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Inglés Académico
Professor: Megan Solano Pérez Total points: 9
Estrategia Sumativa 11° Obtained points: ________
Name: Daniel Ramírez Monge. Date: Score: __________
Class: 11-1

-Read every instruction closely and answer the questions accordingly.
- This Estrategia Sumativa has to be completed individually.
- The content of this estrategia is based on the indicators that were not fulfilled or
completed during the present school year.
- This estrategia is available Thursday January 06 th through teams and its deadline is
Thursday January 13th.

A. Read the following passage and determine if the statements below are True (T) or
False (F)

1. (F) There is a general consensus on the definition of success.
2. (T) A lot of people think that you are successful if you are rich and famous.
3. (T) Successful people choose careers that match their skills.
4. (F) Successful people don’t plan their lives.
5. (T) Doing what comes naturally to you helps make you successful.
6. (F) Raising a happy family is not enough to be considered successful.

B. Read the sentences below and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the
adjectives in brackets. Use the superlative or comparative structure.

1. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. (high)

2. You are the ____________________ person I know. (kind)
3. Rabbits are Smaller than dogs. (small)
4. I am the Shorter person in the class. (short)
5. The red car is Faster than the blue car. (fast)
6. Do you think a hammer is Least useful than a drill? (useful)
7. I had the most wonderful evening with my mon. (wonderful)
8. The Pacific Ocean is Deeper than the Artic Ocean. (deep)

C. Answer the questions according to the reading. There is only one correct answer

Technological Progress
Over the past thirty years or so the quality of many people's lives has deteriorated
in some respects because of technological progress. Those people living near
airports are constantly assailed by the noise of increasingly larger and more
powerful jet aircraft taking off and landing. We have ugly buildings which have
sprung up in towns and cities. Some of these are blocks of flats-high-rise buildings
built because of the high price of land, which seem more like breeding boxes than
houses where people have space to live. Worse still, much of our building effort has
been channeled into the construction of more and more large office blocks at the
expense of much needed housing for the growing urban population.

1. It's obvious in the passage that ----.

A) the quality of people's lives has declined by technology

B) those people living around airports are happy with their condition
C) technology progressed the life standards
D) airports are usually constructed in urban areas
E) people want to live near airports

2. We have ugly buildings ----.

A) so we need to improve technology

B) because the land is expensive
C) but we don't have much complaint about it
D) where people find enough space to live
E) which have appeared only in rural areas

3. Technological progress ----.

A) has negative effects on people's lives

B) requires more large office blocks
C) became much faster than expected
D) enabled people to live in large blocks
E) force us to find ways to own land

The following rubric will be used to score your performance.

Indicators Completed In progress Not completed

3pts 2pts 1pt
Identify whether Student identifies Student identifies Student is not able
some statements whether the whether some to fully identify
are true or false statements are true statements are true whether the
based on a reading or false correctly. or false. 2-3 errors statements are true
regarding success. made. or false. 4 or more
errors made.
Fill in the blanks Student fills in the Student fills in Student is not able
using the correct blanks using some of the blanks to fully fill in the
superlative or comparatives and using comparatives blanks using
comparative superlatives and superlatives. comparatives and
structure. correctly. 2-3 errors made. superlatives. 4 or
more errors made.
Answer questions Student answers Student answers Student is not able
based on a reading questions based some questions to fully answer
regarding on a reading based on a questions based on
technology. correctly. reading. 1 error a reading. 2 or
made. more errors made.

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