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Lot Plotting Exercise: Quiz 02

Note: Read the directions carefully

Plot the given technical lot description in Autocad. Use No-Template metric, set to 1:1 Annotation
Scale. Apply in here all the things you learned from the lecture video under lot plotting. The use
of proper autocad color, layers etc. Do not use color white.

Create a layer for Property line, assign color blue, use panthom lines

Put circles in the boundaries, assign color red, layer = boundaries

Create your OWN contour lines for the given lot, use SPLINE, layer = contour, assign different
color for every contour line. Put elevation marks (you can assign any figure you want)

Put all the line dimension, do not use ISO-25, create your own dimension style or use Standard,
above dimension line, decimal precision set to two decimal places, architectural tick for
arrowheads. Layer = dimension, dimension color = red, dimension text = Arial, color green

Use MTEXT to create text, use color green for text (Arial). Put the AREA and the PERIMETER of
the figure (use list command)

Do not forget to TURN LOGFILE ON before creating the drawing


1-2 N46°0’E 34.70 M

2-3 N50°48’E 34.70 M

3-4 N64°13’E 34.70 M

4-5 N72°19’E 169.00 M

5-6 S13°11’E 290.90 M

6-7 S76°49’W 172.50 M

7-8 N52°49’W 276.50 M

8-9 N42°35’E 20.50 M

9-10 N63°14’E 35.20 M

Note: The table does not reflect the line 10-1, but it will be automatically created once you input
the right command to close the lot. The distance of line 10-1 is 34.65 mts.
You need to submit the DWG File (2018 version or lower) 8MB max, plus the LOGFILE. No logfile,
empty logfile = 0 grade for the quiz

Follow the file name format


Ex: Q2_BSCE1A_Silang,Gabriela C_11202020

Sample Lot Plan with contours & elevation marks

Grading Scale:
Accuracy and Quality of Drawings = 60%
Completeness of Drawings/File = 30%
Creativity = 10%

Total: 100%
Passing Score: 75%

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