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Weekly Home Learning Plan for Grade 6

Quarter 2, Week 6, January 3-7, 2022

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

8:00 - 9:00 Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast, and get ready for an awesome day!

9:00 - 9:30 Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family.


9:30 - 11:30 MATH 6 After going through this Modular/

module, you are expected Online Distance
to: Learning

1. identify the
exponent and the base in
a number expressed in
exponential notation;
2. describe the
exponent and the base in
a number expressed in
exponential notation
(M6NS-IIf-146); and
3. give the
value of numbers
expressed in exponential
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery


Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

9:30 - 11:30 MUSIC 6 After going through this Modular/

module, you are expected Online Distance
to: Learning

1. demonstrate the
ability to sing and write
simple musical notations
in the Key of C Major;
2. demonstrate the
ability to sing and write
simple musical notations
in the Key of G Major;
3. demonstrate the
ability to sing and write
simple musical notations
in the Key of F Major;
4. analyze the
melodic patterns of songs
in C Major;
5. analyze the
melodic patterns of songs
in G Major; and
6. analyze the
melodic patterns of songs
in F Major.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

ARTS 6 After going through this Modular/

module, the learner is Online Distance
expected to: Learning
1. Realize that art
processes, elements and
principles still apply even
with the use of
technologies. A6EL-IIe
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Basics of a Layout
Step 1: Materials
Illustration board or cartolina, glue, scissors, ruler (t-square), soft pencil, eraser,
coloring materials, etc.
Dimensions: 32’high x 24”inches wide max
Step 2: Studies/sketches
Move your elements around. Sketch as many thumbnail ideas as possible. After
critiquing your ideas, select your best three ideas and translate them into final
Step 3: Theme
Decide which important message you want to communicate to your viewers. Then,
ask the message you want your poster design to be remembered.
Step 4: Title
Decide where to place the title. The title should be the largest text, the most readable
(from at least 5 ft away), and should tied with and supported by all the other
elements on the poster design. Avoid clutter. Less is more!
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Step 5: Colors
Choose the colors that help communicate the message and unify all the elements
together. Avoid too many colors, this is distracting.
Step 6: Words/Fonts
Decide on what font to use, the font size and where these texts should be placed.
These contributes to the power and visual appeal of the design.
Step 7: White Space
White space is a vacant area in a poster. There are no texts, pictures or other graphic
images covering the white space. The viewer’s eye will be overwhelmed if you have too
little and wander if you have too much. Aim for a balance between areas without
images and texts and areas with one.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

P.E. 6 After going through this Modular/

module, you are expected Online Distance
to: Learning
1. assess regularly
participation in physical
activities based on the
Philippines physical
activity pyramid (PE6PF-
2. observe safety
precautions (PE6GS-lIb-
3. execute the
different skills involved
in the game (PE6GS-IIc-
4. display joy of
effort, respect for others
and fair play during
participation in physical
activities. (PE6PF-llb-h-
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

HEALTH 6 After going through this Modular/

module, you are expected Online Distance
to demonstrate ways to Learning
build and keep the school
and community
environments healthy
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery


Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

1:00 - 3:00 TLE 6 This module will cover Modular/ Online

(AGRICULTURE) topics on how to care Distance Learning
orchard trees or seedlings.
After going through this
module, you are expected

1. perform
systematic ways of caring
orchard trees or seedlings
such as watering,
cultivating, preparing, and
applying organic
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery



9:30 - 11:30 Revisit all modules and check if all required tasks are done.

1:00 - 4:00 Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.

4:00 onwards Family Time

Note: Under the Learning Task column, write the title of the module, the tasks (consider all parts) in the module and the teacher may prepare a checklist of the module’s parts for additional
monitoring guide for both teacher and the learner.

Prepared by: (Teacher)

Reynaldo B. Pacleta

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