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Pandemic, making the lives of elders more critical and dangerous

The Pandemic has been lurking for over a year now. Many of us aren’t that terrified and stressed
about the pandemic anymore, but what do our elders see and feel about the pandemic until today? Do they
still feel bothered of the deadly virus? Do they feel that their time on Earth is shortened and dangerous as
time passes by? We may be fine and relieved in the pandemic today, but that’s not the same for our
grandparents, relatives, parents and other elders.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “Older adults are more likely to get
very sick from COVID-19. Getting very sick means that older adults with COVID-19 might need
hospitalization, intensive care, or a ventilator to help them breathe, or they might even die. The risk
increases for people in their 50s and increases in 60s, 70s, and 80, people 85 and older are the most likely
to get very sick. In Covid-19 when you’re older you get more vulnerable to the deadly virus. The risks are
doubled if you have underlying conditions in your immune and circulatory systems. When you have lung
illnesses, the risk of getting Covid-19 is higher and the recovery rate is lower. That’s not the only reason
why elders are worried about the pandemic, there are some not serious but frustrating for the old ones.
With the crisis is still ongoing, the fear grows bigger and bigger for the senior citizens. My
Grandmother’s sister Delia, 66 years old, stated that “I am still scared of the virus; our lives and work are
getting more difficult as days pass by. Even though some people are confident going outdoors and
roaming around the town, I am still nervous going outside, knowing the chance that I could get infected
anytime anywhere. This virus doesn’t only affect your physical health and immune system, it also affects
your mental condition and health”. Even we’re used to the situation in the pandemic let’s not complacent
about the virus that is lurking in the streets.
The pandemic is not only terrifying but it’s also frustrating four us, mostly for the elderly. They
know that their time is nearing but what makes it worse is the pandemic is restricting them to do the
things that they love and go out and enjoy their lives. According to my Grandmother Lorna (67 yrs old)
“It’s hard in this time of pandemic; you can’t get out of the house, I always think about being safe from
the virus. I rarely get out of the house because I don’t want to get infected. Like us Senior Citizens we are
the ones who are the most vulnerable to the virus. We are the ones who need to be extra careful from the
virus. It’s hard to think that we can’t enjoy the rest of our lives, and we need to always follow health
protocols even it’s hard.

In conclusion, the lives of the elderly are more difficult and terrifying in this time of pandemic
than ours. They have to be more cautious in their lives and activities. They are more vulnerable to the
deadly virus that has been taking lives day by day throughout the whole year. They don’t get to enjoy the
rest of their lives because they are prohibited to go outdoors said by the government. Even though we can
go outdoors, let’s have some self-discipline to lessen the spread of the virus and end the crisis that has
been giving us a hard time for almost two years. Let’s end the pandemic together to give the elderly the
life that they want and deserve.

Written by: Brent Andrei M. Verde

Grade-10 Aristotle
Submitted to: Ma’am Claire Maldia Jaramilla
English teacher

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