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Department of Commerce

Final Term Exam

Course: Business Psychology Name:
Course Instructor: Sana Batool Roll #:
Class: Bcom 3rd Semester Time allowed: 30 minutes
Part 1:
Multiple choice questions: (10 Marks)
1. A(n) ______________ is a prediction stated in a way that allows it to be tested.
a) Theory c) Operation
b) Hypothesis d) Experiment
2. The only way psychologists can establish cause-and-effect relationships through research
is by
a) Case studies c) Naturalistic observation
b) Experiments d) Correlational research
3. The second step in the scientific method is
a) Carrying out research c) Operationalizing the hypothesis
b) Operationalizing the hypothesis d) Identifying a question interest

4. The purpose of the control group in an experiment is to

a) assist in the design of the research project

b) accommodate the extra participants who arrived late and could not serve in the
experimental group
c) prevent the researcher from cheating
d) give a comparison that allows the independent variable to be judged
5. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which needs must be met before all others?
a) Physiological c) self-actualization
b) Belongingness and love d) transcendence
6. Which of the following needs according to Maslow refers to spiritual fulfillment?
a) Esteem c) self-actualization
b) Belongingness and love d) transcendence
7. The rate at which the body burns calories just to keep itself alive is the
a) set point c) obesity point
b) basal metabolic rate d) endorphins
8. The eating disorder marked by self-starvation is known as:
a) anorexia nervosa c) obesity
b) bulimia nervosa d) binge eating disorder
9. Which of the following suggests that an emotion is produced when an event or object is
perceived by the thalamus, which conveys this information simultaneously to the cerebral
cortex, skeletal muscles, and the autonomic nervous system?
a) opponent-process theory c) James-Lange theory
b) Cannon-Bard theory d) cognitive-appraisal theory
10. Schacter and Singer's theory of emotion views emotional experience as the outcome of
physiological arousal and the attribution of a cause for the arousal, known as:
a) opponent-process theory c) James-Lange theory
b) Cannon-Bard theory d) two factor theory
11. In Freud's theory, the part of the personality that helps the individual adapt to external
reality by making compromises between the id, the superego, and the environment is the:
a) Ego c) reality principle
b) pleasure principle d) rationalization

12. According to Freud, the _____ mind includes accessible memories, which can be
recalled at will.
a) Conscious c) unconscious
b) Preconscious d) psychic determinism
13. In psychoanalytic theory, ______ is the defense mechanism that involves expressing
feelings toward a person who is less threatening than the person who is the true target.
a) Regression c) projection
b) Rationalization d) displacement
14. A person who is socially outgoing and prefers to pay attention to the external
environment is an:
a) introvert type c) archetype type
12. b) extrovert type d) inferiority type
15. According to psychoanalytic theorists, the _______ mind contains repressed feelings,
memories, and response tendencies of which we are unaware.
a) Conscious c) unconscious
b) Preconscious d) subliminal
16. The sleep stage associated with dreaming includes:
a) stage one c) stage three
b) stage two d) REM stage
17. Psychoanalytic theorists suggest that the _________ content contains the dream's hidden,
underlying meaning.
a) Manifest c) latent
b) Lucid d) conscious

18. During which stage of sleep are humans paralyzed and unable to move?
a) stage one c) stage three
b) stage two d) REM stage
19. A state of physiological arousal that enables us to meet sudden threats by either
confronting them or running away from them is the:
a) autonomic nervous system c) limbic system
b) subjective well-being d) fight-or-flight response
20. Which of these is the most successful defense mechanism according to Freud?
a) Regression c) projection
b) Rationalization d) sublimation
Department of Commerce
Final Term Exam

Course: Business Psychology Name:

Course Instructor: Sana Batool Roll #:

Class: Bcom 3rd Semester Time allowed: 1hour 30 minutes

Part 2

Q .1) Short questions (8*2=16)

i. Discuss correlational and experimental research methods.

ii. What are the different stages of sleep?
iii. Discuss the power of hypnosis.
iv. What does the activation-synthesis theory of dreaming says?
v. Differentiate between somatology and physiognomy.
vi. Discuss the different leadership styles.
vii. What does the two factor theory of emotions days?
viii. What is meant by general adaptation syndrome?

Q.2) Long questions

i. Discuss the formation and the structure of human psyche in comparison with Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs. (10 marks)
ii. Discuss with examples big five personality traits model. (5 marks)
iii. Discuss the psychological, social and biological determinants of eating behavior.
(5 marks)
iv. Discuss the steps involved in research process. (4 marks)

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