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Cairo university

Faculty of regional and urban planning


Sheet 5
Describing a graph

By: Sondos Walid

ID: 221085
The line chart illustrates carbon dioxide average emission in 4
countries Wich is changing over time between the years 1967
and 2007 in 40 years interval.

It’s observed that co2 emissions was rising gradually in the 4 countries
from 1967 to 1977 except for UK it’s stable there. The line chart of Italy
and Portugal was the same over the years, where the emissions are
growing rapidly from 1967 to 1977, then it is increasing slowly until
1997, finally it was staying stable to 2007 without any changing. Also,
we can see the line of Sweden had dropped sharply from 1977 to 1987
and continue falling gradually from then to 2007 in a normal rate. As we
can see that the lime of Uk was Stading stable then reduced over the
years as default.

After the analysis of the graph, we can say that the pollution (emission
of carbon dioxide gas) was decreasing in the last 50 years because of the
great care Wich were given for it from the world’s countries .

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