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Part Transcript

PART 1 Enjoy Learning, Confidence, Appearance, Skills, Real mark, Brain,

English connections.

PART 2.1 • Compare the checks in hospitals & the checks you have in
After three weeks in Greenfire, I will take "CHECK 1" because LUK
wants to know what I learned. It is essential for me and LUK-
because I will know the mistakes I need correct and LUK will know
my knowledge gaps to improve my English skills. The "CHECK" in
LUK is much more difficult than in the hospital. In the hospital, they
only check one part: pronunciation, brain, so on. In LUK, the check
includes my phonics, reply ability, body language, and edit video. It
demands many skills. I find it difficult in Hurricane. However, in
Greenfire I am used to adapting to the challenges.
• Why do you need to be honest in learning & in checks?
With me, this is the fact. I am always honest in learning and
checking. Although it was difficult, I did it by myself. In grade 12,
my mark was not good sometimes. The teacher gave me a lot of
homework I have never done before. I could get good marks if I
asked my friends. However, I didn't do that because I knew it was
not good. After all the tests, I knew where I was. I would correct the
mistakes and revise the knowledge. Being honest in learning and
checking helps me a lot.

PART 2.2 What lesson from Coaches do you remember most in the first 3
weeks of Greenfire?
The lesson I remember most in the first 3 weeks of Greenfire is
“Healthy habit”. I have studied that lesson this week. I was
impressed. It was very interesting and helpful.
• What knowledge/skills did you learn from that lesson?
In that lesson, I learned many knowledge and skills. Although I have
already known all of them before, LUK taught them again. I find it
interesting and helpful. I know how to eat more fresh, how to keep
my body fit. The most important is to stay strong and active during
the social distancing. I do exercise every day same as practicing
English. Thanks to that lesson, I know to keep in contact with my
friends. I miss them a lot.
• How do you apply that lesson?
Yeah, I am a smart person. I internalize the good things fastly. After
that lesson, I make my new daily routine. I wake up early to do
exercise, in my every meal I eat a lot of vegetables. I will get rid of
the bad habits I have. I follow the announcement of the government

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