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Invisible Sun

Removed Grey Sun (the real world)

Silver Sun (Azyr)

- The warden of Silver is Therim, and he is a tall, regal figure of sparkling light. His manner is
solemn, and his words few. Therim can be called upon to aid in creation. The creatures of the
Legacy are common in the realm beneath the Silver Sun. Sparkling rivers of crisp, clear water
flow amid rugged, snow-capped mountains and mirrored cities of arched bridges and jeweled
columns. White stone towers hold libraries of lore about all the various suns and the people
who dwell beneath them, as those who study such broad topics desire a high perspective.
- Sparkling rivers of crisp, clear water flow amid rugged, snow-capped mountains and mirrored
cities of arched bridges and jeweled columns. White stone towers hold libraries of lore about all
the various suns and the people who dwell beneath them, as those who study such broad topics
desire a high perspective.
- Makers and crafters dwell in this land as well, believing that its nature will bless their endeavors.
Cities beneath the Silver Sun often hum, roar, and clank with crafting wheels, kilns, and printing
presses. The tools of creation never rest here. Artists work in studios, in open courtyards, and on
- The lands beneath the Silver Sun are mountainous and cold, to be sure, but at the center of the
realm lies Lu Ac Toor, the Silver Mountain. Known also as the highest vantage, Lu Ac Toor’s peak
is infinitely high and colder than the coldest cold. Some of the most powerful rituals of creation
must be performed on the slopes of the Silver Mountain.

Green Sun (Ghyran)

- Cherulis wards the Green Sun. Genderless (or perhaps, all-gendered), Cherulis is an androgynous
figure of expansive beauty. At the same time, Cherulis claims to be a multitude given singular
form, speaking with many voices at once. Cherulis has no permanent home and no fortress.
- The Green is a realm of forests, fields, and wilderness verdant to the point of danger. Stand still
too long and you might be engulfed by the growth spurt of a copse of trees or a snaking vine.
Animals and even humans spontaneously erupt from hidden seed pods within the burgeoning
ground. The Green bursts with life, and life is not gentle. The people of the Green Sun are
nomads—there are no cities or towns here. No artificial structures at all, in fact.

Blue Sun

- Marra, warden of the Blue Sun, is known as the reclining god. She dwells within an always-
shifting maze of involuted corridors, each the manifestation of a dreaming soul sleeping beneath
another sun. She is capricious and enigmatic, but insightful and knowledgeable. She is said to
spend much of her time in slumber, dreaming unimaginable dreams.
- The Blue Sun offers no real solid ground, but instead wispy clouds that take almost recognizable
shapes. From time to time someone or something captures a bit of dream and uses it to create a
solid place within the realm: a floating palace, a tree-lined lake, a single city street (or perhaps a
bit of nightmare—a prison, a burning building, or a never-ending tornado). These never last
more than a century or so, but they offer comprehensible purchase for the time they exist.
- As the realm that governs sleep, however, the Blue Sun takes on an entirely different and
distinct aspect. For sleep is an aspect of consciousness, and thus it is within the Blue Sun that a
vislae can explore the various levels of consciousness and access realms beyond even those on
the Path of Suns.

Indigo Sun

- Indigo’s warden is an ancient being known only as Quiss. If Quiss still exists, such is a mystery.
Did genderfluid Quiss die in the War? Is Quiss in hiding? Many hope Quiss will return in full glory
one day. Regardless of any physical existence, however, Quiss is still guardian of the Indigo
gateway on the Path of Suns, and as such, vislae find a way to establish some form of
communion when needed.
- Although flat, the realm stretches out (perhaps) boundlessly with seas of cloudy musings and
conceptual landmasses, many still as yet not fully explored. And at the center of it all, the
Glistening City, the City of Notions, Satyrine.
- Satyrine is the largest city in Indigo, founded many thousands of years ago as a trading hub for
merchants selling thoughts, ideas, sensations, and feelings created in the Emotion Mills of the
Unfathomable Archipelago. Eventually, some of those milling operations were brought to
Satyrine itself. Before Satyrine, the site was home to another city, built by pre-human beings
known as the arabast.
- The most significant thing to know about Satyrine is that it was reduced to ruin and rubble in the
War. The inhabitants are restoring and rebuilding the city, but that is more difficult than it would
seem because the weapons used in the War left behind extraordinarily dangerous hate-
powered, cancerous objects called cysts. This has led to focusing on districts that were not
utterly devastated and building out from each of these, like oases of safety and sanctuary in a
desert of ruins.

Pale Sun (Shyish)

- The warden of death, known as the Monarch of the Dead, is named Xjallad. Empress Xjallad
takes a very active role in her realm, ruling over a complex feudal system of vassals. She may be
the most powerful of all guardians on the Path of Suns. Still, she fights a continual war with her
Nightside counterpart, Queen Fazromir.
- Ghosts are spirits of the dead on their way to the Pale. Once in the kingdoms of death, they take
on a more substantive state. They take on—dare we say it? —a life of their own. Before they get
there, however, or should they ever return, they can sometimes animate their former corpse. Or
they can exert other influences in the material world. They can haunt. They can possess. In some
ways, someone smart and willful gains more power in death than they had in life.

Red Sun (Aqshy)

- The warden of the Red Sun is Daumi, a creature with an ever-changing form. Daumi is revered
by warriors for her ability to wield and control the forces of annihilation. But that’s mainly
because she is utterly mad.
- The landscape beneath the Red Sun is jagged, like shattered glass. Most everything is brittle and
covered in a fine layer of dust—the remnants of annihilated matter from earlier times.
Volcanoes roar, the ground quakes, and storms rage, all destroying and reshaping the landscape
over and over again.
- In some ways, the world of the Red Sun might seem akin to the common conception of Hell, at
least in the Christian sense. Fire, brimstone, jagged rocks, and toxic vapors. Of course, there are
no souls being punished here, in Hieronymus Bosch (or any other) fashion. No hideous tortures
being conducted. But it is the realm of demons. The inhabitants of the Red Sun are demons,
which are called red shadows by many. This is because, like the shadows of the Grey, they lack
qualia. They are not mindless, but spiritless. They can understand a thing, and interact with a
thing, but they won’t experience a thing. That’s what qualia is: the subjective component of
perception. It’s the difference between how your eyes perceive the color red and how your
mind interprets “red.”
- The Sodality of Vryn is a cabal of sorcerers that dwells in a series of towers beneath the
dangerous rays of the Red Sun. The geometry of the placement of the towers creates symbols
that are sacred to dead gods and lost belief systems. The Vryn seek utter dissolution, not just
death or destruction, but as yet have not proven that such is possible.

Gold Sun (Hysh)

- The guardian of the Gold Sun’s gate is Shima, a powerful and wise being of beauty and grandeur.
She is difficult to find and more difficult to impress. Or even gain the notice of.
- The realm basking in the light of the Gold Sun is quiet. A great many of the hypermagical people
called the elderbrin dwell there in nomadic villages built on sapient, self-directed rivers and
isolated castles made of discarded moth chrysalises. The nights are extremely cold, but the
daytime rays of the sun are quite warm. Everywhere dichotomies are in transition.

Invisible Sun

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