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Teantri Alviany

Contact Summary
Bumi Anggrek blok N No.106, Teantri Alviany, S.E (Bogor, 21 Oktober 1994) is a bachelor’s
Karang Satria, Tambun Utara degree in Management. Having experience in one Sinar Mas
12190 Sepadan (SMS Finance) in Bekasi. I have communication skills, leadership, and problem-solving aspects as well. I am highly
motivated in new experiences and creative thinking, especially in a
challenging environment. And I am eager to learn with a growth
mindset and better for work at individual or teamwork. In terms of
personal interest.

Education Experience
STIE Tribuana, Bekasi Nasution, Dananto & Rekan
Bachelor’s degree, majoring in Bendungan Hilir, Jakarta
Management (Septemer 2014 – Legal • March 2021 - Now
Februay 2019)
as a representative at PT. Kennlines Capital (client) to assist the
Corporate Legal jobs in handling company’s sub-holding and SBU, such
as held and annual stockholder meeting, make and reveiew agreement,
memorandum of undertanding, and do things that related to company’s

Interest Organization
Law, Privat Law, Competition Law, Trisakti Bussines Law Community
Corporate Law, Intellectual Property
Rights, Consumer Law. Staff • Research Division
Microsoft Office Conduct studies and discussion on TBLC’s seminar theme, organize
business law course joint studies

Faculty of Law Student Executive Board

Treasurer • Internal Division

Responsible for all fund management in Internal Division, Supervise all the
division’s activities, as well as controlling division’s cash.

Skill Certification and Trainig

Microsoft Office Advocate Profession Special Education Program
Issued : 16 August 2021
Indonesian (Native) English ID : 07-03662/PERADI-PKPA/VII/21
(Intermediate) 2021 - Registration, Litigation, and Internship Training Batch 5th held by
Intellectual Property Rights Held by Study Center (PSHKI) in collaboration
with Intellectual Property Rights Consultants and Observers Trisakti
University Association (HIKAT)

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