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GRADE 9 MATHS Nov 2021

1 hour 15 min
Candidates answer on the Question Paper
No Additional Materials are required


Write your name clearly and neatly in the space provided.
Write in Pen
You can use scientific calculator.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.
This paper is worth 50 marks.

This document consists of 6 printed pages and 1 blank page
Question 1: [10 Marks]
a) Work out 2.7 + - 16

b) Solve:
2 N +6.8=−10.2

c) Given r = 8.4, s = 6.4, t = -7.4. Work out the value of the

( s−r ) × t

d) Explain why √ 95 must be between 9∧10

e) 3 N =9−2
Work out the value of N.
Question 2: [20 Marks]
a) Simplify the below expression [2 Marks]
103 × 104
10 2 ×10

b) Find the value of n in each equation [2 Marks]

3 n
5 ×5 =625

c) The 9th term of a linear sequence is 32. The term-to-term is ‘add 3’.
Work out the 5th term of the sequence. [3 Marks]

d) Term=( position number )2 +3 .

Find i) 1st term ii) 5th term iii) 100th term [3 Marks]
e) Work out an expression for the nth term of this sequence
3,11,19,27,… [3 Marks]

f) John says the nth term for the below pattern is 4n+2.
Peter thinks it is 6n.
Thomas thinks it is 3n+3.
Sam thinks it is 2n+4.
Who is correct?
Explain the correct answer. [4 Marks]

g) Work out the inverse of the function [3 Marks]

Question 3:
a) Work out using Jottings [3 Marks]
80 ×0.2 ×0.2
40× 0.4

b) Work out the missing power in spider diagram [5 Marks]

c) Work out 0.008 ÷ 0.0004 [2 Marks]

d) Round the numbers to the given degree of accuracy [3 Marks]

 254059.9524 (4 S.F)
 0.007777777 (3 S.F)
 0.9915 (2 D.P)

e) Complete these steps for each part, below. [4 Marks]

 Work out the estimate of the answer by rounding each number
to one significant figure.
 Use a calculator to work out the correct answer. Give this
answer correct to 3 significant figures (3 S.F)
 Compare your estimate with your accurate answer to help you
decide if your accurate answer is correct.


f) Work out the value of the expression when x=3 and y=4.
[3 Marks]
10 ( 5 x−3 y )

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