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Annual Student Outcome Goal Plan #1

School School
Counselor Year

Identify and describe outcome data (achievement, attendance or discipline) that serves as basis
for goal:
The University of Chicago To&Through Data shows the freshman year GPA is the most
important and sets a positive trajectory for students. Students are 4x more likely to graduate if
they are getting B’s or better.
25 students have 84% attendance or better, but still a low GPA. This leads us to believe they are
missing certain skill sets that might help them be successful in school.
Average transition in Chicago Public Schools from 8th grade to 9th grade shows a drop in
grades so we want to help address this before the first quarter ends.

Create a goal statement that focuses on a specific subset of students for whom intentional
strategies/interventions will be delivered and assessed.

B June 14, 2022 , 9th graders with a 2.0-2.9 GPA

End Date Describe Targeted Students
(Criteria for inclusion in interventions with multiple descriptors)

Wil increase their group GPA

Decrease/Increase Describe specific outcome to be changed
(achievement, attendance or discipline)

b 25% fro 2.4 t 3.0

y m o
Percent change Baseline data (Numbers Target data (Numbers only)

Supplemental Data:
Analyze data related to the goal from supplemental data surveys such as school climate
surveys. Talk with stakeholders (parents, teachers, students, administrators, etc.), to gain
insight about possible factors contributing to identified problems or issues. Summarize
insights/comments from the groups below.
School counselors report:
Teachers report:

Updated, June 2021

Administrators report:
Parents report:
Students report:
Others report:

Systemic Focus
Identify school or system policies, procedures or practices that create or maintain
inequities relevant to this goal.

List 1–2 strategies that could influence systemic change related to this goal.

ASCA Student Standards Targeted Student Learning Objectives

Identify 1–2 mindsets or behavior standards For the selected mindsets or behavior
from the ASCA Student Standards most standards, write or select 1–2 learning
relevant for this targeted group and goal: objectives students will learn. 

M& Mindsets & Behaviors Standards Learning Objective(s)

M 3. Positive attitude toward work and Student(s) will: be able to identify two
learning positive ways that learning in school will
improve their life.
B-LS Long- and short-term academic, career Student(s) will: construct a short-term and
7. and social/emotional goals long-term goal to increase their GPA

Convert the student learning objectives to a Likert-scale measure and/or brief answer
1 2 3 4
Rarely Sometimes Most of the time Almost all the time

Statement Scale
I recognize the importance of setting goals in order to accomplish them 1    2    3    4

I can explain the various parts of a SMART goal. 1    2    3    4

I can predict how my attitude will positively impact my work this school 1    2    3    4
Updated, June 2021
I am able to summarize the healthy habits that I have learned that can be 1    2    3    4
applied to work and learning.
Brief answer question (optional):
1. Identify two positive ways that learning in school will improve your life.
2. Construct a short term, academic SMART goal:

Activities/Strategies/Interventions by School Counselors

Describe Direct Student Services Describe Indirect Student Services
(minimum of two) (minimum of two)

Classroom lessons on the importance of GPA Phone calls home to parents

Functional Skills Small groups Grade level discussions with 9th grade team

Updated, June 2021

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