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PE 102


As a teenager, I have strengths and weaknesses that contribute to all five aspects of my
health. There is always was for me to improve my health as I point out where that improvement
in needed. I have strengths and weaknesses in the physical aspect of my health.

My greatest strength in my physical health is that I try to eat as healthy as I can. I try to
avoid food with high sugar and sodium. One weakness in my physical health is that I do not
exercise that often. I feel like I am swamped with school work and do not have the time to
exercise during the school week.

My strength in spiritually health I can identify the things in my life that give me a sense
of inner peace, comfort, strength, love, and connection. I also can set aside time every day to do
the things that help me spiritually. Like praying, meditating, singing devotional songs, reading
inspirational books, taking nature walks, having quiet time for thinking and attending religious
services. I am also God fearing person. It makes me incredibly happy whenever I attend church
and when I feel God is watching and smiling. As much as I can I wanted to obey God's
commandments. One weakness of my spiritual health is that sometimes I didn't attend our
church and forget to do my devotions which makes me mad at myself and feel guilty.

My strength that I find I have in my mental and emotional health is my ability to cope
with the issue in my life either through seeking help with someone like a friend, my sister, or my
mom or by figuring it out myself. I never like to bottle up my problems until the pressure gets
the best of me. If I can’t seek the help of others and I feel overwhelmed then listening music in a
quiet place helps me relieve the stress of my problems. One weakness in my mental and
emotional health is that I do not always feel great about myself. I have the weakness of not
being able to let go of my past mistakes and I hold them over myself which sometimes makes
me upset.

My strength in my social health I am good at getting along with other people that I am
friends and I make sure I am always there for them when they need me. I try to be nice to
everyone and to help them through anything they need. I avoid fighting with them and try to
make them laugh as much as possible. However, my weakness in my social health is that I do
not entertain strangers/persons who I didn't know and that makes other's impression to me
turn to be a snobbier or introvert because I feel awkward whenever I met someone who I can't
relate with. I also avoid people I hate.

But after all, I consider God as my ultimate strength because with Him, Nothing is

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