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Discussion /4
Conclusion /2
Questions /2
Format /2
Total /20







STUDENT ID : 2020453788

GROUP : AS1143B1



Declaration of Academic Honesty

Academic honesty or academic integrity is a very important virtue that all students should uphold at all times.

I/We declare that the lab report submitted is not plagiarised and is entirely my/our own work, and that no part of it
has been copied from any work produced by other person(s)/ source(s) or provided by any other student(s).

I/We understand that issuing a false declaration can result in severe penalties and I/we am/are willing to be
penalized if any form of copying found valid.


1. to determine the heat capacity of calorimeter

2. to determine the heat of neutralisation

Heat capacity of the calorimeter is the amount of heat capacity that can be absorbed
for every 1°C change in temperature. Heat capacity can be accomplished by mixing a hot and
cold water in the calorimeter. From the mixing, the heat lost by the water will be equal to the
heat gained by the cold water and by the calorimeter.
A known weight of hot water (m1, g) at T1°C is added to a known weight of cold water
(m2, g) at T2°C in a calorimeter.
Heat released by hot water = Heat absorbed by cold water & calorimeter
m1c (T1 – T3) = m2c (T3 – T2) + (T3 – T2) y
where c = specific heat of water, 4.184 J g-1 °C -1
T3 = final temperature of the mixture
y = heat capacity of the calorimeter

When an acid and base are combined in a neutralization reaction, heat is produced
and liberated. The heat produced can be used to determine the molar heat of neutralization
resulting in the heat released per mole of acid or base reacting.
A known weight of strong acid (ma, g) at TA °C is mixed with a known weight of strong base
(mb, g) at TB °C in a calorimeter. The final temperature of the mixture is TM °C.
Heat released by the mixture:

(TA + TB) (TA + TB)

= (ma + mb) c [TM - ] + y [TM - ]
2 2

Heat of neutralisation = Heat released / No. of moles acid or base used

a) Determining the heat capacity of a calorimeter:
1. The overlapping polystyrene cups was weighed.
2. 50 mL of cold water was measured and poured into the calorimeter
3. 50 mL of hot water and its temperature was measured for about 60 °C.
4. The hot water was poured into the cold water, immediately covered, and stirred using the
5. The maximum temperature reached by the mixture was noted.
6. The calorimeter was weighed without the cover and thermometer.

b) Determining the heat of neutralisation:

1. The above calorimeter (ma) was weighed without the cover and thermometer
2. 50 mL of strong acid was measured and poured into calorimeter. The calorimeter containing
the acid solution was weighed.
3. 50 mL of strong base was measured.
4. The temperatures of the two solutions (TA) and (TB) was measured.
5. The strong base was poured into the calorimeter, covered, and stirred with the thermometer.
6. The maximum temperature (TM) reached by the mixture was noted.
7. The calorimeter was weighed without the cover and thermometer (mb).


a) Determining the heat capacity of a calorimeter

Weight of calorimeter 100.0 g

Weight of calorimeter + cold water 150.0 g

Weight of cold water (m2) 50.0 g

Temperature of cold water (T2) 17.4 °C

Temperature of hot water (T1) 40.5 °C

Weight of calorimeter + cold water + hot water 200.0 g

Weight of hot water (m1) 50.0 g

Maximum temperature (T3) 28.3 °C

b) Determining the heat of neutralisation

Weight of calorimeter 100.0 g

Weight of calorimeter + acid 150.0 g

Weight of acid (ma) 50.0 g

Temperature of acid (TA) 21.1 °C

Temperature of base (TB) 21.1 °C

Maximum temperature (TM) 31.5 °C

Weight of calorimeter containing both acid and base 200.0 g

Weight of base (mb) 50.0 g

Data / calculations
1. a) the heat capacity of calorimeter:

m1 c (T1 – T3) = m2 c (T3 – T2) + (T3 – T2) y

50.0g (4.184 J g-1°C-1) (40.5 °C – 28.3°C) = 50.0 g (4.184 J g-1 °C-1) (28.3 °C – 17.4°C) +
(28.3°C – 17.4°C) y
2552.24 J = 2280.28 J + y (10.9°C)
271.96 J = y (10.9°C)
y = -24.95 J / °C

b) the heat of neutralisation for your set of strong acid-strong base pair:

(TA + TB) (TA + TB)

= (ma + mb) c [TM - ] + y [TM - ]
2 2

= 100.0 g (4.184 J g-1 °C-1) [ 31.5 °C – 21.1 °C] + 24.95 J °C-1 [ 31.5 °C – 21.1 °C]
= 22 007.84 J + 259.48 J
= 22 267.32 J / 1.3714 mol
= 16 236.44 J/mol
= -16.2364 kJ/mol
2. Tabulate the class result for the heat of neutralisation for the four possible set of strong
acid strong base

Strong Acid Strong Base




HNO3 Ca(OH)2

In the first experiment, we can determine the heat capacity of a calorimeter by mixing
hot and cold water. The weight and the temperature of the calorimeter, cold water and hot
water was taken to determine the heat capacity. After the calculation have been made, the
heat capacity of the calorimeter is y= -24.95 J/°C.
The standard molar enthalpy change of neutralisation is the enthalpy change when
solutions of an acid and an alkali react together under standard conditions to produce 1 mole
of water. For reactions involving strong acid and alkali, the values are always close to values
between -57 and -58 kJ mol-1. This is because strong acids and strong bases are fully ionized
in solution and the ions behave independently of each other. Neutralization reaction is an
exothermic reaction because when an acid and alkali react, the reaction releases heat, thus,
enthalpy changes in neutralisation are always negative.
For the second experiment, after we determine the constant heat capacity of
calorimeter (y), now we can determine the energy released by the neutralization process. We
use 50 mL of HCL and 50 mL of NaOH. The initial temperature of both solutions has been
taken before the mixing which is 21.1 °C. the HCL and NaOH have been poured into the
calorimeter to determine the maximum temperature for neutralization reaction which is
31.5 °C. after the calculation has been made, the heat of neutralization is -16.2364kJ/mol.

The value for heat capacity of calorimeter (y) is -24.95 J/°C and the heat of
neutralization for a pair of strong acid and strong base on actual experiment is -16.2364 kJ/mol
meanwhile the average value of the heat of neutralization for every set of strong acid-strong
base pair is -57.3 kJ/mol.
Lopez-Ramon, M. V., Stoeckli, F., Moreno-Castilla, C., & Carrasco-Marin, F.(1999). On the
characterization of acidic and basic surface sites on carbons by various
techniques.Carbon,37 (8), 1215-1221.
Johnson, G. K., Smith, P. N., & Hubbard, W. N. (1973). The enthalpies of solution and
neutralization of HF (I); enthalpies of dilution and derived thermodynamic properties of HF
(aq). The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,5(6), 793-809.
Eatough, D. J., Christensen, J. J., & Izatt, R. M. (1975). Determination of the enthalpy of
solution of tris-(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane in 0.1 M HCl solution and the enthalpy of
neutralization of HClO4 with NaOH at low ionic strengths by use of an improved isothermal
titration calorimeter.The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,7 (5), 417-422.
Libretexts. (2020, August 15). Enthalpy Change of Neutralization. Chemistry LibreTexts.
Objective /1
Methods/ procedures /3
Results/Data/Observation /6
Discussion /4
Conclusion /2
Questions /2
Format /2
Total /20







STUDENT ID : 2020453788

GROUP : AS1143B1



Declaration of Academic Honesty

Academic honesty or academic integrity is a very important virtue that all students should uphold at all times.

I/We declare that the lab report submitted is not plagiarised and is entirely my/our own work, and that no part of it
has been copied from any work produced by other person(s)/ source(s) or provided by any other student(s).

I/We understand that issuing a false declaration can result in severe penalties and I/we am/are willing to be
penalized if any form of copying found valid.


1. to study the shift in equilibrium of reversible reactions using Le Chatelier’s Principle.
2. to examine equilibrium systems and the effects of stresses placed on those system.

Not all reactions completed or use up all of the reactants, in some chemical reactions
there is always some number of products and some reactants present. In these chemical
systems there are two competing processes occurring which are the forward reaction and the
reverse reaction. Both forward and reverse reactions are taking place simultaneously. When
the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction, the system is at
equilibrium which the concentrations of the products and reactants remain constant.
Any system at equilibrium will remain at equilibrium unless the conditions of the system
change. Le Chatelier’s principle states that a system at equilibrium will respond to a stress on
the system in such a way as to relive the stress and establish a new equilibrium. If the forward
reaction dominates to offset the changes, we say the system ‘shifts to the right’ or ‘shifts toward
products’ to re-establish equilibrium conditions. This will increase the concentration of the
products and decrease the concentration of the reactants. However, if the reverse reaction
dominates to offset the changes, we say the system ‘shifts to the left’ or ‘shifts toward
reactants’ to re-establish equilibrium conditions. This will increase the concentrations of the
reactants and decrease the concentrations of the products. The changes will not return the
system to the original conditions but to a new set of conditions that establish equilibrium.
Once a system has reached equilibrium, it is possible to change the composition of the
equilibrium mixture by changing the conditions of the reaction. The study of the factors which
alter the position of equilibrium is commercially important as many industries will find the
optimum conditions for reactions that give the best yields and at the same time the lowest cost
of production. The reaction system remains in dynamic equilibrium only as long as the system
remains isolated or closed where there is no exchange of matter or energy between system
and surroundings.
If the external conditions such as temperature, concentration and pressure or other
factors are changed, the equilibrium will shift to a new position of equilibrium. The direction in
which an equilibrium will shift when one of these changes is made can be predicted by applying
Le Chatelier’s principle. Le Chatelier’s principle states that when a system at equilibrium is
subjected to a change in temperature, pressure or concentration of a reactant or product, the
system will, if possible, shift its equilibrium position so as to partially counteract the effect of
the change.
1. 5 mL of water and 2 drops of phenolphthalein were added into a test tube. A few drops of
1.0M NH4OH was added, and the colour of the solution has been observed. A few drops of
1.0M CH3COOH was added until the colour of the solution changes. The colour obtained was
2. 5 mL of water and 2 drops of phenolphthalein were added into a test tube. A few drops of
1.0 M NH4OH was added, and the colour of the solution has been observed. The solution was
divided into 2 portions. A little solid NH4Cl was added to one portion of the solution and has
been shaken well. The colour of the two solutions were compared.
3. 5 mL of water and 2 drops of phenolphthalein were added into a test tube. One drop of 1.0M
NaOH was added. The solution was divided into two portions. A little NaCl was added to one
of the portions of the solution and has been shaken well. The colour of the two solutions were
4. 3 mL of 1.0M K2CrO4 was added to a test tube. 3.0M HNO3 was added to the solution until
the colour changes. The observations have been recorded.
5. 3 mL of 0.1 M CuSO4 was added to a test tube. NH3 concentration was added drop by drop
and has been shaken well. If a precipitate Is formed, more concentration of NH3 was added
until it dissolves. 3.0M HNO3 was added to the solution until the colour changes. HNO3
concentration was added drop by drop and has been shaken well until a permanent colour is
obtained. The observations have been recorded.
6. Dissolve 10g of cobalt chloride (II) in 100 mL of water. 4 test tubes with the above solution
were filled and the following experiments have been carried out. The result was recorded in
a) test tube 1 + HCl + 5 mL water
b) test tube 2 + CaCl2
c) test tube 3 + HCl + AgNO3
d) test tube 4 (immerse in hot water bath and ice water bath)
Results and Discussion


1. 5 ml of water + 2 drops of Pink to colourless When phenolphthalein is added
phenolphthalein + few drops to the water, the solution turned
of 1M of NH4OH + 1M of to pink
Hln (aq) + H2O (l) ⇋ H3O+
(aq) + ln-

NH4OH is a weak base so

when added to the solution, it
remains pink.

NH4OH (aq) ⇋ NH4+(aq) +OH-


CH3COOH is a weak acid and

when added to the solution, the
solution become neutral
resulting in colourless solution.
The equilibrium shifts to the left.
Factor affecting the shift in
equilibrium of the reversible
recation is concentration of
2. 5 ml of water + 2 drops of Pink to colourless When phenolphthalein is added
phenolphthalein + few drops Pink stays pink to the water, the solution turned
of 1M of NH4OH. The to pink
solution is divided into two
portions. NH4Cl is added to Hln (aq) + H2O (l) ⇋ H3O+
a portion and being shaken (aq) + ln-
NH4OH is a weak base so
when added to the solution, it
remains pink.

NH4OH (aq) ⇋ NH4+(aq) +OH-


NH4Cl has acidic properties

and when added to the solution,
the solution become colourless.
The other portion remains pink
as there is no acidic properties
to react with it. The equilibrium
shifts to the left. Factor affecting
the shift in equilibrium of the
reversible reaction is common
ion effect.
3. 5 ml of water + 2 drops of Pink stays pink When phenolphthalein is added
phenolphthalein + a drop of Pink stays pink to the water, the solution turned
1M NaOH. The solution is to pink
divided into two portions.
NaCl is added to a portion Hln (aq) + H2O (l) ⇋ H3O+
and being shaken well. (aq) + ln-

NH4OH is a weak base so

when added to the solution, it
remains pink.

NH4OH (aq) ⇋ NH4+(aq) +OH-


The addition of NaOH caused

the solution to stay pink as it
contains bases properties.
One portion of the solution is
added with NaCl which is a
base that is weaker than NaOH.
This caused the solution to
remain unchanged as no
neutralisation occurred.
The other portion remains pink
as it does not react with
There is no effect in shifting
position of equilibrium reaction.
Factor affecting the shift in
equilibrium reaction is common
ion effect thus there are no
changes in the result.
4. 3 ml of 1M K2CrO4 + 3M Yellow to orange to K2CrO4 is yellow in colour.
HNO3 + 1M NaOH drop by yellow When K2CrO4 reacts with
drop HNO3, the mixture turned to
orange which comes from the
CrO42– ions.

2CrO42–(aq) (yellow) + 2H+(aq)

⇌ Cr2O72–(aq) (orange) + H2O(l)

The solution then change to

yellow after NaOH is added to
the solution resulting from the
neutralisation of H+ ion and
OH- ion.
The equilibrium shifts to the
right. Factor affecting the shift in
equilibrium of the reversible
reaction is concentration.
5. 3 ml of 0.1 CuSO4 + Light blue to dark blue CuSO4 is light blue colour
conc. NH3 drop by drop + Light blue to dark blue which comes from
conc. NH3 + 3.0 M HNO3 + [Cu(H2O)4]2+.
conc. NH3 drop by drop and The addition of conc. NH3 turns
being shaken well the solution to dark blue as NH3
is a weak base that contains
bases properties.
Then, the solution turned to
light blue as It undergoes the
neutralisation process due to
the addition of HNO3.
The solution turned to dark blue
as it reacts with NH3.
The equilibrium shifts to the
right. Factor affecting the shift in
equilibrium of the reversible
reaction is concentration.
6. Dissolve cobalt chloride in Pink The pink colour in the test tube
water comes form cobalt(II) ions in
water [Co(H2O)6]+2.

[CoCl4]2- + 6H2O ⇋
[Co(H2o)6]2+ + 4Cl-

6.a) Add HCl into the test Pink to blue When hydrochloric acid is
tube and add water Blue to pink added, the chloride ions shift
the equilibrium position in
favour of blue [CoCl4]2- ions
and water.
When water is added, the
solution turned into pink as the
equilibrium shift to the left.
6.b)Add calcium chloride Pink to blue colour at the The addition of calcium chloride
bottom of test tube will increase the concentration
of chloride ion. The equilibrium
shift to the left.

6.c) Add hydrochloric acid, Pink to blue, When hydrochloric acid is

then add silver nitrate white precipitate exist at added, the chloride ions shift
the bottom of test tube the equilibrium position in
and solution turn to pink favour of blue [CoCl4]2- ions,
colour the solution turned blue.
When silver nitrate is added, a
silver precipitate is made which
removes chloride ions which
makes the reaction shift to the
right. The blue solution turned
into pink with white precipitate
at the bottom.

Ag+ + Cl- →AgCl3

6.d) Put the test tube into Pink to blue When heat is added, the
hot water bath and then put Blue to pink after putting equilibrium will shift towards the
into ice water bath into ice water bath cobalt chloride ion which will
turn the solution to blue colour
meanwhile cooling will shift the
products towards the hydrated
complex, which is more pink.
Factor affecting the shift in the
equilibrium is temperature.

A reversible reaction at equilibrium can be disturbed if stresses are applied to it.
Examples of stresses include the chemical concentrations, temperature, and pressure. The
stresses that are placed on the equilibrium systems can be monitored by observing the
changes in color. principle. When a system at equilibrium is subjected to a change in
temperature, pressure or concentration of a reactant or product, the system will, if possible,
shift its equilibrium position so as to partially counteract the effect of the change.

Libretexts. (2021, September 22). 12: Equilibrium and Le Chatelier’s Principle (Experiment).
Chemistry LibreTexts. (equilibrium and le chatelier's principle,
Libretexts. (2020, August 15). Calculating Equilibrium Concentrations. Chemistry LibreTexts.
Minorsky, P. W. S. C. M. U. L. R. J. B. A. L. A. V. (n.d.). Experiment 5- Chemical Equilibrium
and Le Chatelierâs Principle - Chem 132- 101 Experiment 5: StuDocu.
Minorsky, P. W. S. C. M. U. L. R. J. B. A. L. A. V. (n.d.-a). Exp. Equil. Handout - Lab Report -
CHEM 1110 - General Chemistry II -. StuDocu.
Objective /1
Methods/ procedures /3
Results/Data/Observation /6
Discussion /4
Conclusion /2
Questions /2
Format /2
Total /20







STUDENT ID : 2020453788

GROUP : AS1143B1



Declaration of Academic Honesty

Academic honesty or academic integrity is a very important virtue that all students should uphold at all times.

I/We declare that the lab report submitted is not plagiarised and is entirely my/our own work, and that no part of it
has been copied from any work produced by other person(s)/ source(s) or provided by any other student(s).

I/We understand that issuing a false declaration can result in severe penalties and I/we am/are willing to be
penalized if any form of copying found valid.


1. to predict and calculate the pH of solutions of different acidity and basicity
2. to determine the ionisation constant of a weak acid
3. to study the effect of dilution on the degree of ionisation
4. to study the properties of buffer solutions

According to Arrhenius theory, acid is a substance that ionised in aqueous solution to
form hydrogen ions meanwhile base is a substance that ionised in water to yield hydroxide
ions. In Bronsted lowry theory, acid is a chemical substance which donates proton to another
substance (proton donor) meanwhile base is a chemical substance which takes proton from
another substances (proton acceptor). Lewis define acid as a substance that can accept a pair
of electrons meanwhile base is a substance that can donate a pair of electrons.
Every aqueous solution whether acidic, basic, or neutral contains both H+ and OH-
ions. The product of their concentrations is always constant equal to 1.0 X 10-14 at 298 K.
[H+][OH-] = 1.0 X 10-14
pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution. The pH scale commonly in use
ranges from 0 to 14.
pH = - log[H+]
The strength of an acid is determined by how far the equilibrium lies to the right.
HA ⇋ H+ + A-
The dissociation constant of the acid, Ka can be calculated as:
Ka = [H+][A-] / [HA]
A large Ka (10 to 10^9) indicates a strong acid, a small Ka indicates a weak acid.
Strong acids and strong bases dissociate in a solution almost completely. Hence the
dissociation studies are important only with respect to weak acids and weak bases.
The fraction of the total number of moles of an acid or base that dissociates into ions
in an aqueous solution when equilibrium is reached is called the degree of dissociation, α. The
relationship between the dissociation constant and the degree of dissociation of weak acids
or bases is described by Ostwald dilution law.
A buffer is a solution that dies not change its pH easily. One can add some acid or
base to a buffer and the pH does not change drastically. A buffer solution is one in which there
are two chemical species present; one needs to be able to accept H+ ions and the other needs
to be able to donate H+ ions. Usually buffers are made with weak acid and its conjugate
base(acidic buffer) or a weak base and its conjugate acid (basic buffer).
a) measuring pH of solutions
-The pH values for each of the solutions listed were predicted before making any
b) effect of dilution on α
-The solutions as required were prepared and their pH values were predicted.
c) buffers
-The solutions as required were prepared and solution no.13 and 14 were predicted whether
they are buffers or not. Results were recorded in the table.


Chemical solutions Predicted pH

a) Hydrogen ion concentration: pH
1. Distilled water 6
2. Tap water 6
3. Vinegar 2-3
4. Milk 6.7-6.9
5 0.1 M NH4OH 11
6. 0.1 M NH4NO3 10.2
7. 0.1 M NaCl 5
8. 0.1 M CH3COONa 5
9. 0.1 M CH3COONH4 7
b) Effect of dilution
10. 0.1 M CH3COOH 3
11. 5 mL 0.1 M CH3COOH + 5 mL H2O 3
12. 1 mL 0.1 M CH3COOH + 9 mL H2O 3.3
c) Buffers
13. 5 mL 0.1 M CH3COOH + 5 mL 0.1 M HCl 5
14. 50 mL 0.1 M NH4OH + 50 mL 0.1 M NH4NO3 3
15. 10 mL of (14) + 6 mL of H2O 3
16. 10 mL of (14) + 5 mL of H2O + 1 mL 0.1 M HCl
17. 10 mL of (14) + 6 mL 0.1 M HCl
18. 10 mL of (14) + 5 mL of H2O + 1 mL 0.1 M NaOH 9

No Mixture Prediction of colour Inference

1. Water + RCI green Red cabbage contains a
water-soluble pigment
called anthocyanin that
changes colour when it is
mixed with an acid or
base. The pH scale for the
mixture is around 7
because red cabbage
indicator is a basic solution
2. Water + RCI + HCl orange The pH scale for the
mixture is around 2 to 3
because it is acidic.
3. Water + RCI + NaOH blue The pH scale is around 10
because it is basic
4. Buffer + RCI + HCl No color change The pH scale is around 4
because it is acidic.
5. Buffer + RCI + few drops of No color change The pH scale is around 4
NaOH as buffer resist the change
in pH when a small amount
of base are added.
6. Buffer + RCI + 4 mL NaOH Dark green The pH scale is around 10-
11, the pH increase as
there is not enough acid to
neutralize all the base due
to its high volume.


• Strong acid: vinegar, HCL because they have pH below than 3

• Strong base: NH4OH because they have pH about 12 to 14
• Weak acid: CH3COOH, milk, because they have pH less than 7 but higher than 3
• Weak base: NH4OH, NH4NO3, because they have pH between 7 to 10
• Buffer solution: CH3COONa, tap water because they consist of a weak acid and its
2. The degree if ionisation is affected by dilution because dissociation increase when dilution
increase. From Le Chatelier’s Principle, adding water to the equilibrium would cause the
equilibrium to shift to the right. A shift to the right implies that more acid would be in
dissociated form thus the percent ionization increases accordingly.
3. The common ions that are found in solution 14 is NH4+.
Acidic solution will have pH values under 7 meanwhile basic solution will be above 7.
The buffer solution resist changes in pH upon the addition of small amount of acid or base.
However, the pH of buffer solution could be changing a little bit if it is added with a large
amount of strong acid or base.

Lab 8 - Acids, Bases, and Buffers experiment. (2020, March 31). [Video]. YouTube.
Libretexts. (2020, November 24). 7.1: Acid-Base Buffers. Chemistry LibreTexts.
Lab 8 - Acids, Bases, Salts, and Buffers. (n.d.). Webassign.
Libretexts. (2021, March 3). 13: Acid-Base Equilibria. Chemistry LibreTexts.

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