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Introduction - (First slide)

The concept of man

Second slide

According to Christopher Ryan Maboloc, what we term "man" is the result of "discursive
formations" and "socio political contingencies" over human history's epochs. The concept of
"man" goes beyond logic and grammar. In the same manner that "being" is a metaphysical
invention; "man" is a product of civilization. Citizenship has erroneously become the foundation
of human equality.

Third Slide

Our desires aren't the only things that make us who we are. They also shape us,
transforming the natural into the artificial, and as a result, we've become "brown skins with white
masks," as Frantz Fanon put it. This is turned into a must by social media. Consumption of a
commodity is required for two beings to demonstrate their love. Soon, the quality of their
relationship will be defined by the commodity, not by how they feel about each other. Life
becomes an issue of what you don't have rather than a worry for the people you care about.

Fourth slide

Man is a biopsychosocial and spiritual being who is in constant contact with the
environment. An open system in constant interaction with a changing environment. A unified
whole composed of parts, which are interdependent and interrelated with each other. Man is
composed of parts, which are greater than and different from the sum of all his parts. - Simply
saying you cannot remove 1 system from man. It is also composed of subsystems and
suprasystems. Subsystem (within) example: biological, psychological, emotional. Suprasystem
(outside) example: family, community, population.

A man is…

● Atomistic - whole or sum of parts

● Holistic - the whole is not equal to the sum of parts
● Physiologic - genetic character, organs and functioning
● Psychological - emotions, affect, rationality, merciful
● Socio-cultural - socialization, family, language
● Intellectual - perception, cognition
● Spiritual - faith (unquestioning belief in someone, serves to unite humans), hope,
● Charity - outward expression of love for others
The sole living representative of the hominid family, a bipedal primate mammal (homo
sapiens) that is anatomically related to great apes but distinguished especially by notable brain
development with the resultant capacity for articulate speech and abstract reasoning, is usually
considered to form a variable number of freely interbreeding races. Each person is a unique
entity with a unique blend of genetics, life experiences, and environmental interactions that
distinguishes them from every other human being.

Fifth Slide

Different Nursing theorists have their own definition for the concept of man.


o Man is a biophysical and spiritual being who is in constant contact with the

o Man is composed of parts which are greater than and different from the sum of
all his parts

o Man is an individual with vital reparative process to deal with disease and
desirous of health but passive in terms of influencing the environment or nurse

o Man is a whole, complete and independent being who has 14 Fundamental

o Man is a unity who can be viewed as functioning biologically, symbolically,
and socially and who initiates and perform self-care activities on own behalf in
maintaining life, health, and well-being

Man is an individual with a vital reparative process to deal with disease and desire of
health but passive in terms of influencing the environment or nurse. The concept of man gives us
insight into how we may provide personalized, holistic, and high-quality primary health care
Last Slide


Credits to Jade62442. (March 2019). Nursing Concept of a Man.

Maboloc, C.R. (April 29, 2018). The Concept of a Man.

Salmon, S. (2017-2018). Fundamentals of Nursing.

Zabat, F. (February 23, 2014). Concept of a Man.

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