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KS3 P and P. Food and digestion one- Energy in food.

1. A food substance found in many foods is:

A carbohydrate. B chalk.
C energy. D carbon dioxide.

2. What is used to test a food for starch?

A iodine solution
B potatoes
C Benedict’s solution
D Fehling’s solution

3.One of the ways in which water is used by the body is as:

A a source of fibre.
B a source of energy.
C a solid.
D a solvent.

4.Fibre in your diet helps to stop:

A you lying.
B scurvy.
C constipation.
D digestion.

5. You have a balanced diet when:

A the mass of all the food you eat in a day adds up to 100 kg.
B the mass of all the food you eat one day is equal to the mass you eat the next
C you eat a wide range of different foods to give your body all the things it needs.
D you only eat fish on Fridays.

6.Which of these people will need to eat the most food in a day?
A a 3-year-old child
B an 85-year-old woman
C a 35-year-old man, who works outside cutting down trees
D a 25-year-old woman, who works in an office using a word processor

7.Meats are a good source of which food substance?

A fibre B protein
C oxygen D vitamins

8.Why do we need protein in our food?

A It is a good source of energy.
B It is used for growth and repair.
C It is full of vitamins.
D It helps food to pass through the gut smoothly.
KS3 P and P. Food and digestion one- Energy in food.

Exam Question Practice.

Peter burns a piece of crispbread to find out how much energy is stored in it. Energy
from the burning crispbread raises the temperature of the water in the test-tube.

(a) Describe one way Peter has arranged the apparatus so that he is working


2 marks

(b) Peter wants to find out if potato crisps contain as much energy as
crispbread. He does the experiment again using a piece of potato crisp.

Suggest two things he must do to make the experiment a fair test.

1. .................................................................................................................

2. .................................................................................................................
1 mark

The table shows some of the nutritional information from a packet of

crispbread and a packet of potato crisps.

energy protein carbohydrate fat fibre

in kJ in g in g in g in g
100 g of
crisp bread 1455 11.6 58.1 7.3 14.7
100 g of
potato crisps 2072 5.8 57.9 28.7 4.3

(c) Peter burns 1.0 g of potato crisp instead of 1.0 g of crispbread in a similar
experiment. What result will he get when he burns the potato crisp? Tick
the correct box.
KS3 P and P. Food and digestion one- Energy in food.

The change in the temperature of the water will be greater.

The change in the temperature of the water will be the same.

The change in the temperature of the water will be smaller.

There will be no change in the temperature of the water.

1 mark

(d) (i) Fibre contains energy. Explain why this energy can not be used by
the human body.


1 mark
ii) Use the table in part (b) to give two reasons for choosing crispbread
rather than potato crisps as part of a balanced diet.

1. .........................................................................................................


2. .........................................................................................................

2 marks

(e) Crispbread does not contain vitamin C. Which of the foods in the list below
is the best source of vitamin C?
Tick the correct box.

cheese eggs fish oranges

1 mark
Maximum 8 marks

Total= /15

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