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Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the findings of the study, the analysis, and the

interpretation of data presented in graphical and tabular form.

Respondents’ profile
Table 1.1
Age of the Respondents
Age Frequency Percentage
18-27 years old 15 17%
28-37 years old 29 32%
38-47 years old 21 23%
48 years and or more 25 28%
Total 90 100%

Table 1.1 shows the age of the respondents. Based on the table, the majority

o the respondents are 28-37 years old and got 29 or 32%, while 25 or 28% of the

respondents are 48 years and more. Meanwhile, 21 or 23%, and 15 or 17% are 38-

47 years old and 18-27 years old, respectively. Studies have shown that age is not

relevant or differentiating criterion for success in small business management.

However, based on the data gathered, older people are more into joining

cooperatives than younger ones.

Table 1.2
Sex of the Respondents
Age Frequency Percentage
Female 63 70%
Male 27 30%
Total 90 100%

Table 1.2 shows the sex of the respondents. Based on the table, the majority

of the respondents are female who got 63 or 70%, while 27 or 30% are male. Studies

have shown that age is not relevant or differentiating criterion for success in small

business management. However, based on the data gathered, older people are more

into joining cooperatives than younger ones. Women have a role of taking care of the
family members, producing food, caring for the sick and older people; they don’t have

to go out to participate in cooperative matters (Maleko, 2013)

Table 1.3
Types of Business
Business Frequency Percentage
Sari-sari store 44 49%
Livestock 11 12%
Restaurant 15 17%
Online Selling 11 12%
Computer Shop 4 4%
Bakery 5 6%
Others 0 0%
Total 90 100%

Table 1.3 shows the type of business respondents are operating. Based on

the table, most respondents have a sari-sari store who got 44 or 49%. Meanwhile,

17% of the respondents run a restaurant. Both Livestock and online selling got 12%.

According to Cooperatives Principle and Practices, the cooperative spirit of loyalty is

an intangible something that binds the members together in allegiance to their

association when developed.

Table 1.4
Length of Membership in the Cooperative
Length Frequency Percentage
1-2 11 12%
3-4 31 34%
5-6 17 19%
7-8 12 13%
9 and more 19 21%
Total 90 100%

Table 1.4 shows the length of membership in the cooperative. Based on the

data, majority of the respondents length of membership is 3-4, who got 31 or 34%.

Meanwhile, 19 or 21%, 17 or 19%, 12 or 13% or 11 or 12%, are 9 and more, 5-6, 7-8

and 1-2, respectively.

Impact of Cooperatives to the Individual Members

Table 2.1
ENVIRONMENTAL; The cooperative
Statements N Mean Verbal Interpretation Std. Deviation
1. enables their members to access markets
under better technological conditions which
not only raise productivity and 4.29 Very High 18.98683755
competitiveness but also reduce negative
consequences on the environment.
2. promotes environmental-friendly projects
by allowing their members to join and 4.26 Very High 18.82817038
3. funds' environment projects that help the 9
4.22 Very High 18.9076704
community to preserve the environment. 0
4. have generally set up to enable rural
people to improve their environmental 4.19 High 19.22238279
conditions by working together.
5. members have their own ways to help 9
4.22 Very High 18.9076704
improve and preserve their environment. 0
Total Weighted Mean 4.235555556 Very High 18.9705463

Table 2.1 shows the impact of cooperatives on the individual members in

terms of Environmental. Based on the data, all of the statements, including enables

their members to access markets under better technological conditions which not

only raise productivity and competitiveness but also reduce negative consequences

on the environment, promotes environmental-friendly projects by allowing their

members to join and participate, funds' environment projects that help the community

to preserve the environment, and members have their own ways to help improve and

preserve their environment got a verbal interpretation of very high with a weighted

mean of 4.29, 4.26, 4.22, and 4.22, respectively. Meanwhile, the statement has

generally been set up to enable rural people to improve their environmental

conditions by getting a verbal interpretation of high with a weighted mean of 4.19.

The average weighted mean is 4.235, wherein the verbal interpretation is very high.

Statement 4 got the highest standard deviation with a number of 19.22238279, which

indicates a relatively high variation. The data are spread out over an extensive range

of values. Borzaga and Galera (2012) state that the rise of the cooperative financial

model and its success globally can be attributed to its not-for-profit nature as it strives
to meet its clients and community large. Concerning the gathered data, because of

cooperative, it impacts the environment, not just the economy.

Table 2.2
ECONOMIC; The cooperative
Statements N Mean Std. Deviation
1. help their members to build the best
90 4.20 High 19.09188309
2. maximizes the members’ welfare. 90 4.16 High 18.22086716
3. maintains the abundance of
economic goods and services within 90 4.17 High 19.01315334
reach by all.
4. is organized based on felt need of
members business 90 4.17 High 19.01315334
5. offers equal opportunities for all. 90 4.14 High 19.98749609
Total Weighted Mean 4.166666667 High 19.06531061

Table 2.1 shows the impact of cooperatives on the individual members in

terms of economics. Based on the data, all of the statements got a verbal

interpretation of high with a weighted mean of 4.20, 4.16, 4.17, 4.17, and 4.14,

respectively. The average weighted mean is 4.166 with a verbal interpretation of

high. Statement 5 got the highest standard deviation with a number of 19.98749609,

which indicates a relatively high variation. Based on Dr. Tofael (2012) study,

Cooperatives societies aimed to solve the felt need of their members and provide

unique tools for achieving one or more economic goals. Based on Sennett's research

(2015), in its ideal form, a more humane economy, based on equality rather than

greed, concern for the environment rather than exploitation, and the belief that we

can accomplish more by cooperating rather than competing.

Table 2.3
SOCIAL; The cooperative
Statements N Mean Std. Deviation
1. motivates their members to
90 4.17 High 19.55760722
sustain their business.
2. communicates with their
members to enhanced their 90 4.16 High 19.76107285
3. equally distribute the benefits
to the members. 90 4.16 High 19.18332609
4. gives advice their members to
produce jobs within their 90 4.14 High 19.98749609
5. helps their members to take
care of their health to maintain 90 4.14 High 19.98749609
their business.
Total Weighted Mean 4.153333333 High 19.69539967

Table 2.3 shows the impact of cooperatives to the individual members in terms of

Social. Based on the data, all of the statements got a verbal interpretation of high

with a weighted mean of 4.17, 4.16, 4.16, 4.14, and 4.14, respectively. The average

weighted mean is 4.1533, wherein the verbal interpretation is high. Statement 4 and

5 got the highest standard deviation with a number of 19.98749609, which indicates

a relatively high variation. Based on the book of Cooperatives Principle and

Practices, cooperative stands for the equitable distribution of benefits to its members.

The Co-Operative Group 2010 (Co-Op) states that the group is committed to a

"challenging but achievable target" for its business and social goals.

Members’ Assessment of their Satisfaction with the Financial Support Given by

the Cooperatives

Table 3.1
Financial Support given by the Cooperatives
Statements N Mean Verbal Interpretation Std. Deviation
1. Scholarship 90 4.24 Very Satisfied 18.54723699
2. Loans with minimal interest
90 4.16 Satisfied 17.20465053
3. Investment dealings such
as insurance. 90 4.22 Very Satisfied 18.05547009
4. Investment dealings such
as capital for business. 90 4.27 Very Satisfied 18.65475811
5. Investment dealings such
as properties. 90 4.04 Satisfied 16.53783541
6. Investment dealings such
as house and lot. 90 4.00 Satisfied 15.62049935
7. Investment dealings such
as vehicles (tricycle, 90 3.99 Satisfied 15.98436736
8. Offers financial support for
accidents, funerals. 90 4.19 Satisfied 18.34393633
9. Offers job opportunities. 90 4.21 Very Satisfied 18.5876303
10. Offers a safe approach to
90 4.20 Satisfied 18.65475811
Total Weighted Mean 4.147222222 Satisfied 17.89267302

Table 3.1 shows the members’ assessment of their satisfaction with the

financial support given by the cooperatives to its members. Based on the data,

statement 1, 3, 4, and 9 got a verbal interpretation of 4.24, 4.22, 4.27, and 4.20,

respectively. Meanwhile, the rest of the statement got a verbal interpretation of

satisfied. The average weighted mean is 4.14722, wherein the verbal interpretation is

satisfied. Statement 4 and 10 got the highest standard deviation with a number of

18.65475811, which indicates a relatively high variation. Based on the book of

Cooperatives Principle and Practices, cooperative stands for the equitable

distribution of benefits to its members. As cited in the article of Nhamberd, (2014),

Co-op enterprise and their members pay taxes and are good citizens by giving

donations to their communities, paying their employees relatively, and using

sustainable practices. Based on the study of Dr. Tofael (2012), Cooperative societies

aimed to solve the felt need of its members and provide unique tools or achieving

one or more economic goals.

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

Summary of Findings

The government and the cooperative sector have their respective roles in the

development of cooperatives in the Philippines. The government should act as a

coordinator and catalyst to help the cooperatives achieve their goals, says Dr.

Domingo. O'Neill. In the Philippines, the government utilizes cooperatives as

implementing agencies of their unique programs. The majority o the respondents are

28-37 years old and got 29 or 32%, while 25 or 28% of the respondents were 48

years and more. According to the survey, older people are more into joining

cooperatives than younger ones. Majority of the respondents are women. Women

have a role of taking care of the family members, producing food, caring for the sick

and older people; they don't have to go out to participate in cooperative matters

(Maleko, 2013).Most respondents have a sari-sari store who got 44 or 49%. 17% of

the respondents run a restaurant. Both Livestock and online selling got 12%,

according to Table 1.3. The survey was based on the table, which shows the type of

business respondents are operating. The majority of the respondents length of

membership is 3-4, who got 31 or 34%. It was 9 and more, 5-6, 7-8 and 1-2

respectively. Table 2.1 shows the impact of cooperatives on the individual members

in terms of Environmental. Statement 4 got the highest standard deviation with a

number of 19.22238279, which indicates a relatively high variation. The average

weighted mean is 4.235, wherein the verbal interpretation is very high. The

cooperative financial model and its success globally can be attributed to its not-for-

profit nature as it strives to meet its clients and community large. Because of

cooperative, it impacts the environment, not just the economy, according to Borzaga

and Galera (2012). Cooperatives societies aimed to solve the felt need of their

members and provide unique tools for achieving one or more economic goals. A

more humane economy, based on equality rather than greed, would be a cooperative
society in its ideal form. The average weighted mean is 4.166, with a verbal

interpretation of high. Table 2.3 shows the impact of cooperatives on the individual

members in terms of social. The average weighted mean is 4.1533, wherein the

verbal interpretation is high. Statement 4 and 5 got the highest standard deviation

with a number of 19.98749609. The Co-Operative Group 2010 (Co-Op) stands for

the equitable distribution of benefits to its members. Based on the book of

Cooperatives Principle and Practices, the group is committed to a "challenging but

achievable target" for its business and social goals. Statements 1, 3, 4, and 9 got a

verbal interpretation of satisfied. Statement 4 and 10 got the highest standard

deviation with a number of 18.65475811. The average weighted mean is 4.14722,

wherein the verbal interpretation is satisfied. Cooperative stands for the equitable

distribution of benefits to its members. Co-op enterprises and their members pay

taxes and are good citizens by giving donations to their communities, paying their

employees relatively, and using sustainable practices. Based on the book of

Cooperatives Principle and Practices.


In the Philippines, both the government and the cooperative sector play

essential roles in developing cooperatives. In developing countries like the

Philippines, the government takes a more active part in the country's development

projects. The government should serve as a coordinator and catalyst to assist

cooperatives in achieving their goals. Cooperatives are formed to satisfy the needs of

their members. They are voluntary, autonomous, self-help democratic organizations

owned and controlled by their members. In human civilizations, cooperatives serve a

variety of objectives. As a result, they can support rural people's lives in a variety of

ways. Cooperatives, in this sense, are businesses that assist their members in

collaborating to solve common societal, economic, and environmental problems. It

gives financial support to its members, giving assistance and knowledge as they
believe in the ethical values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality,

equity, and solidarity.


For the Cooperatives:

Cooperatives should work to promote and strengthen their collective identity.

They promote self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, solidarity,

and ethical ideals like honesty, openness, social duty, and care for others, among

members and individuals. These are the values and standards that cooperation

adheres to.

For the Government:

Government must continue to recognize the cooperatives, as they give

support and assistance to the cooperatives in the Philippines. They should

strengthen the rights and existence of the cooperative to help protect its members.

They should also offer cooperatives funding to their projects, by these will help the

cooperatives promote their values and principles.

For the Members:

Members must know their rights and responsibilities as a member of

cooperatives. They should also give back to their community as part of the values

and principles of the cooperatives.

For the Future Researchers:

This study will help the future researcher gather information related to their

studies and provide relevant information for future research. Researchers should

focus on the impact of cooperatives on members’ business and how they support

them to sustain their business to help improve the cooperative policies, goals, and


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