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Read the text quickly  and sign the difficult words

In 1626, Peter Minuit, governor of the Dutch settlements in North America known as New
Amsterdam, negotiated with Canarsee chiefs for the purchase of Manhattan Island for
merchandise valued at sixty guilders or about $24.12. He purchased the island for the Dutch
West India Company.

The next year, Fort Amsterdam was built by the company at the extreme southern tip of the
island. Because attempts to encourage Dutch immigration were not immediately successful,
offers, generous by the standards of the era, were extended throughout Europe. Consequently,
the settlement became the most heterogeneous of the North American colonies. By 1637, the
fort had expanded into the village of New Amsterdam, other small communities had grown up
around it, including New Haarlem and Stuyvesant’s Bouwery, and New Amsterdam began to
prosper, developing characteristics of religious and linguistic tolerance unusual for the times. By
1643, it was reported that eighteen different languages could be heard in New Amsterdam alone.

Among the multilingual settlers was a large group of English colonists from Connecticut

and Massachusetts who supported the English King’s claim to all of New Netherlands set out in
a charter that gave the territory to his brother James, Duke of New York. In 1644, when the
English sent a formidable fleet of warships into the New Amsterdam harbor, Dutch governor
Peter Stuyvesant surrendered without resistance.

When the English acquired the island, the village of New Amsterdam was renamed New
York in honor of the Duke. By the onset of the Revolution, New York City was already a
bustling commercial center. After the war, it was selected as the first capital of the United States.
Although the government was eventually moved, first to Philadelphia and then to Washington,
D.C., New York maintained its status. It became a haven for pirates who conspired with leading
merchants to exchange supplies for their ships in return for a share in the plunder. As a colony,
New York exchanged many agricultural products for English manufactured goods. In addition,
trade with the West Indies prospered. Three centuries after his initial trade with the Native
Americans, Minuit’s tiny investment was worth more that seven billion dollars.

2. Make a list of new vocabulary with their meaning
governor : gubernur 
Dutch settlements : permukiman Belanda
Heterogeneous : heterogen/beraneka ragam
Multilingual : Berbagai bahasa
Formidable : hebat
Acquired : diperoleh 
Plunder : menjarah
3. Reread the text and answer the questions given
1.     Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
         A.  A History of New York City
         B.  An Account of the Dutch Colonies
         C.  A Biography of Peter Minuit
         D.  The First Capital of the United States
2.    What did the Native Americans receive in exchange for their island?
        A.  Sixty Dutch guilders
        B.  $24.12 U. S.
        C.  Goods and supplies
        D.  Land in New Amsterdam
3.    Where was New Amsterdam located?
        A.  In Holland
        B.  In North America
        C.  On the island of Manhattan
        D.  In India
4. What does the author mean by the statement :
Because attempts to encourage Dutch immigration were not immediately successful,
offers, generous by the standards of the era, were extended throughout Europe?
A.  Other Europeans were given opportunities to immigrate to the new world after a
slow  response by the Dutch
B.  Since the Dutch immigration was so successful, opportunities were provided for the
Europeans to immigrate to the new world also  
C.  The Dutch took advantage of opportunities to immigrate to Europe instead of to the
new world
D.  Immigration to the new world required that the Dutch and other Europeans wait until
opportunities were available
5. The word heterogeneous in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by

A.  liberal
      B.  renowned
      C.  diverse
      D.  prosperous
6.   Why were so many languages spoken in New Amsterdam?
A.  The Dutch West India Company was owned by England
B.  The Dutch West India Company allowed freedom of speech
C. The Dutch West India Company recruited settlers from many different countries
in Europe
D.  The Indians who lived there before the Dutch West India Company purchase spoke
many languages
7.   The word formidable in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to
A.  powerful
      B.  modern
      C.  expensive
      D.  unexpected
8.   The word it in paragraph 4 refers to
A.  Revolution
      B.  New York City
      C.  the island
      D.  the first capital
9.   Which city was the first capital of the new Unite states?
A. New Amsterdam
      B. New York      
      C. Philadelphia
      D. Washington
10.  On what date was Manhattan valued at $7 billion?        
A.  1626
        B.  1726
        C.  1656
   D.  1926

4. Translate the passage into the Indonesian language

Pada tahun 1626, Peter Minuit, gubernur dari pemukiman Belanda di Amerika Utara yang
dikenal sebagai New Amsterdam, bernegosiasi dengan para kepala dari Canarsee untuk
pembelian Pulau Manhattan untuk barang dagangan senilai enam puluh gulden atau sekitar $
24,12. Dia membeli pulau itu untuk Perusahaan Hindia Belanda Barat.

Tahun berikutnya, Benteng Amsterdam dibangun oleh perusahaan di ujung selatan pulau
yang ekstrem. Karena upaya untuk mendorong imigrasi Belanda tidak segera berhasil,
penawaran, murah hati dengan standar era, diperluas ke seluruh Eropa. Akibatnya,
pemukimannya menjadi yang paling heterogen dari koloni Amerika Utara. Pada 1637,
benteng telah meluas ke desa New Amsterdam, komunitas kecil lainnya telah tumbuh di
sekitarnya, termasuk New Haarlem dan Stuyvesant’s Bouwery, dan New Amsterdam mulai
makmur, mengembangkan karakteristik toleransi agama dan bahasa yang tidak biasa pada
zaman itu. Pada 1643, dilaporkan bahwa ada delapan belas bahasa yang berbeda yang dapat
didengar di New Amsterdam.

Di antara pemukim multibahasa ada sekelompok besar penjajah Inggris dari Connecticut
dan Massachusetts yang mendukung klaim dari Raja Inggris untuk semua Belanda Baru yang
ditetapkan dalam piagam yang memberikan wilayah itu kepada saudaranya James, Duke of
New York. Pada tahun 1644, ketika Inggris mengirim armada kapal perang yang hebat ke
pelabuhan New Amsterdam, gubernur Belanda Peter Stuyvesant menyerah tanpa perlawanan.

Ketika Inggris memperoleh pulau itu, desa New Amsterdam diganti namanya menjadi New
York untuk menghormati Duke. Pada awal Revolusi, New York City sudah menjadi pusat
komersial yang sangat ramai. Setelah perang usai, kota itu dipilih sebagai ibu kota pertama
Amerika Serikat. Meskipun pemerintah akhirnya memindahkan, pertama ke Philadelphia dan
kemudian ke Washington, D.C., New York mempertahankan statusnya. Itu menjadi surga
bagi para perompak yang berkonspirasi dengan pedagang-pedagang terkemuka untuk
menukar pasokan dengan kapal mereka dengan imbalan bagian dalam penjarahan. Sebagai
koloni, New York menukar banyak produk pertanian dengan barang-barang manufaktur
Inggris. Selain itu, perdagangan dengan Hindia Barat makmur. Tiga abad setelah
perdagangan pertamanya dengan penduduk asli Amerika, investasi kecil Minuit bernilai lebih
dari tujuh miliar dolar.

5. Read the text again and write the ideas of each paragraph

Paragraph 1: Peter Minuit and Chieftain of Canarsee Negotiating the purchase of Manhattan
Island for merchandise, he buys the island for the Dutch West Indies Company.

Paragraph 2 : Fort has been extended to the village of New Amsterdam, the other small
communities have grown up around it, including New Haarlem and Stuyvesant Bouwery, In
1643, it was reported that eighteen different languages can be heard in New Amsterdam

Paragraph 3 : The Netherlands is governed by a charter that gives the territory to his brother
James, Duke of New York. When the British sent a fleet of warships to the port of New
Amsterdam, Dutch Governor Peter Stuyvesant surrendered without a fight.

Paragraph 4: When the British acquired the island, the village of New Amsterdam was
renamed New York in honor of the Duke. New York City has become a bustling commercial
center chosen as the first capital city of the United States.

6. Make a summary of the passage

In 1626, Peter Minuit, governor of the Dutch settlement in North America known as New
Amsterdam, purchased the island by negotiating the purchase of Manhattan Island in
exchange for merchandise for the Dutch West Indies Company. By 1637, the fort had
developed into the village of New Amsterdam, other small communities had grown up
around it, including New Haarlem and Stuyvesant's Bouwery, and New Amsterdam had
begun to prosper, developing characteristics of religious and linguistic tolerance that were
unusual for the era. In 1643, it was reported that eighteen different languages could be heard
in New Amsterdam alone. In 1644, when the British sent a formidable fleet of warships to
the port of New Amsterdam, Dutch governor Peter Stuyvesant surrendered without a fight.
Three centuries after his first trade with Native Americans, the Minuit small investment was
worth more than seven billion dollars.

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