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Evidencia 6: Segmentation “Describing Potential Clients”

Faiber Alberto Grijalba Gaviria

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)

Centro agroindustrial y empresarial de Cundinamarca (Villeta)

Carla Yiseth Rojas

Negociación Internacional (2374641)

29/ Noviembre/ 2021


1. Resuelva en inglés las preguntas que se le presentan a continuación:

o Where do you usually buy your cleaning products?
Rta/ The truth is that my wife buys them but I guess in the supermarket
o Do you consider yourself as a neat person? Why?
Rta/ yes, because if you place your things well, when you use them again, they will be
easy to find.
o Do you feel satisfied with the cleaning products you buy? Why?
Rta/ Yes, because they cover my needs and are low cost
o What kind of cleaning product would you like it to be improved? Why?
Rta/ the Clorox, because I can't tolerate its smell
o Mention 5 cleaning product brands you consider as the best ones
o Which are the most important aspects to be taken into account to choose a
cleaning product brand?
Rta/ price, quality and components
o Imagine you are promoting a new product. Describe it and write in ten lines the
reasons to convince your potential clients to buy your product.
Rta/ liquid king soap
You already met it in the bar and you liked it, it is the traditional one, the same as
always, only now it is liquid, same product, same components, the old formula only now
liquid, and at the same price and more profitable, do not stay with the You want to try it,
your clothes will appreciate it, then don't say I didn't offer it to you. delicate with your
hands and your skin, your washing machine will no longer have soap residues and your
clothes will not present detergent stains, it is the same as always, only improved, take
advantage of the launch price and join the best soap brand.
2. Describa en inglés el tipo de población a la que pretende proyectar el producto o
servicio, de acuerdo con el país ya seleccionado.

Rta/ housewives, service employees and owners of laundries and car wash
3. En base a la población descrita con anterioridad elabore una encuesta en inglés
para ser aplicada a esta población.
Rta/ poll
1. Would you try a new cleaning product for your home or business? Yes, or not
2. Is the soap you use to wash very expensive? yes or no its price is more or less
3. would you exchange your traditional soap for a new product? yes or no and why?
4. Would you like liquid king soap? Yes or no
5. How much would you be willing to pay for liquid king soap? the usual price or an
added value depending on its durability?
6. Would you convince your family members to use the liquid king soap after having
tried it? yes or no and why?
7. Finally, would you recommend the use of liquid soap?

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