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Cambridge Book 11, Test 3

The graph demonstrates carbon dioxide emissions for per person averagely in the UK,
Sweden, Italy and Portugal during the forty years. Overall, it can be seen from the graph in
the UK and Sweden emissions for per person were decrease while in Italy and Portugal the
line has been stable during the same period.

To begin, in the UK the line was eleven emissions metric tons in 1967, then it is seen small
changes which mean the line decreased slightly in 1987. But one can say that it was a big
change at the end of the period. This mean that the emissions tons dropped to almost eight

Secondly, in Sweden the CO2 emissions was just over the eight metric tons and, in 1977 there
was an increase the line rise to almost 10 metric tons however, in 2007 there was a significant
decrease so, the emissions figure was five.

Finally, in Italy and Portugal lines shapes are look same but in Italy the line started with 4
metric tons in contrast in Portugal it started with 1 metric ton. Moreover, at the end of the
period both of them were stable which mean 7 metric tons and 5 metric tons respectively
between 1997 and 2007. (207)

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