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Chapter 1.

6, Problem 15E


For each of these arguments determine whether the argument is correct or incorrect and explain

a) All students in this class understand logic. Xavier is a student in this class. Therefore,
Xavier understands logic.

b) Every computer science major takes discrete mathematics. Natasha is taking discrete
mathematics. Therefore, Natasha is a computer science major.

c) All parrots like fruit. My pet bird is not a parrot. Therefore, my pet bird docs not like fruit.

d) Everyone who eats granola everyday is healthy. Linda is not healthy. Therefore, Linda does
not eat granola every day.

Step-by-step solution

Step 1 of 4
Check the correctness of the argument:


Suppose x refers to students.

C(x): students in the class

U(x): students understand the logic

X: Xavier is a student in the class.

All students in this class understand the logic.

Logically it is written as follows:

Using modus ponens, the output is as follows:

The present result is also the same.

That is “X can understand the logic”.

Or, Xavier can understand the logic.

Step 2 of 4

Suppose x refers to major.

C(x): computer science majors taking discrete mathematics

N: Natasha is taking discrete mathematics.

Every computer science major takes discrete mathematics .

It can otherwise be written as “for all x, if x is a computer science major, then x takes discrete

Natasha is taking discrete mathematics

It can be interpreted as: Natasha exists who takes discrete mathematics.

Put the logical statements together, the inference is not correct.

This is represented as follows:

Observe that this is not the modus tollens.

So, the conclusion is incorrect.

Step 3 of 4

Suppose x refers to birds.

Parrot: P

Likes fruits: L

B: pet bird

All parrots like fruit.

My pet bird is not a parrot.

Therefore, my pet bird does not fruit.

Put the above logical statements together.

This is different from the modus tollens.

So, this is not a valid inference.

Or, the argument is incorrect.

Step 4 of 4

Suppose x refers to a human being.

G(x): one who eats granola every day.

H(x): one who is healthy.

L: Linda

Everyone who eats granola every day is healthy.

For all human beings x, if x eats granola every day, then x will be healthy.

Linda is not healthy is represented as follows:

Therefore, Linda does not eat granola every day.

Put the above arguments together and obtain the relation:

This is truly modus tollens.

So, the argument is valid.

Or, the argument is correct.

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