks, bro TS
52 Fathmaliya Fitri I owe you one AR
53 Rahmi Hayati thank a bunch mate TI
54 Thank you are the kind TY
Yuli Asrina poeple
55 Tamara Putri Thanks TS
56 Rehan Kamil Thanks a lot TI
57 Thank a lot friend. Without you I TI
don't know how to move the new
Filda Hidayati house. I have try to find a car but i
Husna didn't get it.
58 Rezi Irviana Thank you for your help TRf
59 Wetna Thank you TY
60 Wila Nofrianti Thank you very much my friend TI
61 Widia Permata Bro, thank you so much for your TI
Sari help and i am sorry

Item 5

No Name Data Code

1 Reli Anggraini Thank you very much sir/mom TY
2 Yogi Guntara Thank you so much sir TI
3 Ivana Manjula Thank you so much TI
4 Rizki Pratama thanks a bunch sir TI
5 Thank you for giving me more TRf
Nadila Afrianis time mrs
6 Novita Thank you so much sir TI
7 Tisa Angelina Thank you for thinking of me TRf
8 I'm sorry for the extra time that i TI
Junita Kasma took mam and Thank you so much
Ayu mam
9 Thank for an extension day for my TRf
Marliza Ariani paper Sir
10 Thank you so much mt ot mrs give TIRf
Syerlin me extension days for finish my
Mandasari paper
11 Yulasni Thank you so much TI
12 Mutiara Ikhsani Thank you TY
13 Thank for ease give to me mis, and TRf
Suci Ramadhani iam sory for my delaya
14 Resi Khothori Thank you mam TY
15 Thank you very much mam. I am TI
Nelvi Zuliani really grateful.
16 Thank you sir/mam, I'm sorry for TY
Febrina Erlinda my mistake
17 Aifa Diyah Thank a lot sir, I'll finish it as soon TI
Gusmawati as possible
18 Sendy Afriyanli Thank you very much TI
19 Thank you sir, i will submit it TY
Wahyudi Asri sooner
20 Thank you very much, I will do TI
Hardisa Putri my best
21 Fadila Turrahmi Thank you so much TI
22 Sorry for the delay, but thank you TI
Ega Gusti M so much
23 Ezzy Suhatril Thank you very much Sir. TI
24 I am truly grateful because you AR
Fira Safitri have given extra time to do this

task miss
25 Silvia Rahmatul Thank so very much TI
26 I'm so sorry sir, but I really thanks AR
Ledy Mardiah for you sense sir...
27 Thank you mam. This is the big TY
chance for me because you allow
Voni Maisyarah me to join on
28 Leli Elvira Thank you Mrs. You let me to TY
Aliensi finishing my exam
29 Naurah Thank you mrs/mr to give me an TY
Mardhiyah extension days.
30 I am very grateful to you. because AR
you have given me some leeway in
making this assignment. may god
Atika Mezi reward you better
31 Hur’ain Kurnia Thank you for your time mam TRf
32 Aidil Fitra thanks for hearing my beg sir TRf
33 Terimakasih pak sudah TRf
Vivina Rizali memberikan waktu lebih
34 Robby Pratama Thank you so much TI
35 Indah Zalita Thank you TY
36 Neli Ainul thank you mam TY
37 Warayhan Ahhh thank you sir TY
38 thank you very much mom for the TIRf
relief you have given me, thank
Retta Violona you again mom.
39 Thank you for your kindness. Next TRf
Yovando time, I will arrange a better
Alvarici schedule to be able to do my best
40 Nurafna Thank you very much about your TI
Thayyibah help sir
41 Thank you sir for extention the TRf
Salmatu Rahmah time, i will do the best
42 Rahmawati Thank you mom TY
43 thank you sir for the extension of TRf
Yusra Afriaeini time
44 Welia Anggreini Thanks for helping miss TRf
45 Alia Turahma Thank you so much TI
46 Suci Putri Thanks a lot sir TI
47 Refky Rahmad Thankyou for the extra time sir TRf
48 Novita Sari Thank you for giving me relief in TRf

collecting this exams

49 thank you for your kindness for TRf
Rani Yunita giving me an extra time
50 Erni Eriya Thank you very much sir TI
51 Nofi Yanti Thank u so much, mom TI
52 Fathmaliya Fitri Thank you very much TI
53 thank very much my beloved TI
Rahmi Hayati lecturer
54 Thank you, sir ... for giving me TRf
Yuli Asrina this opportunity
55 Tamara Putri Thankyou TY
56 Rehan Kamil Thanks in advance TI
57 Thank you very much you has TI
Filda Hidayati give me one more time to collect
Husna my papper.
58 Rezi Irviana Thank you TY
59 Wetna Thank you TY
60 Wila Nofrianti Thank you sir/ mam TY
61 Widia Permata Mam, thank you so much mam TI

Item 6

No Name Data Code

1 Thanks my friend, you have been TS
Reli Anggraini fixing my laptop
2 Yogi Guntara Thank you so much TI
3 Ivana Manjula Thanks for your help TRf
4 I will never forget what you have AR
Rizki Pratama done
5 I want to thank you for all your TRf
Nadila Afrianis help
6 Novita I will never forget what have you AR
Wulandari done
7 I really appreciate your help. TS
Tisa Angelina Thank you
8 Junita Kasma You are my savers AR
9 Marliza Ariani Thank you for your help TRf

10 Thank u friend for helping me to TRf

Syerlin fixing my laptop, may allah bless
Mandasari you
11 I can not say anything, I only want AR
Yulasni to say thank you
12 Mutiara Ikhsani Thanks TS
13 Sory make you busy, i need this TIRf
laptop. And thank you cery much
Suci Ramadhani to hel
14 Thank you so much, you save my TI
Resi Khothori laptop
15 Nelvi Zuliani Thank you for your help. TRf
16 Thank you so much bro, you is the TI
Febrina Erlinda best
17 Aifa Diyah Thanks a lot bro TI
18 Sendy Afriyanli Thanks for your laptop TRf
19 Thank you for fixing my laptop TRf
and also Im sorry for bothering
Wahyudi Asri you
20 Hardisa Putri Thank you bro, TY
21 Fadila Turrahmi Thanks for your help TRf
22 Ega Gusti M Thanks for your help TRf
23 Ezzy Suhatril Thank you very much TI
24 thank you for helping me fix my TRf
Fira Safitri laptop
25 Silvia Rahmatul Thank you very much TI
26 You have really helped me, Thank TI
Ledy Mardiah you very much
27 Ok. Sorry to disturb you friend. AR
Voni Maisyarah But can you help me to fix it?
28 Leli Elvira Thank you friend. I can use my TY
Aliensi computer again
29 Naurah Thank you TY
30 You are indeed a very good TRf
person, for helping me. Even
though you are very busy, thank
you for sacrificing your time for
Atika Mezi me
31 Hur’ain Kurnia That was nice of you..thanks TS
32 thanks dude, you absolutely TS
Aidil Fitra professional

33 Terimakaih banyak sudah TRf

membantu saya dan meluangkan
Vivina Rizali waktu untuk membantu saya
34 Robby Pratama I wanna rent your laptop AR
35 Indah Zalita Thank you TY
36 Neli Ainul thanks a million TI
37 You are really help me, and u have TRf
skill haha btw thanks for fixing
Warayhan mine
38 thank you very much for helping TIRf
Retta Violona me
39 Yovando I am very grateful to you, I really AR
Alvarici need this laptop
40 Nurafna I can't do my thesis without your AR
Thayyibah help, dude
41 Thank you so much bro, you havr TI
Salmatu Rahmah fixed my laptop
42 Rahmawati How smart you are,thankyou TY
43 thank you for helping me, sorry to TRf
Yusra Afriaeini bother you
44 Welia Anggreini Thanks friend TS
45 Alia Turahma Thank for your help TRf
46 Suci Putri thanks yaa TS
47 Thankyou so much for fixing my TIRf
Refky Rahmad laptop my friend
48 thank you for helping me in things TRf
Novita Sari that I cannot do it.
49 thank you very much for your TIRf
Rani Yunita help. You are very good
50 Erni Eriya Thank you for help me to fixed my TRf
Susanti laptop
51 Nofi Yanti Thanks TS
52 Fathmaliya Fitri Thank’s a lot TI
53 Rahmi Hayati your my angel, thank TY
54 Thank you very much for helping TIRf
me to fix this laptop ... you are
Yuli Asrina very reliable
55 Tamara Putri Thankyou TY
56 Rehan Kamil Thank you very much TI
57 Filda Hidayati Thank. For your help to fix my TRf
Husna laptop.

58 Rezi Irviana Thank you for your help TRf

59 Wetna Thank you TY
60 Wila Nofrianti Thank you very much TI
61 Widia Permata Bro thank you so much TI

Item 7

No Name Data Code

1 Reli Anggraini Thank you very much TI
2 Yogi Guntara Thank you TY
3 Ivana Manjula Okey thanks so much kak TI
4 Rizki Pratama thanks a bunch sir TI
5 I cannot tell you how grateful I am AR
Nadila Afrianis for all your help Mrs
6 Novita Thank's a lot mom TI
7 Tisa Angelina Thank you miss TY
8 Junita Kasma Thank you so much for your TIRf
Ayu concerns sir
9 Marliza Ariani Thank you Sir TY
10 Thank you so much mr or mrs, if TI
Syerlin you dont help me maybe im not
Mandasari get scolarship
11 Yulasni Thank so much miss TI
12 Mutiara Ikhsani Thank you sir TY
13 Thank you for make a time to TRf
make recomendation layer mis for
Suci Ramadhani me , im very greteful
14 Resi Khothori Thank you for helping me mam TRf
15 Nelvi Zuliani Thanks for your help mam. TRf
16 Thank you so much sir/mam for TI
Febrina Erlinda help me.
17 Aifa Diyah Thank you very much sir TI
18 Sendy Afriyanli Thank you sir/mirs TY
19 It was awesome, thanks a bunch TI
sir, you make me speechless
Wahyudi Asri because of your help
20 Sorry for bothering you sir, thank TY
Hardisa Putri you

21 Fadila Turrahmi Thank you sir TY

22 Ega Gusti M Thank you so much TI
23 Ezzy Suhatril Thank you very much Sir. TI
24 thank you for your TRf
Fira Safitri recommendation letter miss
25 Silvia Rahmatul Iam very thankful AR
26 Thank you very much. You're very TI
Ledy Mardiah kind sir
27 Voni Maisyarah Thank you mam TY
28 Leli Elvira thank you Mr. TY
29 Naurah Thank you so much TI
30 thank you very much sir, I'm very TI
grateful for your help. I hope you
will always be healthy and will
Atika Mezi carry out all matters and risks
31 Alhamdulillah..thank you very TIRf
Hur’ain Kurnia much for your help mam
32 thanks for recommendation sir, its TRf
Aidil Fitra very helpfull
33 Vivina Rizali Terimakasih sudah membatu buk TS
34 Robby Pratama Sorry sir/mrs , do you open your AR
Putra email sir /mrs ?
35 Indah Zalita Thank you TY
36 Neli Ainul I am very thankful, Mam TI
37 Warayhan Thank you miss TY
38 thank you very much mom for TIRf
helping me make a letter of
recommendation, again thank you
Retta Violona very much mom
39 Yovando Thank you, sir, I am very grateful TY
Alvarici for your help.
40 Nurafna A big thanks for you ma'am TS
41 I am so grateful sir, thank you so AR
Salmatu Rahmah much sir
42 Rahmawati Thankyou TY
43 Thank you very much, sir, for TI
Yusra Afriaeini helping me
44 Welia Anggreini Thanks for helping madam/sir TRf
45 Alia Turahma Thank you so much mom TI

46 Suci Putri Thanks sir TS

47 Thankyou so much for the time TRf
Refky Rahmad sir/mom
48 Novita Sari Thank you so much for your help TI
49 Rani Yunita Thankyou mrs/mr. TY
50 Erni Eriya Thank you very much sir TI
51 Nofi Yanti Thank u so much TI
52 Fathmaliya Fitri Thank you very much TI
53 Rahmi Hayati thank my hero TS
54 thank you miss..have TY
recommended me to this
Yuli Asrina scholarship ..
55 Tamara Putri Thank you somuch TI
56 Rehan Kamil Thanks a lot sir TI
57 Filda Hidayati Thank a lot sir. TI
58 Rezi Irviana Thank you sir TY
59 Wetna Thank you TY
60 Wila Nofrianti Thank you very much TI
61 Widia Permata Sister thank you so much TI

Item 8

No Name Data Code

1 Reli Anggraini Thank you bro/sist TY
2 Yogi Guntara Thank you so much TI
3 Ivana Manjula Thanks for your help TRf
4 Rizki Pratama I really appreciate your help AR
5 Nadila Afrianis Thank you TY
6 Novita Many thanks TS
7 Tisa Angelina Thanks for what you did TRf
8 Junita Kasma You so kind,thank you so much TI
9 Marliza Ariani Thank you brother TY
10 Syerlin Thanks you friend for helping me, TRf
Mandasari i will treat you later on

11 Yulasni Thank you friend TY

12 Mutiara Ikhsani Thank you TY
13 Suci Ramadhani Thank you very much TI
14 Resi Khothori Thank you TY
15 Nelvi Zuliani Thank you TY
16 Febrina Erlinda Thank you TY
17 Aifa Diyah Thanks a bunch bro TI
18 Sendy Afriyanli Thanks for your help TRf
19 Owh thanks a bunch dude, your so TI
Wahyudi Asri nice
20 Hardisa Putri Thank you TY
21 Fadila Turrahmi Thanks so much TI
22 Ega Gusti M Thanks for the help TRf
23 Ezzy Suhatril Thanks dude TS
24 Fira Safitri thanks for the help TRf
25 Silvia Rahmatul Thanks TS
26 Ledy Mardiah Thanks for you help TRf
27 Sincerely thank you for your hand TRf
Voni Maisyarah friends.
28 Leli Elvira thank you. You are very good TY
Aliensi person
29 Naurah Thank you dude. TY
30 I'm sorry, I accidentally dropped it. TRf
thanks for the help of all my
Atika Mezi friends
31 Hur’ain Kurnia Thank you :) TY
32 Aidil Fitra im in messed, thanks dude TS
33 Terimasih suadah mengambil kan TY
Vivina Rizali pulpen dan vuku saya
34 Robby Pratama God bless you AR
35 Indah Zalita Thank you TY
36 Neli Ainul You are my angel, Rahmi AR
37 Warayhan Thanks in advance bro TI
38 thank you so much for helping me TIRf
Retta Violona sist
39 Yovando ahh thanks, you are very helpful. TS

40 Oh god if you're not helping me i AR

can't imagine how can I collect my
Nurafna papers with a dirty point there.
Thayyibah thanks a lot
41 Salmatu Rahmah Thank you sist, you are very nice TY
42 Rahmawati Thanks TS
43 Yusra Afriaeini Thank you TY
44 Welia Anggreini Thanks friend TS
45 Alia Turahma Thanks a lot TI
46 Suci Putri aaaaa, thankyouu TY
47 Refky Rahmad Thanks my friend TS
48 It's nice to have a bestfriend like AR
Novita Sari you
49 Thankyou for your helping my TRf
Rani Yunita friend
50 Erni Eriya Thank you TY
51 Nofi Yanti Thanks a lot TI
52 Fathmaliya Fitri you have saved my life AR
53 Rahmi Hayati thank pai TS
54 Yuli Asrina Thank are very kind TY
55 Tamara Putri Thankyou TY
56 Rehan Kamil Thanks a lot bro TI
57 Filda Hidayati Thank for you help. Without you TRf
Husna may be the paper will broken
58 Rezi Irviana Thank you TY
59 Wetna Thank you TY
60 Wila Nofrianti Thank you very much TI
61 Widia Permata Thank you so much TI

Appendix 13: Sample of Filled WDCT Response


Appendix 14 : Letter of Research Recommendation

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