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Dakota State University

College of Education  


**Be sure to reference the Lesson Plan Rubric for prompts and guidance for each section!**

Name: James McClain

Grade Level: 2nd grade
School: Julia morgan elementary
Date: 2-20-22
Reflection from prior lesson
● Last lesson we worked on keeping a rally between 4 people and tried to keep the beach
volleyball in a rally for 12 hits. While working on their addition and subtraction skills by asking
everyone on one team to add or subtract from the number of hits they were on. Today’s lesson
we are going to reduce the number of teams and have 6 teams of 3 Students with the goal
keeping the ball off the ground for 10 hits in a row. With this new goal I will continue to
challenge the students by asking them to add or subtract to their total number of hits while
actively participating in the lesson.
Lesson Goal(s) / Standards 
● S1.E22.2 - Volleys an object upward with consecutive hits.  

Lesson Objective(s) - (please list corresponding assessment used)

● The Students will utilize their recognition skills to keep the ball in the air without touching the
ground and get at least 10 consecutive hits back and forth within the time allowed.
Materials Needed 
●  10 beach volleyballs
● Speaker
● Phone (for music)
● Cones

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics (Eg. How many boys vs. girls, students on IEPs, ELLs (English
Language Learners), students on behavior plans, characteristics of the class such as talkative, high-poverty,
● There are 18 students in the class 10 boys 8 girls
● There are no IEPS in this class
● Class is a little talkative but is able to stay on task

Connection(s) to Research & Theory (what learning theory or research-based method supports your chosen
methodology or assessment?)
● Constructivism Theory
○ Constructivism is the theory that says learners construct knowledge rather than just passively
take in information. As people experience the world and reflect upon those experiences, they
build their own representations and incorporate new information into their pre-existing

● cooperative learning theory

○ Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to
maximize their own and each other's learning.

A.  The Lesson 

○ Introduction (include time allotment)
○ Getting attention: Ok if you can hear my voice please look at me.
○ Relating to past experience and/or knowledge: to understand a little bit about what they
have already learned I will ask for two students to tell me one thing they have already learned
about floor hockey
○ Creating a need to know: we are going to to be building off our last lesson with keeping the
beach volleyball in the air and recording consecutive hits
○ Sharing objective, in general terms: today we are going to try and increase our number of hit
without touching the ground while having less people

● Content Delivery (include time allotment & instructional methodologies) 
● I will give each student a number 1-6 and then they will group up according to their number (1 min)
● Once students get into their groups I will explain and demonstrate what we will be doing for the class
period. (5 min)
● After demonstration I will let the students start the activity and about half way through I will give the
students a water break. (20 min)
● Students will come back and gather equipment and clean up gym. (5 min)

● Closure (include time allotment)  

● I will bring students up and ask how they felt doing this activity with less teammates and ask if it was
more challenging or easier. (5 min)

B. Assessments Used
● Assessment will be taken based on participation and effort and not on skill.

C. Differentiated Instruction
● Adaptations for students with special needs or not meeting expectations
○ If there is a student with an IEP accommodations will be met, so the student can fairly
● Adaptations for those exceeding expectations
○ If a A student is exceeding accommodations will be made By adding in different elements to
increase difficulty and to challenge them.
● Language Support (IF you have ELLs (English Language Learners))
○ If an ell student is in the class translation will be provided to them.

D.  Resources
● SD PE lesson standards

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