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Independent University, Bangladesh

School of Engineering, Technology & Sciences
Department of Computer Science &
Engineering CSE 104L – Electrical Circuit
Analysis Lab

Experiment No: 02
Experiment Name: Verification

of Ohm’s law


1. This exercise examines Ohm’s law, one of the

fundamental laws governing electrical circuits. It
states that voltage is equal to the product of current
times resistance.
2. Building a circuit on breadboard to measure current
through a resistor at different voltages to validate
Ohm’s law.
Theory Overview:

CSE-104L/Lab_02/Spring-2022/Md Saiful Islam Leon Page 1

Ohm’s law is commonly written as V = I * R. That is, for
a given current, an increase in resistance will result in a
greater voltage. Alternately, for a given voltage, an
increase in resistance will produce a decrease in current.
As this is a first order linear equation, plotting current
versus voltage for a fixed resistance will yield a straight
line. The slope of this line is the conductance, and
conductance is the reciprocal of resistance. Therefore, for
a high resistance, the plot line will appear closer to the
horizontal while a lower resistance will produce a more
vertical plot line.
• Adjustable DC Power Supply
• Digital Multi-meter
• Resistor, R1 = 100 Ω + 41 Ω =141 Ω
• Resistor, R2 = 1 kΩ + 9 Ω =10 Ω
• Resistor, R3 = 47 kΩ +141 Ω + 10 Ω=198 Ω

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Figure 1.1

1. Connect all the component on the bread board
according to the circuit of fig:1 on the bread board
2. The ammeter connected in series and the voltmeter
connected in parallel to measure the current
3. Turn on the dc power supply. And set the power
supply voltage to zero volt.

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4. For R1 Resistor Setting V at 2 volt and repeat step
until 12 to measure the current and voltage using the
ammeter and voltmeter. And put the data in R1 Table
5. Change the resistor R1 to R2 and repeat the step. And
put the data in R2 Table
6. Again, change the resistor value R2 to R3 and
repeat the step and put the data in R3 table
7. From Tables 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3, create a plot of current
versus voltage. Plot all three curves on the same
graph. Voltage is the horizontal axis and current is
the vertical axis.

Data Tables:
Voltage, V (volts) Current, I (Theoretical)
0 0
2 14.18 mA
4 28.37 mA
6 42.55 mA
8 56.73 mA
10 70.92 mA

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12 85.11 mA

Table 1.1 (Resistor, R1)

Voltage, V (volts) Current, I (Theoretical)

0 0
2 200 mA
4 400 mA
6 600 mA
8 800 mA
10 1000 mA
12 1200 mA
Table 1.2 (Resistor, R2)

Voltage, V (volts) Current, I (Theoretical)

0 0
2 10.1 mA
4 20.2 mA
6 30.3 mA
8 40.4 mA
10 50.5 mA

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12 60.6 mA
Table 1.3 (Resistor, R3)

By observing the observation table, it is proved
that the ratio of potential difference and current
is constant. Thus, the potential difference at the
ends of the conductor is directly proportional to
the current flowing through it. Thus, ohm’s law
is verified by this experiment.
The relation between the V and I is that they
both are directly proportional to each other.
Thus, keeping the resistance constant, if Voltage
in the circuit increases, Current increases too
and vice versa. The relation between the I and R
is that they both are Inversely proportional to
each other. Thus, keeping the Voltage constant,
if Resistance in the circuit increases, Current
decreases and vice versa. We observed that
when voltage V=0 the reading of the ammeter is
zero. That means current through the wire is
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zero. Then when we are increase the voltage
rapidly, we see that our current is also increase
rapidly by the constant resistor. our theoretical
and experimental calculation is almost same our
error calculation is almost 0%. Our deviation
calculation is 0% for R2 and R3 resistor.

The theory value and the experimental value of
the Resistance were pretty accurate and the
experiment was successfully accomplished. This
is similar to the example of the liner current, the
more the resistance the bigger the resistance is
the less water will flow. Ohm’s Law has been
confirmed in this laboratory experiment because
of the relationship seen between current,
voltage, and resistance with the information


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From this experiment, we can see that the values
of voltages depend on how big are the values of
resistors. The bigger the values of resistors, the
bigger the values of electromotive force will be
resulted. This shows that the voltage range and
resistor value is linear to each other, while
perpendicular with the value of current.

1) All the connection should be tight.
2) Ammeter is always connected in series in the
3) voltmeter is parallel to the conductor.
4) Before the circuit connection it should be
check out working condition of all the

1. Ans: Voltage is the potential difference between
two points in an electric field, which causes current

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to flow in the circuit. Voltage Measuring unite
Current is the rate of flow of electrons is called
current. Current Measuring unite Ampere(A)
2.Ans: Yes, because as the voltage increases, so do
the current is also increased. ohm’s law is verified by
this experiment.
3. Ans: Yes, there is linear relationship between
Voltage, Current, and Resistance forms the basis of
Ohm's law. In a linear circuit of fixed resistance, if we
increase the voltage, the current goes up, and
similarly, if we decrease the voltage, the current goes
4.Ans: The relationship between voltage and current
is Ohm’s Law, and the slope of the line from a graph
of the two is the value of the resistance in the circuit.
Resistance = voltage divided by current. From excel
we find m. to calculated resistance=1/m. then we find
the resistance.
5. Ans: Screen-short

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