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Pantheon Top matchups by Broclaw, Sleepless and Torse Contact: SleeplessX#6637, Torse#2903 or Pantheon Mains Discord Last updated:

7, Torse#2903 or Pantheon Mains Discord Last updated: January 25th, 2022 (Patch 12.2)

This sheet assumes both players are piloting their champion correctly, with even experience. Broclaw - D1 EUNE peak S11, 54% WR on Pantheon (#218 Pantheon World)
We used our experience, tests, as well as information from Spear Shot's stream and discord server. Sleepless - D4 EUW peak S11, 63% WR on Pantheon (#237 Pantheon World)
Reviewed on-stream and certified by Mr. Spear "Issa" Shot, aka JingleDingle himself, "99% accurate" (big thanks!) Torse - P1 EUW peak S11, 55% WR on Pantheon, 2m+ Mastery points

1st row 2nd row 3rd row

Primary runes: PTA / Conqueror Triumph / PoM Alacrity / Tenacity CdG / Last Stand --> Always take Conq and Last Stand with Gore
Electrocute Sudden Impact Eyeball Collection Ingenious Hunter

Secondary runes: Domination Sudden Impact - Ingenious Hunter --> Take PoM or Tear. Works very well with Eclipse + another item with a CD
Sorcery Manaflow Band Transcendence - --> Take Triumph
Resolve - Second Wind / BP Unflinching --> Take PoM or Tear. Don't stack more than 2 forms of tenacity between Legend Tenacity, Unflinching and Mercs
Inspiration - Biscuit Delivery Time Warp Tonic --> Take Triumph and always start Cpot
Precision Triumph / PoM - Coup de Grace --> Take PoM or Tear

Mythics: Eclipse: Best first item, strongest burst for assassinations

Divine: Best scaling, mix of damage and tankiness, strongest dueling / sidelaning --> Rush Youmuu's or Serpent's. Divine 1st is not recommended
Gore: Best frontlining, low damage --> Consider when the enemy has 3+ melees even if not explicitly stated in the table

Check the 2nd tab for more details on itemization

Easy Favorable Even Hard Open Top

Champion Keystone Secondary Starting item Mythic Summoner Tips

Aatrox PTA / Conq Dom / Sorc LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite W 2nd Q and E 3rd Q. If he hits W run away. Rush Steelcaps*
Akali PTA / Conq Dom LS Refill Eclipse Ignite E her E2. Bait her W and all-in pre 6. Hard to 1v1 after 6
Akshan PTA Insp Cpot Eclipse Ignite Respect lvl1-2. Remove Bone Plating before all-in. E his third auto which procs PTA. Can rush Steelcaps*
Camille PTA / Conq Sorc / Dom LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite E her Q2 and/or her E engage. W to dodge outer part of her W.
Cassiopeia PTA Insp / Res (SW) Cpot / LS Refill Eclipse Ignite All in if you can reach her pre 6 or wait for ganks. You can't W in her pool. Rush Mercs*
Cho'Gath Conq / PTA Res (SW) / Sorc LS Refill / Cpot Eclipse / Divine Ignite Try to punish early with ignite or take TP and roam. He outsustains you. Can rush Mercs*
Darius Conq / PTA Sorc LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Respect his lvl1. Save W for his Q and try to E his R after 6. Can rush Steelcaps*
Dr. Mundo PTA / Conq Res (SW) / Sorc LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Hide behind wave or dodge Q. Go for canister after W. Squishy early
Fiora Conq / PTA Sorc / Dom LS Refill Eclipse Ignite Bait her W or use yours in melee range. Reset bad vitals by retreating. Hug wall when she ults
Gangplank PTA / Conq Insp Cpot Eclipse Ignite All-in, fight will be close. E his barrels. If you fail to snowball rush Steelcaps*
Garen PTA / Conq Sorc LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite E his Q. Perma poke him and space well.
Gnar PTA / Conq Res (SW) / Insp LS Refill / Cpot Eclipse / Divine Ignite Avoid fighting mega Gnar and engage mini Gnar when his bar is low. Rush Steelcaps*
Gragas Conq / PTA Sorc Cpot Eclipse / Divine Ignite Uninteractive lane, farm and roam. Try to poke him if you can, don't W if he has E
Graves PTA Dom / Insp LS Refill / Cpot Eclipse Ignite Quick trades and disengage. E his Q or predict E his point-blank R after 6. Rush Steelcaps*
Gwen PTA / Conq Dom / Sorc LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Play aggresive, she is squishy. E her max stacked Q
Heimerdinger PTA Insp Cpot Eclipse / Divine TP or Ignite Stay under tower and try to survive / farm unless he wastes stun and you can all in. Rush Mercs*
Illaoi Conq / PTA Sorc LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Disengage if she hits E or uses R post 6. Try to dodge her skills and all in if she misses E. Rush Steelcaps*
Irelia PTA / Conq Dom / Sorc LS Refill Eclipse Ignite Poke when she farms with Q. Dodge E. Be wary of her insta-full stack on ranged minions. Rush Steelcaps*
Jax Conq Sorc / Res (BP) LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite W his E and walk out of range or E if you can't. Keep poking with Q
Jayce PTA Dom / Insp LS Refill / Cpot Eclipse Ignite Dodge Q poke and engage ranged stance for big trade / all-in. Rush Steelcaps if behind*
Karma PTA Insp Cpot Eclipse TP or Ignite Farm/roam lane unless you get a gank, don't get baited 1v1. Rush Mercs and consider Serpent's*
Kayle PTA Dom LS Refill Eclipse Ignite Don't all-in a PTA Kayle lvl1. All-in her and try to freeze after lvl3. E her R
Kennen PTA Insp Cpot Eclipse Ignite Dodge Q poke. All in after 3 but respect his all in after 6. Rush Mercs*
Kled PTA / Conq Sorc LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Wait out or E his W. Almost dismount him, wait for CDs, then dismount with Q and finish him
Lee Sin PTA / Conq Dom / Sorc LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Go aggro pre 6, E his Q2, don't get R flashed under tower
Lillia PTA Dom LS Refill Eclipse Ignite All in her after lvl3
Lucian PTA Insp Cpot Eclipse Ignite Respect lvl1-2, all-in lvl 3. Rush Steelcaps*
Lulu PTA Insp Cpot Eclipse TP or Ignite Farm/roam lane unless you get a gank, don't get baited 1v1. Rush Mercs and consider Serpent's*
Malphite Conq Res (SW) / Sorc Cpot Gore / Eclipse Ignite Try to abuse early, most of them are autofill. If he plays well just try to farm / roam
Maokai Conq / PTA Sorc LS Refill / Cpot Eclipse / Divine Ignite Abuse early before he gets tanky. Don't get baited under his tower
Mordekaiser PTA / Conq Sorc LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Don't get isolated Qd. If you engage, dodge E or disengage asap. Consider Mercs rush and Serpent's*
Nasus PTA / Conq Res (SW) / Sorc LS Refill / Cpot Eclipse / Divine Ignite Slow push into a dive or freeze after the wave bounces back. Don't try to 1v1 after 6 and Sheen
Olaf PTA / Conq Res (SW) / Sorc LS Refill / Cpot Eclipse / Divine Ignite Don't get run down lvl1. Poke him and all in with ignite. Care after 6
Ornn Conq Res (SW) / Sorc Cpot Gore / Eclipse Ignite Try to abuse early, don't get brittle autod. E his QE or his R. Harder after 6. Can rush Mercs*
Poppy Conq Sorc Cpot / LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Don't blindly W, she can block it. Don't stand close to walls. E her Q2 or her E engage
Quinn PTA Insp Cpot Prowler's / Eclipse TP or Ignite Try to bait her E or wait for ganks. Rush Steelcaps*
Renekton PTA / Conq Res (BP) / Sorc LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite You can beat him pre 6 but gets harder after. Try to predict E his W if you can
Rengar PTA / Conq Dom / Sorc LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Stay away from bushes. Try to poke him when he farms and E if he leaps on to you
Riven PTA / Conq Res (BP) / Sorc LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Go aggro early and space well. E her Q3. Respect her all in after 6
Rumble PTA / Conq Dom / Res (SW) LS Refill / Cpot Eclipse Ignite Dodge his Es or stand behind minions. Poke without facetanking his Q. Rush Mercs*
Ryze PTA Insp / Dom Cpot / LS Refill Eclipse Ignite He's short ranged. Engage after 3 and run him down
Sett Conq / PTA Res (BP) / Sorc LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Respect his lvl1-2. Poke him and space well. E his W or sidestep it. Consider Serpent's*
Shen Conq Sorc / Dom LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Poke and space well so he doesn't Q auto in return. Don't use Emp W if his W is up
Singed PTA / Conq Dom / Sorc LS Refill / Cpot Eclipse / Divine Ignite Don't let him proxy the wave and fight him whenever you can. Avoid chasing him
Sion Conq / PTA Sorc Cpot / LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Abuse him early. W or E his Q if you can't walk out of it
Sylas PTA / Conq Dom / Sorc LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Play aggro and all-in him with ignite when he is low. E his combo
Tahm Kench Conq Res (SW) Cpot Eclipse / Divine TP or Ignite Poke him behind your minions. Consider Mercs rush*. (PENDING for more tests since his 12.2 nerf)
Teemo Elec Insp Cpot Eclipse Ignite Respect lvl 1-2. Try to all in after 3. Get Sweeper at 6 and rush Mercs*
Trundle Conq / PTA Res (BP) / Sorc LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Poke and space well. Stun him and retreat if he tries to run you down. Can rush Steelcaps*
Tryndamere Conq / PTA Res (BP) / Dom LS Refill Eclipse Ignite Beware his fury and try to get a lead pre 6. Rush Steelcaps*
Urgot Conq / PTA Sorc / Res (SW) LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Respect lvl1. Space well and poke with edge of Q. If he hits E you're in trouble. Rush Steelcaps*
Vayne PTA Insp Cpot Eclipse Ignite or TP Respect her lvl 1-2. Bait her E and all-in after 3. Stay away from walls. Rush Steelcaps*
Viego PTA / Conq Dom / Sorc LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Overnerfed, just all-in him after lvl2
Viktor PTA Insp Cpot Eclipse TP or Ignite Farm lane unless you get a gank or he misplays. Rush Mercs*
Vladimir PTA Dom / Insp LS Refill / Cpot Eclipse Ignite Abuse him early. His W CD is extremely long. Dont get empowered Qd or punish him if he goes for it
Volibear Conq / PTA Res (SW) / Sorc LS Refill / Cpot Eclipse / Divine Ignite or TP E his EQ combo. Don't let him use W twice. Poke and don't engage unless he is super low
Warwick PTA / Conq Dom / Sorc Cpot / LS Refill Eclipse / Divine Ignite Poke and space well. Don't get baited if he has barrier. All in with ignite if he is 30% or lower
Wukong Conq / PTA Sorc LS Refill / Cpot Eclipse / Divine Ignite Respect lvl1-2. Try to poke and get a lead pre 6. Rush Steelcaps*
Yasuo PTA / Conq Dom / Sorc LS Refill Eclipse Ignite Respect lvl1-2. After lvl3 you win easily. Proc his passive and all in him. Consider Serpent's*
Yone PTA / Conq Dom / Sorc LS Refill Eclipse Ignite Respect lvl1-2. After lvl3 you win easily. E behind you if he hits R. Consider Serpent's*
Yorick Conq / PTA Sorc LS Refill / Cpot Eclipse / Divine Ignite or TP Try to get a lead pre 6. Dodge his E and engage. Don't try to 1v1 after 6 and roam after 14 minutes

Notes: - You can always go TP if you prefer a more roam-heavy playstyle * Rush Steelcaps / Mercs only if the enemy comp allows, otherwise sit on T1 boots until after laning phase
- Never start Tear, get it after first back if you wanna build Muramana / Fimbulwinter * Consider Serpent's vs multiple sources of shields (including items like Shieldbow, Sterak's, Locket etc.)
- We put the Keystone we prefer first in PTA / Conq but it depends on the enemy comp

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