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19 | uce b i o l o g y p r a c t i c a l r e s o u r c e m e s s e n g e r


4.1. BIODIVERSITY; bio=life; diversity=variety. Hence the variety of living organisms requires
then to be classified. Chapter 5 to chapter11 are subtopics under this great topic.
4.2. CLASSIFICATION – grouping of organisms into small manageable groups for easy
identification, basing on similarity in characteristics. A classification group is called taxon. (plural is
taxa). The science of classication is called taxonomy. The hierarchy/ranks of classication from the
largest groups of organisms to the smallest group was designed by Carl Linneas, and has 7 ranks is as
 Kingdom (largest group in a taxonomic rank, with most diverse organisms, that differ so
 Phylum/division (plural is phyla); some phyla are divided into sub-phyla. For example
phylum chordata is divided in sub-phylum vertebrate (have vertebral column/back bone)
and the invertebrata (lack vertebral column/back bone)
 Class ( most UCE biology examinations end at this level of classication)
 Order
 Family
 Genus (plural is genera)-organisms are closely related but produce sterile offspring if they
interbreed. E.g horse and donkey produce sterile mule
 Species – smallest group having organisms that are closely related and interbreed to produce
fertile offspring.
The number and diversity of organisms decreases from kingdom to species. (acronym for
remembering is--King Peter Can Order For Green Source.......from some of my students)

The Carl Linneas, also came up with the binomial nomenclature where by the scientific name of an
organism is a combination of its genus and species. For example, the housefly belongs to genus
Musca and species domestica. So science name of housefly is Musca domestica. Science name is
either italicised or bold fonted or underlined but genus is written first and starts with capital letter.
(Do you know that even human beings are given a name with two words.....this is binomial naming.
For example; Kimbowa Joshua is my name but are not my names.)

Currently, organisms are grouped into 5 kingdoms, namely;(i) kingdom Monera( for bacteria), (ii)
kingdom Protoctista, (iii) kingdom Fungi, (iv) kingdom Plantae, (v) kingdom Animalia.
(acronym for remembering is—Mark And Peter Play Football.......from some of my students)

4.3. VIRUSES are the smallest microorganisms without a true cell structure (are acellular) but have
simple structure consisting of a protein coat and genetic material and can be both living and non-
living organism, can be crystalised, can be made in the laboratory. They are parasites that cause
diseases without cure according to human understanding.
Activity1;Give examples of viral diseases in man, plants and domestic animals.
man plants domestic animals
20 | uce b i o l o g y p r a c t i c a l r e s o u r c e m e s s e n g e r

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